Paquets logiciels dans « buster », Sous-section python

2to3 (3.7.3-1)
exécutable 2to3 utilisant Python⋅3
afew (1.3.0-1)
script d'étiquetage pour les messages notmuch
agtl (
outils de cache géographique sans papier
alembic (1.0.0-3)
outil léger de migration de base de données pour SQLAlchemy
androguard (3.3.3-1)
outil Python complet pour jouer avec des fichiers Android
ansible-tower-cli (3.3.0-1)
outil en ligne de commande pour Ansible Tower et AWX Project
apachedex (1.6.3-1)
calcul d'APDEX à partir de journaux dans le style d'Apache
archipel-agent-action-scheduler (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent de planification d'action
archipel-agent-hypervisor-geolocalization (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent de géolocalisation d'hyperviseur
archipel-agent-hypervisor-health (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent de santé d'hyperviseur
archipel-agent-hypervisor-network (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent réseau de l'hyperviseur
archipel-agent-hypervisor-platformrequest (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent platformrequest pour l'hyperviseur
archipel-agent-iphone-notification (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent de notification pour iPhone
archipel-agent-virtualmachine-oomkiller (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent oomkiller pour les machines virtuelles
archipel-agent-virtualmachine-snapshoting (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent d'instantanée pour les machines virtuelles
archipel-agent-virtualmachine-vnc (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent VNC pour les machines virtuelles
archipel-agent-vmcasting (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent Vmcasting
archipel-agent-vmparking (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent Vmparking
archipel-agent-xmppserver (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - agent serveur XMPP
archipel-core (0.6.0-1)
orchestration de machine virtuelle - cœur
backupchecker (1.7-1)
vérificateur de sauvegardes entièrement automatisé
bandit (1.5.1-1)
analyseur statique orienté sécurité pour le code Python − métapaquet
bareos-director-python-plugin (16.2.6-5)
sauvegarde, archivage et récupération − greffon Python pour le Director
bareos-filedaemon-ldap-python-plugin (16.2.6-5)
sauvegarde, archivage et récupération − greffon LDAP pour le démon de fichiers
bareos-filedaemon-python-plugin (16.2.6-5)
sauvegarde, archivage et récupération − greffon Python pour le démon File
bareos-storage-python-plugin (16.2.6-5)
sauvegarde, archivage et récupération − greffon Python pour le démon de stockage
binoculars (0.0.4-1)
réduction de données de détecteur 2D de diffraction de rayon X de surface
black (18.9b0-1-6)
mise en forme intransigeante de code Python – Python 3
blockfinder (3.14159-2)
énumération des informations de réseaux pour les pays
bookletimposer (0.2-5)
boîte à outils d'imposition de PDF
bpython (0.17.1-1)
interface avancée pour l'interpréteur Python 2
bpython3 (0.17.1-1)
interface avancée pour l'interpréteur Python 3
brebis (0.10-1)
vérificateur de sauvegardes entièrement automatisé
bundlewrap (3.6.0-1)
système de gestion de configuration décentralisé avec Python
clearsilver-dev (0.10.5-3+b1)
en-têtes et bibliothèque statique pour clearsilver
closure-linter (2.3.19-1)
analyseur de style Closure pour JavaScript
cloud-sptheme-common (1.9.4-1)
thème Cloud Sphink et extensions liées — fichiers de thème et documentation
cmdtest (0.32-3)
test en boîte noire de programmes en ligne de commande Unix
connectomeviewer (2.1.0+dfsg-1)
analyse interactive et visualisation pour la connectomique MR
cookiecutter (1.6.0-3)
création de projets à partir de modèles
cppman (0.4.9+dfsg1-1)
manuel pour C++ 98/11 pour Linux, avec comme source
cpuset (1.5.6-5.1)
Allows manipluation of cpusets and provides higher level fun
cs (2.3.1-1)
simple, yet powerful CloudStack API client
csb (1.2.5+dfsg-3)
Computational Structural Biology Toolbox (CSB)
cython (0.29.2-2)
extensions en C pour Python
cython3 (0.29.2-2)
extensions en⋅C pour Python⋅3
darkslide (4.0.1-2)
HTML5 slideshow generator
db2twitter (0.6-1)
Simple Twitter bot using a database to build and send tweets
dh-python (3.20190308)
outils d’assistance pour Debian pour empaqueter les bibliothèques et applications Python
dh-virtualenv (1.1-1)
wrap and build python packages using virtualenv
dirtbike (0.3-2.1)
turn system-installed Python packages into wheels
django-ajax-selects (1.7.0-1)
Django library for editing fields with autocomplete
django-simple-captcha (0.5.6-1)
Django Simple Captcha Django application
docutils-common (0.14+dfsg-4)
système de traitement de texte pour reStructuredText – données communes
dodgy (0.1.9-3)
recherche de lignes semblant bizarres dans du code en Python
ducktype (0.4-2)
Command-line tool for Ducktype, a lightweight documentation syntax
elastalert (0.1.29-2)
easy and flexible alerting with Elasticsearch
epylog (1.0.8-2)
Nouvel analyseur de fichiers journaux
fabio-viewer (0.8.0+dfsg-1)
visionneuse pour les images produites par des détecteurs de rayons X en 2D
fades (8.1-1)
système pour gérer automatiquement des environnements virtuels
faker (0.7.7-2.1)
programme en Python pour générer des données factices
fiona (1.8.4-1+b1)
outil en ligne de commande pour écrire et lire des données géospatiales vectorielles
firmware-microbit-micropython (1.0.1-1)
MicroPython runtime for the BBC micro:bit
firmware-microbit-micropython-dl (1.2.4+dfsg-1+deb10u1) [contrib]
micro:bit MicroPython runtime downloader
flake8 (3.6.0-1)
vérificateur de code utilisant pycodestyle et pyflakes
flashproxy-common (1.7-4)
Pluggable transport to circumvent IP address blocking - common library
gamera-gui (1:3.4.3-1)
interface graphique pour le cadriciel Gamera.
gastables (0.3-2.2)
interface graphique pour des modules de table d’écoulement compressible de gaz
gdspy-common (1.3.1-3)
Images used by gdspy
geomet (0.2.0.post2-2)
convert GeoJSON to/from WKT/WKB
gertty (1.5.0-2)
interface basée sur la console pour Gerrit
ghp-import (0.5.5-1)
Easily import docs to your gh-pages branch
git-review (1.27.0-1)
git command for submitting branches to Gerrit
glance (2:17.0.0-5+deb10u1) [security]
service d’enregistrement et de fourniture d’images d’OpenStack – démons
glance-api (2:17.0.0-5+deb10u1) [security]
service d’enregistrement et de fourniture d’images d’OpenStack – serveur
glance-common (2:17.0.0-5+deb10u1) [security]
service d’enregistrement et de fourniture d’images d’OpenStack – fichiers communs
glance-registry (2:17.0.0-5+deb10u1) [security]
service d’enregistrement et de fourniture d’images d’OpenStack – serveur d’enregistrement
glance-store-common (0.26.1-4)
service d’enregistrement et de fourniture d’images d’OpenStack – fichiers communs
gnocchi-api (4.3.1-3)
service de métriques – démon de l’API
gnocchi-common (4.3.1-3)
Metric en tant que service – fichiers communs
gnocchi-metricd (4.3.1-3)
Metric en tant que service – démon metric
gnukhata-core-engine (2.6.1-3)
Free Accounting Software (Core Engine)
gstreamer1.0-python3-dbg-plugin-loader (1.14.4-1+b1)
GStreamer Loader for Python Plugin (Python 3, debug extensions)
gstreamer1.0-python3-plugin-loader (1.14.4-1+b1)
chargeur de GStreamer pour les greffons en Python – Python 3
gyp (0.1+20180428git4d467626-3)
Cross-platform build script generator
haproxy-log-analysis (2.0~b0-1)
analyse des journaux HTTP générés par HAProxy
healpy-data (1.12.8-8)
HEALPix representation of spherical data - Python data
heat-cfntools (1.4.2-2)
outils nécessaires pour un nuage fournissant Heat
humanfriendly (4.18-1)
Helper command for the humanfriendly Python3 library
hy (0.12.1-2)
frontal basé sur Lisp (s-expression) pour Python⋅3 –⋅métapaquet
i3pystatus (3.35+git20190107.1c972b8-1)
Large collection of status modules compatible with i3bar
idle (3.7.3-1)
EDI pour Python utilisant Tkinter — version par défaut
idle-python2.7 (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
EDI pour Python (v2.7) utilisant Tkinter
idle-python3.7 (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
EDI pour Python⋅3.7 utilisant Tkinter
idle3 (3.7.3-1)
EDI pour Python utilisant Tkinter –⋅paquet de transition
insighttoolkit4-python (4.12.2-dfsg1-4+b1)
boîte à outils de traitement d'image pour le recalage et la segmentation - bindings Python
ipython (5.8.0-1+deb10u1)
interpréteur ligne à ligne Python 2 amélioré
ipython3 (5.8.0-1+deb10u1)
Enhanced interactive Python 3 shell
ipython3-qtconsole (4.3.1-1)
transitional dummy package for python3-qtconsole
ironic-inspector (8.0.0-3)
discovering hardware properties for OpenStack Ironic - Daemon
ironic-neutron-agent (1.2.0-3)
OpenStack virtual network service - Ironic agent
isort (4.3.4+ds1-1.1)
utility for sorting Python imports
isso (0.12.2-2)
lightweight web-based commenting system
isympy-common (1.3-2)
Python shell for SymPy
isympy3 (1.3-2)
interpréteur en Python 3 pour SimPy
jeepyb (0+20170923-1)
outils pour gérer des projets Gerrit et des sources externes
jenkins-job-builder (2.9.1-1)
Configure Jenkins using YAML files - metapackage
jupyter-nbextension-jupyter-js-widgets (6.0.0-4)
Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension
jupyter-sphinx-theme-common (0.0.6+ds1-6)
thème Jupyter Sphinx –⋅fichiers communs
jython (2.7.1+repack1-4~deb10u1)
Python et Java réunis
keyman (11.0.103-2)
Type in your language with Keyman for Linux
keystone (2:14.2.0-0+deb10u2) [security]
service d’identité d’OpenStack
keysync (0.2.2-2)
Syncs OTR identities between the different chat programs
kiki (0.5.6-8.1)
outil de test d’expressions rationnelles de Python
knockpy (4.1.0-1)
Python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain
krosspython (4:18.08.1-1)
Python module for Kross
kytos-sphinx-theme-common (0.0.1+dfsg-1)
Theme used by kytos with sphinx -- common files
lava-tool (0.25-2)
utilitaire déconseillé en ligne de commande pour LAVA
lektor (3.1.1-1)
Python-based static website generator
lexicon (3.0.8-2)
CLI for manipulating DNS records on various DNS providers (Python 3)
libfko-python (2.6.10-2)
FireWall KNock OPerator - Python module
libhocr-python (0.10.18-3)
Hebrew OCR library Python bindings
libpam-python (1.0.6-1.1+deb10u1)
Enables PAM modules to be written in Python
libpillowfight (0.2.4-2)
Various image processing algorithms library
libpython-stdlib (2.7.16-1)
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau (Python2)
libpython2-stdlib (2.7.16-1)
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau (Python2)
libpython2.7-minimal (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python (version 2.7)
libpython2.7-stdlib (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau - bibliothèque standard, version 2.7
libpython3-all-dev (3.7.3-1)
package depending on all supported Python 3 development packages
libpython3-dev (3.7.3-1)
fichiers d'en-tête et bibliothèque statique pour Python − par défaut
libpython3-stdlib (3.7.3-1)
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau – version par défaut de Python 3
libpython3.7-minimal (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python –⋅version⋅3.7
libpython3.7-stdlib (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau —⋅bibliothèque standard version⋅3.7
libreoffice-script-provider-python (1:6.1.5-3+deb10u12) [security]
fournisseur de gestion de scripts Python pour l'infrastructure de script de LibreOffice
lptools (0.2.0-3)
outils pour travailler avec Launchpad
magic-wormhole-transit-relay (0.1.2-1)
Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole
mailman-api (0.2.9-2)
REST API daemon to interact with Mailman 2
maptransfer (0.3-2)
upload/download maps to/from a VALVe game server (Client)
maptransfer-server (0.3-2)
upload/download maps to/from a VALVe game server (Server)
mat (0.8.0-3+deb10u1)
paquet de transition pour migrer vers mat2
matrix-synapse-ldap3 (0.1.3-4)
fournisseur d’authentification LDAP pour le serveur domestique Matrix
mercurial-crecord (0.20151121-1)
Mercurial crecord extension
mercurial-extension-utils (1.3.6-1)
Contains functions for writing Mercurial extensions
mercurial-keyring (1.2.0-1)
extension keyring pour Mercurial
meteo-qt (1.0.0-1)
application pour afficher des informations météorologiques
mkdocs (1.0.4+dfsg-1)
Static site generator geared towards building project documentation
mrtparse (1.6-1)
read and analyze the MRT format data (utilities)
mu-editor (1.0.2+dfsg-3)
simple editor for beginner Python programmers
murano-agent (1:3.5.1-3)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – agent de machine virtuelle
murano-api (1:6.0.0-2)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – serveur d’API
murano-common (1:6.0.0-2)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – fichiers communs
murano-engine (1:6.0.0-2)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – serveur du moteur
mypy (0.670-2)
typage statique facultatif pour Python
nemo-python (3.8.0-2)
liaisons de Python pour les composants de Nemo
neutron-l2gateway-agent (1:13.0.0-2)
service de réseau virtuel d’Openstack – agent de passerelle L2
neutron-mlnx-agent (1:13.1.0-2)
service de réseau virtuel pour OpenStack – agent du greffon pour Mellanox
nuitka (
Python compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility
numpy-stl (2.9.0-1)
stl file and 3d object handling (tools)
obitools (1.2.12+dfsg-2)
programmes d’analyse de données NGS dans un contexte de barcoding moléculaire
octavia-api (3.0.0-3+deb10u1)
OpenStack Load Balancer as a Service - API frontend
openstack-dashboard (3:14.0.2-3+deb10u3) [security]
application web pour gérer un nuage OpenStack
openstack-dashboard-apache (3:14.0.2-3+deb10u3) [security]
application web pour contrôler un nuage OpenStack – prise en charge d’Apache
os-brick-common (2.5.5-1)
Library for managing local volume attaches - common files
oslo-messaging-zmq-receiver (8.1.4-1+deb10u1)
démon de réception ZeroMQ de messagerie Oslo
oz (0.16.0-2)
install virtual machine guest OSs with minimal input the user
paraview-python (5.4.1+dfsg4-3.1+b2)
application parallèle de visualisation – prise en charge de Python
pbalign (0.3.2-1)
map Pacific Biosciences reads to reference DNA sequences
pdf-redact-tools (0.1.2-1)
PDF Redact Tools helps with securely redacting and stripping
pdfminer-data (20181108+dfsg-3)
analyse et analyse syntaxique pour PDF — données de codage de caractères
pdfposter (0.7.post1-1)
Ajustement et découpage d’images ou pages PDF pour impression sur plusieurs pages
peewee (3.7.0+dfsg-1)
Command line Tools for python peewee (Python 3)
pep8 (1.7.1-3)
Python PEP 8 code style checker - transitional package
phenny (2~hg28-3)
automate IRC extensible écrit en Python
pipenv (11.9.0-1)
Python's officially recommended packaging tool
pipx (
execute binaries from Python packages in isolated environments
planet-venus (0~git9de2109-4.2)
agrégateur de flux
plinth (19.1+deb10u2)
easy to manage, privacy oriented home server (transitional package)
paquet virtuel fourni par freedombox
plip (1.4.3~b+dfsg-2)
fully automated protein-ligand interaction profiler
powerline (2.7-2)
prompt and statusline utility
powerline-gitstatus (1.3.2-0+deb10u1) [security]
Powerline Git segment
prov-tools (1.5.2-1)
tools for prov
py-cpuinfo (4.0.0-1)
Python script for getting CPU info
py3c-dev (1.0-1)
Python 2/3 compatibility layer for C extensions
py3status (3.14-2)
extensible i3status wrapper written in Python (Python3 package)
pyacidobasic (2.9-1)
simulation pour les titrations acido-basiques
pybedtools-bin (0.8.0-1)
Scripts produced for pybedtools
pycadf-common (2.7.0-2)
implementation of DMTF Cloud Audit (CADF) data model - common files
pycarddav (0.7.0-1)
simple to use CardDAV CLI client
pycodestyle (2.4.0-2)
Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8)
pycorrfit (1.1.5+dfsg-1)
outil pour l’ajustement de courbes de corrélation sur un tracé logarithmique
pydocstyle (2.1.1-1)
Python docstring style checker (PEP-257 conventions)
pyew (2.0-4)
Python tool like radare or *iew for malware analysis
pyflakes (2.0.0-1)
vérificateur passif de programmes en Python 2
pyflakes3 (2.0.0-1)
passive checker of Python 3 programs
pygtail (0.6.1-1)
read log file lines that have not been read
pyhoca-cli (
client d’X2Go en ligne de commande et écrit en Python
pyhoca-gui (
Graphical X2Go client written in (wx)Python
pylint (1.9.4-1)
contrôleur statique de code Python et générateur de diagrammes UML
pylint3 (2.2.2-1)
contrôleur statique de code Python 3 et générateur de diagrammes UML
pymacs (0.25-2)
interface entre Emacs Lisp et Python
pymetrics (0.8.1-7)
Python code metric reporting tool
pynag (0.9.1+dfsg-1)
Command line interface to nagios configuration
pynast (1.2.2-4)
alignement de séquences courtes d'ADN
pypass (0.2.1-1.1)
lightweight directory-based password manager in Python
pype (2.9.4-2)
éditeur pour les programmeurs en Python
pypi2deb (2.20180804)
PyPI to Debian converter
pyppd (1.0.2-6)
générateur et compresseur de pilotes d’imprimantes PostScript pour CUPS
pypump-shell (0.7-1)
interface to the APIs (pypump-shell program)
pypy (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
implémentation rapide de remplacement de Python – interpréteur de Pypy
pypy-appdirs (1.4.3-1)
determining appropriate platform-specific directories (PyPy)
pypy-argon2 (18.3.0-1)
Argon2 password hashing library - PyPy Module
pypy-asn1crypto (0.24.0-1)
Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (PyPy)
pypy-atomicwrites (1.1.5-2)
Atomic file writes - PyPy
pypy-attr (18.2.0-1)
Attributes without boilerplate (PyPy)
pypy-backports.functools-lru-cache (1.5-3)
backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3 to PyPy
pypy-bdist-nsi (0.1.5-1)
Create NSIS windows installers for Python modules (PyPy)
pypy-bs4 (4.7.1-1)
error-tolerant HTML parser for PyPy
pypy-confget (2.2.0-4+deb10u1)
read variables from INI-style configuration files - PyPy library
pypy-coverage (4.5.2+dfsg.1-1)
code coverage tool for Python 2 PyPy
pypy-dev (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
header files for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
pypy-dulwich (0.19.11-2)
bibliothèque Python pour Git – module pour PyPy
pypy-enum34 (1.1.6-2)
rétroportage du paquet enum de Python 3.4 – paquet PyPy
pypy-fastimport (0.9.8-2)
bibliothèque d'analyse et de création pour le format de fichier Fastimport
pypy-feature-check (0.2.2-3+deb10u1)
query a program for supported features - PyPy library
pypy-flaky (3.3.0-1)
Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests (PyPy)
pypy-funcsigs (1.0.2-4)
function signatures from PEP362 - PyPy
pypy-genty (1.3.0-1)
Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets (PyPy)
pypy-hypothesis (3.71.11-1)
advanced Quickcheck style testing library for PyPy
pypy-idna (2.6-1+deb10u1) [security]
gestion de IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) par Python – PyPy
pypy-ipaddress (1.0.17-1+deb10u1) [security]
rétroportage du module ipaddress de Python 3 – PyPy
pypy-iso8601 (0.1.11-1)
Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates - PyPy
pypy-json-tricks (3.11.0-1)
Python module with extra features for JSON files
pypy-lib (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
standard library for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
pypy-lib-testsuite (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
pypy-libusb1 (1.7-1)
Python wrapper for libusb1 (PyPy)
pypy-mmllib (0.3.0.post1-1)
library for handling Music Macro Language (PyPy)
pypy-more-itertools (4.2.0-1)
library with routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (PyPy)
pypy-mutagen (1.40.0-2)
audio metadata editing library (PyPy)
pypy-packaging (19.0-1)
core utilities for pypy packages
pypy-pathlib2 (2.3.3-1)
Backport of the "pathlib" stdlib module (PyPy)
pypy-pkg-resources (40.8.0-1)
découverte de paquets et accès aux ressources avec pkg_resources
pypy-pluggy (0.8.0-1)
plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - PyPy
pypy-pretend (1.0.8-2)
Python library for stubbing (PyPy)
pypy-purl (1.4-1)
URL interrogation and manipulation (PyPy version)
pypy-py (1.7.0-2)
Advanced Python development support library (PyPy)
pypy-pyaes (1.6.1-2)
Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (PyPy)
pypy-pyasn1 (0.4.2-3)
bibliothèque ASN.1 pour Python –⋅module PyPy
pypy-pymediainfo (3.0-1)
Library to fetch multimedia metadata information - PyPy version
pypy-pyparsing (2.2.0+dfsg1-2)
alternative pour la création et l'exécution de grammaires simples –⋅pypy
pypy-pytest (3.10.1-2)
Simple, powerful testing in PyPy
pypy-rawkit (0.6.0-1)
CTypes based LibRaw bindings - Python 2.X
pypy-rply (0.7.4-3)
pure Python based parser that also works with RPython (PyPy)
pypy-scandir (1.9.0-2)
Backport of the "scandir" stdlib module (PyPy)
pypy-schema (0.6.7-1)
simple data validation library (PyPy)
pypy-setuptools (40.8.0-1)
améliorations de PyPy Distutils
pypy-setuptools-scm (3.2.0-1)
blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for PyPy
pypy-simplejson (3.16.0-1)
simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python - PyPy
pypy-six (1.12.0-1)
bibliothèque de compatibilité Python⋅2 et⋅3 –⋅interface PyPy
pypy-soupsieve (1.8+dfsg-1)
Modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup (PyPy)
pypy-sqlparse (0.2.4-1+deb10u1) [security]
non-validating SQL parser for PyPy
pypy-stem (1.7.1-1)
Tor control library for PyPy
pypy-tk (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
Tkinter module for PyPy (an alternative Python interpreter)
pypy-unidecode (1.0.23-1)
ASCII transliterations of Unicode text (PyPy module)
pypy-wand (0.4.4-3)
Python interface for ImageMagick library (PyPy build)
pypy-zmq (17.1.2-2+deb10u1)
PyPy bindings for 0MQ library
pypy-zodbpickle (1.0-1)
Fork of pickle module for uniform serialization between Python 2 and 3 (PyPy)
pypy3 (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
implémentation alternative rapide de Python 3.x – interpréteur de PyPy
pypy3-dev (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
header files for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
pypy3-lib (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
standard library for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
pypy3-lib-testsuite (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
standard library test suite for PyPy (an alternative Python 3,x interpreter)
pypy3-tk (7.0.0+dfsg-3)
Tkinter module for PyPy (an alternative Python 3.x interpreter)
pyqi (0.3.2+dfsg-3)
Python framework for wrapping general commands in multiple interfaces
pyqt4-dev-tools (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
Outils de développement pour PyQt4
pyqt5-dev (5.11.3+dfsg-1)
Development files for PyQt5
pyqt5-dev-tools (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
outils de développement pour PyQt5
pyqt5-examples (5.11.3+dfsg-1)
exemples et démonstrations pour PyQt5
pyqt5chart-dev (5.11.3+dfsg-1)
Development files for PyQtCharts
pyrex-mode (0.9.9-1)
pyrex-mode d’Emacs Lisp pour Pyrex
pyrit-opencl (0.4.0-1+b2)
OpenCL extension module for Pyrit
pyro (1:3.16-3)
système d’objets distribués pour Python
pyro-examples (1:3.16-3)
exemples pour Pyro
pyro-gui (1:3.16-3)
graphical tool for Pyro
pyro4 (4.75-1)
distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)
pyro4-examples (4.75-1)
distributed object middleware for Python (RPC), examples
pyscanfcs (0.3.2+ds-2)
scientific tool for perpendicular line scanning FCS
pyside2-tools (5.11.2-3)
development tools for PySide2 (uic, rcc, lupdate)
pysph-viewer (0~20180411.git1ae58e1-2.1)
viewer for PySPH - framework for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
pyspread (1.1.1-1)
cross-platform Python spreadsheet application
pysrs-bin (1.0.3-1)
Python SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) binaries
pyssim (0.2-1)
Tool computing the Structural Similarity Image Metric (SSIM)
python (2.7.16-1)
langage interactif de haut niveau orienté objet (version Python2)
python-aafigure (0.5-7)
convertisseur d'art ASCII vers le format image
python-aalib (0.3.2-3)
Python interface to AAlib, an ASCII art library
python-acme (0.31.0-2)
ACME protocol library for Python 2
python-acora (2.2-1.1)
fast multi-keyword text search engine (Python 2)
python-acoustid (1.1.5-1)
Acoustid interface implementation and Chromaprint bindings
python-actdiag (0.5.4+dfsg-1)
generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file
python-actionlib (1.11.15-1+deb10u1)
Robot OS actionlib library - Python 2 interface
python-actionlib-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS actionlib, Python 2 interface
python-activipy (0.1-6)
implementation of ActivityStreams 2.0 for Python 2
python-adal (1.2.1-1)
Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for Python 2.x
python-adios (1.13.1-16)
interface en Python au système d'entrées-sorties ADIOS
python-admesh (0.98.9-1)
Python bindings for the ADMesh (Python 2)
python-adns (1.2.1-5+b1 [amd64, i386], 1.2.1-5 [arm64, armhf])
Python bindings to the asynchronous DNS resolver library
python-adodb (2.10-2)
A database abstraction library for python
python-aff4 (0.24.post1-4)
AFF4 –⋅le format Advanced Forensics File –⋅liaisons Python⋅2
python-affine (2.2.2-1)
bibliothèque de Python pour gérer les transformations du plan
python-afl (0.7.1-1)
American Fuzzy Lop (afl) for pure Python code
python-aggdraw (1.3.9+ds-2)
High quality drawing interface for PIL - Python 2.X
python-aiodns (1.1.1-1)
Asynchronous DNS resolver library for Python
python-ajax-select (1.7.0-1)
bibliothèque de Django pour l’édition de champs avec autocomplete
python-alabaster (0.7.8-1)
Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme (Python 2)
python-alembic (1.0.0-3)
outil léger de migration de base de données pour SQLAlchemy —⋅Python⋅2.x
python-all (2.7.16-1)
package depending on all supported Python2 runtime versions
python-all-dev (2.7.16-1)
package depending on all supported Python2 development packages
python-alsaaudio (0.8.4-1)
Alsa bindings for Python
python-altgraph (0.16.1~repack0-1)
Python 2 graph (network) package
python-amqp (2.4.0-2)
client AMQP de bas niveau
python-amqplib (1.0.2-1)
simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library
python-angles (1.9.11-3)
Robot OS set of simple math utilities to work with angles (Python 2)
python-aniso8601 (4.1.0-1)
python2 library for parsing dates and time
python-antlr (2.7.7+dfsg-9.2)
outil de langage pour bâtir des reconnaisseurs, compilateurs, etc. — Python 2.7
python-antlr3 (3.5.2-1)
ANother Tool for Language Recognition - Python 2.7 bindings
python-anyjson (0.3.3-1)
Common interface for the best available JSON implementation
python-aodhclient (1.1.0-2)
alertes d’OpenStack en tant que service – client en Python 2.7
python-apipkg (1.5-2)
namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python
python-apns-client (0.1.8-2)
Python client for the Apple Push Notification service (APNS)
python-appdirs (1.4.3-1)
determining appropriate platform-specific directories (Python 2)
python-apptools (4.4.0-3)
outils pour applications d’Enthought Tool Suite (Python 2)
python-apscheduler (3.5.3-1)
In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
python-apsw (3.24.0-r1-1)
une autre enveloppe pour SQLite 3 de Python
python-apt (
interface Python pour libapt-pkg
python-apt-common (
interface Python pour libapt-pkg – internationalisation
python-apt-dev (
interface Python pour libapt-pkg – fichiers de développement
python-aptly (0.12.10-1)
utilitaires et client de l'API REST Aptly – Python 2.7
python-argcomplete (1.8.1-1)
bash tab completion for argparse
python-argh (0.26.2-1)
simple argparse wrapper (Python 2)
python-argon2 (18.3.0-1)
Argon2 password hashing library - Python 2.x Module
python-args (0.1.0-2)
Command Arguments for Humans (Python 2)
python-argvalidate (0.9.0-2)
simple argument validator library
python-ariapy (2.8.0+repack-1.2)
bibliothèque C++ pour robots MobileRobots/ActivMedia — liaisons Python
python-arpy (1.1.1-3)
bibliothèque d’accès aux archives « ar »
python-arrow (0.12.1-2)
Python library to manipulate dates, times, and timestamps
python-artifacts (20190113-1)
knowledge base of forensic artifacts (Python 2)
python-ase (3.17.0-2)
environnement de simulation atomique – Python 2
python-asn1crypto (0.24.0-1)
Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (Python 2)
python-asterisk (0.5.3-1.1)
Asterisk Manager API interface module for Python
python-asteval (0.9.12-1)
minimalistic evaluator of Python 2 expression using ast module
python-astor (0.5-1)
Python AST manipulator
python-astral (1.6.1-1)
Calculations for the position of the sun and moon (Python 2)
python-astroid (1.6.5-3)
rebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's AST
python-atomicwrites (1.1.5-2)
Atomic file writes - Python 2.7
python-attr (18.2.0-1)
Attributes without boilerplate (Python 2)
python-aubio (0.4.6-2)
Python interface for aubio, a library for audio segmentation
python-audioread (2.1.5-1)
Backend-agnostic audio decoding Python package
python-audit (1:2.8.4-3)
liaisons Python pour audit de sécurité
python-augeas (0.5.0-1)
Python bindings for Augeas
python-authheaders (0.10.0-1)
Python module for generating email authentication headers
python-authkit (0.4.3-2)
cadriciel d’authentification et d’autorisation pour les applications WSGI en Python
python-authres (1.1.1-1)
RFC 7601 Authentication Results Header manipulation for Python
python-autobahn (17.10.1+dfsg1-3+deb10u1)
WebSocket client and server library, WAMP framework - Python 2.x
python-automat (0.6.0-1)
machines à nombre fini d’états en self-service pour le programmeur nomade
python-automaton (1.15.0-1)
friendly state machines - Python 2.7
python-autopep8 (1.4.3-1)
tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to PEP 8
python-avahi (0.7-4+deb10u3) [security]
paquet d'utilitaires Python pour Avahi
python-avc (0.8.3-1.1)
live connection among widgets and application variables
python-avogadro (1.2.0-4+b2)
système de modélisation et d'imagerie moléculaire –⋅module Python
python-avro (1.8.2+dfsg-2)
Apache Avro serialization system (Python 2 library)
python-aws-requests-auth (0.4.1-1)
AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Process (Python 2)
python-aws-xray-sdk (0.95-1)
AWS X-Ray SDK for Python
python-awsauth (0.1.5-1)
AWS authentication for Amazon S3 for the python-requests module
python-axiom (0.7.5-2)
base de données objet Python
python-axolotl (0.1.42-1)
Python port of libaxolotl-android
python-axolotl-curve25519 (0.4.1.post2-1+b1)
Python wrapper for curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures
python-ayatana-appindicator (0.5.3-4)
liaisons Python pour libayatana-appindicator –⋅version GTK-2+
python-azure (20181112+git-2)
Microsoft Azure SDK for Python 2.x
python-azure-devtools (1.1.1-1)
Microsoft Azure Development Tools for Python 2.x
python-azure-storage (20181109+git-1)
Microsoft Azure Storage Library for Python 2.x
python-babel (2.6.0+dfsg.1-1+deb10u1)
outils pour l’internationalisation d’applications en Python – Python 2.x
python-babel-localedata (2.6.0+dfsg.1-1+deb10u1)
tools for internationalizing Python applications - locale data files
python-babelfish (0.5.4-1)
library to work with countries and languages (Python 2)
python-backports-abc (0.5-2)
Backport of the "" stdlib module (Python 2)
python-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0-5)
Backport of the "shutil.get_terminal_size" function (Python 2)
python-backports.csv (1.0.6-1)
Backport of the Python 3 CSV module for Python 2
python-backports.functools-lru-cache (1.5-3)
backport of functools.lru_cache from Python 3.3 to Python 2
python-backports.os (0.1.1-1)
Backports of new features in Python's os module
python-backports.ssl-match-hostname (
Backport of the Python 3.5 SSL hostname checking function
python-backports.tempfile (1.0-3)
backports of new features in Python 2 tempfile module
python-backports.weakref (1.0-2)
backports of new features in Python 2 weakref module
python-backup2swift (0.8-1)
backup data to OpenStack Swift - python 2.x
python-ball (1.5.0+git20180813.37fc53c-3)
liaisons Python pour la bibliothèque d'algorithmes de biochimie
python-bandit (1.5.1-1)
analyseur statique orienté sécurité pour le code Python − module Python 2.7
python-barbicanclient (4.7.2-1)
OpenStack Key Management API client - Python 2.x
python-bashate (0.6.0-1)
bash script style guide checker - Python 2.x
python-bcdoc (0.16.0-1)
ReST document generation tools for botocore (Python 2)
python-bcolz (1.2.1+ds2-2)
high performant compressed data container based on NumPy (Python 2)
python-bcrypt (3.1.6-1)
password hashing library for Python
python-bdist-nsi (0.1.5-1)
Create NSIS windows installers for Python modules (Python 2)
python-beaker (1.10.0-1)
cache and session library
python-beanstalkc (0.4.0-1)
simple beanstalkd client library for Python
python-behave (1.2.5-2)
behaviour-driven development for Python 2
python-bernhard (0.2.6-1)
client for the Riemann event stream processor - Python 2.X
python-betamax (0.8.1-1)
imitation de VCR conçue pour python-requests seulement - Python 2.X
python-bibtex (1.2.7-1)
Python interfaces to BibTeX and the GNU Recode library
python-bibtexparser (1.1.0+ds-1)
Python library to parse bibtex files
python-billiard (
Multiprocessing Pool Extensions for Python
python-binaryornot (0.4.4+dfsg-2)
check if a file is binary or text (Python 2 module)
python-binplist (0.1.5-2)
binary property list parser module
python-bioblend (0.7.0-2)
CloudMan and Galaxy API library (Python 2)
python-biom-format (2.1.7+dfsg-2)
format de matrice d'observation biologique (BIOM) –⋅Python⋅3
python-biopython (1.73+dfsg-1)
Python library for bioinformatics (implemented in Python 2)
python-biopython-sql (1.73+dfsg-1)
prise en charge par Biopython de la base de données BioSQL – Python 2
python-biosig (1.9.3-2)
liaisons Python à la bibliothèque BioSig
python-biotools (1.2.12-3)
Python bioinformatics utilities for high-throughput genomic sequencing
python-biplist (1.0.3-1)
Python 2 library for reading/writing Mac OS X binary plists
python-bitarray (0.8.1-1+b4)
Python module for efficient boolean array handling
python-bitbucket (0.1-1)
Python bindings for the REST API
python-bitcoin (1.1.42-1)
library for cryptocurrency transactions — Python 2
python-bitstring (3.1.5-1)
Python module for manipulation of binary data (Python 2)
python-bitstruct (3.7.0-1)
Python bit pack/unpack package
python-bittorrent (3.4.2-12)
Scatter-gather network file transfer
python-bjsonrpc (0.2.0-2)
asynchronous bidirectional JSON-RPC protocol over TCP/IP
python-bleach (3.1.2-0+deb10u2)
whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing library (Python 2)
python-blessed (1.15.0-1)
Thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python2
python-blessings (1.6-2)
simple but powerful module to manage terminal color and styling (Python 2)
python-blinker (1.4+dfsg1-0.2)
bibliothèque simple et rapide de signalisation objet à objet et diffusion
python-blist (1.3.6-5)
List-like type for Python with better asymptotic performance
python-blockdiag (1.5.3+dfsg-5.2)
generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file
python-bloom (0.7.2-1)
Bloom is a release automation tool from Robot OS (Python 2)
python-bloomfilter (2.0-2)
Native Python implementation of the Bloom filter probabilistic data structure
python-blosc (1.7.0+ds1-1)
Python bindings for the Blosc meta-compressor
python-bluez (0.22+really0.22-1)
Python 2 wrappers around BlueZ for rapid bluetooth development
python-bobo (0.2.2-3)
Web application framework for the impatient
python-boltons (18.0.1-1)
set of pure-Python utilities (Python 2)
python-bond (1.8.3-1)
Messages related to Robot OS bond_core - Python 2
python-bondpy (1.8.3-1+b1)
Python 2 implementation of bond
python-bootstrapform (3.4-2)
generate twitter-bootstrap form output for django form - Python 2.x
python-boto (2.44.0-1.1)
interface en Python pour les services internet d’Amazon (Python 2.x)
python-boto3 (1.9.86-1)
Python interface to Amazon's Web Services - Python 2.x
python-botocore (1.12.103+repack-1)
Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3 (Python 2)
python-bottle (0.12.15-2+deb10u2)
cadriciel WSGI simple et rapide pour Python
python-bottle-beaker (0.1.3-2)
Bottle plugin beaker, WSGI middleware for sessions and caching - Python 2.X
python-bottle-cork (0.12.0-3)
Authentication/Authorization library for Bottle - Python 2
python-bottle-sqlite (0.1.3-2)
SQLite3 integration for Bottle - Python 2.X
python-bottleneck (1.2.1+ds1-1)
Fast NumPy array functions written in C (Python 2)
python-box2d (2.3.2~dfsg-2)
2D Game Physics for Python
python-bpfcc (0.8.0-4)
enveloppes Python pour la collection de compilateurs BPF –⋅BCC
python-braintree (3.50.0-1)
Braintree Python library
python-breadability (0.1.20-5)
Python module that makes HTML documents more readable
python-breathe (4.11.1-1)
Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (Python 2)
python-breezy (3.0.0~bzr7290-2)
distributed version control system - Python 2 library
python-breezy.tests (3.0.0~bzr7290-2)
distributed version control system - Python 2 testsuite
python-brial (1.2.4-2)
polynomials over Boolean Rings, Python 2 module
python-brlapi (5.6-10+deb10u1)
accès à l'affichage de l'écran braille avec BRLTTY — interface Python
python-broccoli (0.62-1)
Python bindings for Broccoli
python-brotli (1.0.7-2+deb10u1)
algorithme de compression et format sans perte –⋅version Python⋅2
python-bs4 (4.7.1-1)
error-tolerant HTML parser for Python
python-bsddb3 (6.2.6-3)
interface Python pour Berkeley DB
python-bson (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python implementation of BSON for MongoDB
python-bson-ext (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
C-coded extension to the python-bson package
python-btchip (0.1.24-1)
Python library to communicate with BTChip dongle
python-btrees (4.3.1-1+b2)
scalable persistent object containers for Python
python-buffy (0.16+b6)
enveloppe Python pour la bibliothèque libbuffy
python-bugzilla (2.2.0-1)
bibliothèque Python pour interagir avec Bugzilla – Python 2
python-bumps (0.7.11-2)
ajustement de données et modélisation d’incertitude bayésienne pour les problèmes inverses – Python 2
python-bunch (1.0.1-1)
Dot-accessible Python dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
python-burrito (0.9.1-3)
Python 2 framework for wrapping and controlling command-line applications
python-buzhug (1.8-3)
pure-Python database engine, using a Pythonic, no-SQL syntax
python-bx (0.8.2-1)
library to manage genomic data and its aligment
python-bx-tools (0.8.2-1)
command line interface to python3-bx
python-bz2file (0.98-2)
Python library for reading and writing bzip2-compressed files
python-bzrlib (2.7.0+bzr6622-15)
distributed version control system - python library
python-bzrlib.tests (2.7.0+bzr6622-15)
distributed version control system - testsuite
python-cachecontrol (0.11.7-1)
caching algorithms in httplib2 for use with requests
python-cached-property (1.5.1-3)
mises en cache de caractéristiques pour les méthodes de décoration dans les classes – Python 2
python-cachetools (3.1.0-2)
extensible memoizing collections and decorators for Python
python-cairo (1.16.2-1+b1)
interface python pour la bibliothèque graphique vectorielle Cairo
python-cairo-dev (1.16.2-1)
Python cairo bindings: development files
python-cairocffi (0.7.2-2.2)
cffi-based cairo bindings for Python
python-cairosvg (1.0.20-1)
convertisseur de SVG vers PDF/PS/PNG basé sur Cairo
python-caja (1.20.2-1)
liaison Python pour les composants de Caja
python-caja-common (1.20.2-1)
liaison Python pour les composants de Caja –⋅fichiers communs
python-calabash (0.0.3-3)
Bash-style pipelining syntax for Python generators
python-caldav (0.5.0-0.1)
CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python 2
python-camera-calibration-parsers (1.11.13-3+b1)
Robot OS camera_calibration_parsers Python 2 package
python-can (3.0.0+github-1)
Controller Area Network (CAN) interface module - Python 2.x
python-canmatrix (0.6-3)
gestion de formats de base de données CAN – Python 2.x
python-canonicaljson (1.1.4-2)
canonical JSON implementation for Python 2
python-cap-ng (0.7.9-2)
liaisons Python pour libcap-ng
python-capstone (4.0.1+really+3.0.5-1)
cadriciel léger multiarchitecture de désassemblage –⋅liaisons Python
python-carquinyol (0.112-1)
Sugar Learning Platform - datastore
python-carrot (0.10.7-1.1)
AMQP messaging queue framework
python-cartopy (0.17.0+dfsg-3)
Cartographic library for Python 2
python-cartopy-data (0.17.0+dfsg-3)
cartographic library for Python (package data)
python-case (1.5.3+dfsg-2)
Python unittest Utilities (Python2 version)
python-castellan (0.19.0-1)
generic key manager interface for OpenStack - Python 2.x
python-catcher (0.1.7+git20140530-1)
beautiful stack traces generator for Python
python-catkin-lint (1.6.0-1)
Check Robot OS catkin packages for common errors
python-catkin-pkg (0.4.10-1)
Low-level build system macros for Robot OS -- Python 2 module
python-catwalk (2.0.2-6)
model management interface for the Turbogears web framework
python-cbor (1.0.0-1+b1)
Python Implementation of RFC 7049. Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
python-cclib (1.6-1)
Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry (Python module)
python-cddb (1.4-5.3)
Python interface to CD-IDs and FreeDB
python-cdiff (1.0-1)
Colored, incremental diff with side by side and auto pager support (Python 2)
python-ceilometerclient (2.9.0-2)
bibliothèque client pour le serveur d'API de Ceilometer d'OpenStack — Python 2.7
python-ceilometermiddleware (1.3.0-1)
intergiciel Telemetry d'OpenStack pour générer des mesures — Python 2.x
python-celery (4.2.1-3)
async task/job queue based on message passing (Python2 version)
python-celery-common (4.2.1-3)
async task/job queue based on message passing (common files)
python-cement (2.10.0-1)
CLI Application Framework (Python2 version)
python-ceph (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Meta-package for Python modules for the Ceph libraries
python-cephfs (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python libraries for the Ceph libcephfs library
python-cerealizer (0.8.1-2)
module de type pickle sécurisé pour Python 2
python-certifi (2018.8.24-1)
root certificates for validating SSL certs and verifying TLS hosts
python-cffi (1.12.2-1)
interface de fonctions étrangères pour Python appelant du code C
python-cffi-backend (1.12.2-1)
interface de fonctions étrangères pour Python appelant du code C – dorsal
python-cfflib (2.0.5-3)
Multi-modal connectome and metadata management and integration
python-cftime (
fonctionnalité de gestion de temps de netcdf4-python – Python 2
python-chaco (4.5.0-1)
interactive plotting application toolkit
python-chameleon (2.24-1)
XML-based template compiler
python-changelog (0.4.2-1)
Sphinx extension to generate changelog files (Python 2)
python-characteristic (14.3.0-2)
helper for implementing attribute-related object protocols (Python 2)
python-chardet (3.0.4-3)
détecteur universel d'encodage de caractères pour Python2
python-chargebee (1.6.3-4)
Python library for integrating with Chargebee (Python 2/API v1)
python-chargebee2 (2.6.2-1)
Python library for integrating with Chargebee (Python 2/API v2)
python-chartkick (0.5.0-1)
create beautiful JavaScript charts with minimal code (Python 2)
python-chemfp (1.1p1-2.1)
cheminformatics fingerprints file formats and tools
python-cherrypy (2.3.0-5)
cadriciel Python de développement Web
python-cherrypy3 (8.9.1-2)
cadriciel de développement web de Python – module Python 2
python-chm (
Python binding for CHMLIB
python-cinderclient (1:4.0.1-2)
liaisons Python avec l'API OpenStack Volume - Python 2.x
python-cinfony (1.2-1)
Python abstraction layer to cheminformatics toolkits
python-circuits (3.1.0+ds1-1)
event-driven framework with a component architecture
python-citeproc (0.3.0-3)
Citation Style Language (CSL) processor for Python
python-cjson (1.2.1-1)
encodeur et décodeur JSON très rapide pour Python
python-ck (1.9.4-1)
Python2 light-weight knowledge manager
python-clang (1:7.0-47)
liaisons Python pour Clang
python-clang-6.0 (1:6.0.1-10)
liaisons Python pour Clang
python-clang-7 (1:7.0.1-8+deb10u2)
liaisons Python pour Clang
python-clearsilver (0.10.5-3+b1)
enveloppes Python pour clearsilver
python-cliapp (1.20180812.1-2)
Python framework for Unix command line programs
python-click (7.0-1)
Wrapper around optparse for command line utilities - Python 2.7
python-click-log (0.2.1-1)
Logging integration for Click - Python 2.7
python-click-plugins (1.0.4-1)
extension de Click pour enregistrer des commandes externes d’interpréteur – Python 2
python-click-threading (0.4.4-1)
Utilities for multithreading in click - Python 2.7
python-clientform (1:0.2.5-3+deb10u1) [security]
paquet factice de transition
paquet virtuel fourni par python-mechanize
python-cliff (2.13.0-1)
cadriciel d'élaboration d'une interface en ligne de commandes - Python 2.x
python-cligj (0.5.0-1)
Python 2 library for processing GeoJSON commands
python-clint (0.5.1-1)
Python Command-line Application Tools
python-clips (
Python module to interface the CLIPS expert system shell library
python-cloud-sptheme (1.9.4-1)
Cloud Sphinx theme and related extensions
python-cloudfiles (1.7.11-3)
Python language bindings for Cloud Files API
python-cloudkittyclient (1.2.0-4)
API client for Rating as a Service project - Python 2.7
python-cloudpickle (0.8.0-1)
Extended pickling support for Python 2 objects
python-cluster (1.3.3-1.1)
allows grouping a list of arbitrary objects into related groups (clusters)
python-clustershell (1.8.1-1)
clustershell python2 libraries
python-cmd2 (0.8.5-2)
enhanced Python cmd module - Python 2.x
python-cmislib (0.5.1+dfsg-2)
CMIS client library for Python
python-cmor (3.4.0-2)
Python interface to CMOR
python-coards (1.0.5-3)
COARDS-compliant time parser (Python 2)
python-cobe (2.1.2-1)
Markov chain based text generator library and chatbot
python-cobra-data (0.14.1-1)
constraint-based modeling of biological networks (data)
python-codegen (1.0-2)
extension to ast that allows AST -> Python code generation
python-codicefiscale (0.9+ds0-1)
Generate and validate Italian "codice fiscale" (Python 2.x)
python-cogent (1.9-14)
framework pour la biologie du génome
python-collada (0.4-3)
Python module for creating, editing and loading COLLADA
python-colorama (0.3.7-1)
Cross-platform colored terminal text in Python - Python 2.x
python-coloredlogs (7.3-1)
colored terminal output for Python 2's logging module
python-colorlog (4.0.1-1)
formatter to use with the logging module of Python 2
python-colormap (1.0.2-1)
ease manipulation of matplotlib colormaps and color codecs (Python 2)
python-colorspacious (1.1.2-1)
library for doing colorspace conversions - Python 2.X
python-colour (0.1.5-1)
converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X
python-comedilib (0.11.0-1)
Python wrapper for Comedilib
python-commando (1.0.0-0.2)
wrapper for argparse to define declaratively (Python 2)
python-commonmark-bkrs (0.5.4+ds-2)
Python parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec -- Python
python-compizconfig (2:0.8.16-2+b1)
Compizconfig bindings for python
python-concurrent.futures (3.2.0-2)
rétroportage du paquet concurrent.futures de Python 3.2
python-confget (2.2.0-4+deb10u1)
read variables from INI-style configuration files - Python 2.x library
python-configargparse (0.13.0-1)
replacement for argparse with config files and environment variables (Python 2)
python-configglue (1.0-1)
Glues together optparse.OptionParser and ConfigParser.ConfigParser
python-configobj (5.0.6-3)
simple but powerful config file reader and writer for Python 2
python-configparser (3.5.0b2-1)
backport of the enhanced config parser introduced in Python 3.2
python-configshell-fb (1.1.24-1)
Python library for building configuration shells - Python 2
python-confluent-kafka (0.11.6-1)
Python client to interact with Kafka - Python 2.7
python-congressclient (1.11.0-2)
client for the open policy framework for the cloud - Python 2.x
python-consensuscore2 (3.3.0+dfsg-2.1)
generate consensus sequences for PacBio data -- Python 2
python-constantly (15.1.0-1)
Symbolic constants in Python
python-construct (2.8.16-0.2)
powerful declarative parser (and builder) for binary data
python-construct.legacy (2.5.3-2)
legacy fork of declarative binary data parser/builder (Python 2)
python-contextlib2 (0.5.5-1)
Backport and enhancements for the contextlib module - Python 2.7
python-contract (1.4-4)
Programming by contract for Python
python-convoy (0.2.1+bzr25-3)
WSGI app for loading multiple files in the same request
python-cookiecutter (1.6.0-3)
création de projets à partir de modèles – module Python 2
python-cookies (2.2.1-2)
Python RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser and renderer
python-coreapi (2.3.3-3)
Python client library for Core API
python-corepywrap (1.005-6)
library that exports C++ mmCIF accessors to Python
python-coreschema (0.0.4-2)
Python utilities to describe an abstract data schema to coreapi
python-cotyledon (1.6.8-3)
framework for defining long-running services - Python 2.7
python-couchdb (0.10-1.1)
library for working with Apache CouchDB
python-couleur (0.5.0-4)
outil pour jouer avec les fonctionnalités ANSI dans un terminal Unix
python-cov-core (1.15.0-2)
plugin core for use by pytest-cov, nose-cov and nose2-cov
python-coverage (4.5.2+dfsg.1-1)
code coverage tool for Python 2
python-coverage-test-runner (1.13.1-2)
échec des tests unitaires de programme Python s’ils ne testent pas tout
python-cpopen (1.4-2)
C reimplementation of the tricky bits of Python's Popen
python-cpuinfo (4.0.0-1)
Python module for getting CPU info
python-cracklib (2.9.6-2)
liaisons Python pour la bibliothèque de vérification de mot de pass cracklib2
python-cram (0.7-3)
functional testing framework for command line applications - Python 2.x
python-crank (0.7.2-4)
dispatch mechanism for use across frameworks - Python 2.7
python-crcelk (1.3-1)
Implementation of the CRC algorithm (Python 2)
python-crcmod (1.7+dfsg-1+b1)
générateur de CRC – Python 2.X
python-creoleparser (0.7.4-2)
Parser for the Creole common wiki markup language
python-croniter (0.3.24-2)
provides iteration for datetime object with cron like format - Python 2.x
python-crontab (1.9.3-2)
Python module for reading and writing crontab files
python-crypto (2.6.1-9+b1)
algorithmes et protocoles de chiffrement pour Python
python-cryptography (2.6.1-3+deb10u4) [security]
bibliothèque Python fournissant des recettes et des primitives de cryptographie — Python 2
python-cryptography-vectors (2.6.1-1)
vecteurs de test pour python-cryptography — Python 2
python-cs (2.3.1-1)
simple, yet powerful CloudStack API client (Python module)
python-csa (0.1.0-1.2)
CSA (Connection-Set Algebra) mis en œuvre en Python
python-csb (1.2.5+dfsg-3)
Python framework for structural bioinformatics
python-csound (1:6.12.2~dfsg-3.1)
Python bindings for Csound
python-css-parser (1.0.4-1)
CSS related utilities (parsing, serialization, etc) for Python 2
python-csscompressor (0.9.4-2)
portage Python du compresseur de CSS de YUI –⋅Python 2.7
python-cssmin (0.2.0-7)
YUI CSS compression algorithm (Python 2 version)
python-cssselect (1.0.3-1)
cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
python-cssutils (1.0.2-2)
analyseur et constructeur de feuilles de style en cascade (CSS)
python-cups (1.9.73-2+b1)
points d'entrée Python pour CUPS
python-cursive (0.2.1-2)
OpenStack specific validation of digital signatures - Python 2
python-curtsies (0.2.12-1)
library for terminal interaction (Python 2)
python-cutadapt (1.18-1)
Clean biological sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads (Python 2)
python-cv-bridge (1.13.0+ds-2+b12)
cv_bridge ROS package - Python 2 bindings
python-cvxopt (1.1.9+dfsg-3+b1)
paquet de Python pour l’optimisation convexe
python-cwiid (0.6.00+svn201-4)
library to interface with the wiimote
python-cxx-dev (7.0.3-2)
Set of facilities to extend Python with C++
python-cycler (0.10.0-1)
composable kwarg iterator (Python 2)
python-cyclone (1.1-2)
web server framework for Python Twisted using the Tornado API
python-cylc (7.8.0-5)
Python libraries for cylc workflow scheduler
python-cymruwhois (1.6-3.1)
Python library for interfacing with the service (Python 2)
python-cypari2 (1.3.1-2)
Python interface to PARI -- Python 2
python-cysignals-bare (1.8.1+ds-2)
interrupt and signal handling for Cython -- Python - bare
python-cysignals-pari (1.8.1+ds-2)
interrupt and signal handling for Cython -- Python - PARI/GP
python-d2to1 (0.2.12-1)
Python support for distutils2-like setup.cfg files as package metadata
python-daap (0.7.1-4)
client DAAP implémenté en Python
python-daemon (2.2.3-1)
library for making a Unix daemon process — Python 2
python-daemonize (2.4.7-2)
enable your code to run as a daemon process - Python 2.x
python-dap (
DAP (Data Access Protocol) client and server
python-darts.lib.utils.lru (0.5-4)
Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour in Python2
python-datalad (0.11.2-2)
data files management and distribution platform
python-dateutil (2.7.3-3)
extensions puissantes du module datetime standard de Python
python-datrie (0.7.1-2)
Super-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python
python-dbf (0.96.005-1)
Python module for reading and writing dbf files (Python 2)
python-dbus (1.2.8-3)
système simple de messages inter-processus (interface Python)
python-dbus-dev (1.2.8-3)
fichiers de développement pour l'intégration dans la boucle principale pour python-dbus
python-dbus-tests (1.2.8-3)
système simple de messages inter-processus (interface Python –⋅tests)
python-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
prise en charge de la boucle principale de Qt pour D-Bus pour Python⋅2
python-dbusmock (0.18.2-1)
mock D-Bus objects for tests (Python 2)
python-dcos (0.2.0-2)
Datacenter Operating System (DCOS) CLI - Python 2.7
python-ddt (1.1.1-1)
Data-Driven/Decorated Tests - Python 2.x
python-deap (1.0.2.post2-6)
Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
python-debconf (1.5.71+deb10u1)
interact with debconf from Python 2
python-debianbts (2.8.2)
interface en Python du système de suivi de bogues de Debian
python-debiancontributors (0.7.8-1)
Manage submissions to
python-debtcollector (1.20.0-2)
collection de patrons de conception pour aider à rassembler les dettes techniques Python 2.x
python-decorator (4.3.0-1.1)
simplification de l’utilisation de décorateurs en Python par les programmeurs
python-defer (1.0.6-2)
Small framework for asynchronous programming (Python 2)
python-defusedxml (0.5.0-2)
XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules (for Python 2)
python-deltarpm (3.6+dfsg-1+b7)
Python bindings for deltarpm
python-demgengeo (1.2-1+b4)
DEMGenGeo is a library for creating geometry files
python-demjson (2.2.4-2)
encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON in Python (python2)
python-dendropy (4.4.0-1)
DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library (Python 2)
python-deprecation (2.0.6-1)
Library to handle automated deprecations - Python 2.x
python-derpconf (0.8.2-2)
Python module to abstract loading configuration files for your app
python-descartes (1.1.0-2)
Matplotlib extension to work with geometric objects (Python2)
python-designateclient (2.10.0-2)
bibliothèque client pour l'API Designate d'OpenStack –⋅Python 2.7
python-dev (2.7.16-1)
header files and a static library for Python2
python-dexml (0.5.1-1)
Dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python
python-dfdatetime (20190116-1)
Digital Forensics date and time library for Python 2
python-dfvfs (20190128-1)
Digital Forensics Virtual File System
python-dfwinreg (20190122-1)
Digital Forensics Windows Registry library for Python 2
python-dhm (0.6-4)
collection d’utilitaires et d’assistants en Python
python-diagnostic-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS diagnostic, Python 2 interface
python-dialog (3.3.0-3)
Python 2 module for making simple terminal-based user interfaces
python-diamond (4.0.515-5)
smart data producer for Graphite graphing package (Python module)
python-diaspy (0.6.0-1)
unofficial interface to the Diaspora social network (Python 2)
python-dib-utils (0.0.6-2)
Standalone tools related to diskimage-builder - Python 2.x
python-dicom (1.2.1-1)
transitional package for python-pydicom
paquet virtuel fourni par python-pydicom
python-dictclient (
Python client library for DICT (RFC2229) protocol
python-dictdlib (
Python library for generating dictd dictionaries
python-dictobj (0.4-3)
Python dictionary where keys can be accessed as instance attributes
python-dicttoxml (1.7.4-1)
Python module for converting dict into a XML string
python-diff-match-patch (20121119-4)
robust algorithms for synchronizing plain text (Python 2 module)
python-digitalocean (1.13.2-1)
Python bindings for the DigitalOcean API (Python 2)
python-dijitso (2018.1.1~git1-1)
distributed just-in-time building of shared libraries
python-dill (0.2.9-1)
Serialize all of Python (almost)
python-dingus (0.3.4-1)
A record-then-assert mocking library
python-dirspec (13.10-1)
Python User Folders Specification Library
python-diskimage-builder (2.16.0-1)
image building tools for Openstack - Python 2.7
python-distlib (0.2.8-1)
low-level components of python distutils2/packaging
python-distorm3 (3.4.1-3)
powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams (Python bindings)
python-distro (1.3.0-1)
Linux OS platform information API
python-distro-info (0.21+deb10u1) [security]
informations au sujet des publications de distributions – module Python
python-distutils-extra (2.42)
enhancements to the Python build system
python-django (1:1.11.29-1+deb10u11) [security]
cadriciel en Python de développement web de haut niveau – version pour Python 2
python-django-adminsortable (2.0.10-2)
drag-and-drop ordering for objects in Django Admin (Python 2)
python-django-allauth (0.38.0+ds-1)
Django app for local and social authentication (Python 2 version)
python-django-anymail (5.0-1)
Django email backend for multiple ESPs (Python 2)
python-django-appconf (1.0.2-3)
helper class handling configuration defaults of apps - Python 2.7
python-django-assets (0.12-2)
integrate webassets into Django applications
python-django-auth-ldap (1.7.0-1)
Django LDAP authentication backend (Python2 version)
python-django-babel (0.6.2-1)
Utilities for using Babel in Django - Python 2.7
python-django-bitfield (1.9.3-1)
Django module implementing BitFields
python-django-braces (1.9.0-1)
reusable, generic mixins for Django class based views
python-django-captcha (0.5.6-1)
Django Simple Captcha Django application
python-django-casclient (1.2.0-2.2)
CAS client library for Django, K-State's version (Python 2)
python-django-celery-haystack (0.10-3)
utilize Celery for automatic haystack index updates
python-django-classy-tags (0.8.0-1)
Class based template tags for Django projects
python-django-common (1:1.11.29-1+deb10u11) [security]
High-level Python web development framework (common)
python-django-compat (1.0.15-2)
Forward and backwards compatibility layer for Django 1.4.x to 1.9.x
python-django-compressor (2.2-4)
compresse du JS ou CSS lié ou inline dans des fichiers uniques en cache - Python 2.7
python-django-contact-form (1.4.2-2)
extensible contact-form application for Django
python-django-cors-headers (2.2.0-1)
Django application for handling CORS.
python-django-countries (5.3.2-1)
provides a country field for Django models
python-django-crispy-forms (1.7.2-1)
app for Django providing elegant form rendering
python-django-debug-toolbar (1:1.9.1-1)
Embedded debugging toolbar for Django projects
python-django-dirtyfields (1.3.1-1)
package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (Python 2)
python-django-downloadview (1.9-1)
efficient static file serving with Django
python-django-environ (0.4.4-1)
Simplified environment variables for Django
python-django-etcd-settings (0.1.13+dfsg-2)
config manager for Django apps based on ETCD (Python2 version)
python-django-extensions (2.1.4-1)
Useful extensions for Django projects (Python 2 version)
python-django-extra-views (0.12.0-1)
Complementary class-based generic views for Django (Python2 version)
python-django-filters (1.1.0-1)
filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Python2 version)
python-django-formtools (2.0-1)
ensemble d'abstractions de haut niveau pour des formulaires de Django –⋅Python 2.7
python-django-fsm (2.6.0-1)
Django friendly finite state machine support
python-django-fsm-admin (1.2.1-1)
django-fsm state transitions for Django admin
python-django-gravatar2 (1.4.2-3)
Python2 library that provides essential Gravatar support
python-django-guardian (1.4.9-2)
per object permissions of django
python-django-haystack (2.8.1-2)
modular search for Django
python-django-hijack (2.1.7-1)
connexion et travail pour le compte d’autres utilisateurs par le superutilisateur
python-django-housekeeping (1.1-1)
Pluggable housekeeping framework for Django sites in Python 2
python-django-impersonate (1.4-1)
Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts (Python 2)
python-django-jinja (2.4.1-1)
Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django
python-django-jsonfield (1.0.1-2)
JSON field for Django models (Python 2)
python-django-macaddress (1.5.0-1)
MAC address model and form fields for Django apps
python-django-maintenancemode (0.11.2-3)
django module that sets a site down for maintenance (Python 2)
python-django-markupfield (1.5.0-1)
custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields
python-django-memoize (2.1.0+dfsg-1)
implementation of memoization technique for Django (Python 2)
python-django-model-utils (3.1.1-1)
Django model mixins and utilities — Python 2
python-django-modeltranslation (0.12.2-1)
Translate dynamic content of Django models (Python 2)
python-django-navtag (2.1.3-1)
Django template tag to handle navigation (Python2 version)
python-django-nose (1.4.6-1)
Django test runner that uses python-nose
python-django-notification (1.2.0-2)
user notification management for Django (Python 2 version)
python-django-oauth-toolkit (1.1.2-2)
OAuth2 capabilities for Django projects
python-django-ordered-model (2.1.0-1)
Allows Django models to be ordered (Python2 version)
python-django-organizations (1.1.1-1)
Django groups and multi-user account management module (Python 2)
python-django-overextends (0.4.0-1)
application réutilisable fournissant un héritage circulaire de modèle – Python 2.7
python-django-pagination (1.0.7-2)
utilities for creating pagination tools for Django
python-django-paintstore (0.2-2)
Integrates jQuery ColorPicker in Django admin (Python 2 version)
python-django-picklefield (1.1.0-1)
Pickled object field for Django
python-django-pipeline (1.6.14-1)
Asset packaging library for Django
python-django-polymorphic (2.0.3-1)
Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models
python-django-pyscss (2.0.2-8)
makes it easier to use PySCSS in Django - Python 2.7
python-django-python3-ldap (0.11.2-1)
Django LDAP user authentication backend (Python2 version)
python-django-ranged-response (0.2.0-1)
Django file response to stream to browsers properly (Python 2)
python-django-recurrence (1.8.2-1)
Django utility wrapping dateutil.rrule
python-django-redis (4.10.0-1)
Redis cache backend for Django (Python 2)
python-django-redis-admin (1.4.0-1)
Django admin panel add-on to view/delete Redis keys (Python 2)
python-django-redis-sessions (0.6.1-1)
Redis database backend for your Django sessions (Python 2)
python-django-registration (2.2-2)
application d’enregistrement d’utilisateurs pour Django — Python 2
python-django-restricted-resource (2016.8-2)
modèle de base de Django pour le contrôle de propriété et d’accès — Python 2
python-django-reversion (3.0.3-1)
Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django
python-django-rosetta (0.7.2-1.1)
Eases the translation process of your Django projects
python-django-sekizai (0.10.0-4)
template blocks for Django projects
python-django-session-security (2.6.5+dfsg-1)
module Django de Python2 pour déconnecter un utilisateur après X minutes
python-django-setuptest (0.2.1-2)
simple test suite enabling Django app testing via (Python 2)
python-django-shorturls (1.0.1-4)
Short URL handler for Django applications
python-django-shortuuidfield (0.1.3-2)
Short UUIDField for Django
python-django-sitetree (1.12.0+dfsg-1)
site tree, menu and breadcrumbs navigation for Django
python-django-stronghold (0.3.0+debian-1)
Django app to make all views default login_required
python-django-tables2 (1.21.2-1)
Table/data-grid framework for Django (Python 2.7)
python-django-tagging (1:0.4.5-1)
application de balisage générique pour les projets Django (Python 2)
python-django-taggit (0.24.0-1)
balisage simple pour Django —⋅Python⋅2
python-django-tastypie (0.13.3-1)
webservice API framework for Django (Python 2)
python-django-treebeard (4.3+dfsg-1)
Efficient implementations of tree data structures for Django
python-django-uwsgi (0.2.2-1)
uWSGI related tools for Django
python-django-webpack-loader (0.6.0-1)
Transparently use webpack with Django (Python2 version)
python-django-websocket-redis (0.4.7-1)
Websockets for Django applications using Redis (Python2 version)
python-django-wkhtmltopdf (3.2.0-1)
Django module with views for HTML to PDF conversions (Python 2)
python-django-xmlrpc (0.1.8-1)
XMLRPC library for Django
python-djangorestframework (3.9.0-1+deb10u1)
Web APIs for Django, made easy
python-djangorestframework-generators (0.2.8-2)
Generate DRF Serializers, Views, and URLs (Python2 version)
python-djangorestframework-gis (0.14-1)
Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework
python-djangorestframework-haystack (1.8.4-1)
Haystack for Django REST Framework
python-djoser (1.4.0-1)
REST implementation of Django authentication system
python-djvu (0.8.2-2)
prise en charge par Python du format DjVu d’image
python-dkim (0.9.6-0+deb10u1)
Python module for DKIM and ARC signing and verification
python-dmidecode (3.12.2-9)
module d’extension de Python pour dmidecode
python-dmidecode-data (3.12.2-9)
Python extension module for dmidecode (debug) - Data
python-dns (2.3.6-4)
module de client DNS pour Python
python-dnslib (0.9.7+hg20170303-1)
module pour encoder et décoder les paquets DNS wire-format — Python 2
python-dnspython (1.16.0-1+deb10u1)
boîte à outils DNS pour Python
python-dnsq (1.1.2-1)
outil Python de requêtes DNS
python-doc8 (0.8.0-1)
testeur de style pour la documentation RST de Sphinx (ou autre) - Python 2.x
python-docker (3.4.1-4)
Python wrapper to access's control socket
python-dockerpty (0.4.1-1)
Pseudo-tty handler for docker Python client (Python 2.x)
python-dockerpycreds (0.3.0-1)
Python bindings for the docker credentials store API
python-docopt (0.6.2-2)
command-line interface description language
python-docutils (0.14+dfsg-4)
text processing system for reStructuredText (implemented in Python 2)
python-dogpile.cache (0.6.2-6)
frontal de mise en cache basé sur le verrou Dogpile – Python 2.x
python-dogpile.core (0.6.2-6)
paquet de transition pour python-dogpile.core
python-dolfin (2018.1.0.post1-16)
Python interface for DOLFIN
python-dominate (2.3.1-1)
Python 2 library for creating and manipulating HTML documents
python-doubleratchet (0.6.0-1)
Python 2 implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm
python-dpkt (1.9.2-1)
Python 2 packet creation / parsing module for basic TCP/IP protocols
python-dpm (1.10.0-2+b3)
Disk Pool Manager (DPM) python2 bindings
python-dracclient (1.3.1-1)
library for managing machines with Dell iDRAC cards - Python 2.7
python-drmaa (0.5-1)
interface pour des systèmes de gestion de ressources distribuées conformes au DRMAA
python-drslib (0.3.1.p3-1)
Library for processing the CMIP5 Data Reference Syntax
python-dsv (1.4.1-7)
module Python pour les fichiers DSV (Python 2)
python-dtcwt (0.12.0-1)
Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform library for Python 2
python-dtfabric (20181128-1)
Tooling for data type and structure management - Python 2.x
python-duckduckgo2 (0.242+git20151019-2)
Library for querying the DuckDuckGo API
python-duecredit (0.6.4-1)
Publications (and donations) tracer - Python 2.X
python-dulwich (0.19.11-2)
Python Git library
python-dumbnet (1.12-8)
dumb, portable networking library -- python bindings
python-dynamic-reconfigure (1.6.0-1)
Robot OS dynamic-reconfigure library - Python 2 bindings
python-easydev (0.9.37-1)
common utilities to ease the development of Python packages (Python 2)
python-easygui (0.96-3)
module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python
python-easyprocess (0.2.5-1)
easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 2.X
python-easywebdav (1.2.0-4)
straight-forward WebDAV client module (Python 2 interface)
python-easyzone (1.2.2-1)
module de Python d’abstraction de zone DNS
python-ebooklib (0.15~ds0-1)
Python 2 E-book library for handling EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle formats
python-ecasound (2.9.1-7)
enregistreur audio et processeur d'effets à capacité multipiste — liaisons Python
python-ecdsa (0.13-3+deb10u1)
ECDSA cryptographic signature library (Python 2)
python-ecflow (4.12.0-1)
Python libraries for ecFlow workflow tools
python-editobj (0.5.7-12)
éditeur d’objet en Python
python-editor (1.0.3-1)
ouvre un éditeur de manière programmée et capture le résultat - Python 2.7
python-editorconfig (0.12.1-1)
library for working with EditorConfig — Python 2
python-efilter (1.5-2)
EFILTER query language (Python 2)
python-egenix-mx-base-dev (3.2.9-1)
development files for the egenix-mx-base distribution
python-egenix-mxbeebase (3.2.9-1)
on-disk B+Tree based database kit for Python
python-egenix-mxdatetime (3.2.9-1)
date and time handling routines for Python
python-egenix-mxproxy (3.2.9-1)
type d’enveloppe générique de mandataire pour Python
python-egenix-mxqueue (3.2.9-1)
file d’attente rapide et peu gourmande pour Python
python-egenix-mxstack (3.2.9-1)
fast and memory-efficient stack for Python
python-egenix-mxtexttools (3.2.9-1)
outils de traitement de texte rapides pour Python
python-egenix-mxtools (3.2.9-1)
collection de constructions prédéfinies pour Python
python-egenix-mxuid (3.2.9-1)
unique identifiers for Python
python-egenix-mxurl (3.2.9-1)
flexible URL datatype for Python
python-elasticsearch (5.4.0-1)
Python client for Elasticsearch
python-elasticsearch-curator (5.2.0-1)
Python library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices
python-elementtidy (1.0-8+b3)
An HTML tree builder for ElementTree based on Tidy
python-elib.intl (0.0.3~git20110809-5)
enhanced internationalization (I18N) for Python
python-elixir (0.7.1-4)
declarative mapper for SQLAlchemy
python-emcee (2.2.1-1)
Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python
python-empy (3.3.2-2)
Système de gabarit-modèle pour Python (Python⋅2)
python-enable (4.5.1-4)
Drawing and interaction packages
python-enchant (2.0.0-1)
bibliothèque de correction orthographique pour Python
python-enet (0.0~vcs.2017.05.26.git-2.1+b1)
Python2 wrapper for the ENet library
python-enki2 (1:1.6.0-6+b1)
Python bindings for the library libenki2
python-enthoughtbase (3.1.0-2)
paquets essentiels pour Enthought Tool Suite
python-entrypoints (0.3-1)
Discover and load entry points from installed packages (Python 2)
python-enum34 (1.1.6-2)
rétroportage du paquet enum de Python 3.4
python-envisage (4.4.0-1)
Extensible Application Framework
python-envparse (0.2.0-1)
environment variable parsing (Python 2)
python-enzyme (0.4.1-1.1)
video metadata parser (Python 2)
python-epc (0.0.5-2)
RPC stack for Emacs Lisp (Python2 version)
python-ephem (
Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python 2
python-epr (0.9.5-2)
API de Python pour ENVISAT Product Reader – Python 2
python-epsilon (0.7.1-1.1)
modules d’utilitaires en Python, couramment utilisés par
python-epydoc (3.0.1+dfsg-20)
outil pour la documentation de modules de Python
python-esmre (0.3.1-3+b4)
Regular expression acceleration in Python2
python-espeak (0.5-1+b6 [amd64, armhf, i386], 0.5-1+b4 [arm64])
Python bindings for eSpeak
python-et-xmlfile (1.0.1-2)
low memory library for creating large XML files (Python 2)
python-etcd (0.4.5-1)
Python Etcd client library
python-etcd3gw (0.2.1-1)
client for etcd3 grpc-gateway v3 API - Python 2.7
python-ethtool (0.14-1)
Python bindings for the ethtool kernel interface - Python 2.7
python-evdev (1.1.2+dfsg-1+b10)
Python bindings for the Linux input subsystem
python-evemu (2.7.0-1+deb10u1)
Linux Input Event Device Emulation Library - Python bindings
python-eventlet (0.20.0-6)
bibliothèque de réseautique concurrente – Python 2.x
python-evtx (0.6.1-1+deb10u1)
parser for recent Windows Event Log files -- Python 2 version
python-ewmh (0.1.6-1)
Python interface to EWMH-compliant window managers (Python 2)
python-exabgp (4.0.8-1)
BGP swiss army knife of networking - Python 2 module
python-exactimage (1.0.2-1+deb10u1)
fast image manipulation library (Python bindings)
python-exam (0.10.5-2)
Python module to help write better tests
python-excelerator (
module pour lire et écrire des fichiers de feuille de calcul Excel
python-exconsole (0.1.5+git20131201-1)
emergency/postmortem Python console
python-execnet (1.5.0-4)
déploiement rapide multi-Python — Python 2
python-exif (2.1.2-1)
Python library to extract Exif data from TIFF and JPEG files
python-exotel (0.1.5-1)
Python library for exotel APIs (Python 2)
python-expiringdict (1.1.2-1)
Python caching library
python-extractor (1:0.6-7)
extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (Python bindings)
python-extras (1.0.0-3)
extensions de la bibliothèque standard de Python – Python 2.x
python-fabio (0.8.0+dfsg-1)
bibliothèque d'E/S pour les images produites par détecteurs de rayons⋅X en⋅2D — Python 2
python-factory-boy (2.11.1-2)
test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - Python 2.x
python-fake-factory (0.7.7-2.1)
Faker is a Python library that generates fake data (Python 2)
python-fakeredis (1.0.3-1)
Fake version of a redis-py - Python 2.x
python-fakesleep (0.1-1)
Fake version of time.sleep() for use in tests
python-falcon (1.0.0-2+b3)
supersonic micro-framework for building cloud APIs - Python 2.x
python-fann2 (1:1.1.2+ds-1)
Python bindings for FANN
python-fast5 (0.6.5-2+b1)
library for reading Oxford Nanopore Fast5 files -- Python 2
python-fastcluster (1.1.25-2)
Fast hierarchical clustering routines for Python
python-fasteners (0.12.0-3)
fourniture de verrous utiles – Python.2.7
python-fastimport (0.9.8-2)
bibliothèque d'analyse et de création pour le format de fichier Fastimport
python-fastkml (0.11-2)
fast KML processing
python-faulthandler (2.4-1)
Display the Python backtrace on a crash
python-fcgi (19980130-1)
module FastCGI simple pour Python
python-fdb (2.0.0-1)
Python2 DB-API driver for Firebird
python-fdsend (0.2.1-2)
Provides an abstraction for file descriptor passing via sockets
python-feature-check (0.2.2-3+deb10u1)
query a program for supported features - Python 2.x library
python-fedora (0.10.0-1)
Python modules for interacting with Fedora Services (Python 2)
python-feed (0.7.4-2)
modules pour Python pour exploiter les fils de syndication – Python 2
python-feedgenerator (1.9-1)
Syndication feed generation library (Python 2 version)
python-feedparser (5.2.1-1)
analyseur universel de flux de données pour Python
python-feedvalidator (0~svn1022-3)
library and tool for validating syndication feeds
python-ferret (7.4.4-1)
Python wrapper for the Ferret visualization and analysis environment
python-ffc (2018.1.0-5)
compilateur pour des formes variationnelles d’éléments finis
python-fftw (0.2.2-1)
Python bindings to the FFTW3 C-library for Fourier transforms
python-fiat (2018.1.0-5)
tabulation of finite element function spaces (Python 3)
python-fibranet (10-3.1)
cooperative threading and event driven framework
python-file-encryptor (0.2.9-2)
Python module to convergently encrypt and decrypt files
python-filelock (3.0.10-1)
platform independent file locking module (Python 2)
python-fiona (1.8.4-1+b1)
Python API for reading/writing vector geospatial data
python-first (2.0.0-2)
simple function that returns the first true value from an iterable
python-fisx (1.1.6-1)
Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library - (Python 2)
python-fisx-common (1.1.6-1)
Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis Support Library - (Common)
python-fitbit (0.3.0-4)
FitBit REST API Client Implementation - Python 2
python-fitsio (0.9.12+dfsg-1)
Python 2 library to read from and write to FITS files
python-fiu (0.98-2)
userspace fault injection framework (Python bindings)
python-fixtures (3.0.0-2)
PyUnit extension for defining test fixtures outside of test cases - Python 2.x
python-flake8 (3.6.0-1)
code checker using pycodestyle and pyflakes - Python 2.x
python-flaky (3.3.0-1)
Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests (Python 2)
python-flask (1.0.2-3+deb10u1) [security]
micro web framework based on Werkzeug and Jinja2 - Python 2.7
python-flask-api-common (1.1+dfsg-1)
Browsable web APIs for the Flask micro web framework - static resources
python-flask-autoindex (0.6.2-1)
automatically generated index pages for Flask applications (Python 2)
python-flask-babel (0.11.2-2)
internationalization and localization support for Flask (Python 2)
python-flask-bcrypt (0.7.1-1)
Python 2 flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities
python-flask-compress (1.4.0-2)
Compress responses in a Flask app with gzip (Python 2)
python-flask-flatpages (0.6-1)
Provides flat static pages to a Python 2 Flask application
python-flask-gravatar (0.4.2-1)
Extension for Flask to make usage of Gravatar service
python-flask-htmlmin (1.3.2-1)
Minimize render templates html
python-flask-httpauth (3.2.4-3)
Basic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask (Python 2)
python-flask-migrate (2.1.1-2)
SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
python-flask-mongoengine (0.9.3-2)
Extension that provides integration with MongoEngine (Python 2)
python-flask-oldsessions (0.10+git20121007-2)
Provides a session class that works like the one before 0.10
python-flask-openid (1.2.5+dfsg-2)
OpenID support for Flask applications (Python 2)
python-flask-peewee (0.6.7-1)
Peewee integration for flask (Python 2)
python-flask-principal (0.4.0-1)
identity management for Flask
python-flask-rdf (0.2.1-1+deb10u1)
Flask decorator to output RDF using content negotiation (Python 2)
python-flask-restful (0.3.7-1)
REST API framework for Flask applications (Python Module)
python-flask-script (2.0.6-1)
set of utilities for use with the Flask framework
python-flask-silk (0.2-13)
FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications (Python 2)
python-flask-sockets (0.2.1-2)
elegant WebSockets for your Flask apps
python-flask-sqlalchemy (2.1-3)
adds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application
python-flaskext.multistatic (1.0-1)
Simple Flask plugin for overriding static files (Python 2) (0.14.2-3)
Simple integration of Flask and WTForms (Python 2)
python-flexmock (0.10.3-1)
Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python
python-flickrapi (2.1.2-5)
Flickr API wrapper for Python 2
python-flufl.enum (4.1.1-1)
yet another Python enumeration package (Python 2)
python-flufl.password (1.3-2)
password hashing and verification
python-fluids (0.1.73-1)
Python fluid dynamics and engineering design library
python-flup (1.0.2-5)
Implements Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI)
python-fmcs (1.0-1)
Find Maximum Common Substructure
python-fontconfig (0.5.1-1+b6 [amd64, armhf, i386], 0.5.1-1+b4 [arm64])
liaisons Python pour la bibliothèque Fontconfig
python-fontforge (1:20170731~dfsg-1+deb10u1) [security]
éditeur de fonte de caractères –⋅liaisons Python
python-fonttools (3.35.1-1)
Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML (Python 2 Library)
python-foolscap (0.13.1-3)
object-capability-based RPC system for Twisted Python
python-forge (1.3.0-4)
modules d’objets factices et de tests – version Python 2
python-forgethtml (0.0.20031008-11)
module Python pour écrire facilement du HTML
python-forgetsql (0.5.1-13)
module Python pour un accès facile à une base de données SQL
python-formencode (1.3.0-3)
validation and form generation Python package
python-fparser (0.0.8-2)
Python Parser for the Fortran language
python-fpconst (0.7.2-6)
Utilities for handling IEEE 754 floating point special values
python-fpylll (0.4.1+ds1-5)
Python wrapper for LLL-reduction of Euclidean lattices -- Python
python-freecontact (1.1-4)
fast protein contact predictor - binding for Python
python-freenect (1:0.5.3-1+b2)
library for accessing Kinect device -- Python bindings
python-freezegun (0.3.11-0.1)
Python library to mock the datetime module in unit testing
python-freshen (0.2-2)
environnement de test d'acceptance pour Python
python-frozen-flask (0.11-3)
Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
python-frozendict (1.2-1)
immutable dictionary - Python 2.7
python-fs (2.2.1-1)
Python filesystem abstraction
python-fsapfs (20190210-1)
APFS access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-fswrap (1.0.1-0.2)
unified object oriented interface to file system objects
python-ftdi1 (1.4-1+b2)
Python module to control and program the FTDI USB controllers
python-fte (0.1.0-1.1)
encryption library to thwart deep packet inspection censorship
python-ftp-cloudfs (0.25.2+20140217+git2a90c1a2eb-1)
FTP interface to Rackspace Cloud Files and OpenStack - Python lib
paquet virtuel fourni par ftp-cloudfs
python-fudge (1.1.0-1)
Python 2 module for using fake objects for tests
python-funcparserlib (0.3.6-7)
Recursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
python-funcsigs (1.0.2-4)
signatures de fonction de PEP 362 – Python 2.7
python-functools32 (
rétroportage du module functools de Python 3.2.3 vers Python 2.7
python-fuse (2:0.3.1-1)
Python bindings for FUSE (Filesystems in USErspace)
python-fusepy (3.0.1-1)
simple Python interface to FUSE (Python 2)
python-future (0.16.0-1)
single-source support for Python 3 and 2 - Python 2.x
python-futurist (1.6.0-2)
useful additions to futures, from the future - Python 2.x
python-fuzzywuzzy (0.17.0-1)
Python module for fuzzy string matching
python-fysom (2.1.5-2)
pYthOn Finite State Machine
python-gabbi (1.40.0-4)
bibliothèque déclarative de tests HTTP – Python 2.x
python-gadfly (1.0.0-16)
SQL database and parser generator for Python
python-gamera (1:3.4.3-1)
cadriciel pour la création d'applications d'analyse de documents
python-gamera-dev (1:3.4.3-1)
framework for document analysis applications (header files)
python-gamera.toolkits.greekocr (1.0.1-11)
toolkit for building OCR systems for polytonal Greek
python-gamera.toolkits.ocr (1.2.2-6)
toolkit for building OCR systems
python-gamin (0.1.10-5+b1)
liaisons de Python pour la bibliothèque client de gamin
python-gammu (2.12-1)
module de Python pour accéder à des téléphones mobiles – Python 2
python-ganeti-rapi (2.16.0-5)
cluster virtualization manager - RAPI client library
python-gasp (0.3.4-2)
procedural Python graphics library for beginning programmers
python-gastables (0.3-2.2)
compressible flow gas table modules for Python
python-gccjit (0.4-8)
Python bindings for libgccjit
python-gcm-client (0.1.4-1)
Python client for Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)
python-gd (0.59-1)
enveloppe de module Python pour libgd
python-gdal (2.4.0+dfsg-1+deb10u1) [security]
Python bindings to the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
python-gdbm (2.7.16-2)
prise en charge de base de données GNU dbm pour Python⋅2
python-gdchart2 (0.beta1-3.8)
interface orientée objet de Python pour GDChart
python-gdspy (1.3.1-3)
Python library for GDSII handling
python-gear (0.5.8-4)
bibliothèque asynchrone du protocole Gear, en Python pur – Python 2.x
python-gencpp (0.6.0-4)
C++ Robot OS message and service generators - Python 2 version
python-genetic (0.1.1b-11)
algorithmes génétiques en Python
python-genlisp (0.4.16-4)
Common-Lisp Robot OS message and service generators - Python 2 version
python-genmsg (0.5.11-2)
Python 2 library for generating Robot OS message and service data
python-genometools (1.5.10+ds-3)
Python bindings for genometools
python-genpy (0.6.7-3)
Python 2 Robot OS message and service generators
python-genshi (0.7.1-5)
moteur de modèle basée sur XML de Python – Python 2.x
python-genty (1.3.0-1)
Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets (Python 2)
python-geographiclib (1.49-4)
implémentation en Python de GeographicLib
python-geohash (0.8.3-1.1)
fast, accurate Python geohashing library
python-geoip (1.3.2-2)
Python bindings for the GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library
python-geoip2 (2.9.0+dfsg1-1)
Python geoip2 API for web services and databases - Python 2.x
python-geojson (2.4.1-1)
Python 2 bindings and utilities for GeoJSON
python-geolinks (0.2.0-3)
bibliothèque de Python 2 pour les liens géospatiaux (catalogue interoperablity)
python-geometry-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS geometry, Python 2 interface
python-geopandas (0.4.0-3)
Python tools for geographic data
python-geopy (1.18.1-1)
geocoding toolbox for Python
python-germinate (2.31)
expand dependencies in seed packages (Python 2 interface)
python-gerritlib (0.8.0-1)
client library for accessing Gerrit with Python
python-getdns (1.0.0~b1-1+b4)
modern asynchronous DNS API (python bindings)
python-getfem++ (5.2+dfsg1-7+b1)
Python interface to the GETFEM++ generic finite element library
python-gevent (1.3.7-1)
gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library
python-gevent-websocket (0.9.3-1)
websocket library for the gevent networking library
python-gflags (1.5.1-5)
implementation of the Google command line flags module - Python 2.x
python-gi (3.30.4-1)
interface en Python 2.x pour les bibliothèques gobject-introspection
python-gi-cairo (3.30.4-1)
interfaçage avec Python Cairo pour la bibliothèque GObject
python-gi-dev (3.30.4-1)
en-têtes de développement pour l'interfaçage de GOject avec Python
python-git (2.1.11-1+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque Python pour interagir avec des dépôts Git –⋅Python 2.7
python-git-os-job (1.0.1-2)
show the OpenStack job logs for a commit - Python 2.7
python-gitdb (2.0.5-1)
pure-Python git object database (Python 2)
python-github (1.40-1)
Access to full Github API v3 from Python2
python-gitlab (1:1.6.0-3)
Python GitLab API client library
python-glade2 (2.24.0-5.1+b1)
Correspondance GTK+ : gestion de Glade
python-glance-store (0.26.1-4)
OpenStack Image Service store library - Python 2.7
python-glanceclient (1:2.13.1-1)
bibliothèque cliente pour le serveur Glance d’OpenStack – Python 2.x
python-glareclient (0.5.3-2)
client library for the OpenStack GLare Artifact REpository API - Python 2.7
python-glob2 (0.5-2)
Enhanced glob module for Python
python-gmplot (1.2.0-1)
matplotlib-like interface to plotting data with Google Maps
python-gmpy (1.17-4)
interfaces GMP to Python for fast, unbound-precision computations
python-gmpy-doc (1.17-4)
interfaces GMP to Python for fast, unbound-precision computations
python-gmpy2 (2.1.0~a4-1)
interfaces GMP to Python 2 for fast, unbound-precision computations
python-gmpy2-common (2.1.0~a4-1)
common files for python-gmpy2
python-gmpy2-doc (2.1.0~a4-1)
documentation for python-gmpy2
python-gnatpython (54-3+b1)
Python framework to ease development of test suites
python-gnocchiclient (7.0.2-2)
liaisons pour l’API Gnocchi d’OpenStack – Python 2.7
python-gnucap (0.0.2-1.1)
Python 2 bindings for the GNU Circuit Analysis Package
python-gnupg (0.4.4-1)
Python wrapper for the GNU Privacy Guard (Python 2.x)
python-gnuplot (1.8-6)
interface de Python pour le programme de tracé gnuplot
python-gnuplotlib (0.28-1)
Gnuplot-based plotter for numpy
python-gnutls (3.1.2-1)
Python wrapper for the GNUTLS library
python-goocalendar (0.4-2)
Calendar widget for GTK+ using PyGoocanvas (Python 2)
python-google-auth (1.5.1-1)
Google Authentication Library - Python 2.7
python-googleapi (1.5.5-1)
Google APIs Client Library - Python 2.x
python-googleapi-samples (1.5.5-1)
Google APIs Client Library for Python, samples
python-gpg (1.12.0-6)
interface Python pour la bibliothèque GnuPG de chiffrement, GPGME (Python 2)
python-gphoto2cffi (0.4.3~a1-1)
GPhoto2 bindings with simpler API
python-gpiozero (1.4.1-1.1)
simple interface to everyday GPIO components used with Raspberry Pi (Python 2)
python-gpiv (2.0.0-4.2)
wrapper of libgpiv
python-gpod (0.8.3-13)
Python bindings for libgpod
python-gps (3.17-7)
Global Positioning System - Python libraries
python-gpxpy (1.3.4-1)
GPX file parser and GPS track manipulation library (Python 2)
python-gpyfft (0.7.0-1+b1)
Wrapper for the OpenCL FFT library clFFT (Python 2)
python-grapefruit (0.1~a3+dfsg-6)
Python module to manipulate color information easily (Python 2)
python-graphy (1.0+dfsg-3)
chart generation library for Python
python-graypy (0.2.14-1)
Python logging handler that sends messages in GELF (Python 2)
python-greenlet (0.4.15-2)
Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
python-greenlet-dev (0.4.15-2)
Lightweight in-process concurrent programming - development files
python-grib (2.0.4-1)
Python module for reading and writing GRIB files
python-grib-doc (2.0.4-1)
Documentation and examples for Python GRIB
python-gribapi (1.28.0-2)
Python module for the ECMWF GRIB API library
python-gridfs (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
implémentation en Python de GridFS pour MongoDB
python-grpcio (1.16.1-1)
GRPC system (Python 2)
python-gssapi (1.4.1-1+b1)
Python interface to GSSAPI
python-gst-1.0 (1.14.4-1+b1)
GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python
python-gtextfsm (0.2.1-1)
template based state machine for parsing semi-formatted text
python-gtk2 (2.24.0-5.1+b1)
Liens (bindings) Python pour les widgets GTK+
python-gtk2-dev (2.24.0-5.1)
GTK+ bindings: devel files
python-gtkglext1 (1.1.0-9.1)
GtkGLext python bindings
python-gtkspellcheck (4.0.5-1)
Python 2 spellchecking library GTK+ based on Enchant
python-gts (0.3.1-7)
Python wrapper for the GNU Triangulated Surface library (GTS)
python-gtts (1.2.0-1)
Wrapper for the Google TTS (Text-to-Speech) API (Python 2)
python-gtts-token (1.1.1-1)
Calculates a token to run the Google Translate text to speech (Python 2)
python-guestfs (1:1.40.2-2)
guest disk image management system - Python bindings
python-guidata (1.7.6-1)
dataset manipulation GUI generator - Python 2
python-guiqwt (3.0.3-3)
efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 2
python-gumbo (0.10.1+dfsg-2.3)
pure-C HTML5 parser Python bindings
python-gv (2.40.1-6+deb10u1)
liaisons Python pour graphviz
python-gvgen (0.9-3)
Python class to generate dot files
python-gwebsockets (0.4-3)
websocket server written in Python
python-gyoto (1.3.1-1)
General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 2 language
python-h2 (3.0.1-4)
Pure-Python HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation in Python
python-h5py (2.8.0-3)
general-purpose Python interface to hdf5 (Python 2)
python-hachoir-core (1.3.3-4)
essentiel du cadriciel Hachoir : analyse et édition de fichiers binaires
python-hachoir-metadata (1.3.3-2)
Programme d’extraction des métadonnées utilisant la bibliothèque Hachoir
python-hachoir-parser (1.3.4-2)
Package of Hachoir parsers used to open binary files
python-hachoir-regex (1.0.5-2)
regular expressions manipulation Python library
python-hachoir-subfile (0.5.3-3)
find subfiles in any binary stream
python-hachoir-urwid (1.1-3)
Binary file explorer using Hachoir and urwid libraries
python-hachoir-wx (0.3-3)
wxWidgets GUI for the hachoir binary parser
python-hacking (1.1.0-2)
Flake8 OpenStack Hacking Guidelines Enforcement plugins - Python 2.x
python-halberd (0.2.4-2)
Python2 HTTP load balancer detector
python-hamcrest (1.8.0-1.1)
Hamcrest framework for matcher objects (Python 2)
python-haproxy-log-analysis (2.0~b0-1)
generate aggregate statistics from HAProxy HTTP logs (Python 2)
python-hashids (1.2.0-2)
Python implementation of hashids (Python 2 version)
python-hdate (1.6.02-2+b1)
Provides a library that help use Hebrew dates (Python bindings)
python-hdf-compass (0.6.0-1)
public modules for the HDF Compass
python-heatclient (1.16.1-2)
bibliothèque client et interface en ligne de commande pour Heat d'OpenStack –⋅Python 2.7
python-hid (0.7.99.post21-1+b1)
cython interface to hidapi
python-hidapi (0.2.2-1)
Python bindings for the HID API
python-hijra (0.4.1-1) [non-free]
Hijri Islamic Calendar converting functions for Python
python-hiredis (0.3.1-1)
redis protocol reader for Python 2.X using hiredis
python-hivex (1.3.18-1+deb10u1)
Python bindings for hivex
python-hkdf (0.0.3-3)
HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
python-hl7 (0.3.4-3)
Python library for parsing HL7 messages
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-hl7
python-hp3parclient (3.0.0-2)
client library that can talk to the HP 3PAR Storage array
python-hpack (3.0.0-3)
Pure-Python HTTP/2 header encoding (HPACK)
python-hpilo (4.3-1)
HP iLO XML interface access from Python
python-hplefthandclient (1.0.1-2)
HP LeftHand/StoreVirtual HTTP REST Client - Python 2.x
python-html2text (2018.1.9-1)
module Python de conversion de HTML vers Markdown
python-html5-parser (0.4.5-1)
analyseur rapide, se conformant aux normes et basé sur C, d’HTML 5 pour Python
python-html5lib (1.0.1-1)
HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specification
python-htmlmin (0.1.12-1)
HTML Minifier
python-htmltmpl (1.22-10.1)
moteur de modélisation pour séparer le code du HTML
python-htseq (0.11.2-1)
Python high-throughput genome sequencing read analysis utilities
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-htseq
python-httmock (1.3.0-1)
Mocking library for python-requests
python-http-parser (0.8.3-3)
http request/response parser
python-httplib2 (0.11.3-2)
bibliothèque Python complète de fonctions clientes HTTP
python-httpretty (0.9.5-3)
client mock HTTP –⋅Python 2.x
python-humanfriendly (4.18-1)
Python library to make user friendly text interfaces
python-humanize (0.5.1-3)
Python Humanize library (Python 2)
python-hunspell (0.5.5-1)
liaisons Python 2 pour hunspell
python-hupper (1.5-1)
Integrated process monitor for developing servers (Python 2)
python-hurry.filesize (0.9-2)
tailles de fichier ou autre en octet lisibles par un humain – Python 2.x
python-hy (0.12.1-2)
Lisp (s-expression) based frontend to Python
python-hydroffice.bag (0.2.15-2)
manage Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) data files (Python 2)
python-hyperframe (5.1.0-1)
Pure-Python HTTP/2 framing code
python-hyperlink (17.3.1-2)
Immutable, Pythonic, correct URLs.
python-hypothesis (3.71.11-1)
advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 2
python-iapws (1.3-2)
Python implementation of the international APWS-IF97 steam tables
python-ibm-db-sa (0.3.0-3)
prise en charge de SQLAlchemy pour les serveurs de données d’IBM – Python 2.x
python-icalendar (4.0.3-2)
parser/generator of iCalendar files for use with Python2
python-id3 (1.2-6.3)
Python module for id3-tags manipulation
python-idna (2.6-1+deb10u1) [security]
gestion Python de IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) –⋅Python⋅2
python-ieee1284 (0.2.11-13)
liaisons de Python à libieee1284
python-ifeffit (2:1.2.11d-10.2+b3) [contrib]
Python GUI interface and extensions for IFEFFIT
python-igraph (0.7.1.post6-7)
High performance graph data structures and algorithms (Python 2)
python-ijson (2.3-2)
event-driven JSON parser (Python 2 version)
python-ilorest (2.3.1+20180725+ds-1)
RESTful API for HPE iLO and iLO Chassis Manager based HPE servers (Python2)
python-image-geometry (1.13.0+ds-2)
image_geometry Robot OS package - Python 2 bindings
python-imageio (2.4.1-2)
library for reading and writing image data (Python 2)
python-imagesize (1.0.0-1)
Python 2 module for getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
python-imaplib2 (2.57-5)
Threaded Python IMAP4 client
python-imobiledevice (1.2.1~git20181030.92c5462-2+deb10u1)
Python bindings for communicating with iPhone and other Apple device
python-impacket (0.9.15-5)
Python module to easily build and dissect network protocols
python-imposm (2.6.0+ds-6+b1)
importateur de données OpenStreetMap – module de Python
python-imposm-parser (1.0.7+ds-6+b1)
module de Python pour analyser les données d’OpenStreetMap
python-incremental (16.10.1-3)
Library for versioning Python projects.
python-indexed-gzip (0.8.6-1+b1)
fast random access of gzip files in Python
python-indigo (1.2.3-1)
Organic Chemistry Toolkit (Python module)
python-inflect (2.1.0-1)
Generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles
python-inflection (0.3.1-1)
Port of Ruby on Rails' inflector (Python 2)
python-influxdb (5.2.0-1)
Client for InfluxDB - Python 2.7
python-iniparse (0.4-2.2)
access and modify configuration data in INI files (Python 2)
python-inotifyx (0.2.0-1)
liaison simple de Python pour inotify de Linux
python-input-pad (1.0.3-3)
tablette de saisie sur écran de caractères avec la souris – Python
python-instagram (1.3.2+git20160108~dfeebe9-4)
Python 2 client for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
python-interactive-markers (1.11.4-1)
Robot OS interactive_markers - Python 2 package
python-intervaltree (3.0.2-1)
mutable, self-balancing interval tree (Python 2)
python-intervaltree-bio (1.0.1-3)
Interval tree convenience classes for genomic data -- Python 2 library
python-invocations (0.6.2-2)
reusable invoke tasks - Python 2.x
python-invoke (0.11.1+dfsg1-1)
Pythonic task execution - Python 2.x
python-ioprocess (0.15.1-3)
Python bindings for ioprocess
python-iowait (0.1-1.1)
Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
python-ipaclient (4.7.2-3+deb10u1) [security]
FreeIPA centralized identity framework -- Python modules for ipaclient
python-ipaddr (2.2.0-2)
Python module for working with IP addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6
python-ipaddress (1.0.17-1+deb10u1) [security]
rétroportage du module ipaddress de Python 3 – Python 2
python-ipalib (4.7.2-3+deb10u1) [security]
FreeIPA centralized identity framework -- shared Python modules
python-ipcalc (1.99.0-3.1)
Python IP subnet calculator
python-ipdb (0.11-1)
IPython-based pdb replacement
python-iptables (0.13.0-1+b1)
Python bindings for iptables (Python 2 interface)
python-iptcdata (1.0.5-2.1)
liaisons Python pour la bibliothèque iptcdata
python-ipy (1:0.83-1)
Python module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
python-ipykernel (4.9.0-1)
IPython kernel for Jupyter (Python 2)
python-ipython (5.8.0-1+deb10u1)
Enhanced interactive Python shell (Python 2 version)
python-ipython-genutils (0.2.0-1)
IPython vestigial utilities for Python 2
python-ipywidgets (6.0.0-4)
Interactive widgets for the Jupyter notebook (Python 2)
python-irc (8.5.3+dfsg-4)
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library — Python 2
python-ironic-inspector-client (3.3.0-2)
client pour Ironic Inspector –⋅Python 2.7
python-ironicclient (2.5.0-2)
Client for OpenStack bare metal Service - Python 2.7
python-isbnlib (3.9.3-1)
ISBN processing library
python-isc-dhcp-leases (0.9.1-1)
Python module for reading dhcp leases files (Python 2 interface)
python-iso3166 (0.8.git20170319-1)
Standalone ISO 3166-1 country definitions (Python 2)
python-iso8583 (1.1-2)
library for ISO 8583 transactions
python-iso8601 (0.1.11-1)
Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates - Python 2.x
python-isodate (0.6.0-1)
ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter (Python module)
python-isort (4.3.4+ds1-1.1)
library for sorting Python imports (Python 2)
python-isoweek (1.3.3-2)
Python module to provide the class Week
python-itango (0.1.7-1)
Interactive Tango client - Python 2
python-itsdangerous (0.24+dfsg1-2)
Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environment - Python 2.x
python-itypes (1.1.0-3)
Python basic immutable containers types library
python-jabber (0.5.0-1.6)
module Python pour la plate-forme de messagerie instantanée Jabber
python-jabberbot (0.15-1)
écriture facile de bots Jabber simples
python-jack-client (0.4.5-1)
JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Client for Python
python-jarabe (0.112-6)
Sugar Learning Platform - graphical shell
python-jaraco.itertools (2.0.1-3)
Tools for working with iterables (Python 2)
python-jaxml (3.01-6.2)
Python module for generating XML documents
python-jdcal (1.0-1.2)
Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars
python-jedi (0.13.2-1)
autocompletion tool for Python
python-jellyfish (0.5.6-3+b2)
Library for approximate and phonetic matching of strings (Python 2)
python-jenkinsapi (0.2.30-1)
bindings for Python usage of the Jenkins remote API
python-jinja2 (2.10-2+deb10u1) [security]
small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
python-jinja2-time (0.2.0-1)
Jinja2 extension for dates and times - Python 2.x
python-jira (2.0.0-1)
JIRA Python library (Python 2)
python-jmespath (0.9.4-1)
JSON Matching Expressions (Python 2)
python-joblib (0.13.0-2+deb10u2) [security]
tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python
python-josepy (1.1.0-2)
JOSE implementation for Python 2.x
python-jpy (0.9.0-2)
Bi-directional Python-Java bridge
python-jpylyzer (1.18.0-3)
JP2 (JPEG 2000 Part 1) validator and properties extractor
python-jpype (0.6.3+dfsg-1+b1)
Binding the worlds of Java and Python (for Python 2)
python-jsbeautifier (1.6.4-7)
JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier (python2)
python-jsmin (2.2.2-1)
JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 2.x
python-json-pointer (1.10-1)
resolve JSON pointers - Python 2.7
python-json-tricks (3.11.0-1)
Python module with extra features for JSON files
python-jsondiff (1.1.1-2)
diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python 2
python-jsonext (0.4.1-1)
serialisation to/from JSON for extra types — Python 2
python-jsonhyperschema-codec (1.0.3-1)
Python2 JSON Hyper-Schema codec for Core API
python-jsonpatch (1.21-1)
library to apply JSON patches - Python 2.x
python-jsonpath-rw (1.4.0-3)
extended implementation of JSONPath for Python 2.x
python-jsonpath-rw-ext (1.1.3-1)
extensions for JSONPath RW - Python 2.x
python-jsonpickle (0.9.5-1)
Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 2)
python-jsonpipe (0.0.8-5)
Convert JSON to a UNIX-friendly line-based format
python-jsonrpc2 (0.4.1-2)
Python WSGI Framework for JSON RPC 2.0 (Python 2)
python-jsonrpclib (0.1.7-1)
implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
python-jsonschema (2.6.0-4)
An(other) implementation of JSON Schema (Draft 3 and 4) - Python 2.7
python-junit.xml (1.8-1)
creates JUnit XML test result docs readable by tools such as Jenkins
python-junitxml (0.6-1.3)
PyUnit extension for reporting in JUnit compatible XML
python-junos-eznc (2.1.7-2)
Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers (Python 2)
python-jupyter-client (5.2.3-1)
Jupyter protocol client APIs (Python 2)
python-jupyter-console (5.2.0-1)
Jupyter terminal client (Python 2)
python-jupyter-core (4.4.0-2+deb10u1) [security]
Core common functionality of Jupyter projects for Python 2
python-jupyter-sphinx-theme (0.0.6+ds1-6)
Jupyter Sphinx Theme -- Python
python-jwt (1.7.0-2)
Python implementation of JSON Web Token
python-k8sclient (0.3.0-1)
Kubernetes API Python client code - Python 2.7
python-kafka (1.4.3-1)
client en Python pur pour Apache Kafka – Python 2.x
python-kaitaistruct (0.8-1)
Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data
python-kajiki (0.7.2-1)
Really fast well-formed xml templates - Python 2.x
python-kaptan (0.5.10-1)
Python configuration manager in various formats
python-karborclient (1.1.0-2)
karbor API client - Python 2.7
python-kazoo (2.5.0-1)
higher level API to Apache Zookeeper (Python 2)
python-kdcproxy (0.4-1)
Kerberos KDC HTTP proxy WSGI module for python
python-kdl-parser (1.13.1-1)
Robot OS kdl_parser library - Python
python-kdtree (0.7.1+git20101123-4+b4)
container for kd-tree sorting for Python
python-keepalive (0.5-1)
urllib keepalive support for Python 2
python-keepkey (0.7.3-1)
library for communicating with KeepKey Hardware Wallet
python-kerberos (1.1.14-2)
module d’interface GSS-API — Python 2.x
python-keybinder (0.3.1-1)
registers global key bindings for applications - Python bindings
python-keyczar (0.716+ds-3)
boîte à outils pour un chiffrement sûr et simple pour Python
python-keyring (17.1.1-1)
store and access your passwords safely
python-keyrings.alt (3.1.1-1)
alternate backend implementations for python-keyring
python-keystoneauth1 (3.10.0-2+deb10u1)
authentication library for OpenStack Identity - Python 2.7
python-keystoneclient (1:3.17.0-2)
client library for the OpenStack Keystone API - Python 2.x
python-keystonemiddleware (5.2.0-2)
Middleware for OpenStack Identity (Keystone) - Python 2.x
python-keyutils (0.6-1)
Python2 bindings for keyutils
python-kid (0.9.6-3)
simple langage pythonien de modèle pour une terminologie basée sur XML
python-kineticstools (0.6.1+git20180425.27a1878-2)
detection of DNA modifications (Python 2 library)
python-kitchen (1.2.5-4)
Python library of containers, text and i18n helpers (Python 2)
python-kiwi (1.9.22-4)
Cadre graphique pour construire des interfaces graphiques simples
python-kiwisolver (1.0.1-2+b1)
fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver - Python 2.X
python-kjbuckets (1:1.0.0-16)
Set and graph data types for Python
python-kml (1.3.0-7)
Library to manipulate KML 2.2 OGC standard files - Python extension
python-kmodpy (0.1.10-2.1)
Python binding for kmod
python-kolabformat (1.1.6-4)
Python 2 bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing
python-kombu (4.2.1-3)
AMQP Messaging Framework for Python
python-krbv (1.0.90-1)
Python extension module for Kerberos 5
python-ktoblzcheck (1.49-5)
library for verification of account numbers and bank codes (Python bindings)
python-kubernetes (7.0.0~a1-1)
Kubernetes Python client - Python 2.7
python-l20n (4.0.0~a1-3)
cadriciel de localisation linguistique de Mozilla – Python 2
python-laditools (1.1.0-3.1)
Python module to control and monitor the LADI system
python-landslide (1.1.3-1)
Lightweight markup language-based html5 slideshow generator (compatibility package)
python-langdetect (1.0.7-3)
Python library for language-detection (Python 2)
python-lasagne (0.1+git20181019.a61b76f-1)
deep learning library build on the top of Theano (Python2 modules)
python-laser-geometry (1.6.4-6)
Robot OS laser geometry package - Python 2 bindings
python-lasso (2.6.0-2+deb10u1)
Library for Liberty Alliance and SAML protocols - Python bindings
python-latexcodec (1.0.5-1)
LaTeX lexer and codec library for Python
python-launchpadlib (1.10.6-2)
Launchpad web services client library
python-lazr.config (2.2-1)
ini-file format handling supporting schemas and inheritance
python-lazr.delegates (2.0.3-1)
easily write objects that delegate behavior
python-lazr.restfulclient (0.14.2-1)
client pour les services Web basés sur lazr.restful
python-lazr.smtptest (2.0.3-1)
framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries
python-lazr.uri (1.0.3-3)
library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs
python-lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1-1+b1)
Python fast and thorough lazy object proxy
python-lazyarray (0.1.0-1)
Python module providing a NumPy-compatible lazily-evaluated array
python-ldap (3.1.0-2)
module d’interface LDAP pour Python
python-ldap3 (2.4.1-1)
Pure Python LDAP client library
python-ldaptor (0.0.43+debian1-7)
bibliothèque en Python pur pour des opérations LDAP
python-ldb (2:1.5.1+really1.4.6-3+deb10u1)
liaisons Python pour LDB
python-ldif3 (3.2.2-1)
generate and parse LDIF data
python-ldns (1.7.0-4)
Python bindings for the ldns library for DNS programming
python-ldtp (3.5.0-2)
interfaçage Python pour LDTP
python-ledger (3.1.2+dfsg1-1)
command-line double-entry accounting program (python extension)
python-lepl (5.1.3-2)
recursive descent parser library
python-lesscpy (0.13.0+ds-1)
compilateur LessCss pour Python⋅2.x
python-leveldb (0~svn68-3+b3)
Python wrapper for LevelDB (Python 2)
python-levenshtein (0.12.0-3)
extension pour le calcul de similarités de chaînes et les distances d’édition
python-lfc (1.10.0-2+b3)
LCG File Catalog (LFC) python2 bindings
python-libarchive-c (2.8-0.3)
interface Python pour libarchive
python-libavg (1.8.2-3)
High-level development platform for media-centric applications
python-libbde (20190102-1)
bibliothèque d'accès à BitLocker Drive Encryption –⋅liaisons Python⋅2
python-libbtbb-pcapdump (2018.08.R1-2)
pcapdump est un module Python pour pcap fourni par libbtbb
python-libcec (4.0.4+dfsg1-2)
liaisons Python pour l'adaptateur USB CEC
python-libcloud (2.4.0-1)
unified Python interface into the cloud
python-libconcord (1.3-1)
outil de configuration pour les télécommandes Harmony – liens Python
python-libdiscid (1.0-3+b1)
libdiscid binding for Python 2
python-libemu (0.2.0+git20120122-1.2+b1)
x86 shellcode detection and emulation - Python bindings
python-libesedb (20181229-3)
Extensible Storage Engine DB access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libevt (20181227-1)
Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libevtx (20181227-1)
Windows XML Event Log format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libewf (20140804-1)
support for Expert Witness Compression format -- Python 2 bindings
python-libfsntfs (20190104-1)
NTFS access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libfvde (20190104-1)
FileVault Drive Encryption access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libfwnt (20181227-1)
Windows NT data type library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libfwsi (20181227-1)
Windows Shell Item format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libguess (1.1-1)
high-speed character set detection library (Python wrapper)
python-libhamlib2 (3.3-5)
bibliothèque d'exécution Python pour contrôler les émetteurs et récepteurs radio
python-libhfst (3.15.0-1.1~deb10u1)
Helsinki Finite-State Transducer Technology (Python2 module)
python-libiio (0.16-1)
Python bindings for libiio
python-libipa-hbac (1.16.3-3.2+deb10u2) [security]
Python bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
python-liblarch (2.1.0-4)
easily handle data structures
python-liblas (1.8.1-10)
Python module to use the ASPRS LiDAR data translation library
python-liblinear (2.1.0+dfsg-4)
Python bindings for LIBLINEAR
python-liblnk (20181227-1)
Windows Shortcut File format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-liblo (0.10.0-3+b3)
Python 2 bindings for liblo, the lightweight OSC library
python-libmimic (1.0.4-2.3+b11)
A video codec for Mimic V2.x content (python bindings)
python-libmsiecf (20181227-1)
Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libnacl (1.6.1-4)
Python 2 bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
python-libnmap (0.7.0-1)
Python 2 NMAP library
python-libolecf (20181231-1)
OLE2 Compound File format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libpcap (0.6.4-1)
Python wrapper for libpcap packet capture library
python-libpfm4 (4.10.1+git10-gd2a5b56-1)
Python bindings for libpfm4
python-libproxy (0.4.15-5+deb10u1)
automatic proxy configuration management library (Python 2)
python-libqcow (20181227-1)
QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libravatar (1.7-5)
Libravatar module for Python 2
python-librdf (
Python language bindings for the Redland RDF library
python-libregf (20181231-1)
Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-librtmp (0.3.0-1+b3)
librtmp binding for Python 2
python-libsass (0.17.0-1)
SASS for Python: a straightforward binding of libsass for Python
python-libscca (20181227-1)
Windows Prefetch File access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libsigscan (20190103-1)
binary signature scanning library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libsmdev (20181227-1)
storage media device access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libsmraw (20181227-1)
split RAW image format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libsoc (0.8.2-2)
Python binding for libsoc
python-libssh2 (1.0.0-1.2)
Python binding for libssh2 library
python-libsss-nss-idmap (1.16.3-3.2+deb10u2) [security]
Python bindings for the SID lookups library
python-libsvm (3.21+ds-1.2)
Python interface for support vector machine library
python-libtcod (1.7.0+dfsg-2)
Python 2 bindings for the libtcod library
python-libthumbor (1.3.2-1)
Python module to make usage of Thumbor easy in Python
python-libtiff (0.4.2-5)
wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes
python-libtmux (0.8.0-1)
Python scripting library and ORM for tmux
python-libtorrent (1.1.11-2)
Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar
python-libturpial (1.7.0-4)
Python library that handles multiple microblogging protocols
python-libusb1 (1.7-1)
Python wrapper for libusb1 (Python 2)
python-libvhdi (20181227-1)
Virtual Hard Disk image format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libvirt (5.0.0-1)
libvirt Python bindings
python-libvmdk (20181227-1)
VMWare Virtual Disk format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libvoikko (4.2-1)
transitional dummy package for Python bindings for libvoikko
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-libvoikko
python-libvshadow (20190127-1)
Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libvslvm (20181227-1)
Linux LVM volume system format access library -- Python 2 bindings
python-libwfut-0.2 (0.2.3-6)
WorldForge Update Tool (Python bindings)
python-libxml2 (2.9.4+dfsg1-7+deb10u6) [security]
Interface Python pour la bibliothèque XML de GNOME
python-libxslt1 (1.1.32-2.2~deb10u2) [security]
liaisons Python pour libxslt1
python-lightblue (0.3.2-5)
cross-platform Bluetooth API for Python
python-linaro-image-tools (2016.05-1.1)
Python library for the manipulation of Linaro bootable media
python-linecache2 (1.0.0-3)
rétroportage du module linecache – Python 2.7
python-link-grammar (5.5.1-6)
Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (Python 2)
python-link-grammar-examples (5.5.1-6)
CMU's link grammar parser (Python examples)
python-linux-procfs (0.6.1-1)
Linux /proc abstraction classes in Python - Python 2.7
python-livereload (2.6.0-1)
automatic browser refresher
python-lldb (1:7.0-47)
débogueur haute performance de nouvelle génération –⋅bibliothèque Python
python-lldb-6.0 (1:6.0.1-10)
débogueur haute performance de nouvelle génération –⋅bibliothèque Python
python-lldb-7 (1:7.0.1-8+deb10u2)
débogueur haute performance de nouvelle génération –⋅bibliothèque Python
python-llfuse (1.3.6+dfsg-1)
Python bindings for the low-level FUSE API
python-llvmlite (0.27.0-2)
LLVM Python binding for writing JIT compilers
python-lmfit (0.9.11+dfsg-2)
Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 2)
python-lockfile (1:0.12.2-2)
file locking library for Python — Python 2 library
python-logbook (1.4.3-1)
logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's module
python-logging-tree (1.4-1)
introspect and display the logging tree in Python
python-loggingx (0.1.3-1.1)
Generic utilities for the Python logging facility.
python-logilab-common (1.4.2-1)
modules généraux pour des projets Logilab
python-logilab-constraint (0.6.0-1)
constraints satisfaction solver in Python
python-logsparser (0.4-1)
Python library for log parsing, tagging and analysis.
python-logutils (0.3.3-5)
handlers for the Python standard library's logging package - Python 2.x
python-louie (1.1-4)
mécanisme de distribution de signaux pour Python
python-louis (3.8.0-2)
liaisons de Python pour liblouis
python-lunch (0.4.0-2)
distributed process launcher
python-lupa (1.6+dfsg-3)
Python wrapper around LuaJIT (Python2 version)
python-lxc (0.1-3)
Linux Containers userspace tools (Python 2.x bindings)
python-lxml (4.3.2-1+deb10u4)
liaison Python pour les bibliothèques libxml2 et libxslt
python-ly (0.9.5-2)
Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond files (Python 2)
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-ly
python-lz4 (1.1.0+dfsg-1)
Python interface to the lz4 compression library
python-lzma (0.5.3-4)
Python bindings for liblzma
python-lzo (1.12-2)
Python bindings for the LZO data compression library
python-m2crypto (0.31.0-4+deb10u2)
Python wrapper for the OpenSSL library (Python 2 modules)
python-m2ext (0.1-1.2)
Extensions to the M2Crypto Python package
python-m3u8 (0.3.7-1)
Python m3u8 parser - Python 2.x
python-macaron (0.3.1-1)
simple ORM for Python, SQLite3 and Bottle web framework
python-macholib (1.11+repack0-1)
module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (Python 2 interface)
python-magic (2:0.4.15-2)
python2 interface to the libmagic file type identification library
python-magnumclient (2.10.0-3)
client library for Magnum API - Python 2.x
python-mailer (0.8.1-3)
Python module that simplifies sending email (Python 2)
python-mailutils (1:3.5-4)
GNU Mail abstraction library (Python interface)
python-mako (1.0.7+ds1-1+deb10u1) [security]
modelage rapide et léger pour la plate-forme Python
python-mandrill (1.0.57-1)
CLI client and Python API library for Mandrill
python-manilaclient (1.24.1-2)
système de fichiers partagé d’OpenStack comme service – client en Python 2.7
python-manuel (1.10.1-1)
Python library for testable documents and documented tests
python-map-msgs (1.13.0-8)
Python 2 code for map-related ROS Messages
python-mapbox-vector-tile (0.5.0+ds-6)
bibliothèque de tuiles vectorielles de Mapbox pour Python 2
python-mapnik (1:0.0~20180723-588fc9062-2)
Python 2 interface to the mapnik library
python-mapproxy (1.11.0-3+deb10u1)
open source proxy for geospatial data - Python 2 module
python-mapscript (7.2.2-1)
bibiothèque de Python pour MapServer
python-marathon (0.9.0-2)
Marathon Client Library - Python 2.7
python-marisa (0.2.5-2+b1)
Python bindings for MARISA
python-markdown (3.0.1-3)
text-to-HTML conversion library/tool (Python 2 version)
python-markupsafe (1.1.0-1)
HTML/XHTML/XML string library for Python
python-mate-menu (1.20.2-1)
Implémentation pour MATE des spécifications freedesktop de menu (liaisons Python)
python-mathgl (
library for scientific graphs (Python v.2 module)
python-matplotlib (2.2.3-6)
système de traçage basé sur Python dans un style similaire à celui Matlab
python-matplotlib-data (3.0.2-2)
système de traçage basé sur Python –⋅paquet de données
python-matplotlib-venn (0.11.5-5)
traçage de diagrammes de Venn à deux et trois cercles à aire pondérée pour Python
python-matplotlib2-data (2.2.3-6)
système de traçage basé sur Python –⋅paquet de données
python-maxminddb (1.4.1-1)
Python module for reading the MaxMind DB format
python-mccabe (0.6.1-2)
Python code complexity checker (Python 2)
python-measurement (2.0.1-1)
unit-aware measurement objects (Python2 version)
python-mecab (0.99.6-2)
mecab binding for Python
python-mechanicalsoup (0.10.0-2)
library for automating interaction with websites (Python 2)
python-mechanize (1:0.2.5-3+deb10u1) [security]
navigation du web programmée dynamiquement
python-med (4.0.0+repack-7)
python API for MED-fichier
python-mediainfodll (18.12-2)
library for reading metadata from media files -- shared library
python-medusa (1:0.5.4-7)
Framework for implementing asynchronous servers
python-meep (1.7.0-3)
software package for FDTD simulation with Python
python-meep-lam4 (1.7.0-3)
software package for FDTD simulation with Python
python-meep-mpi-default (1.7.0-3)
software package for FDTD simulation with Python
python-meep-mpich2 (1.7.0-3)
software package for FDTD simulation with Python
python-meep-openmpi (1.7.0-3)
software package for FDTD simulation with Python
python-meld3 (1.0.2-2)
HTML/XML templating system for Python
python-meliae (0.4.0+bzr199-4)
outil d’analyse de la mémoire pour Python
python-memcache (1.59-1)
pure Python memcached client
python-memory-profiler (0.52-1)
memory consumption analysis for Python programs (Python 2)
python-message-filters (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 2 library for Robot OS message-filters
python-metaconfig (0.1.4a1-5)
Python ConfigParser bootstrapping library
python-mhash (1.4-1.2)
Python bindings for libmhash
python-mia (0.1.9-2+b1)
Python-2 bindings for the MIA image processing library
python-microversion-parse (0.2.1-2)
OpenStack microversion header parsing library - Python 2.7
python-mididings (0~20120419~ds0-6+b1)
MIDI routing library for Python
python-midiutil (1.2.1-2)
Python 2 library to write multi-track MIDI files
python-mido (1.2.9-1)
Python module for working with MIDI messages and ports
python-migrate (0.11.0-5)
migration d'un schéma de base de données pour SQLAlchemy – Python 2.7
python-migrate-doc (0.11.0-5)
Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy - doc
python-milter (1.0.3-3)
Python extension for Sendmail Milter Protocol
python-mimeparse (0.1.4-3.1)
Parse mime-types and quality parameters - python 2.x
python-mimerender (0.6.0-1)
RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for web frameworks (Python 2)
python-mini-buildd (1.0.36+deb10u1)
minimal build daemon - python library and user tool
python-minieigen (0.50.3+dfsg1-8)
Wrapper of parts of the Eigen library (Python 2)
python-minimal (2.7.16-1)
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python2
python-minimock (1.2.7-1)
bibliothèque simple pour les objets mock de Python
python-mipp (1.1.0-1)
Meteorological data Ingest-Processing Package (mipp)
python-mipp-test (1.1.0-1)
Meteorological data Ingest-Processing Package (test suite)
python-misaka (1.0.2-5+b3)
binding pour Sundown, une bibliothèque d'analyse de balises - Python 2.x
python-mistral-lib (1.0.0-1)
Mistral shared routings and utilities - Python 2.7
python-mistralclient (1:3.7.0-2)
OpenStack Workflow as a Service client - Python 2.7
python-mistune (0.8.4-1)
Markdown parser for Python 2
python-mk-livestatus (0.2-1)
Helps to query MK livestatus and return results as dictionary
python-mlt (6.12.0-1)
cadriciel multimédia – liaisons de Python
python-mmllib (0.3.0.post1-1)
library for handling Music Macro Language (Python 2)
python-mne (0.17+dfsg-1)
Python modules for MEG and EEG data analysis
python-mnemonic (0.18-1)
Implementation of Bitcoin BIP-0039 (Python 2)
python-mock (2.0.0-4)
Mocking and Testing Library
python-mocker (1.0-2)
Mocker object mocking framework
python-mockldap (0.3.0-2)
simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Python2 version)
python-mockupdb (1.7.0-2)
MongoDB Wire Protocol server library - Python 2.x
python-mod-pywebsocket (0.8-1)
WebSocket extension for Apache HTTP Server
python-mode (1:6.2.3-1.1)
mode Python pour GNU Emacs et XEmacs
python-model-mommy (1.6.0-1)
smart object creation facility for Django
python-modestmaps (1.4.7-3)
display and interaction library for tile-based maps
python-moinmoin (1.9.9-1+deb10u1)
clone en Python de WikiWiki – bibliothèque
python-moksha.common (1.2.5-3)
Common components for the Moksha framework (Python 2)
python-moksha.hub (1.4.1-2)
Hub components for the Moksha framework
python-monasca-statsd (1.7.0-1)
monasca statsd API client - Python 2.7
python-monascaclient (1.12.1-2)
client bindings for the Monasca API - Python 2.7
python-moneyed (0.8.0-1)
Currency and Money classes for use in Python 2 code
python-mongoengine (0.15.3-1)
Python Document-Object Mapper for working with MongoDB
python-monotonic (1.1-2)
implementation of time.monotonic() - Python 2.x
python-more-itertools (4.2.0-1)
library with for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (Python 2)
python-morris (1.2-1)
announcement (signal/event) system for Python 2
python-motor (2.0.0-2)
full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver - Python 2.x
python-move-base-msgs (1.13.0-8)
Python 2 code for move-base-related ROS Messages,
python-mox (0.5.3-5)
mock object framework for Python
python-mox3 (0.24.0-1)
Mock object framework - Python 2.7
python-mpd (1.0.0-3)
bibliothèque de client pour MPD en Python
python-mpdclient (0.11.1-5)
interface de Python pour MPD
python-mpegdash (0.1.5-2)
Python MPEG-DASH parser - Python 2.x
python-mpi4py (2.0.0-3+b3)
liaisons pour la norme MPI (Message Passing Interface)
python-mpikmeans (1.5+dfsg-7)
Python bindings for MPIKmeans
python-mplexporter (0.0.1+20140921-3)
general matplotlib exporter
python-mpltoolkits.basemap (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections
python-mpltoolkits.basemap-data (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections (data package)
python-mpmath (1.1.0-1)
library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
python-mpop (1.5.0-4)
Meteorological Post-Processing Package (MPoP)
python-mrjob (
MapReduce framework for writing and running Hadoop Streaming jobs
python-mrtparse (1.6-1)
read and analyze the MRT format data (Python 2.x module)
python-msgpack (0.5.6-1+b1)
Python implementation of MessagePack format
python-msrest (0.5.5-1)
AutoRest Swagger generator for Python 2.x
python-msrestazure (0.5.1-1)
Runtime library for AutoRest generated Python 2.x clients
python-multi-key-dict (2.0.3-1)
implémentation d’un dictionnaire multi-clef – Python 2.7
python-multicorn (1.3.4-4+deb10u1) [security]
multicorn utility module for postgresql-X.Y-python-multicorn
python-multipletau (0.3.3+ds-1)
multiple-tau algorithm for Python/NumPy
python-munch (2.3.2-1)
dot-accessible dictionary similar to JavaScript objects - Python 2.7
python-murano-pkg-check (0.3.0-3)
murano package validator tool - Python 2.7
python-muranoclient (1.1.1-2)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – module client Python 2.7
python-musicbrainzngs (0.6-3)
Python bindings for the Musicbrainz NGS webservice interface
python-mutagen (1.40.0-2)
bibliothèque d’édition de métadonnées audio
python-mwparserfromhell (0.5.2-2)
Outrageously powerful parser for MediaWiki wikicode (Python 2)
python-mygpoclient (1.8-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour le service web
python-myhdl (0.10-2)
Hardware description language for Python (Python 2)
python-mysqldb (1.3.10-2)
interface de Python pour MySQL
python-nacl (1.3.0-2)
Python bindings to libsodium (Python 2)
python-nagiosplugin (1.2.4-1)
Python class library for writing Nagios (Icinga) plugins (Python 2)
python-nameparser (1.0.2-1)
Python 2 module for parsing names into individual components
python-natsort (6.0.0-1)
Natural sorting for Python
python-naturalsort (1.0.3-1.1)
Simple natural order sorting API for Python that just works
python-nautilus (1.2.2-2)
Python binding for Nautilus components
python-nav-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS nav, Python 2 interface
python-nb2plots (0.6-1)
Converting between ipython notebooks and sphinx docs (Python 2)
python-nbconvert (5.4-2+deb10u1) [security]
Jupyter notebook conversion (Python 2)
python-nbformat (4.4.0-1)
Jupyter notebook format (Python 2)
python-nbsphinx (0.4.2+ds-1)
Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx -- Python
python-nbxmpp (0.6.10-1)
Non blocking Jabber/XMPP Python library
python-ncap (1.9.2-3)
Python bindings for libncap
python-ncclient (0.6.0-2)
Python library for NETCONF clients (Python 2)
python-ndg-httpsclient (0.5.1-1)
enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL for Python2
python-nemu (0.3.1-1)
lightweight network emulator embedded in a small python library
python-neovim (0.3.0-1)
Python2 library for scripting Neovim processes through its msgpack-rpc API
python-netaddr (0.7.19-1)
manipulation of various common network address notations (Python 2)
python-netcdf4 (1.4.2-1+b1)
interface de Python pour la bibliothèque netCDF4 (network Common Data Form)
python-netfilter (0.6.4-1)
Python module for manipulating netfilter rules (Python 2)
python-netifaces (0.10.4-1+b1)
portable network interface information - Python 2.x
python-netmiko (1.4.3-1)
multi-vendor library for SSH connections to network devices - Python 2.X
python-netsnmp (5.7.3+dfsg-5+deb10u4) [security]
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Python support
python-netsyslog (0.1.0+dp2-1)
Python Modules for emitting and receiving syslog events
python-networkmanager (2.1-1)
Python 2 interface to the NetworkManager D-Bus interface
python-networkx (2.2-1)
tool to create, manipulate and study complex networks
python-neuroshare (0.9.2-1)
Python interface and tools for Neuroshare
python-neutronclient (1:6.9.1-1)
client API library for Neutron - Python 2.7
python-nevow (0.14.2-2)
système de modelage d'applications web pour Python et Twisted
python-newt (0.52.20-8)
module NEWT pour Python
python-nfs-ganesha (2.7.1-2)
liaisons de Python pour nfs-ganesha
python-ngs (2.9.3-1)
liaisons du langage de séquençage de nouvelle génération –⋅liaisons Python
python-nibabel (2.3.2-1)
Python bindings to various neuroimaging data formats
python-nids (0.6.1-1.1)
Python binding for libnids (aka pynids)
python-nifti (0.20100607.1-4.1)
Interface Python pour bibliothèques d'entrée-sortie NIfTI
python-nine (1.0.0-1)
Python 2 / 3 compatibility, like six, but favouring Python 3
python-nipy (0.4.2-2)
analyse de données d’imagerie cérébrale structurelle ou fonctionnelle
python-nipy-lib (0.4.2-2)
Analysis of structural and functional neuroimaging data
python-nipype (1.1.8-1)
Neuroimaging data analysis pipelines in Python
python-nitime (0.7-2)
timeseries analysis for neuroscience data (nitime)
python-nlopt (2.4.2+dfsg-8+b1)
nonlinear optimization library -- Python bindings
python-nltk (3.4-1)
Python libraries for natural language processing
python-nmap (0.6.1-1)
interface de Python pour le balayeur de ports Nmap
python-nmea2 (1.12.0-1)
Python library for the NMEA 0183 protocol
python-nodelet (1.9.16-1)
Robot OS nodelet library - service files - Python 2
python-nodelet-topic-tools (1.9.16-1)
Robot OS nodelet_topic_tools library - Python 2 service files
python-nose (1.3.7-4)
test de découverte et de fonctionnement de Python unittest
python-nose-exclude (0.5.0-1)
exclude specific directories from nosetests runs - Python 2.7
python-nose-parameterized (0.3.4-4)
décorateur de tests paramétrés avec Nose – Python 2.x
python-nose-random (1.0.0-1)
nose plugin to facilitate randomized unit testing with Python 2
python-nose-testconfig (0.9-2)
test configuration plugin for nosetests
python-nose-timer (0.3.0-2)
greffon de chronométrage pour nosetests – Python 2.x
python-nose-yanc (0.3.3-3)
Color output plugin for nose
python-nose2 (0.8.0-1)
Next generation of nicer testing for Python2
python-nose2-cov (1.0a4-2)
nose2 plugin for coverage reporting
python-nosehtmloutput (0.0.5-1)
greffon pour produire des résultats de test en HTML – Python 2.x
python-nosexcover (1.0.11-1.1)
Add Cobertura-style XML coverage report to nose (Python2 version)
python-notebook (5.7.8-1)
Jupyter interactive notebook (Python 2)
python-notify (0.1.1-4)
interfaces Python pour libnotify
python-notify2 (0.3-3)
desktop notifications API for Python
python-notmuch (0.28.4-1)
Python interface to the notmuch mail search and index library
python-novaclient (2:11.0.0-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour l’API d’OpenStack Compute – Python 2.7
python-novnc (1:1.0.0-1)
HTML5 VNC client - Python 2.7 libraries
python-ns3 (3.29+dfsg-3)
Python binding of ns3
python-nss (1.0.0-1+b2)
Python bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
python-ntlm (1.1.0-1)
Python library that provides NTLM support
python-ntplib (0.3.3-1)
bibliothèque NTP pour Python – Python 2.x
python-numexpr (2.6.9-1)
Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python and NumPy
python-numpy (1:1.16.2-1)
gestion rapide des tableaux avec Python
python-numpydoc (0.7.0-1)
Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format -- Python 2
python-numpysane (0.17-1)
more-reasonable core functionality for numpy
python-nut (2.7.4-8)
network UPS tools - Python bindings for NUT server
python-nwdiag (1.0.4+dfsg-1)
generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file
python-nwsclient (1.6.4-8)
NetWorkSpaces client for distributed Python applications
python-nwsserver (2.0.0-2)
NetWorkSpaces server for distributed applications
python-nxt (2.2.2-4)
pilote/interface:envoloppe Python pour le robot Lego Mindstorms NXT
python-nxt-filer (2.2.2-4)
interface graphique simple de gestion de fichiers pour LEGO Mindstorms NXT
python-oauth (1.0.1-5)
bibliothèque de Python mettant en œuvre le protocole OAuth
python-oauth2client (4.1.2-3)
bibliothèque de client pour OAuth 2.0 – Python 2.7
python-oauthlib (2.1.0-1)
generic, spec-compliant implementation of OAuth for Python
python-obexftp (0.24-5+b5)
Python binding to the object exchange file transfer library
python-objgraph (3.4.0-2)
module pour examiner des graphiques de référence d’objets de Python
python-obsub (0.2-3)
Python module that implements the observer pattern via a decorator
python-octaviaclient (1.6.0-2)
octavia client for OpenStack Load Balancing - Python 2.7
python-odf (1.4.0-1)
Python API to manipulate OpenDocument files
python-odf-tools (1.4.0-1)
outils en Python pour manipuler les fichiers OpenDocument
python-odil (0.10.0-3)
C++11 library for the DICOM standard (Python wrappers)
python-odoorpc (0.5.1-1)
pilot Odoo servers through RPC (Python 2)
python-ofxhome (0.3.3-2) financial institution lookup REST client (Python 2.7)
python-ofxparse (0.19-1)
parser for Open Financial Exchange (.ofx) format files
python-ogg (1.3+repack-8)
Interface Python avec la bibliothèque Ogg
python-okasha (0.2.4-2) [non-free]
trivial WSGI web framework for Python
python-okasha-examples (0.2.4-2) [non-free]
trivial WSGI web framework for Python (examples)
python-olefile (0.46-1)
Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files
python-olm (2.2.2+git20170526.0fd768e+dfsg-1)
Python bindings for the olm Double Ratchet implementation
python-omemo (0.10.3-1)
Python 2 implementation of the OMEMO protocol
python-omemo-backend-signal (0.2.3-1)
Python 2 backend for python-omemo with libsignal compatibility
python-ooolib (0.0.17-2.1)
Python module for creating OpenDocument documents (sp.sheet/text)
python-opcua (0.98.6-2)
Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (Python 2)
python-opcua-tools (0.98.6-2)
Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (tools)
python-openalpr (2.3.0-1.1)
Python binding for OpenALPR library
python-openbabel (2.4.1+dfsg-3)
Chemical toolbox library (python bindings)
python-openctm (1.0.3+dfsg1-2)
Python bindings for OpenCTM library
python-opencv (3.2.0+dfsg-6)
liaisons Python pour la bibliothèque de vision par ordinateur
python-opencv-apps (1.12.0-2)
opencv_apps Robot OS package - Python 2 bindings
python-opengl (3.1.0+dfsg-2)
liaisons de Python pour OpenGL – Python 2
python-openid (2.2.5-7)
OpenID support for servers and consumers
python-openid-cla (1.2-1)
OpenID CLA extension for python-openid (Python 2)
python-openid-teams (1.2-1)
OpenID teams extension for python-openid (Python 2)
python-openopt (0.38+svn1589-1.1)
Python module for numerical optimization
python-openpyxl (2.4.9-1)
Python module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files
python-openscap (1.2.16-2+b2)
Set of libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards
python-openslide (1.1.1-4)
enveloppe Python 2 de lecture des fichiers d'images « Whole-slide »
python-openslide-examples (1.1.1-4)
exemples Python pour python-openslide et python3-openslide
python-openssl (19.0.0-1)
enrobage Python 2 pour la bibliothèque OpenSSL
python-openstack.nose-plugin (0.11-3)
nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's - Python 2.x
python-openstackclient (3.16.2-1)
OpenStack Command-line Client - Python 2.7
python-openstackdocstheme (1.20.0-3)
prise en charge de l’extension pour la documentation avec Sphinx – Python 2.7
python-openstacksdk (0.17.2-2)
SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack - Python 2.x
python-openvdb (5.2.0-5)
Sparse Volume Processing toolkit - Python binding
python-openvswitch (2.10.7+ds1-0+deb10u5) [security]
Python bindings for Open vSwitch
python-opster (4.1-2)
python command line parsing speedster
python-optcomplete (1.2-13)
provide bash-completion for Python programs
python-optlang (1.4.4-1)
sympy based mathematical programming language (Python 2)
python-os-api-ref (1.5.0+dfsg1-4)
Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack - Python 2.7
python-os-api-ref-common (1.5.0+dfsg1-4)
Sphinx Extensions to support API reference sites in OpenStack - common
python-os-apply-config (0.1.14-1)
Creates config files out of cloud metadata
python-os-brick (2.5.5-1)
Library for managing local volume attaches - Python 2.x
python-os-client-config (1.31.2-2)
bibliothèque de configuration de client d’OpenStack – Python 2.x
python-os-cloud-config (0.2.6-1)
configuration seed and initialisation for TripleO OpenStack clouds
python-os-net-config (0.1.0-1)
configuration de réseau OpenStack –⋅Python⋅2.x
python-os-refresh-config (0.1.2-1)
rafraîchissement de configuration pour un nœud TripleO d’OpenStack
python-os-service-types (1.3.0-2)
lib for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data - Python 2.7
python-os-testr (1.0.0-4)
Utility wrappers for testrepository for OpenStack projects - Python 2.x
python-os-traits (0.9.0-2)
standardized trait strings - Python 2.7
python-os-vif (1.11.1-1)
Integration library between network and compute - Python 2.7
python-os-win (4.0.0-3)
Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects - Python 2.7
python-os-xenapi (0.3.3-3)
XenAPI library for OpenStack projects - Python 2.7
python-osc-lib (1.11.1-2)
OpenStackClient Library - Python 2.7
python-osd (0.2.14-6.1)
paquet factice de transition
python-oslo.cache (1.30.3-1)
cache storage for Openstack projects - Python 2.7
python-oslo.concurrency (3.27.0-3)
concurrency and locks for OpenStack projects - Python 2.x
python-oslo.config (1:6.4.1-1)
Common code for Openstack Projects (configuration API) - Python 2.x
python-oslo.context (2.21.0-2)
WSGI context helpers for OpenStack - Python 2.x
python-oslo.db (4.40.0-3)
database connectivity to the different backends and helper utils - Python 2.x
python-oslo.i18n (3.21.0-2)
Oslo Internationalization Utilities - Python 2.x
python-oslo.log (3.39.0-2)
OpenStack logging configuration library - Python 2.x
python-oslo.messaging (8.1.4-1+deb10u1)
oslo messaging library - Python 2.x
python-oslo.middleware (3.36.0-2)
various WSGI middleware components for OpenStack - Python 2.x
python-oslo.policy (1.38.1-2)
RBAC policy enforcement library for OpenStack - Python 2.x
python-oslo.privsep (1.29.0-2)
bibliothèque d’OpenStack pour la séparation des privilèges – Python 2.7
python-oslo.reports (1.28.0-2)
reports serialized in various data types - Python 2.7
python-oslo.rootwrap (5.14.1-2)
allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root - Python 2.x
python-oslo.serialization (2.27.0-2)
utilities for serialization , especially JSON - Python 2.x
python-oslo.service (1.31.8-1)
library for running OpenStack services - Python 2.x
python-oslo.utils (3.36.5-0+deb10u3) [security]
set of utility functions for OpenStack - Python 2.x
python-oslo.versionedobjects (1.33.3-2)
deals with DB schema versions and code expectations - Python 2.x
python-oslo.vmware (2.31.0-2)
VMware library for OpenStack projects - Python 2.7
python-oslosphinx (4.18.0-2)
theme and extension support for openstack - Python 2.7
python-oslosphinx-common (4.18.0-2)
theme and extension support for openstack - common
python-oslotest (1:3.6.0-2)
OpenStack test framework - Python 2.x
python-osmapi (1.2.2-2)
Python interface to OpenStreetMap API
python-osprofiler (2.3.0-3)
OpenStack Profiler Library - Python 2.x
python-otb (6.6.1+dfsg-1+b1)
ORFEO Toolbox Python API for applications (Python 2)
python-othman (0.5.1-1.1) [non-free]
library providing access to Quranic text with a fast search index
python-overpass (0.6.1-1)
wrapper for the OpenStreetMap Overpass API (Python 2)
python-overpy (0.4-1)
wrapper to access the OpenStreetMap Overpass API (Python 2)
python-ovsdbapp (0.12.2-1)
library for creating OVSDB applications - Python 2.7
python-ow (3.2p3+dfsg1-2+deb10u1)
Dallas 1-wire support: Python 2 bindings
python-ownet (3.2p3+dfsg1-2+deb10u1)
Python 2 module for accessing 1-wire networks
python-owslib (0.17.1-1+deb10u1) [security]
Client library for Open Geospatial (OGC) web services (Python 2)
python-packaging (19.0-1)
core utilities for python packages
python-pacparser (1.3.6-1.1+b4)
Python module to parse proxy auto-config files
python-padme (1.1.1-2)
mostly transparent proxy class for Python 2
python-pager (3.3-1)
mise en page pour terminal ou console en Python pur – Python 2.7
python-paho-mqtt (1.4.0-1)
MQTT client class (Python 2)
python-paisley (0.3.1-1)
CouchDB client written in Python to be used within a Twisted application
python-pam (0.4.2-13.2)
interface de Python pour la bibliothèque PAM
python-pampy (1.8.4-1)
Python module for simple PAM authentications (Python 2)
python-pandas (0.23.3+dfsg-3)
data structures for "relational" or "labeled" data
python-pandas-lib (0.23.3+dfsg-3)
low-level implementations and bindings for pandas
python-pandocfilters (1.4.2-1)
python bindings for Pandoc's filters
python-pankoclient (0.5.0-2)
Client library for OpenStack panko server - Python 2.x
python-parallax (1.0.4-2)
Execute commands and copy files over SSH (Python 2)
python-parallel (0.2.2-3)
pyparallel – module d’encapsulation de l’accès au port parallèle
python-parameterized (0.6.1-2)
parameterized testing for Python 2
python-paramiko (2.4.2-0.1+deb10u1) [security]
réalisation de connexions SSH v.2 – Python 2
python-park (1.0.0-1)
persistent key-value API for Python with ordered traversal of keys
python-parse (1.6.6-0.1)
Parse provides the reverse function for format(), Python2 package
python-parse-type (0.3.4-2)
BDD plugin for py.test.
python-parsedatetime (2.4-2)
Python module to parse human-readable date/time expressions
python-parsel (1.5.0-2)
Python 2 library to extract HTML/XML data using XPath/CSS selectors
python-parsley (1.2-1)
pattern-matching language based on OMeta and Python
python-parso (0.3.1-1)
Python parser that supports error recovery
python-parted (3.11.2-10)
interface en Python pour libparted
python-passfd (0.2-3)
Python functions to pass file descriptors across UNIX domain
python-passlib (1.7.1-1)
comprehensive password hashing framework
python-paste (3.0.6+dfsg-1)
tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack - Python 2.x
python-pastedeploy (2.0.1-1)
charge, configure et fait des applications et des serveurs WSGI - Python 2.x
python-pastedeploy-tpl (2.0.1-1)
load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers - templates
python-pastescript (2.0.2-2)
create file layouts for Python packages and serve webapps
python-pastewebkit (1.0-8)
portage/réimplémentation de Webware WebKit dans WSGI et Paste
python-path (11.5.0-3)
module wrapper for os.path for Python 2
python-path-and-address (2.0.1-1)
Functions for server CLI applications used by humans (Python 2)
python-pathlib (1.0.1-2.1)
set of Python 2 classes to handle filesystem paths
python-pathlib2 (2.3.3-1)
Backport of the "pathlib" stdlib module (Python 2)
python-pathtools (0.1.2-2)
Path utilities for Python - Python 2.x
python-patsy (0.5.0+git13-g54dcf7b-1)
statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas
python-pattern (2.6+git20150109-3)
web mining module for Python
python-paver (1.2.1-1.1)
Easy build, distribution and deployment scripting in Python
python-paypal (1.2.5-2)
PayPal API implementation (Python 2)
python-pbalign (0.3.2-1)
map Pacific Biosciences reads to reference DNA sequences (Python2)
python-pbbanana (15.8.24+dfsg-3)
additional utilities for the pbsuite
python-pbcommand (1.1.1-1)
common command-line interface for Pacific Biosciences analysis modules
python-pbconsensuscore (1.1.1+dfsg-1)
algorithms for PacBio multiple sequence consensus -- Python 2
python-pbcore (1.6.5+dfsg-1)
Python 2 library for processing PacBio data files
python-pbgenomicconsensus (2.3.2-5)
Pacific Biosciences variant and consensus caller (Python 2)
python-pbh5tools (0.8.0+git20170929.58d54ff+dfsg-1)
tools for manipulating Pacific Biosciences HDF5 files -- Python 2 library
python-pbkdf2 (1.3+20110613.git2a0fb15~ds0-3)
Python RSA PKCS#5 v2.0 module (Python 2)
python-pbr (4.2.0-5)
injection de quelques comportements utiles et judicieux par défaut dans setuptools — Python 2.x
python-pbsuite-utils (15.8.24+dfsg-3)
software for Pacific Biosciences sequencing data -- Python utilities
python-pcapy (0.10.8-1+b1)
Python interface to the libpcap packet capture library
python-pcl-msgs (0.2.0-8)
Python 2 code for PCL-related Robot OS Messages
python-pcp (4.3.2+really4.3.1-0.1)
Performance Co-Pilot Python PMAPI module
python-pdal (2.1.8+ds-1)
Point Data Abstraction Library - Python 2 extension
python-pdfkit (0.6.1-1)
Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF (Python 2)
python-pdfminer (20181108+dfsg-3)
PDF parser and analyser (Python2)
python-pdfrw (0.4-2)
PDF file manipulation library (Python 2)
python-pdftools (0.37-5)
PDF document reading classes
python-peak.rules (0.5a1+r2713-1)
generic functions support for Python
python-peak.util (20160204-1)
utilities from the Python Enterprise Application Kit
python-peak.util.decorators (1.8-4)
version-agnostic decorators support for Python
python-pebl (1.0.2-4)
Python Environment for Bayesian Learning
python-pecan (1.3.2-2)
cadriciel web pour la répartition d'objets WSGI - Python 2.x
python-peewee (3.7.0+dfsg-1)
Simple ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite (Python 2)
python-pefile (2018.8.8-1)
Portable Executable (PE) parsing module for Python
python-pep8 (1.7.1-3)
Python PEP 8 code style checker - Python
python-pep8-naming (0.4.1-4)
check for PEP 8 naming conventions (flake8 plugin for Python2)
python-periodictable (1.5.0-7)
Extensible periodic table of the elements (Python 2)
python-persistent (4.2.2-2)
Automatic persistence for Python objects
python-petsc4py (3.10.1-1)
Python 2 bindings for PETSc libraries
python-petsc4py-docs (3.10.1-1)
Python bindings for PETSc libraries: documentation and examples
python-pexpect (4.6.0-1)
module Python d'automatisation d'applications interactives
python-pg8000 (1.10.6-1)
Pure-Python PostgreSQL Driver (Python 2)
python-pgmagick (0.7.4-2)
encore une autre enveloppe Python pour GraphicsMagick
python-pgpdump (1.5-1)
PGP packet parser library (Python 2)
python-pgspecial (1.9.0-1.1)
gestionnaire de méta-commandes pour la base de données Postgres –⋅Python⋅2
python-phabricator (0.7.0-1)
Phabricator Python API Bindings (Python 2)
python-phonenumbers (8.9.10-1)
parsing/formatting/validating phone numbers - Python 2
python-phply (1.2.5-1)
PHP parser written in Python using PLY
python-phpserialize (1.3-1)
Python port of PHP serialize and unserialize functions (Python 2)
python-picklable-itertools (0.1.1-2)
picklable reimplementation of Python's itertools
python-pickleshare (0.7.5-1)
File system based database that uses Python pickles for Python 2
python-piexif (1.0.13-2)
Pure python library for manipulating exif
python-piggyphoto (0.1dev-git20141014)
Python bindings for libgphoto2
python-pigpio (1.68-3)
Python module which talks to the pigpio daemon (Python 2)
python-pika (0.11.0-4)
AMQP client library for Python 2
python-pika-pool (0.1.3-3)
Pika connection pooling - Python 2.7
python-pil (5.4.1-2+deb10u6) [security]
Python Imaging Library (fourche de Pillow)
python-pil.imagetk (5.4.1-2+deb10u6) [security]
Python Imaging Library –⋅module ImageTk (fourche de Pillow)
python-pilkit (2.0-2)
Utilities and processors built for, and on top of PIL (Python2 version)
python-pint (0.9-1)
define, operate and manipulate physical quantities - Python 2.x
python-pip (18.1-5)
Python package installer
python-pip-whl (18.1-5)
Python package installer
python-pisock (0.12.5-dfsg-2+b3)
module de Python pour communiquer avec les PDA PalmOS
python-pivy (0.6.4-1)
liaison à Coin pour Python
python-pkg-resources (40.8.0-1)
découverte de paquets et accès aux ressources avec pkg_resources
python-pkgconfig (1.4.0-1)
Python interface to the pkg-config command line tool
python-pkginfo (1.4.2-2)
Python 2.x module to query metadata from packages
python-plaster (1.0-1)
Python multi-format configuration file loader interface - Python 2.x module
python-plaster-pastedeploy (0.5-2)
PasteDeploy configuration format plugin for plaster - Python 2.x module
python-plist (2.0.1~git20190104.3f96731-1)
Library for handling Apple binary and XML property lists - Python bindings
python-plotly (3.6.1+dfsg1-1)
Python plotting library for publication-quality graphs
python-pluggy (0.8.0-1)
plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - 2.7
python-pluginbase (1.0.0-1)
Support library for building plugins systems (Python 2)
python-plumbum (1.6.7-1)
library for writing shell script-like programs in Python 2
python-ply (3.11-3)
Lex and Yacc implementation for Python2
python-pmock (0.3.1+s20140625-3)
Python module for unit testing using mock objects
python-pmw (1.3.2-6)
Pmw -- Python MegaWidgets
python-png (0.0.19+ds-1)
Pure Python PNG Reader/Writer (Python 2)
python-pocketsphinx (0.8+5prealpha+1-2+b2)
Speech recognition tool - Python bindings
python-podcastparser (0.6.3-1)
Simplified, fast RSS parsing library (Python 2)
python-polib (1.1.0-3)
Python library to parse and manage gettext catalogs
python-polled-camera (1.11.13-3)
Robot OS polled_camera package - Python 2
python-portalocker (1.3.0-1)
easy API to file locking (Python 2)
python-portpicker (1.3.0-1)
Python 2 module to find unused network ports to bind to
python-positional (1.1.1-3)
imposition d’arguments positionnel ou mot-clef – Python 2.7
python-posix-ipc (0.9.8-3+b1)
sémaphores, mémoire partagée et files d’attente de messages — Python 2.x
python-poster (0.8.1-0.2)
Python support for HTTP multipart PUT/POST
python-potr (1.0.2-1)
Pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol
python-power (1.4+dfsg-2)
Python module to get power and battery status (Python 2)
python-powerline (2.7-2)
prompt and statusline utility (Python 2.x module)
python-powerline-taskwarrior (0.6.2-1)
Powerline segment for showing Taskwarrior information (Python 2)
python-pp (1.6.6-1)
parallel and distributed programming toolkit for Python
python-pprofile (2.0.2-1)
Line-granularity, deterministic and statistic Python profiler
python-pqueue (0.2-7.3)
Extension de file de priorité pour Python
python-prctl (1.7-1+b1)
Python interface to the prctl() syscall (Python 2)
python-preggy (1.3.0-2)
Assertion library for Python
python-prelude (4.1.0-4.2)
Security Information and Events Management system [ Python2 bindings ]
python-preludedb (4.1.0-2+b2)
Security Information and Events Management System [ Python2 bindings ]
python-presage (0.9.1-2.1+b2)
intelligent predictive text entry platform (Python binding)
python-pretend (1.0.8-2)
Python library for stubbing (Python 2)
python-pretty-yaml (18.11.0-1)
module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data (Python 2)
python-prettytable (0.7.2-4)
library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables
paquet virtuel fourni par python-ptable
python-priority (1.3.0-1)
pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree (Python 2)
python-proboscis (
extends Nose with certain TestNG like features - Python 2.x
python-profitbricks (4.1.3-2)
ProfitBricks REST API client library for Python 2
python-progress (1.2-1)
easy progress reporting for Python
python-progressbar (2.5-1)
text progress bar library for Python
python-prometheus-client (0.6.0-1)
Python 2 client for the Prometheus monitoring system
python-prompt-toolkit (1.0.15-1)
library for building interactive command lines (Python 2)
python-protobix (1.0.2-2)
Implementation of Zabbix Sender protocol
python-protobuf ( [security]
Python bindings for protocol buffers
python-protocols (1.0a.svn20070625-8)
Open Protocols and Component Adaptation for Python
python-prov (1.5.2-1)
W3C Provenance Data Model (Python 2)
python-prowlpy (0+20100211.92df046-2)
Python support for Apple Push Notifications via Prowl
python-proxmoxer (1.0.3-1)
Python Wrapper for the Proxmox 2.x API (HTTP and SSH) (Python 2)
python-pskc (1.0-1)
Python module for handling PSKC files (Python 2)
python-psutil (5.5.1-1)
module fournissant des fonctions pratiques pour la gestion de processus
python-psycogreen (1.0-1)
psycopg2 integration with coroutine libraries
python-psycopg2 (2.7.7-1)
module de Python pour PostgreSQL
python-ptable (0.9.2-1)
library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables
python-pthreading (0.1.4-2)
Reimplementation of Python locking objects with libpthread
python-ptk (1.3.5-2)
parser for Python 2 with support for asynchronous input
python-ptrace (0.9.3-2.1)
Python bindings for ptrace
python-ptyprocess (0.6.0-1)
exécution d'un sous-processus dans un pseudo-terminal de Python⋅2
python-publicsuffix (1.1.0-2)
Python module to get a domain suffix using the Public Suffix List
python-pudb (2018.1-1)
débogueur en console et plein écran pour Python
python-pulp (1.6.0+dfsg1-2)
modélisation LP — Python 2.7
python-purl (1.4-1)
URL interrogation and manipulation
python-pushy (0.5.1-1.1)
Simple interface for connecting two python interpreters
python-pwquality (1.4.0-3)
liaisons Python pour libpwquality
python-py (1.7.0-2)
Advanced Python development support library (Python 2)
python-pyaes (1.6.1-2)
Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (Python 2)
python-pyalsa (1.1.6-1+b1)
Official ALSA Python binding library for Python2
python-pyao (0.82-5)
interface Python avec la bibliothèque de sortie audio
python-pyasn1 (0.4.2-3)
bibliothèque ASN.1 pour Python –⋅module Python⋅2
python-pyasn1-modules (0.2.1-0.2)
Collection of protocols modules written in ASN.1 language
python-pyassimp (4.1.0~dfsg-5)
3D model import library (Python2 bindings)
python-pyatspi (2.30.0+dfsg-3)
Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface - Python bindings
python-pyaudio (0.2.11-1+b2)
Python bindings for PortAudio v19
python-pybiggles (1.6.6-3)
Scientific plotting package for Python
python-pybind11 (2.2.4-2)
pybind11 helper module for Python 2
python-pybloomfiltermmap (0.3.15-0.1+b2)
Bloom filter (bloomfilter) for Python built on mmap
python-pybtex (0.21-2)
public modules for pybtex (Python 2)
python-pycadf (2.7.0-2)
implementation of DMTF Cloud Audit (CADF) data model - Python 2.7
python-pycalendar (1:2.1~git20161130.0.e68e150-1)
iCalendar/vCard Library
python-pycallgraph (1.0.1-1)
Python library that creates call graphs for Python programs
python-pycarddav (0.7.0-1)
simple to use CardDAV Python library
python-pycares (2.1.1-2+b2)
interface Python pour c-ares –⋅Python⋅2
python-pycassa (
Client library for Apache Cassandra
python-pycha (0.7.0-2)
bibliothèque pour dessin de graphique utilisant Cairo
python-pychart (1.39-7.1)
bibliothèque de Python pour créer des graphiques de haute qualité
python-pyclamav (0.4.1-11)
liaisons Python à ClamAV
python-pyclamd (0.4.0-1)
interface Python pour le démon de ClamAV
python-pycoast (1.2.2+dfsg-1)
Draw coastlines, borders and rivers on images
python-pycodcif (2.3+dfsg-3)
error-correcting CIF parser - Python bindings
python-pycodestyle (2.4.0-2)
Python style guide checker (formerly called pep8) - Python 2.x
python-pycountry (17.5.14+ds1-0.1)
ISO databases accessible from Python 2
python-pycparser (2.19-1)
C parser in Python
python-pycryptodome (3.6.1-2+b1)
cryptographic Python library (Python 2)
python-pycryptopp (0.7.1-4)
Python wrappers for the Crypto++ library
python-pycsw (2.2.0+dfsg-6) [non-free]
OGC compliant metadata (Catalogue Service for the Web) server - Python 2
python-pycsw-wsgi (2.2.0+dfsg-6) [non-free]
Transitional dummy package to pycsw-wsgi
python-pycuda (2018.1.1-3) [contrib]
Python module to access Nvidia‘s CUDA parallel computation API
python-pycurl (
interface Python pour libcurl
python-pydbus (0.6.0-1)
Pythonic D-Bus library (Python 2)
python-pydenticon (0.3.1-1)
deterministically generate identicons in Python
python-pydhcplib (0.6.2-3)
Python DHCP client/server library
python-pydicom (1.2.1-1)
DICOM medical file reading and writing (Python 2)
python-pydispatch (2.0.5-1)
Python signal dispatching mechanism
python-pydoctor (16.3.0-2)
Python API document generator
python-pydot (1.4.1-1)
interface Python pour dot de Graphviz
python-pydot-ng (1.0.0-3)
interface to Graphviz's Dot - Python 2.7
python-pydotplus (2.0.2-2)
interface to Graphviz's Dot language - Python 2.7
python-pydoubles (1.4-2)
pyDoubles is a test doubles framework for the Python platform.
python-pydub (0.23.1-1)
Python audio sample manipulation (Python 2)
python-pyeapi (0.8.1-1)
Python API to interact with EOS network devices - Python 2.x
python-pyeclib (1.5.0-4)
interface for implementing erasure codes - Python 2.x
python-pyee (3.0.3-1)
Python 2 port of node.js's EventEmitter to Python
python-pyelftools (0.25-2)
pure-python2 library for parsing ELF and DWARF
python-pyepl (1.1.0+git12-g365f8e3-3+b1)
module pour coder des expériences psychologiques en Python
python-pyepl-common (1.1.0+git12-g365f8e3-3)
module for coding psychology experiments in Python
python-pyepsg (0.3.2-1)
easy access to the EPSG database (Python 2)
python-pyethash (0.1.27-1+b1)
Ethash proof-of-work algorithm — Python 2
python-pyexiv2 (0.3.2-9)
interface Python à Exiv2
python-pyface (4.5.2-1)
traits-capable windowing framework
python-pyfai (0.17.0+dfsg1-3)
Fast Azimuthal Integration scripts - Python2
python-pyfaidx (
efficient random access to fasta subsequences for Python
python-pyfaidx-examples (
example data for efficient random access to fasta subsequences for Python
python-pyfann (1:1.1.2+ds-1)
liaisons obsolètes de Python pour FANN
python-pyfftw (0.11.1-2)
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 2
python-pyfftw-doc (0.11.1-2)
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - docs
python-pyfiglet (0.7.4+dfsg-3)
Python port of the FIGlet specification
python-pyflakes (2.0.0-1)
passive checker of Python 2 programs - Python modules
python-pyflot (0.2-1)
interface from Python to libjs-flot
python-pyflow (1.1.20-1)
lightweight parallel task engine for Python
python-pyfribidi (0.11.0+repack-3)
FriBidi Python bindings
python-pyftpdlib (1.5.4-1)
Python FTP server library (Python 2)
python-pygal (2.4.0-2)
Python svg graph plotting library
python-pygame (1.9.4.post1+dfsg-3)
SDL bindings for games development (Python 2)
python-pygame-sdl2 (7.1.1-1)
réimplémentation de l’API Pygame utilisant SDL2
python-pygccxml (1.9.1-1)
specialized XML reader reads the output from gccxml - python2 lib
python-pygeoif (0.7-1)
basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
python-pygeoip (0.3.2-4)
Python API for Maxmind's binary GeoIP databases (Python 2)
python-pygerrit2 (2.0.4-1)
library to interact with Gerrit via the REST API - Python 2.7
python-pygetdata (0.10.0-5+deb10u1)
library to read/write dirfile data - python bindings
python-pyghmi (1.0.32-5)
General Hardware Management Initiative (IPMI and others) - Python 2.7
python-pygit2 (0.27.4-1)
liaisons pour libgit2 – Python 2.x
python-pyglet (1.3.0-1)
cross-platform windowing and multimedia library
python-pygments (2.3.1+dfsg-1+deb10u2)
paquet de coloration syntaxique écrit en Python
python-pygpu (0.7.6-3)
language bindings for libgpuarray (Python 2)
python-pygrace (0.5-2)
points d'entrée Python pour Grace
python-pygraphviz (1.5-1)
interface Python pour le paquet de composition de graphes et de visualisation, Graphviz
python-pygresql (1:5.0.6-2)
PostgreSQL module for Python
python-pygtail (0.6.1-1)
read log file lines that have not been read (Python 2)
python-pyhsm (1.2.1-1)
code Python pour dialoguer avec le matériel YubiHSM de Yubico
python-pyicu (2.2-2)
Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
python-pyinotify (0.9.6-1)
liaisons simples pour Python avec inotify de Linux
python-pyip (0.7-2)
Python modules for raw ip packet assembling/disassembling
python-pyisomd5sum (1:1.2.3-3)
ISO9660 checksum Python module
python-pyjavaproperties (0.7-1)
Python implementation of java.util.Properties
python-pyjokes (0.5.0-2)
One line jokes for programmers (Python 2)
python-pykdtree (1.3.1-2)
implémentation rapide d’arbre k-d avec requêtes OpenMP activées – version Python 2
python-pykickstart (1.83-2)
Python library for manipulating kickstart files
python-pykka (1.2.1-4)
Actor model library (Python 2)
python-pykmip (0.7.0-3)
implémentation de KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol) — Python 2.x
python-pylama (7.4.3-2)
code audit library for Python in Python2
python-pylast (2.4.0-1)
Python interface to and other compatible services
python-pyld (0.6.8-1)
implementation of the JSON-LD API
python-pyldap (3.1.0-2)
LDAP interface module for Python 2.7 - transition package
paquet virtuel fourni par python-ldap
python-pylibacl (0.5.3-2)
module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs
python-pylibmc (1.5.2-1+b1)
libmemcached wrapper
python-pylirc (0.0.5-3.1)
Python bindings for Linux Infra-red Remote Control (LIRC) support
python-pymacaroons (0.13.0-2)
Macaroon library for Python 2
python-pymad (0.10-2+b1)
enveloppe de Python pour la bibliothèque de décodage audio MPEG – Python 2
python-pymca5 (5.4.3+dfsg-1)
Applications and toolkit for X-ray fluorescence analysis -- Python 2
python-pymediainfo (3.0-1)
Library to fetch multimedia metadata information - Python 2.x
python-pymemcache (1.3.2-3)
comprehensive, fast, pure Python memcached client - Python 2.x
python-pymetar (0.19-1)
interface Python pour les rapports METAR
python-pymodbus (2.1.0+dfsg-1)
full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 2
python-pymol (2.2.0+dfsg-4)
Molecular Graphics System (Python 2 modules)
python-pymongo (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
interface de Python pour la base de données orientée documents MongoDB
python-pymongo-ext (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
C-coded extension to the python-pymongo package
python-pymssql (2.1.4+dfsg-1)
Python database access for MS SQL server and Sybase - Python 2
python-pymtp (0.0.6-1.1)
Pythonic binding to LibMTP to interact with MTP devices
python-pymysql (0.9.3-1+deb10u1) [security]
pilote pour MySQL en Python pur – Python 2.x
python-pynag (0.9.1+dfsg-1)
Python Modules for Nagios plugins and configuration
python-pynfft (1.3.2-2+b3)
Python bindings for the NFFT3 library - Python 2
python-pyngus (2.2.2-3)
callback API implemented over Proton - Python 2.7
python-pynliner (0.8.0-1) [non-free]
CSS-to-inline-styles conversion tool for HTML - Python 2.x
python-pynwb (0.5.1-1)
Python library for working with Neurodata in the NWB format
python-pyo (0.9.1-1)
Python module written in C to help digital signal processing script creation
python-pyodbc (4.0.22-1+b1)
Python module for ODBC database access
python-pyode (1.2.0-4+cvs20090320.3+b1)
liaisons de Python pour ODE (Open Dynamics Engine)
python-pyopencl (2018.2.2-1)
Python module to access OpenCL parallel computation API
python-pyopencolorio (1.1.0~dfsg0-5)
complete color management solution - python bindings
python-pyoptical (0.4-1.1)
python interface to the CRS 'OptiCAL' photometer
python-pyorbital (1.5.0-2)
calculs orbitaux et astronomiques en Python 2
python-pyorick (1.4-2)
module Python 2 pour exécution de code Yorick
python-pyosd (0.2.14-6.1)
Python bindings for X On-Screen Display library
python-pyosmium (2.15.1-1)
liaisons vers la bibliothèque Osmium pour Python
python-pyotp (2.2.7-1)
Python One Time Password Library (Python 2)
python-pypandoc (1.4+ds0-1.1)
Thin wrapper for pandoc (Python 2.x)
python-pyparsing (2.2.0+dfsg1-2)
alternative pour la création et l'exécution de grammaires simples –⋅Python⋅2.7
python-pypdf2 (1.26.0-2+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque entièrement en Python construite comme une boîte à outils pour PDF – Python 2
python-pyperclip (1.6.4-1)
Cross-platform clipboard module for Python
python-pyphen (0.9.5-2)
Python hyphenation module
python-pypm (0.0.7-8)
Python interface to libportmidi
python-pypowervm (1.1.16+dfsg1-3)
binding for the PowerVM REST API - Python 2.7
python-pyprind (2.11.2-1)
Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator Utility - Python 2.X
python-pyproj (1.9.6-1)
interface de Python pour la bibliothèque PROJ
python-pyptlib (0.0.6-2)
library for Tor pluggable transports written in Python
python-pypump (0.7-1)
interface pour les API de – Python 2
python-pypureomapi (0.4-1)
ISC DHCP OMAPI protocol implementation in Python2
python-pyqrcode (1.2.1-2)
Python 2 module to generate QR Codes
python-pyqt5 (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour Qt5
python-pyqt5.qsci (2.10.4+dfsg-2.1)
Python bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 5
python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
connecteurs Python 2 pour le module Multimedia de Qt5
python-pyqt5.qtopengl (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module OpenGL de Qt5
python-pyqt5.qtpositioning (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module QtPositioning
python-pyqt5.qtquick (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module QtQuick
python-pyqt5.qtsensors (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
interfaces Python 2 pour le module QtSensors
python-pyqt5.qtserialport (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
Python 2 bindings for QtSerialPort module
python-pyqt5.qtsql (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module SQL de Qt 5
python-pyqt5.qtsvg (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module SVG de Qt5
python-pyqt5.qtwebchannel (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebChannel module
python-pyqt5.qtwebengine (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
Python 2 bindings for Qt5's WebEngine module
python-pyqt5.qtwebkit (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module WebKit de Qt5
python-pyqt5.qtwebsockets (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 2 pour le module WebSockets de Qt5
python-pyqt5.qtx11extras (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
connecteurs Python 2 pour le module QtX11Extras
python-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
Python 2 bindings for Qt5's XmlPatterns module
python-pyqtgraph (0.10.0-1)
Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python 2
python-pyquery (1.2.9-3)
jQuery-like library for python 2
python-pyrad (2.1-1)
Python module for creating and decoding RADIUS packets (Python 2)
python-pyramid (1.10.2+dfsg-2)
Pyramid web application framework, a Pylons project - Python 2.x version
python-pyramid-beaker (0.6.1+ds1-1)
Beaker sessioning bindings for Pyramid
python-pyramid-jinja2 (2.7+dfsg-1)
Jinja2 template bindings for the Pyramid web framework (Python 2)
python-pyramid-multiauth (0.8.0-1)
authentication policy for the Pyramid web framework
python-pyramid-tm (0.5-1)
Transaction management for the Pyramid web framework
python-pyramid-zcml (1.0.0-1)
Declarative configuration for the Pyramid web framework
python-pyregfi (1.0.1+svn287-7)
Python Bindings for reglookup
python-pyresample (1.10.3-1)
Resampling of remote sensing data in Python 2
python-pyresample-test (1.10.3-1)
rééchantillonnage de données de télédétection avec Python⋅3 – ensemble de tests
python-pyrex (0.9.9-1)
compilation de modules en code natif pour Python à partir de syntaxe de type Python
python-pyroma (2.3.1-1)
Python packaging quality checker
python-pyroute2 (0.5.2-1)
Python Netlink library
python-pyrrd (0.1.0-3)
object-oriented Python interface for RRD
python-pyrss2gen (1.1-1)
interface for generating RSS 2.0 feeds
python-pysal (1.14.4-3)
bibliothèque d’analyse spatiale en Python — Python 2
python-pysam (0.15.2+ds-2)
interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format (Python 2)
python-pysam-tests (0.15.2+ds-2)
interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format (test data)
python-pysaml2 (4.5.0-4+deb10u1)
SAML version 2 pour un usage dans un environnement WSGI – Python 2.x
python-pyscard (1.9.7-1+b1)
Python2 wrapper above PC/SC API
python-pyscss (1.3.5-2+b2)
SCSS compiler - Python 2.x
python-pyshp (2.1.0+ds-1)
read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
python-pyside2.qt3dcore (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 3DCore module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qt3dinput (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Qt3DInput de Qt5 – Python 2
python-pyside2.qt3dlogic (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 3DLogic module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qt3drender (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 3DRender module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtcharts (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Charts module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtconcurrent (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Concurrent module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtcore (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module central de Qt5 – Python 2
python-pyside2.qtgui (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Gui module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qthelp (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Help de Qt5 – Python 2
python-pyside2.qtlocation (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Location module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtmultimedia (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Multimedia module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 MultimediaWidgets module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtnetwork (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Network module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtopengl (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 OpenGL module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtpositioning (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Positioning module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtprintsupport (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 PrintSupport module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtqml (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Qml module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtquick (5.11.2-3)
liaison de Python pour le module Quick de Qt5 – Python 2
python-pyside2.qtquickwidgets (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module QuickWidgets de Qt5 (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtscript (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Script de Qt5 (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtscripttools (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 ScriptTools module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtsensors (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Sensors module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtsql (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Sql de Qt5 (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtsvg (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Svg module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qttest (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Test module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qttexttospeech (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 TextToSpeech module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtuitools (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 UiTools module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtwebchannel (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 WebChannel module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtwebenginecore (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineCore module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 WebEngineWidgets module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtwebsockets (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 WebSockets module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtwidgets (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Widgets module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtx11extras (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 X11Extras module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtxml (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 Xml module (Python 2)
python-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns (5.11.2-3)
Python bindings for Qt5 XmlPatterns module (Python 2)
python-pyside2uic (5.11.2-3)
User Interface Compiler for PySide2 (Python 2)
python-pysimplesoap (1.16.2-1)
simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 2)
python-pysmi (0.3.2-1)
SNMP SMI/MIB Parser (Python 2.X)
python-pysnmp4 (4.4.6+repack1-1)
Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 2 module)
python-pysnmp4-apps (0.3.2-1)
Applications for the Python SNMP library
python-pysnmp4-mibs (0.1.3-1)
MIB pour la bibliothèque SNMP de Python
python-pysodium (0.7.0-1)
Python libsodium wrapper (Python2 version)
python-pysolr (3.8.1-1)
lightweight Python wrapper for querying Apache Solr
python-pyspatialite (3.0.1-13)
interface Python pour Spatialite
python-pysph (0~20180411.git1ae58e1-2.1)
open source framework for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
python-pysqlite1.1 (1.1.8a-8)
python interface to SQLite 3
python-pysqlite2 (2.7.0-1)
interface de Python pour SQLite 3
python-pysrt (1.0.1-1)
library to edit or create SubRip files (Python 2)
python-pyssim (0.2-1)
Tool computing the Structural Similarity Image Metric (SSIM)
python-pyst (0.6.50-1)
Python module for interacting with the Asterisk PBX
python-pystache (0.5.4-6)
Python implementation of Mustache
python-pytango (9.2.5-1)
transitional dummy package for python-tango
python-pytc (0.8-3)
Python bindings for the Tokyo Cabinet database
python-pyte (0.4.8-1)
simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator
python-pytest (3.10.1-2)
Simple, powerful testing in Python
python-pytest-benchmark (3.2.2-1)
pytest fixture for benchmarking code
python-pytest-cookies (0.3.0-1)
wrapper for the cookiecutter API for generating projects (Python 2)
python-pytest-cov (2.6.0-1)
py.test plugin to produce coverage reports
python-pytest-cython (0.1.0-1)
pytest plugin for testing Cython extension modules (Python 2)
python-pytest-django (3.1.2-1)
Django plugin for py.test.
python-pytest-expect (1.1.0-1)
py.test plugin to store test expectations
python-pytest-forked (1.0.1-1)
py.test plugin for running tests in forked subprocesses (Python 2)
python-pytest-httpbin (0.3.0-4)
py.test plugin providing a local httpbin
python-pytest-localserver (0.5.0-1)
py.test plugin to test server connections locally (Python 2)
python-pytest-mock (1.7.1-1)
thin-wrapper around mock for easier use with py.test (Python 2 module)
python-pytest-multihost (3.0-1)
Utility for writing multi-host tests for pytest (Python 2)
python-pytest-pep8 (1.0.6-1)
pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements
python-pytest-pylint (0.14.0-1)
pytest plugin to check source code with pylint - Python 2.x
python-pytest-runner (2.11.1-1.1)
Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution - Python 2.x
python-pytest-sourceorder (0.5.1-1)
Test-ordering plugin for pytest (Python 2)
python-pytest-timeout (1.3.3-1)
Pytest plugin to abort hanging tests - Python 2.X
python-pytest-tornado (0.5.0-1)
py.test plugin to test Tornado applications
python-pytest-xdist (1.26.1-1)
xdist plugin for py.test
python-pyth (0.6.0-2)
balisage de texte et conversion avec Python
python-pythoncard (0.8.2-5)
wxPython-based GUI construction framework (underlying Python libraries)
python-pythonmagick (0.9.19-4)
Object-oriented Python interface to ImageMagick
python-pytimeparse (1.1.5-2)
analyse d’expressions horaires – Python 2.x
python-pytoml (0.1.2-1)
TOML parser and emitter for Python2
python-pytools (2019.1-1)
big bag of things supplementing Python standard library
python-pytyrant (1.1.17-1.2)
Pure Python client implementation of the Tokyo Tyrant protocol
python-pyuca (1.2-1)
Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) for Python
python-pyudev (0.21.0-1)
Python bindings for libudev
python-pyvcf (0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1)
Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python
python-pyvcf-examples (0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1)
Example data for Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python
python-pyvirtualdisplay (0.2.1-2)
python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc - Python 2.X
python-pyvisa (1.9.1-1)
Python bindings for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture
python-pyvisa-py (0.3.1-2)
Backend that implements a large part of the VISA in pure Python
python-pyvmomi (6.7.1-2)
VMware vSphere Python SDK - Python 2.x
python-pyvorbis (1.5-5)
interface Python pour la bibliothèque Ogg Vorbis
python-pyvows (2.1.0-2)
Asynchronous BDD for Python
python-pyvtk (0.4.74-3.1)
module pour manipuler des fichiers VTK
python-pywbem (0.8.0~dev650-1)
Python WBEM Client and Provider Interface
python-pywps (4.2.1-1)
Implementation of OGC's Web Processing Service - Python 2 module
python-pywt (0.5.1-1.1+b3)
extension de Python implémentant la transformation d’ondelettes
python-pyx (0.12.1-11)
Python 2 module for generating PostScript graphics
python-pyxattr (0.6.1-1)
module de manipulation des attributs étendus des systèmes de fichiers
paquet virtuel fourni par python-xattr
python-pyxb (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (Python2 version)
python-pyxb-bundles-common (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (common bindings for Python2)
python-pyxb-bundles-dc (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (Dublin Core bindings for Python2)
python-pyxb-bundles-saml20 (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (SAML bindings for Python2)
python-pyxb-bundles-wssplat (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (WS-* bindings for Python2)
python-pyxenstore (0.0.2-1)
Access XenStore from Python
python-pyxid (1.0-2)
interface for Cedrus XID and StimTracker devices
python-pyxmpp (1.1.2-1)
XMPP and Jabber implementation for Python
python-pyxnat (
Interface to access neuroimaging data on XNAT servers
python-q (2.6-1.1)
Quick-and-dirty Python debugging output for tired programmers
python-q-text-as-data (1.7.4+2018.12.21+git+28f776ed46-1)
performs SQL-like statements on tabular text data - Python 2.x
python-qcli (0.1.1-3)
separated module of pyqi needed for QIIME package
python-qgis (2.18.28+dfsg-2)
interfaçage Python à QGIS
python-qgis-common (2.18.28+dfsg-2)
liaisons Python pour QGIS –⋅fichiers indépendants de l'architecture
python-qpid (1.37.0+dfsg-1)
Python bindings for qpid/mlib
python-qpid-extras-qmf (0.32-1)
Python bindings for qpid/mlib
python-qpid-proton (0.22.0-3)
language bindings for Qpid Proton messaging framework - Python 2.7
python-qrcode (6.1-1)
QR Code image generator library - Python 2.7
python-qrencode (1.2-4+b2)
Python bindings for the Qrencode QR Code generator library
python-qrtools (1.4~bzr32-1)
high level library for reading and generating QR codes
python-qscintilla2 (2.10.4+dfsg-2.1)
Python bindings for QScintilla 2
python-qt-binding (0.3.4-2)
Robot OS Python 2 bindings for QT
python-qt4 (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
Python bindings for Qt4
python-qt4-dbus (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
prise en charge de D-Bus pour PyQt4
python-qt4-dev (4.12.1+dfsg-2)
fichiers de développement pour PyQt4
python-qt4-gl (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
liaisons de Python pour le module OpenGL de Qt4
python-qt4-phonon (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
liaisons Python pour Phonon
python-qt4-sql (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
liaisons Python pour le module SQL de PyQt4
python-qt4reactor (1.0-1)
Twisted Qt4 Integration
python-qtawesome (0.4.4+ds1-1)
iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications (Python 2)
python-qtawesome-common (0.4.4+ds1-1)
common files for QtAwesome
python-qtconsole (4.3.1-1)
Jupyter - Qt console (Python 2)
python-qtpy (1.3.1-1)
abtraction layer for PySide/PyQt4/PyQt5 (Python 2)
python-quantities (0.12.1-1)
Library for computation of physical quantities with units, based on numpy
python-quark-sphinx-theme (0.5.1-1)
Sphinx theme designed for QTextBrowser (Python 2)
python-queuelib (1.4.2-1)
collection of persistent (disk-based) queues (Python 2)
python-quintuple (0~20171222-3)
5-qubit quantum computer simulator (Python 2)
python-qwt (0.5.5-1)
Pure Python implementation of Qwt - Python 2
python-qwt5-qt4 (5.2.1~cvs20091107+dfsg-10)
Python version of the Qwt5 technical widget library
python-rabbyt (0.8.1-2)
sprite library for Python with game development in mind
python-radix (0.10.0-2+b1)
radix tree implementation for storage of IPv4 and IPv6 networks (Python 2)
python-rados (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python libraries for the Ceph librados library
python-rainbow (0.8.7-2)
core rainbow shared module
python-random2 (1.0.1-1)
backport of Python 2.7's random module (Python 2)
python-randomize (0.14-1)
randomize the order of tests in a unittest.TestCase class - Python 2.7
python-rarfile (3.0-1)
RAR archive reader module for Python 2
python-rasterio (1.0.21-1)
interface de programmation Python 2 pour utiliser les données de trame avec NumPy
python-rawkit (0.6.0-1)
CTypes based LibRaw bindings - Python 2.X
python-rbd (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python libraries for the Ceph librbd library
python-rcssmin (1.0.6-1+b3)
CSS Minifier - Python 2.7
python-rdflib (4.2.2-2)
Python library containing an RDF triple store and RDF parsers/serializers
python-rdflib-jsonld (0.4.0-4)
rdflib extension adding JSON-LD parser and serializer in Python 2
python-rdflib-tools (4.2.2-2)
Python tools for converting to and from RDF
python-rdkit (201809.1+dfsg-6)
Collection of cheminformatics and machine-learning software
python-recaptcha (1.0.6-1)
client library for reCAPTCHA and Mailhide
python-reclass (1.4.1-3)
hierarchical inventory backend for configuration management systems
python-recoll (1.24.3-3)
Python extension for recoll
python-recommonmark (0.4.0+ds-5)
CommonMark utility for Docutils and Sphinx projects -- Python
python-reconfigure (0.1.81+git20171214.2b8729a8-1)
simple config file management library (Python 2)
python-redis (3.2.1-2)
Persistent key-value database with network interface (Python library)
python-rediscluster (1.3.3-1)
Python interface to a cluster of Redis key-value stores - Python 2.X
python-redminelib (2.1.1+ds-1)
Python library for the Redmine RESTful API (Python 2)
python-rednose (0.4.1-2)
coloured output for nosetests - Python 2.x
python-regex (0.1.20190207-1)
alternative regular expression module
python-rekall-core (1.6.0+dfsg-2)
memory analysis and incident response framework -- core Python modules
python-relatorio (0.8.1-1)
Python module to create reports from Python objects (Python2)
python-releases (1.4.0-1)
Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation (Python 2)
python-remctl (3.15-1+b3)
Python extension for Kerberos-authenticated command execution
python-rencode (1.0.5-1+b2)
Python encoding library similar to bittorrent's bencode
python-renderpm (3.5.13-1+deb10u2) [security]
interface Python de rendu de bas niveau
python-reno (2.9.2-1)
gestionnaire RElease NOtes – Python 2.x
python-reportlab (3.5.13-1+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque ReportLab pour créer des documents PDF en utilisant Python
python-reportlab-accel (3.5.13-1+deb10u2) [security]
accélérateur d’extension codé en C pour la boîte à outils de ReportLab
python-repoze.lru (0.7-1)
tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface (0.8-0.1)
Sphinx extension to generate API docs from Zope interfaces (Python 2)
python-repoze.tm2 (2.0-1)
Zope-like transaction manager WSGI middleware (Python 2)
python-repoze.who (2.2-3)
ident and auth framework for Python WSGI applications - Python 2.x
python-requestbuilder (0.5.2-2+deb10u1) [security]
constructeur de requêtes HTTP en ligne de commande – Python 2.7
python-requests (2.21.0-1+deb10u1) [security]
bibliothèque HTTP simple et élégante pour Python2, construite pour les êtres humains
python-requests-cache (0.4.13-2)
cache persistant pour la bibliothèque requests
python-requests-file (1.4.3-1)
File transport adapter for Requests - Python 2.X
python-requests-futures (0.9.9-1)
library for asynchronous HTTP requests (Python 2)
python-requests-kerberos (0.11.0-2)
gestionnaire d'authentification Kerberos/GSSAPI pour des requêtes en python – Python 2.x
python-requests-mock (1.5.2-2)
mock out responses from the requests package - Python 2.x
python-requests-oauthlib (1.0.0-0.1)
module providing OAuthlib auth support for requests (Python 2)
python-requests-toolbelt (0.8.0-1)
Utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
python-requests-unixsocket (0.1.5-3)
utilisation de requêtes HTTP pour communiquer à l’aide d’une socket du domaine UNIX – Python 2.7
python-requestsexceptions (1.4.0-1)
importation d’exceptions des paquets empaquetés dans requests – Python 2.7
python-requirements-detector (0.6-1)
finds and lists the requirements of a Python project (Python 2)
python-resource-retriever (1.12.4-2)
Robot OS resource_retriever library - Python 2
python-responses (0.9.0-1)
Utility library for mocking out the requests Python library
python-restless (2.1.1-1)
lightweight REST miniframework for Python
python-restless-doc (2.1.1-1)
lightweight REST miniframework for Python
python-restructuredtext-lint (0.12.2-2)
analyseur statique (linter) de reStructuredText – Python 2.7
python-retrying (1.3.3-3)
simplifies the task of adding retry behavior - Python 2.x
python-rfc3339 (1.1-1)
parser and generator of RFC 3339-compliant timestamps (Python 2)
python-rfc3986 (0.3.1-2)
validation de références d’URI selon la RFC 3986 – Python 2.x
python-rfoo (1.3.0-2)
Fast RPC package for Python (and a remote console)
python-rgain (1.3.4-4)
Replay Gain volume normalization Python tools
python-rgw (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python 2 libraries for the Ceph librgw library
python-ricky (0.1-1)
tool for rebuilding packages using the Debile infrastructure
python-ripe-atlas-cousteau (1.4.2-1)
Python wrapper around the RIPE Atlas API
python-ripe-atlas-sagan (1.2.2-1)
Python library for parsing RIPE Atlas measurement results
python-rjsmin (1.0.12+dfsg1-4+b2)
réducteur de javascript écrit en python – Python 2.7
python-rlp (0.5.1-1)
Recursive Length Prefix (RLP) library — Python 2
python-robot-detection (0.4.0-1)
Detect web crawlers from HTTP UserAgent (Python 2 version)
python-roman (2.0.0-3)
module pour créer et analyser des nombres romains pour Python 2
python-ropemode (0.4-1)
ropemode, a helper for using rope refactoring library in IDE
python-rosbag (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 2 tools for recording from and playing back to Robot OS topics
python-rosboost-cfg (1.14.4-6)
Contains scripts used by the Robot OS rosboost-cfg tool (Python 2)
python-rosclean (1.14.4-6)
cleanup Robot OS filesystem resources (e.g. logs) (Python 2)
python-roscpp-msg (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Header for roscpp messages, Python 2
python-roscreate (1.14.4-6)
Robot OS empty package template creator (Python 2)))))))))
python-rosdep2 (0.15.1-2)
rosdep package manager abstraction tool for Robot OS (Python 2)
python-rosdistro (0.7.2-1)
Tool to work with rosdistro files (for Robot OS, Python 2)
python-rosgraph (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool to print information about the Robot OS computation graph - Python 2
python-rosgraph-msgs (1.11.2-9)
Messages relating to the Robot OS Computation Graph, Python 2 bindings
python-rosinstall (0.7.8-2)
Installer for Robot OS (Python 2)
python-rosinstall-generator (0.1.14-1)
Tool to generate rosinstall files (for Robot OS) Python 2
python-roslaunch (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
roslaunch tool for Robot OS - Python 2
python-roslib (1.14.4-6)
Python 2 library for roslib (Robot OS)
python-roslz4 (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 2 library implementing lz4 for Robot OS
python-rosmake (1.14.4-6)
rosmake is a Robot OS dependency aware build tool (Python 2)
python-rosmaster (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Robot OS Master implementation - Python 2
python-rosmsg (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Command-line tools for displaying information about Robot OS - Python 2
python-rosnode (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool for displaying debug information about Robot OS - Python 2
python-rosparam (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool for getting and setting Robot OS Parameters - Python 2
python-rospkg (1.1.7-1)
Robot OS package library (Python 2)
python-rospy (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 2 client library for Robot OS
python-rosservice (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Command-line tool for listing and querying Robot OS services - Python 2
python-rostest (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Test suite for Robot OS based on roslaunch - Python 2
python-rostopic (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool for displaying debug information about Robot OS Topics - Python 2
python-rosunit (1.14.4-6)
Unit-testing package for ROS (Python 2)
python-roswtf (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool for diagnosing issues with a running Robot OS system - Python 2
python-routes (2.4.1-1)
Routing Recognition and Generation Tools
python-rows (0.3.1-3)
library to tabular data, no matter the format
python-rpi.gpio (0.6.5-1)
Module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels (Python 2)
python-rply (0.7.4-3)
pure Python based parser that also works with RPython (Python 2)
python-rpm (
Python bindings for RPM
python-rpy2 (2.8.6-2+b2)
Python 2 interface to the GNU R language and environment (version 2.8)
python-rrdtool (1.7.1-2)
time-series data storage and display system (Python interface)
python-rsa (4.0-2)
Pure-Python RSA implementation (Python 2)
python-rstr (2.2.6-1)
Easily generate random strings of various types
python-rtree (0.8.3+ds-2)
indexation spatiale R-Tree pour les SIG en Python – module pour Python 2
python-rtslib-fb (2.1.66-2)
object API for managing the Linux LIO kernel target - Python 2.x
python-ruamel.ordereddict (0.4.13-1)
dictionary that keeps keys in insertion resp. sorted order
python-ruamel.yaml (0.15.34-1+b1)
roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 2 module)
python-rudolf (0.3-1)
colour output plugin for the nose testing framework - Python 2.x
python-ruffus (2.8.1-4)
Python computation pipeline library widely used in bioinformatics
python-rviz (1.13.1+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python pour l’outil de visualisation en 3D pour ROS
python-s3transfer (0.2.0-1)
Amazon S3 Transfer Manager for Python2
python-sabyenc (3.3.5-1)
yEnc extension for Python, optimized for Usenet
python-saga (2.3.1+dfsg-4+b1)
SAGA GIS Python bindings
python-sagenb (1.1.2+ds1-1)
Standalone Sage Notebook
python-sagenb-export (3.2-3)
Convert SageNB Notebooks (Python 2)
python-sagetex (3.2+ds-2)
Embed Sage code and plots into LaTeX -- Python
python-saharaclient (2.0.0-2.1)
bibliothèque cliente pour le serveur d’API Sahara pour OpenStack – module en Python 2.7
python-samba (2:4.9.5+dfsg-5+deb10u5) [security]
Interfaçage Python à Samba
python-sane (2.8.3-1+b2)
Python Imaging Library - SANE interface (Pillow fork)
python-sanlock (3.6.0-3)
Python bindings to shared storage lock manager
python-sardana (2.6.2+dfsg-1)
instrument control and data acquisition system - library
python-sasmodels (0.99-2)
Theoretical models for small angle scattering (Python 2)
python-sasview (4.2.1-1)
Small Angle Scattering Analysis (Python 2)
python-satellites (2.5-1)
transitional package to upgrade to the newer pysatellites
python-scales (1.0.9-2)
Application metrics for Python
python-scandir (1.9.0-2)
Backport of the "scandir" stdlib module (Python 2)
python-schedule (0.3.2-1)
Job scheduling for humans (Python 2)
python-schedutils (0.6-1)
Linux scheduler Python bindings - Python 2.7
python-schema (0.6.7-1)
simple data validation library (Python 2)
python-schroot (0.4-3)
set of Python bindings to schroot chroots
python-scipy (1.1.0-7)
outils scientifiques pour Python
python-sclapp (0.5.3-3)
framework for Python command-line applications
python-scoop (
Python library for concurrent parallel programming
python-scour (0.37-2)
SVG scrubber and optimizer (Python 2 module)
python-scp (0.13.0-1)
scp module for paramiko (Python 2)
python-scrapy (1.5.1-1+deb10u1)
Python web scraping and crawling framework (Python 2)
python-scrapy-djangoitem (1.1.1-2)
Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models (Python2 version)
python-scripttest (1.3-2)
Helper to test command-line scripts - python 2.x
python-scriptutil (1-2)
Python module which provides the functionality of find and grep
python-scruffy (0.3.3-1.1)
framework for taking care of a bunch of boilerplate in Python2 apps
python-scrypt (0.8.0-0.1+b1)
bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library - Python 2.7
python-sdnotify (0.3.1-1)
Python2 implementation of systemd's service notification protocol
python-seaborn (0.9.0-1)
statistical visualization library for Python
python-seafile (6.2.11-1)
Python bindings for the Seafile Client
python-seamicroclient (0.4.0-3)
Client library for Seamicro chassis API - Python 2.x
python-searchlightclient (1.3.0-2)
OpenStack Indexing and Search API Client Library - Python 2.7
python-searpc (3.1.0-3)
Python bindings for the Searpc framework
python-seccomp (2.3.3-4)
high level interface to Linux seccomp filter (Python 2 bindings)
python-secretstorage (2.3.1-2)
Python module for storing secrets - Python 2.x version
python-selenium (3.14.1+dfsg1-1)
Python bindings for Selenium
python-selinux (2.8-1+b1)
liaisons Python aux bibliothèques partagées de SELinux
python-semanage (2.8-2)
points d'entrée Python pour la gestion des stratégies de SELinux
python-semantic-version (2.6.0-2)
implementing the SemVer scheme - Python 2.x
python-semver (2.0.1-3)
helps to compare semantic versioning - Python 2.x
python-send2trash (1.5.0-1)
Python module for sending file to trash natively
python-sendfile (2.0.1-2)
Python interface to sendfile(2)
python-senlinclient (1.8.0-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour l'API de grappe OpenStack – Python 2.7
python-sensor-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS sensor, Python 2 interface
python-sentinels (1.0.0-3)
Python module for sentinel objects (Python 2 version)
python-seqdiag (0.9.5+dfsg-1.1)
seqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file
python-serial (3.4-4)
pyserial – module d’encapsulation d’accès à un port série
python-service-identity (16.0.0-2)
Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL (Python 2 module)
python-sesame (0.24-4)
enveloppe de Python pour l’API REST HTTP
python-setoptconf (0.2.0-3)
retrieve Python program settings from a variety of sources
python-setproctitle (1.1.10-1+b2)
Setproctitle implementation for Python 2
python-setupdocs (1.0.5-3)
greffon de setuptools automatisant la construction de documents à partir d'une source reST
python-setuptools (40.8.0-1)
améliorations de Python Distutils
python-setuptools-git (1.2-2)
greffon de setuptools permettant l'intégration de git
python-setuptools-scm (3.2.0-1)
blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for Python 2
python-sexpdata (0.0.3-1)
S-expression parser (Python2)
python-sfml (2.2~git20150611.196c88+dfsg-4+b3)
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library – liaisons de Python 2
python-sgp4 (1.4-1)
Track earth satellite TLE orbits using up-to-date 2010 version of sgp4
python-sh (1.12.14-1.1)
Python subprocess interface
python-sha3 (1.0.2-2+deb10u1) [security]
SHA-3 (Keccak) hash implementation — Python 2
python-shade (1.30.0-2)
Client library for operating OpenStack clouds
python-shape-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS shape, Python 2 interface
python-shapely (1.6.4-2)
geometric objects, predicates, and operations (Python 2)
python-shellescape (3.4.1-3)
escapes characters to safely assemble command lines
python-shelltoolbox (0.2.1+bzr17-1.1)
Helpers for using shell commands from within Python.
python-shodan (1.11.1-1)
Official Python library for Shodan (Python 2)
python-shortuuid (0.5.0-1)
generates concise, unambiguous, URL-safe UUIDs
python-sievelib (1.1.0-1)
Client-side Sieve and Managesieve library
python-sigmavirus24-urltemplate (3.0.0+git20181031.68064e2-1)
Simple Python library to deal with URI Templates - Python 2.x
python-signedjson (1.0.0+git20151019-2)
sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures in Python
python-silo (4.10.2.real-5+b1)
Python interface to the SILO Scientific I/O library
python-silx (0.9.0+dfsg-3+deb10u1)
Toolbox for X-Ray data analysis - Python2 library
python-simpleeval (0.9.6-1)
Simple, safe single expression evaluator library (Python 2)
python-simplegeneric (0.8.1-2)
simple generic functions for Python
python-simplejson (3.16.0-1)
simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 2.x
python-simpletal (4.3-1)
implémentation simple de TAL, TALES et METAL
python-simpy (2.3.1+dfsg-1)
paquet de simulation basé sur Python
python-simpy-gui (2.3.1+dfsg-1)
python-based simulation package, GUI
python-simpy3 (3.0.11-1)
python-based simulation package
python-singledispatch (
single-dispatch generic functions for Python
python-sip (4.19.14+dfsg-2)
bibliothèque de création de liaisons Python/C++
python-sip-dev (4.19.14+dfsg-2)
Python/C++ bindings generator development files
python-sireader (1.1.1-1)
Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 2)
python-six (1.12.0-1)
bibliothèque de compatibilité Python⋅2 et⋅3 –⋅interface Python⋅2
python-skimage (0.14.2-2)
Python modules for image processing
python-skimage-lib (0.14.2-2)
Optimized low-level algorithms for scikit-image
python-sklearn (0.20.2+dfsg-6)
Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 2
python-sklearn-lib (0.20.2+dfsg-6)
low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn
python-sleekxmpp (1.3.3-4)
XMPP (Jabber) Library Implementing Everything as a Plugin (Python 2.x)
python-slepc4py (3.10.0-2)
Python 2 bindings for SLEPc libraries
python-slepc4py-docs (3.10.0-2)
Python bindings for SLEPc libraries: documentation and examples
python-slides (1.0.1-15)
générateur de diapositives basé sur Python
python-slimit (0.8.1-3)
JavaScript minifier/parser in Python
python-slimmer (0.1.30-7)
HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript optimizer for Python2
python-slowaes (0.1a1-2)
implementation of AES in Python
python-slugify (2.0.1-1)
Python module that provides tools for slugifying unicode strings
python-smartpm (1.4-2)
Python library of the Smart Package Manager
python-smartypants (2.0.0-1)
smart-quotes plugin for pyblosxom
python-smbc (
liaisons Python⋅2 pour la bibliothèque client Samba
python-smbpasswd (1.0.1-1.3)
This module can generate both LANMAN and NT password hashes
python-smbus (4.1-1)
liaisons Python pour l'accès à SMBus dans Linux avec i2c-dev
python-smclib (1.8.3-1+b1)
Robot OS 'bond' State Machine Compiler Python 2 package
python-smmap (2.0.5-1)
pure Python implementation of a sliding window memory map manager
python-smoke-zephyr (1.4.1-1)
Python utility collection
python-smstrade (0.2.4-5)
Python library to send SMS via the smstrade service (Python 2)
python-snappy (0.5.3-1)
snappy compression library from Google - Python 2.7
python-snimpy (0.8.13-1)
high-level SNMP bindings for Python 2
python-snowballstemmer (1.2.1-1)
Pure Python Snowball stemming library
python-snuggs (1.4.3-1)
S-expressions for numpy - Python 2 version
python-soappy (0.12.22-1)
Support SOAP pour Python
python-soapysdr (0.6.1-4+b1)
liaisons Python⋅2 pour SoapySDR
python-socketio (0.3.6-4)
Socket.IO server based on the gevent pywsgi server
python-socketio-client (0.6.5-0.1) library for Python
python-socketpool (0.5.3-4)
simple Python 2 socket pool
python-socks (1.6.8+dfsg-1)
Python 2 SOCKS client module
python-socksipychain (2.0.15-2)
Python SOCKS/HTTP/SSL chaining proxy module
python-softlayer (5.6.4-1)
Python client for SoftLayer API (Python 2)
python-solv (0.6.35-2+deb10u1)
dependency solver using a satisfiability algorithm (Python2 bindings)
python-sorl-thumbnail (12.5.0-1)
thumbnail support for the Django framework
python-sortedcontainers (2.0.4-1)
sorted container types: SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet
python-sortedm2m (1.2.2-1)
Replacement for Django's many to many field with sorted relations (Python 2)
python-sortedm2m-data (1.2.2-1)
Replacement for Django's many to many field with sorted relations (data files)
python-soundfile (0.10.1-3)
Python audio module based on libsndfile and NumPy
python-soupsieve (1.8+dfsg-1)
Modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup (Python 2.7)
python-sourcecodegen (0.6.14-1)
Python source-code generator based on the compiler.ast abstract syntax tree
python-spake2 (0.8-1)
SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure python)
python-sparkpost (1.3.7-1)
SparkPost Python API client (Python 2)
python-sparqlwrapper (1.8.2-0.1)
SPARQL endpoint interface to Python
python-sparse (1.1.1-2)
Sparse linear algebra extension for Python
python-sparse-examples (1.1.1-2)
Sparse linear algebra extension for Python: documentation
python-spf (2.0.12t-3)
module SPF (Sender Policy Framework) pour Python
python-sphere (3.2-11)
Python interface to the spherepack scientific library.
python-sphinx (1.8.4-1)
générateur de documentation pour des projets en Python – version en Python 2
python-sphinx-argparse (0.2.2-2)
Sphinx extension for argparse commands and options (Python 2)
python-sphinx-bootstrap-theme (0.6.5-1)
bootstrap theme for Sphinx
python-sphinx-gallery (0.2.0-1)
extension that builds an HTML gallery of examples from Python scripts
python-sphinx-paramlinks (0.3.5-1)
Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 2 version)
python-sphinx-patchqueue (0.5.0-2)
Sphinx extension for embedding sequences of file alterations (Python 2)
python-sphinx-rtd-theme (0.4.3+dfsg-1)
sphinx theme from (Python 2)
python-sphinx-testing (0.8.1-1)
testing utility for Sphinx extensions
python-sphinxbase (0.8+5prealpha+1-3+b1)
Speech recognition tool - Python bindings
python-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme (0.8.0-7)
documenting APIs built with Pecan and WSME - Python 2.7
python-sphinxcontrib.actdiag (0.8.5-1)
Sphinx "actdiag" extension
python-sphinxcontrib.blockdiag (1.5.5-1)
Sphinx "blockdiag" extension
python-sphinxcontrib.docbookrestapi (0.2.1-3)
generating REST API documentation for
python-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain (1.5.0-2)
Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs - Python 2.x
python-sphinxcontrib.issuetracker (0.11-2)
Sphinx integration with different issue trackers
python-sphinxcontrib.nwdiag (0.9.5-1)
Sphinx "nwdiag" extension
python-sphinxcontrib.plantuml (0.5-5)
extension PlantUML pour Sphinx – Python 2.x
python-sphinxcontrib.programoutput (0.11-3.1)
insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - Python 2.x
python-sphinxcontrib.restbuilder (0.2-2)
extension to build reST (reStructuredText) files with Sphinx (Python 2)
python-sphinxcontrib.seqdiag (0.8.5-1)
Sphinx "seqdiag" extension
python-sphinxcontrib.spelling (4.2.0-1)
extension d’orthographe pour Sphinx
python-sphinxcontrib.websupport (1.1.0-2)
API to integrate Sphinx documentation into Web applications (Python 2)
python-sphinxtesters (0.2.1-1)
utilities for testing Sphinx extensions - Python 2
python-spoon (1.0.6-3)
Simple to use pre-forking server interface (Python 2)
python-sprox (0.9.6-1)
library to generate web widgets from database schemas
python-sptest (0.2.1-3)
Python unittest module extension
python-spur (0.3.20-1)
Run commands easily over SSH
python-spyder (3.3.3+dfsg1-1)
public modules for spyder (Python 2)
python-spyder-kernels (1.0.1+really0.2.4-1)
Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console - Python 2
python-spyderlib (3.3.3+dfsg1-1)
transitional dummy package for python-spyder
paquet virtuel fourni par python-spyder
python-spyne (2.12.11-1)
Python library for writing and calling soap web service
python-sql (1.0.0-1)
Library to write SQL queries (implemented in Python 2)
python-sqlalchemy (1.2.18+ds1-2)
boite à outils SQL et mappage objet-relationnel pour Python
python-sqlalchemy-ext (1.2.18+ds1-2)
boîte à outils SQL et Object Relational Mapper pour Python –⋅extension⋅C
python-sqlalchemy-utils (0.32.21-1)
various utility functions for SQLAlchemy - Python 2.x
python-sqlite (1.0.1-12)
interface de Python pour SQLite 2
python-sqlitecachec (1.1.4-1)
Fast metadata parser for yum
python-sqlkit (
Python tools and GUI application to view and edit databases content
python-sqlobject (3.7.0+dfsg-2)
Python 2 object relational manager providing an object interface to databases
python-sqlparse (0.2.4-1+deb10u1) [security]
analyseur SQL non validant pour Python 2
python-sqlsoup (0.9.1-3)
one step database access tool for Python, built on the SQLAlchemy ORM
python-squaremap (1:1.0.4-2)
wxPython control to display hierarchic data as nested squares
python-srp (1.0.14-1)
Secure Remote Password protocol implementation
python-srs (1.0.3-1)
Python SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) library
python-ssdeep (3.1+dfsg-2+b2)
Python 2.x wrapper for the ssdeep piecewise hashing tool
python-sshpubkeys (3.1.0-1)
SSH public key parser - Python 2
python-sss (1.16.3-3.2+deb10u2) [security]
Python module for the System Security Services Daemon
python-starpy (
Asterisk (AMI) protocols for Twisted Python
python-staticconf (0.10.3-2)
Python library for loading and reading configuration (Python 2)
python-statistics (3.4.0b3-2)
Python 2.* port of 3.4 Statistics Module (Python 2)
python-statsd (3.2.1-2)
client en Python pour le serveur statsd – Python 2
python-statsmodels (0.8.0-9)
Python module for the estimation of statistical models
python-statsmodels-lib (0.8.0-9)
low-level implementations and bindings for statsmodels
python-std-msgs (0.5.11-5)
Python 2 interface for Standard Robot OS Messages
python-std-srvs (1.11.2-9)
Robot OS Common service definitions, Python 2 bindings
python-stdeb (0.8.5-1)
Python to Debian source package conversion utility
python-stdnum (1.10-1)
Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes
python-stem (1.7.1-1)
Tor control library for Python
python-stemmer (1.3.0+dfsg-1+b9)
liaisons Python pour libstemmer –⋅algorithmes de désuffixation de Snowball
python-stepic (0.4.1-1)
Python Steganography in Images
python-stereo-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS stereo, Python 2 interface
python-stestr (2.1.0-2)
test runner similar to testrepository - Python 2.7
python-stetl (1.2+ds-1)
traitement de flux ETL – cadriciel géospatial ETL pour Python 2
python-stevedore (1.29.0-2)
manage dynamic plugins for Python applications - python2
python-stfio (0.15.8-1+b1)
Python module to read common electrophysiology file formats.
python-stfl (0.22-1.3+b10)
python bindings for the structured terminal forms language/library
python-stomp (4.1.19-1)
STOMP client library for Python 2
python-stomper (0.4.1-1)
Python client implementation of the STOMP protocol (Python 2)
python-stompy (0.2.9-1.1)
Implementation of the STOMP protocol in Python
python-storm (0.19-2)
object-relational mapper (ORM) for Python
python-straight.plugin (1.4.1-2)
Simple namespaced plugin facility (Python 2)
python-stringtemplate3 (3.1-4)
template engine with strict model-view separation - Python 2.7
python-structlog (18.1.0-1)
structured logging for Python (2.x)
python-stsci.distutils (0.3.7-4)
Python packaging utilities for STScI's packages
python-subnettree (0.28-1)
Python Module for CIDR Lookups
python-subprocess32 (3.5.3-1)
backport of the Py3 stdlib subprocess module for Py2
python-subunit (1.3.0-1+deb10u1) [security]
protocole de test unitaire – liaisons de Python pour créer et utiliser des flux
python-subunit2sql (1.10.0-1)
subunit file/stream to DB - Python 2.7
python-subversion (1.10.4-1+deb10u3)
Python bindings for Apache Subversion
python-subvertpy (0.10.1-2)
liaisons alternatives de Python pour Subversion – Python 2
python-suds (0.7~git20150727.94664dd-5)
client SOAP léger pour Python – Python 2.7
python-sugar3 (0.112-3)
plateforme d’apprentissage Sugar – liaisons pour la boite à outils de Python
python-sunlight (1.1.5-2)
set of bindings to access U.S. government data (Python 2)
python-sunpinyin (3.0.0~rc1+ds1-2)
méthode de saisie pour le chinois simplifié de SUN – liaison Python
python-sure (1.2.5-5)
utility belt for automated testing - Python 2.x
python-surfer (0.7-2.1)
visualize Freesurfer's data in Python
python-svg.path (3.0-1)
SVG path objects and parser for Python
python-svgwrite (1.2.1-3)
library to create SVG drawings (Python 2)
python-svipc (0.16-3)
interprocess communication (shared memory...) for Python
python-swap (1.2.1-7)
Semantic Web Area for Play
python-swift (2.19.1-1+deb10u1) [security]
magasin virtuel d’objets distribués – bibliothèques de Python
python-swiftclient (1:3.6.0-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour l’API de Swift d’OpenStack – Python 2.7
python-swiftsc (0.5-1)
simple client library of OpenStack Swift
python-swiglpk (4.65.0-1)
Plain Python bindings for the GNU Linear Programming Kit (Python 2)
python-symeig (1.5-2)
Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for NumPy
python-sympy (1.3-2)
Computer Algebra System (CAS) en Python
python-systemd (234-2+b1)
Python 2 bindings for systemd
python-systemfixtures (0.6.4-1)
Test fixtures providing fake versions of various system resources
python-sysv-ipc (0.6.8-2+b4)
sémaphores, mémoire partagée et files d’attente de messages — Python 2.x
python-tables (3.4.4-2)
base de données hiérarchique pour Python basée sur HDF5
python-tables-data (3.4.4-2)
hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 - test data
python-tables-lib (3.4.4-2)
hierarchical database for Python based on HDF5 (extension)
python-tablib (0.12.1-2)
format agnostic tabular dataset library - Python 2.7
python-tabulate (0.8.2-1)
pretty-print tabular data in Python2
python-tackerclient (0.14.0-2)
CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Tacker - Python 2.7
python-tagpy (2013.1-6.1)
module Python de manipulation des marqueurs de fichiers musicaux
python-talloc (2.1.14-2)
allocateur de mémoire hiérarchique par zones –⋅liaisons Python
python-tango (9.2.5-1)
API for the TANGO control system (Python 2)
python-tap (2.5-2)
TAP producer/consumer tools for Python unittest -- Python 2 version
python-taskflow (3.2.0-3)
Taskflow structured state management library - Python 2.7
python-taskw (1.2.0-2)
Python bindings for your taskwarrior database (Python 2 version)
python-taurus (4.5.0+dfsg-1)
Framework for scientific/industrial CLIs and GUIs - Python2
python-tblib (1.3.2-3)
Python 2 traceback fiddling library
python-tcpwrap (0.2-2.3)
interface de Python pour libwrap0 (adaptateurs TCP)
python-tdb (1.3.16-2+b1)
liaisons Python pour TDB
python-tds (1.9.1-1)
Python DBAPI driver for MSSQL using pure Python TDS (Python 2)
python-tegaki (0.3.1-1.1)
core Python module of Tegaki
python-tegaki-gtk (0.3.1-1.1)
GTK+ widget Python model for Tegaki
python-tegakitools (0.3.1-1.1)
command-line tools for Tegaki
python-telepathy (0.15.19-3)
Python language bindings for telepathy
python-tempest (1:19.0.0-2)
OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Python 2.7
python-tempita (0.5.2-2)
très petit langage de formatage de texte
python-tenacity (4.12.0-2)
retry code until it succeeeds - Python 2.7
python-termcolor (1.1.0-2)
ANSII Color formatting for output in terminal - Python 2.x
python-terminado (0.8.1-4)
Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets (Python 2)
python-termstyle (0.1.10-2)
console colouring for python - Python 2.x
python-test-server (0.0.27-1)
HTTP Server to test HTTP clients (Python 2)
python-testfixtures (4.14.3-2)
Collection of helpers and mock objects (Python2 version)
python-testing.common.database (2.0.0-1)
Python testing.* framework - common database utilities (Python 2)
python-testing.mysqld (1.4.0-3)
Python testing.* framework - MySQLd helpers (Python 2)
python-testing.postgresql (1.3.0-1)
Python testing.* framework - PostgreSQL helpers (Python 2)
python-testpath (0.4.2+dfsg-1)
Utilities for Python 2 code working with files and commands
python-testrepository (0.0.20-3)
Database of test results - Python 2.x library
python-testresources (2.0.0-2)
PyUnit extension for managing expensive test fixtures - Python 2.x
python-testscenarios (0.5.0-2)
Dependency injection for Python unittest tests - Python 2.x
python-testtools (2.3.0-5)
extensions pour la bibliothèque de tests unitaires de Python – Python 2.x
python-texext (0.6.1-1)
sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math - Python 2
python-textile (1:3.0.3-1)
analyseur de Python 2 pour le balisage Textile
python-texttable (1.6.0-1)
Module for creating simple ASCII tables — python2
python-tf (1.12.0-5+b1)
Robot OS tf transform library - Python 2
python-tf2 (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS tf2 transform library - Python 2
python-tf2-msgs (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS messages for tf2 transform library - Python 2
python-tf2-ros (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS binding for tf2 transform library - Python 2
python-tf2-sensor-msgs (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS sensor messages for tf2 transform library - Python 2
python-tftpy (0.6.0-1)
bibliothèque en Python pur pour TFTP
python-tgext.admin (0.2.6-3)
user management controller add-on for TurboGears
python-theano (1.0.3+dfsg-1)
CPU/GPU math expression compiler for Python
python-thrift (0.11.0-4)
Python library for Thrift
python-tidylib (0.3.2~dfsg-4)
Python 2 wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib)
python-tinycss (0.4-2)
complete yet simple CSS parser (Python2 version)
python-tinycss2-common (0.6.1-1)
Low-level CSS parser (test data)
python-tinyrpc (0.6-1)
small, modular RPC library — Python 2
python-tk (2.7.16-2)
Tkinter – écrire des applications Tk avec Python 2
python-tksnack (
Sound extension to Tcl/Tk and Python/Tkinter - Python 2.x library
python-tktreectrl (2.0.2-1)
Tkinter-based wrapper for Tk TreeCtrl
python-tlsh (3.4.4+20151206-1.1)
fuzzy hashing library - Python module
python-tlslite-ng (0.7.5-2)
pure Python implementation of SSL/TLS protocols
python-tmdbsimple (2.2.0-1)
Wrapper for The Movie Database API (Python2 version)
python-tnetstring (0.2.1-4)
python library for data serialization using typed netstrings
python-tofu (0.5-7)
high-level network game engine for Python
python-tomahawk (0.7.1-2)
simple ssh wrapper for executing commands into many hosts
python-toml (0.10.0-1)
library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language - Python 2.7
python-tooz (1.62.0-3)
coordination library for distributed systems - Python 2.x
python-topic-tools (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 2 library for working with Robot OS topics
python-toposort (1.5-2)
topological sort algorithm - Python 2 module
python-torctl (20130920git-2)
Tor control library for Python
python-tornado (5.1.1-4)
scalable, non-blocking web server and tools
python-tornadorpc (0.1.1-1)
library for XML/JSON RPC using the Tornado framework
python-toro (1.0.1-3)
Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines
python-tosca-parser (1.1.0-3)
analyseur syntaxique YAML pour TOSCA Simple Profile – Python 2.x
python-toscawidgets (
Python framework for building reusable web components
python-tower-cli (3.3.0-1)
Python 2 client library for the Ansible Tower and AWX Project's REST API
python-tqdm (4.28.1-1)
fast, extensible progress bar for Python 2
python-traceback2 (1.4.0-5)
rétroportages du module traceback – Python 2.7
python-tracer (0.2.3-1.1)
Centralized trace management using sys.settrace
python-traitlets (4.3.2-1)
Lightweight Traits-like package for Python 2
python-traits (4.6.0-1+b2)
Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python (Python 2)
python-traitsui (4.5.1-1)
interfaces utilisateur gérant Traits
python-trajectory-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS trajectory, Python 2 interface
python-transaction (1.4.3-3)
gestion de transaction pour Python
python-translate (2.3.1-3)
boîte à outils pour une assistance dans la localisation de logiciel – Python 2
python-translationstring (1.3-2)
Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze packages - Python 2.x
python-translitcodec (0.3-1)
Unicode to 8-bit charset transliteration codec
python-transmissionrpc (0.11-3)
Module client RPC Transmission pour Python
python-treq (18.6.0-0.1)
Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (Python 2)
python-trezor (0.9.0-1)
library for communicating with TREZOR Bitcoin HW wallet (Python 2)
python-trie (0.2+ds-1)
Pure Python implementation of the trie data structure (Python 2)
python-tripleo-image-elements (0.7.1-1)
Image building rules for OpenStack
python-trollius (2.1~b1-5)
portage du projet Tulip sur Python 2.7 – Python 2.x
python-trollius-redis (0.1.4-2)
Redis client for Python Trollius (Python 2)
python-troveclient (1:2.16.0-2)
Client for OpenStack Database as a Service - Python 2.7
python-tsk (20190121-2)
Python Bindings for The Sleuth Kit
python-ttystatus (0.38-2)
barre de progression et état dans un terminal pour Python
python-tunigo (1.0.0-3)
Python API for the browse feature of Spotify (Python 2)
python-turbogears2 (2.3.12+really2.3.7-1)
cadriciel de Python pour applications web
python-turbojson (1.3.2-2.1)
plugin to use JSON templates in Python templating engines
python-turbokid (1.0.5-2)
greffon de modèle pour TurboGears à utiliser avec les modèles de Kid
python-tuskarclient (0.1.18-1)
contrôle de comment et où les services d’OpenStack sont déployés – client
python-tvdb-api (2.0-1)
API interface to
python-tweepy (3.6.0-1.1)
Twitter library for Python
python-twext (1:0.1~git20161216.0.b90293c-2)
Python module consisting of extensions to the Twisted Framework
python-twilio (6.8.2-2)
Twilio API client and TwiML generator (Python 2)
python-twill (0.9-4)
langage simple de scriptage pour la navigation sur le web
python-twisted (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
cadriciel basé sur les événements pour les applications web – paquet de dépendances
python-twisted-bin (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
environnement géré par événements pour applications réseau
python-twisted-conch (1:18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
Paquet twisted de transition pour l'implémentation twisted de SSH
python-twisted-core (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
environnement géré par événements pour applications réseau
python-twisted-mail (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
paquet twisted factice pour l'implémentation du protocole SMTP, IMAP et POP
python-twisted-names (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
paquet twisted pour l'implémentation du protocole DNS
python-twisted-news (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
paquet factice de twisted pour l’implémentation du protocole NNTP
python-twisted-runner (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
twisted dummy package for process management
python-twisted-web (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
paquet twisted factice pour l'implémentation du protocole HTTP
python-twisted-words (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
twisted dummy package for Chat and Instant Messaging
python-twitter (3.3-1)
enveloppe de l’API de Twitter pour Python
python-twodict (1.2-1)
Simple two way ordered dictionary for Python 2
python-twython (3.7.0-1)
Pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API
python-txaio (2.10.0-1)
compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius - Python 2.x
python-txlibravatar (1.1-15)
Libravatar module for Twisted
python-txosc (0.2.0-2)
Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol for Twisted
python-txsocksx (
SOCKS{4,4a,5} endpoints for Twisted
python-txwinrm (1.3.3-1)
asynchronous Python WinRM client libraries
python-txws (0.9.1-3)
Python module to add Websocket support to the Twisted framework (Python 2)
python-txzmq (0.8.0-1)
ZeroMQ binding for the Twisted framework (Python2 version)
python-txzookeeper (0.9.8-1)
Twisted-based Asynchronous Libraries for Apache Zookeeper.
python-typing (3.6.6-1)
Backport of the standard 3.5 library typing module
python-typogrify (1:2.0.7-1)
filters to transform text into typographically-improved HTML
python-tz (2019.1-1)
version Python de la base de données de fuseaux horaires d'Olson
python-tzlocal (1.5.1-1)
objet tzinfo pour le fuseau horaire local
python-u-msgpack (2.1-1)
Python MessagePack serializer and deserializer
python-u1db (13.10-6.3)
Ubuntu One structured data storage - Python API
python-u2flib-server (5.0.0-1)
Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) server communication Python module
python-ubjson (0.12.0-1)
Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 2
python-ucltip (0.7.1-1)
Python module to help making command line tool Python binding faster
python-udatetime (0.0.16-1+deb10u1)
fast RFC3339 compliant date-time library (Python 2)
python-ufl (2018.1.0-5)
unified language for form-compilers
python-ufw (0.36-1)
Uncomplicated FireWall Python modules
python-uinput (0.11.2-1)
Pythonic API to Linux uinput kernel module (Python2)
python-ujson (1.35-3)
ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 2
python-ulmo (0.8.4+dfsg1-2)
Simple & fast Python access to public hydrology & climatology data
python-unbound (1.9.0-2+deb10u4) [security]
bibliothèque implémentant la résolution et la validation DNS –⋅liaisons Python
python-uncertainties (3.0.2.github-2)
module de Python pour des calculs avec incertitudes
python-unicodecsv (0.14.1-1)
drop-in replacement for Pythons CSV module with Unicode support
python-unidecode (1.0.23-1)
translittération en ASCII de texte en Unicode – module python
python-unidiff (0.5.4-1)
Unified diff Python parsing/metadata extraction library
python-unipath (0.2.1+dfsg-1)
object-oriented approach to file/pathname manipulations
python-unittest2 (1.1.0-6.1)
rétroportage du cadriciel moderne de tests, unittest – Python 2.7
python-unpaddedbase64 (1.1.0-4)
unpadded Base64 implementation in Python
python-unrardll (0.1.3-2) [contrib]
Python wrapper for the unrar shared library
python-unshare (0.2-1)
Python bindings for the Linux unshare() syscall
python-uritemplate (0.6-3)
implementation of RFC6570 - Python 2.x
python-uritools (2.2.0-1)
RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse (Python 2)
python-urlgrabber (3.10.2-1)
bibliothèque de haut niveau de transfert d’URL
python-urllib3 (1.24.1-1+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque HTTP avec groupement de connexions utilisable avec les processus légers pour Python
python-urlobject (2.4.0-1)
utility class for manipulating URLs.
python-urwid (2.0.1-2+b1)
curses-based UI/widget library for Python 2
python-urwid-satext (0.7.0.a2-1)
collection de composants graphiques d’urwid
python-urwidtrees (
Urwid Tree Container API
python-usagestats (0.7-4)
Python module to collect usagestats from users
python-usb (1.0.2-1)
USB interface for Python
python-utidylib (0.5-2)
Python wrapper for TidyLib
python-utmp (0.8.3)
module de Python pour travailler avec utmp
python-uwsgidecorators (2.0.18-1)
module of decorators for elegant access to uWSGI API (Python 2)
python-vagrant (0.5.15-2)
Python 2.7 bindings for interacting with Vagrant virtual machines
python-validictory (0.8.3-3)
general purpose Python data validator (Python 2)
python-van.pydeb (1.3.3-2)
introspection of Python metadata and conversion to Debian package metadata
python-vatnumber (1:1.2-8)
Python module to validate VAT numbers (implemented in Python 2)
python-vcr (2.0.1-3)
record and replay HTML interactions (Python library)
python-vcstools (0.1.40-2)
VCS/SCM Python source control library for svn, git, hg, and bzr (Python 2)
python-vcversioner (
Use version control tags to discover version numbers
python-venusian (1.2.0-1)
library for deferring decorator actions
python-versiontools (1.9.1-3)
Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ (Python 2)
python-versuchung (1.1-3)
toolbox for reproducible research
python-vertica (0.8.2-1) [contrib]
native Python client for the Vertica database
python-vigra (1.10.0+git20160211.167be93+dfsg1-2)
liaisons de Python pour la bibliothèque C++ de vision artificielle
python-vine (1.1.4+dfsg-2)
Python promises (Python 2 version)
python-vipscc (8.7.4-1+deb10u1)
image processing system good for very large ones (tools)
python-virtualenv (15.1.0+ds-2+deb10u1)
création d’environnement virtuel Python
python-virtualenv-clone (0.3.0-1.2)
script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv (Python2)
python-vispy (0.4.0-1)
interactive visualization in Python 2
python-visualization-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS visualization, Python 2 interface
python-vmtk (1.3+dfsg-2.3) [non-free]
Python interface for vmtk
python-vobject (
analyse d’iCalendar et vCards en Python
python-voluptuous (0.11.1-1)
Python library to validate data
python-vsgui (0.3.3-1)
Very Simple Graphical library for Python shell script
python-vtk6 (6.3.0+dfsg2-2+b5)
Python bindings for VTK
python-vulndb (0.1.1-1)
Python2 tool to provide access to the vulndb information
python-w3lib (1.20.0-1)
Collection of web-related functions (Python 2)
python-wadllib (1.3.3-2)
Python library for navigating WADL files
python-waiting (1.4.1-3)
Python module for waiting for events to happen (Python 2 version)
python-waitress (1.2.0~b2-2+deb10u1)
production-quality pure-Python WSGI server
python-wand (0.4.4-3)
Python interface for ImageMagick library (Python 2 build)
python-warlock (1.2.0-2)
object model built on top of JSON schema - Python 2.7
python-watchdog (0.9.0-1)
Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events - Python 2.x
python-watcherclient (2.1.0-3)
OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service client - Python 2.7
python-watson-developer-cloud (2.5.4-1)
Python client library to use the IBM Watson Services (Python 2)
python-wchartype (0.1-1)
handling double-byte (full-width) characters (Python 2)
python-wcwidth (0.1.7+dfsg1-3)
determine printable width of a string on a terminal (Python 2)
python-weakrefmethod (1.0.3-4)
classe WeakMethod, pour stocker les méthodes liées utilisant des pointeurs faibles
python-webassets (3:0.12.1-1)
Asset management application for Python web development
python-webcolors (1.5-2)
library of color names and value formats defined by HTML and CSS
python-webdav (0.9.11~git20180601.5d7d16a-5)
WebDAV server implementation in Python (Python2)
python-webencodings (0.5.1-1)
Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard
python-weberror (0.13.1+dfsg-1)
module de Python de gestion d’erreur et de capture d’exception
python-webflash (0.1a9-5)
Portable flash messages for Python WSGI applications
python-webhelpers (1.3-4)
library of helper functions to make writing web application templates easier
python-webob (1:1.8.5-1)
Python module providing WSGI request and response objects (Python 2)
python-websocket (0.53.0-1)
WebSocket client library - Python 2.7
python-websockify (0.8.0+dfsg1-10)
WebSockets support for any application/server - Python 2
python-webtest (2.0.32-1)
wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to test
python-webunit (1:1.3.10-2.1)
Unit testing for web apps with code that acts like a web browser.
python-werkzeug (0.14.1+dfsg1-4+deb10u2) [security]
collection d’utilitaires pour des applications WSGI – Python 2.x
python-wget (3.2-2)
pure Python download utility for Python 2
python-whatthepatch (0.0.5-2)
Library for parsing patch files (Python 2)
python-wheel (0.32.3-2)
built-package format for Python
python-wheel-common (0.32.3-2)
built-package format for Python
python-whichcraft (0.4.1-1)
cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 2 module)
python-whiteboard (1.0+git20170915-2)
tableau blanc interactif
python-whitenoise (3.3.1-1)
static file serving for WSGI applications (Python 2)
python-whois (0.7-6)
Python module for retrieving WHOIS information - Python 2
python-whoosh (2.7.4+git6-g9134ad92-4)
pure-Python full-text indexing, search, and spell checking library (Python 2)
python-wicd (1.7.4+tb2-6)
gestionnaire de réseau filaire et sans-fil -- module Python
python-widgetsnbextension (6.0.0-4)
Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension (Python 2)
python-wiredtiger (3.1.0+ds-1)
Python library for WiredTiger
python-wokkel (18.0.0-1)
Python collection of enhancements for Twisted
python-workqueue (7.0.9-2)
cooperative computing tools work queue Python bindings
python-wrapt (1.10.11-1)
décorateurs, enveloppes et extensions – Python 2.x
python-wreport (3.15-1)
bibliothèque de Python pour les bulletins météorologiques BUFR et CREX
python-wsaccel (0.6.2-1+b1)
Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython - Python 2.7
python-wsgi-intercept (1.5.0-2)
installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing
python-wsgicors (0.4.1-1)
WSGI middleware to handle CORS preflight requests
python-wsgilog (0.3.1-2)
WSGI logging and event reporting middleware (Python 2)
python-wsme (0.9.3-2)
Web Service Made Easy : implémentation de services web multi-protocoles – Python 2.x
python-wstool (0.1.17-1)
Commands to manage multi-VCS repositories (for Robot OS) Python 2
python-wstools (0.4.3-3)
WSDL parsing tools Python module
python-wtf-peewee (3.0.0+dfsg-1)
WTForms integration for peewee models (Python 2)
python-wtforms (2.2.1-1)
flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python 2
python-wxgtk-media3.0 (
interface Python à la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multi-plateforme wxWidgets –⋅
python-wxgtk-media4.0 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)
Python interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (
python-wxgtk-webview3.0 (
interface Python à la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multi-plateforme wxWidgets –⋅wx.html2
python-wxgtk-webview4.0 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)
interface Python à la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multi-plateforme wxWidgets –⋅wx.html2
python-wxgtk3.0 (
interface Python à wxWidgets, la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multi-plateforme
python-wxgtk3.0-dev (
fichiers de développement pour wxPython
python-wxgtk4.0 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)
Python interface to the wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit
python-wxtools (
outils pour la distribution wxPython
python-wxversion (
API pour sélectionner la version de wxPython à utiliser
python-x2go (
Python module providing X2Go client API (Python 2)
python-x3dh (0.5.8-1)
Python 2 implementation of the X3DH key agreement protocol
python-xapian (1.4.11-2)
interface en python pour le moteur de recherche Xapian
python-xapian-haystack (2.1.0-3)
Xapian backend for Django-Haystack (Python2 version)
python-xapp (1.2.0-2)
Python 2 XApp library
python-xappy (0.5-5)
easy-to-use interface to the Xapian search engine
python-xarray (0.11.3-2)
N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
python-xattr (0.9.6-1)
module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes - Python 2
python-xcbgen (1.13-1)
X C Binding - protocol binding generator
python-xdg (0.25-5)
bibliothèque Python⋅2 d'accès aux normes
python-xdmf (3.0+git20160803-5+b1)
Python wrappers for the eXtensible Data Model and Format library
python-xdo (0.4-1)
Python 2 library for simulating X11 keyboard/mouse input (libxdo bindings)
python-xe (0.7.4-2)
library to work with XML elements (Python 2)
python-xeddsa (0.4.6-1)
Python 2 implementation of the XEdDSA signature scheme
python-xhtml2pdf (0.2.2-2)
A library for converting HTML into PDFs using ReportLab (Python 2 module)
python-xkcd (2.4.2-1)
Python2 library for accessing
python-xlib (0.23-2)
interface for Python to the X11 protocol
python-xlrd (1.1.0-1)
extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files
python-xlsxwriter (1.1.2-0.1)
Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
python-xlwt (1.3.0-2)
module for writing Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files - Python 2.7
python-xmlbuilder (1.0-1)
create xml/(x)html files - Python 2.x
python-xmlmarshaller (1.0.1-2)
Converting Python objects to XML and back again (Python 2)
python-xmlrunner (1.5.0-1)
PyUnit-based test runner with JUnit like XML reporting
python-xmltodict (0.11.0-2)
Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (Python 2)
python-xmltv (1.3-2)
paquet permettant aux applications Python d’accéder aux données XMLTV
python-xmmsclient (0.8+dfsg-18.2)
XMMS2 - Python bindings
python-xmpp (0.4.1-cvs20080505.4)
bibliothèque de Python pour communiquer avec des serveurs XMPP (Jabber)
python-xopen (0.5.0-2)
Python module to open compressed files transparently
python-xtermcolor (1.2.1-2)
Python module to print coloured text on terminals
python-xvfbwrapper (0.2.9-1)
affichage sans écran avec Xvfb — Python 2.x
python-yade (2019.01a-2)
plateforme pour la méthode des éléments distincts — liaisons pour Python
python-yaml (3.13-2)
analyseur et générateur de code YAML pour Python
python-yapf (0.25.0-2.1)
public modules for yapf (Python 2)
python-yapps (2.2.1-3)
Yet Another Python Parser System
python-yappy (1.9.4-2)
encore un autre générateur d’analyseur pour Python
python-yapsy (1.12.0-1)
simple plugin system for Python applications
python-yaql (1.1.3-2)
Yet Another Query Language - Python 2.7
python-yara (3.9.0-1)
Python 2 bindings for YARA
python-yattag (1.11.1-1)
library for generating HTML or XML in a pythonic way (Python 2)
python-yenc (0.4.0-4)
extension de codage et décodage yEnc – Python 2
python-yowsup (2.5.7-4)
library to implement a WhatsApp client
python-yowsup-common (2.5.7-4)
library to implement a WhatsApp client (common files)
python-yt (3.5.0-1)
Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 2)
python-yubico (1.3.2-1.1)
Python library for talking to Yubico YubiKeys
python-yubico-tools (1.3.2-1.1)
outils pour les jetons YubiKey de Yubico
python-z3 (4.4.1-1~deb10u1)
theorem prover from Microsoft Research - Python bindings
python-zake (0.2.2-2)
provides a set of testing utilities for the kazoo library - Python 2.x
python-zaqarclient (1.10.0-2)
API d’attente Zaqar d’OpenStack, client et bibliothèque —⋅Python 2.7
python-zbar (0.22-1+deb10u1) [security]
numériseur et décodeur de codes-barres –⋅liaisons Python
python-zbarpygtk (0.22-1+deb10u1) [security]
numériseur et décodeur de codes-barres –⋅liaisons PyGTK
python-zc.customdoctests (1.0.1-1)
Use Python doctest with other languages
python-zc.lockfile (1.3.0-1)
Basic inter-process locks for Python 2
python-zconfig (3.1.0-1)
Structured Configuration Library, for Python 2
python-zeep (3.2.0-1)
Modern SOAP client library (Python 2)
python-zeitgeist (1.0.1-1)
cadriciel d'enregistrement d'événements — liaisons Python
python-zenoss (0.6.3-1)
module to work with the Zenoss JSON API
python-zeroc-ice (3.7.2-4)
Python 2 extension for Ice
python-zeroconf (0.19.1-3)
Pure Python implementation of multicast DNS service discovery
python-zfec (1.5.2-2+b1)
fast erasure codec, with Python bindings
python-zhpy (
the Python language with Chinese
python-zinnia (0.06-4)
Python binding for the zinnia library
python-zipstream (1.1.3-1)
Zipfile generator
python-zmq (17.1.2-2+deb10u1)
Python bindings for 0MQ library
python-zodb (1:3.10.7-1)
Zope Object Database (ZODB)
python-zodbpickle (1.0-1+b1)
Fork of pickle module for uniform serialization between Python 2 and 3 (Py2)
python-zookeeper (3.4.13-2+deb10u1) [security]
liaisons de Python pour zookeeper
python-zope.authentication (3.7.1-3)
Definition of authentication basics for the Zope Framework
python-zope.browser (2.1.0-1)
Shared Zope Toolkit browser components
python-zope.cachedescriptors (3.5.1-2)
Method and property caching decorators
python-zope.component (4.3.0-1)
Zope Component Architecture
python-zope.component-zcml (4.3.0-1)
Metapackage for zope.component zcml extra
python-zope.configuration (4.0.3-3)
Zope Configuration Markup Language (ZCML)
python-zope.deprecation (4.4.0-1)
Zope Deprecation Infrastructure
python-zope.dottedname (3.4.6-5)
Resolver for Python dotted names
python-zope.event (4.2.0-1)
Very basic event publishing system
python-zope.exceptions (4.0.8-1)
Zope exceptions for Python
python-zope.hookable (4.0.4-4+b4)
Hookable object support
python-zope.i18nmessageid (4.0.3-2+b4)
Message Identifiers for internationalization
python-zope.location (4.0.3-2)
Tools for working with object locations
python-zope.proxy (4.2.0-1.1)
Generic transparent proxies for Python
python-zope.publisher (3.12.6-2)
Zope publisher publishes Python objects on the web
python-zope.schema (4.4.2-3)
zope.interface extension for defining data schemas (4.0.3-2+b3)
Zope Security Framework
python-zope.sqlalchemy (0.6.1-2)
Minimal Zope/SQLAlchemy transaction integration
python-zope.testbrowser (4.0.2-1)
Programmable browser for functional black-box tests
python-zope.testing (4.6.2-1)
Zope testing helpers
python-zsi (2.1~a1-4)
infrastructure SOAP Zolera
python-zunclient (2.1.0-2)
OpenStack container management service API client - Python 2.7
python-zxcvbn (4.4.27-1)
Realistic password strength estimator - Python2 module
python-zzzeeksphinx (1.0.20-2)
Zzzeek's Sphinx layout and utilities
python2 (2.7.16-1)
langage interactif de haut niveau orienté objet (version Python2)
python2-dev (2.7.16-1)
header files and a static library for Python2
python2-minimal (2.7.16-1)
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python2
python2-pyro4 (4.75-1)
distributed object middleware for Python (RPC), Python2 modules
python2-selectors34 (1.2.0-1)
backport of the selectors module from Python 3.4, Python2 module
python2-serpent (1.27-1)
simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval(), Python2 modules
python2.7 (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
langage interactif de haut niveau orienté objet (version 2.7)
python2.7-dev (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
fichiers d'en-tête et bibliothèque statique pour Python − version 2.7
python2.7-examples (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
exemples pour le langage Python − version 2.7
python2.7-minimal (2.7.16-2+deb10u4) [security]
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python (version 2.7)
python3 (3.7.3-1)
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau – version par défaut de Python 3
python3-aalib (0.3.2-3)
Python 3 interface to AAlib, an ASCII art library
python3-acme (0.31.0-2)
ACME protocol library for Python 3
python3-acora (2.2-1.1)
fast multi-keyword text search engine (Python 3)
python3-acoustid (1.1.5-1)
Acoustid interface implementation and Chromaprint bindings (Python 3)
python3-actdiag (0.5.4+dfsg-1)
generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file (Python3)
python3-actionlib (1.11.15-1+deb10u1)
Robot OS actionlib library - Python 3 interface
python3-actionlib-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS actionlib, Python 3 interface
python3-activipy (0.1-6)
implementation of ActivityStreams 2.0 for Python 3
python3-adal (1.2.1-1)
Azure Active Directory Authentication Library for Python 3.x
python3-adios (1.13.1-16)
interface Python 3 au système d'entrées-sorties ADIOS
python3-admesh (0.98.9-1)
Python bindings for the ADMesh (Python 3)
python3-aeidon (1.5-1)
lecture, écriture et manipulation de fichiers textuels de sous-titres
python3-affine (2.2.2-1)
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour gérer les transformations affines du plan
python3-afl (0.7.1-1)
American Fuzzy Lop (afl) for pure Python 3 code
python3-agate (1.6.0-3)
data analysis library optimized for human readability
python3-agatedbf (0.2.0-2)
support for dbf files in agate
python3-agateexcel (0.2.1-3)
support for Excel files in agate
python3-agatesql (0.5.2-2)
support for SQL read/write in agate
python3-aggdraw (1.3.9+ds-2)
High quality drawing interface for PIL - Python 3.X
python3-aioamqp (0.12.0-1)
mise en œuvre d’AMQP utilisant asyncio – version en Python 3
python3-aiocoap (0.3-3)
Python implementation of CoAP
python3-aiodns (1.1.1-1)
Asynchronous DNS resolver library for Python 3
python3-aiofiles (0.4.0-2)
prise en charge d’opérations asynchrones asyncio de Python
python3-aiohttp (3.5.1-1+deb10u1)
client/serveur HTTP pour asyncio
python3-aiohttp-cors (0.7.0-1)
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support for aiohttp
python3-aiohttp-jinja2 (0.8.0-1)
jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web
python3-aiohttp-mako (0.0.1-1)
mako template renderer for aiohttp.web
python3-aiomeasures (0.5.14-3)
collect and send metrics to StatsD for Python
python3-aioopenssl (0.4.1-2)
transport TLS d’Asyncio en utilisant PyOpenSSL
python3-aiopg (0.15.0-1)
PostgreSQL integration with asyncio
python3-aioprocessing (1.0.1-4)
intégration du module multiprocessing de Python avec asyncio
python3-aioredis (1.2.0-1)
asyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support
python3-aiosasl (0.4.0-1)
Protocol-agnostic SASL library for use with asyncio
python3-aiosmtpd (1.2-3)
Python3 asyncio based SMTP server
python3-aiowsgi (0.7-1)
minimalist WSGI server implementation using async
python3-aioxmlrpc (0.5-1)
XML-RPC for asyncio
python3-aioxmpp (0.10.3-3)
XMPP/Jabber client library for asyncio
python3-ajax-select (1.7.0-1)
bibliothèque de Django pour l’édition de champs avec autocomplete
python3-ajpy (0.0.4-2)
module de Python pour confectionner des requêtes AJP
python3-alabaster (0.7.8-1)
Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme (Python 3)
python3-alembic (1.0.0-3)
outil léger de migration de base de données pour SQLAlchemy —⋅Python 3.x
python3-all (3.7.3-1)
package depending on all supported Python 3 runtime versions
python3-all-dev (3.7.3-1)
package depending on all supported Python 3 development packages
python3-alsaaudio (0.8.4-1)
Alsa bindings for Python 3
python3-altgraph (0.16.1~repack0-1)
paquet de graphe (réseau) de Python 3
python3-amqp (2.4.0-2)
bibliothèque AMQP de bas niveau – version Python 3
python3-amqplib (1.0.2-1)
simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library (Python3 version)
python3-angles (1.9.11-3)
ensemble d'utilitaires mathématiques simples pour travailler avec des angles dans Robot OS – Python 3
python3-aniso8601 (4.1.0-1)
python3 library for parsing dates and time
python3-anosql (0.2.0-2)
Manage your raw SQL Queries in an elegant manner
python3-ansi (0.1.3-1)
cursor movement and graphics - Python 3
python3-antlr (2.7.7+dfsg-9.2)
outil de langage pour la construction d'analyseurs, compilateurs, etc. –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-antlr3 (3.5.2-5)
ANother Tool for Language Recognition - Python 3.x bindings
python3-anyjson (0.3.3-1)
Common interface for the best available JSON implementation (Python3 version)
python3-aodh (7.0.0-5)
OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) Alarming - Python libraries
python3-aodhclient (1.1.0-2)
alertes d'OpenStack en tant que service –⋅client Python 3.x
python3-api-hour (0.8.2-1)
lightweight daemon framework to write AsyncIO based applications
python3-apipkg (1.5-2)
contrôle d’espace de noms et mécanisme d’importation paresseuse pour Python 3
python3-aplpy (2.0.3-1)
Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
python3-apparmor (2.13.2-10)
bibliothèque Python 3 d'utilitaire AppArmor
python3-appdirs (1.4.3-1)
détermination des répertoires adéquats selon la plateforme – Python 3
python3-apptools (4.4.0-3)
outils pour applications d’Enthought Tool Suite –⋅Python⋅3
python3-apscheduler (3.5.3-1)
In-process task scheduler with Cron-like capabilities
python3-apsw (3.24.0-r1-1)
une autre enveloppe de Python pour SQLite⋅3 –⋅version Python⋅3
python3-apt (
interface Python 3 pour libapt-pkg
python3-aptly (0.12.10-1)
utilitaires et client de l'API REST Aptly – Python 3.x
python3-arcus (3.3.0-2)
file d'attente de messages pour Cura basée sur protobuf –⋅liaisons Python
python3-argcomplete (1.8.1-1)
bash tab completion for argparse (for Python 3)
python3-argh (0.26.2-1)
enveloppe simple d’argparse – Python 3
python3-argon2 (18.3.0-1)
Argon2 password hashing library - Python 3.x Module
python3-argparse-manpage (1.1-1)
construction automatique d’une page de manuel à partir de argparse
python3-args (0.1.0-2)
Command Arguments for Humans (Python 3)
python3-arpy (1.1.1-3)
bibliothèque d’accès aux archives « ar »
python3-arrow (0.12.1-2)
Python3 library to manipulate dates, times, and timestamps
python3-artifacts (20190113-1)
base de connaissance d’artéfacts archéologiques (Python 3)
python3-asdf (2.3.2-2)
bibliothèque Python 3 pour le format de données scientifiques évolué
python3-ase (3.17.0-2)
environnement de simulation atomique – Python 3
python3-asgiref (2.3.2-1)
ASGI in-memory channel layer (Python3 version)
python3-asn1crypto (0.24.0-1)
Fast ASN.1 parser and serializer (Python 3)
python3-asteval (0.9.12-1)
minimalistic evaluator of Python 3 expression using ast module
python3-astlib (0.10.2-2)
General Python3 tools for astronomy
python3-astor (0.5-1)
Python 3 AST manipulator
python3-astral (1.6.1-1)
Calculations for the position of the sun and moon (Python 3)
python3-astrodendro (0.2.0+dfsg1-1)
dendrogrammes astronomiques avec Python 3
python3-astroid (2.1.0-2)
reconstruction d’un nouvel arbre syntaxique à partir d’AST de Python – Python 3
python3-astrometry (0.76+dfsg-3)
solveur de plaque photographique astrométrique – paquet Python
python3-astroml (0.3-9)
Python 3 Machine Learning library for astronomy
python3-astroml-addons (0.2.2-5)
Python 3 Machine Learning library for astronomy (performance addons)
python3-astroplan (0.4-4)
Observation planning package for astronomers (Python 3)
python3-astropy (3.1.2-2)
Core functionality for performing astrophysics with Python
python3-astropy-affiliated (1.5)
Collection of all astropy affiliated packages
python3-astropy-healpix (0.4-5)
représentation HEALPix de données de sphère – Python 3
python3-astropy-helpers (3.1.1-1)
Utilities to install Astropy affiliated packages
python3-astropy-sphinx-theme (1.0-1)
thèmes de Sphinx pour Astropy et les paquets associés
python3-astroquery (0.3.9+dfsg-1)
Python online astronomical database querying (Python 3)
python3-astroscrappy (1.0.8-1)
annihilation optimisée de rayons cosmiques avec Python
python3-asttokens (1.1.13-2)
annotate Python asbtract syntax trees with code references (Python 3)
python3-async-generator (1.10-1)
extensions to asynchronous generators for Python3
python3-async-timeout (3.0.1-1)
timeout context manager for asyncio programs in Python
python3-asyncssh (1.12.2-1+deb10u1) [security]
asyncio-based client and server implementation of SSHv2 protocol
python3-atomicwrites (1.1.5-2)
écritures atomiques de fichier – Python 3.x
python3-attr (18.2.0-1)
Attributes without boilerplate (Python 3)
python3-aubio (0.4.6-2)
interface de Python 3 pour aubio, une bibliothèque pour la segmentation audio
python3-audioread (2.1.5-1)
Backend-agnostic audio decoding Python 3 package
python3-audit (1:2.8.4-3)
liaisons Python3 pour audit de sécurité
python3-augeas (0.5.0-1)
Python3 bindings for Augeas
python3-authheaders (0.10.0-1)
Python 3 module for generating email authentication headers
python3-authres (1.1.1-1)
RFC 7601 Authentication Results Header manipulation for Python3
python3-autobahn (17.10.1+dfsg1-3+deb10u1)
WebSocket client and server library, WAMP framework - Python 3.x
python3-automat (0.6.0-1)
machines à nombre fini d’états en self-service pour le programmeur nomade
python3-automaton (1.15.0-1)
machines à états conviviales – Python 3.x
python3-autopep8 (1.4.3-1)
tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to PEP 8
python3-avro (1.8.2+dfsg-2)
système de sérialisation Avro d’Apache – bibliothèque de Python 3
python3-aws-requests-auth (0.4.1-1)
AWS Signature Version 4 Signing Process (Python 3)
python3-aws-xray-sdk (0.95-1)
AWS X-Ray SDK for Python 3
python3-awsauth (0.1.5-1)
AWS authentication for Amazon S3 for the python3-requests module
python3-axolotl (0.1.42-1)
portage en Python 3 de libaxolotl-android
python3-axolotl-curve25519 (0.4.1.post2-1+b1)
Python 3 wrapper for curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures
python3-azure (20181112+git-2)
Microsoft Azure SDK for Python 3.x
python3-azure-devtools (1.1.1-1)
Microsoft Azure Development Tools for Python 3.x
python3-azure-storage (20181109+git-1)
bibliothèque pour Microsoft Azure Storage pour Python 3.x
python3-babel (2.6.0+dfsg.1-1+deb10u1)
outil pour internationaliser des applications en Python –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-babelfish (0.5.4-1)
bibliothèque pour travailler avec les pays et les langues – Python 3
python3-backports.tempfile (1.0-3)
backports of new features in Python 3 tempfile module
python3-backports.weakref (1.0-2)
backports of new features in Python 3 weakref module
python3-backup2swift (0.8-1)
backup data to OpenStack Swift - python 3.x
python3-bandit (1.5.1-1)
analyseur statique orienté sécurité pour le code Python − module Python 3.x
python3-barbican (1:7.0.0-1+deb10u1) [security]
OpenStack Key Management Service - Python files
python3-barbicanclient (4.7.2-1)
client pour l’API du service de gestion de clés d'OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-barectf (2.3.0-5)
générateur de code C99 pour écrire du CTF natif
python3-base58 (1.0.3-1)
base58 encode/decode for Python
python3-bashate (0.6.0-1)
contrôleur de guide de style pour script bash –⋅Python 3.x
python3-bcdoc (0.16.0-1)
ReST document generation tools for botocore (Python 3)
python3-bcolz (1.2.1+ds2-2)
high performant compressed data container based on NumPy (Python 3)
python3-bcrypt (3.1.6-1)
password hashing library for Python 3
python3-bdist-nsi (0.1.5-1)
Create NSIS windows installers for Python modules (Python 3)
python3-beaker (1.10.0-1)
cache and session library for Python 3
python3-beancount (2.2.0-3)
Double-entry accounting from text files - Python module
python3-behave (1.2.5-2)
behaviour-driven development for Python 3
python3-bernhard (0.2.6-1)
client for the Riemann event stream processor - Python 3.X
python3-betamax (0.8.1-1)
imitation VCR conçue uniquement pour python-requests –⋅Python 3.X
python3-bibtexparser (1.1.0+ds-1)
Python 3 library to parse bibtex files
python3-billiard (
extensions de Multiprocessing Pool pour Python – version Python 3
python3-binaryornot (0.4.4+dfsg-2)
check if a file is binary or text (Python 3 module)
python3-binoculars (0.0.4-1)
Surface X-ray diffraction 2D detector data reduction - Python3
python3-bioblend (0.7.0-2)
CloudMan and Galaxy API library (Python 3)
python3-biom-format (2.1.7+dfsg-2)
format de matrice d'observation biologique (BIOM) – Python 3
python3-biomaj3 (3.1.6-1)
BioMAJ workflow management library
python3-biomaj3-cli (3.1.10-1)
BioMAJ client
python3-biomaj3-core (3.0.15-1)
BioMAJ core library - Python 3.X
python3-biomaj3-daemon (3.0.17-1)
BioMAJ daemon library
python3-biomaj3-download (3.0.19-1)
bibliothèque de gestion de téléchargement de BioMAJ
python3-biomaj3-process (3.0.11-1)
BioMAJ process management library
python3-biomaj3-user (3.0.6-2)
BioMAJ user management library
python3-biomaj3-zipkin (0.2.2-1)
BioMAJ zipkin log tracing library
python3-biopython (1.73+dfsg-1)
Python library for bioinformatics (implemented in Python 3)
python3-biopython-sql (1.73+dfsg-1)
Biopython support for the BioSQL database schema (Python 3)
python3-biosig (1.9.3-2)
liaisons Python⋅3 à la bibliothèque BioSig
python3-biotools (1.2.12-3)
Python3 bioinformatics utilities for high-throughput genomic sequencing
python3-bip32utils (0.0~git20170118.dd9c541-1)
Python implementation of Bitcoin hierarchical deterministic wallet
python3-biplist (1.0.3-1)
Python 3 library for reading/writing Mac OS X binary plists
python3-bitarray (0.8.1-1+b4)
Python3 module for efficient boolean array handling
python3-bitbucket-api (0.5.0-2)
library to interact with bitbucket API (Python 3)
python3-bitcoin (1.1.42-1)
library for cryptocurrency transactions — Python 3
python3-bitcoinlib (0.10.1-1)
Python module with an easy interface to the Bitcoin protocol
python3-bitstring (3.1.5-1)
Python module for manipulation of binary data (Python 3)
python3-bitstruct (3.7.0-1)
Python bit pack/unpack package
python3-blazarclient (2.0.0-2)
client for OpenStack Reservation Service
python3-bleach (3.1.2-0+deb10u2)
bibliothèque de nettoyage HTML basée sur une liste blanche – Python 3
python3-blends (0.7.2)
Python 3 module for Debian Pure Blends support
python3-blessed (1.15.0-1)
Thin, practical wrapper around terminal capabilities in Python3
python3-blessings (1.6-2)
simple but powerful module to manage terminal color and styling (Python 3)
python3-blinker (1.4+dfsg1-0.2)
bibliothèque simple et rapide de signalisation objet à objet et diffusion
python3-blist (1.3.6-5)
List-like type for Python 3 with better asymptotic performance
python3-blockdev (2.20-7+deb10u1)
liaisons gobject-introspection Python⋅3 pour libblockdev
python3-blockdiag (1.5.3+dfsg-5.2)
generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file for Python 3
python3-bloom (0.7.2-1)
Bloom is a release automation tool from Robot OS (Python 3)
python3-blosc (1.7.0+ds1-1)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le méta-compresseur Blosc
python3-bluez (0.22+really0.22-1)
Python 3 wrappers around BlueZ for rapid bluetooth development
python3-boltons (18.0.1-1)
set of pure-Python utilities (Python 3)
python3-bond (1.8.3-1)
Messages related to Robot OS bond_core - Python 3
python3-bondpy (1.8.3-1+b1)
Python 3 implementation of bond
python3-booleanoperations (0.8.2-1)
Python library for Boolean operations on paths
python3-bootstrapform (3.4-2)
generate twitter-bootstrap form output for django form - Python 3.x
python3-botan (2.9.0-2)
multiplatform crypto library (2.x version), Python3 module
python3-boto (2.44.0-1.1)
interface en Python pour les services internet d’Amazon –⋅Python 3.x
python3-boto3 (1.9.86-1)
interface en Python pour les services internet d’Amazon –⋅Python 3.x
python3-botocore (1.12.103+repack-1)
noyau de bas niveau piloté par les données de boto⋅3 –⋅Pyhon⋅3
python3-bottle (0.12.15-2+deb10u2)
fast and simple WSGI-framework for Python3
python3-bottle-beaker (0.1.3-2)
Bottle plugin beaker, WSGI middleware for sessions and caching - Python 3.X
python3-bottle-cork (0.12.0-3)
Authentication/Authorization library for Bottle
python3-bottle-sqlite (0.1.3-2)
intégration de SQLite3 pour Bottle – Python 3.x
python3-bottleneck (1.2.1+ds1-1)
fonctions de NumPy rapides et écrites en C pour tableau – Python 3
python3-bpfcc (0.8.0-4)
Python 3 wrappers for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)
python3-braceexpand (0.1.2-2)
Bash-style brace expansion for Python
python3-braintree (3.50.0-1)
Braintree Python library (Python 3)
python3-breathe (4.11.1-1)
Sphinx autodox support for languages with doxygen support (Python 3)
python3-breezy (3.0.0~bzr7290-2)
distributed version control system - Python 3 library
python3-breezy.tests (3.0.0~bzr7290-2)
distributed version control system - Python 3 testsuite
python3-brial (1.2.4-2)
polynomials over Boolean Rings, Python 3 module
python3-brlapi (5.6-10+deb10u1)
accès à l'affichage de l'écran braille avec BRLTTY — interface Python 3
python3-brotli (1.0.7-2+deb10u1)
algorithme de compression et format sans perte –⋅version Python⋅3
python3-bs4 (4.7.1-1)
error-tolerant HTML parser for Python 3
python3-bsddb3 (6.2.6-3)
interface Python pour Berkeley⋅DB –⋅Python⋅3
python3-bson (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
implémentation en Python⋅3 de BSON pour MongoDB
python3-bson-ext (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
extension codée en⋅C pour le paquet python3-bson
python3-bst-external (0.9.0-1)
external plugins for BuildStream toolset
python3-btchip (0.1.24-1)
Python library to communicate with BTChip dongle (Python 3)
python3-btrees (4.3.1-1+b2)
scalable persistent object containers for Python 3
python3-btrfs (11-2)
python module to inspect btrfs filesystems
python3-btrfsutil (4.20.1-2)
Checksumming Copy on Write Filesystem utilities (python3 bindings)
python3-bugzilla (2.2.0-1)
bibliothèque Python pour interagir avec Bugzilla – Python 3
python3-buildstream (1.2.4-1)
bibliothèque de Python pour la boite à outils BuildStream
python3-bumps (0.7.11-2)
ajustement de données et modélisation d’incertitude bayésienne pour les problèmes inverses – Python 3
python3-burrito (0.9.1-3)
Python 3 framework for wrapping and controlling command-line applications
python3-bx (0.8.2-1)
library to manage genomic data and its alignment
python3-bx-tools (0.8.2-1)
command line interface to python3-bx
python3-bytesize (1.4-1)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour libbytesize
python3-bz2file (0.98-2)
Python3 library for reading and writing bzip2-compressed files
python3-cachecontrol (0.11.7-1)
caching algorithms in httplib2 for use with requests
python3-cached-property (1.5.1-3)
mises en cache de caractéristiques pour les méthodes de décoration dans les classes – Python 3
python3-cachetools (3.1.0-2)
extensible memoizing collections and decorators for Python 3
python3-caffe-cpu (1.0.0+git20180821.99bd997-2+b1)
interface Python3 de Caffe –⋅CPU_ONLY
python3-caffe-cuda (1.0.0+git20180821.99bd997-2+b1) [contrib]
Python3 interface of Caffe (CUDA)
python3-cairo (1.16.2-1+b1)
liaisons Python3 pour la bibliothèque graphique vectorielle Cairo
python3-cairo-dev (1.16.2-1)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour Cairo –⋅fichiers de développement
python3-cairocffi (0.7.2-2.2)
liaisons de cairo basées sur CFFI pour Python – Python 3
python3-cairosvg (1.0.20-1)
convertisseur de SVG vers PDF/PS/PNG basé sur Cairo –⋅bibliothèque Python⋅3
python3-caldav (0.5.0-0.1)
bibliothèque client CalDAV (RFC4791) pour Python⋅3
python3-camera-calibration-parsers (1.11.13-3+b1)
Robot OS camera_calibration_parsers Python 3 package
python3-can (3.0.0+github-1)
Controller Area Network (CAN) interface module
python3-canmatrix (0.6-3)
gestion de formats de base de données CAN
python3-canonicaljson (1.1.4-2)
canonical JSON implementation for Python 3
python3-cap-ng (0.7.9-2)
liaisons Python3 pour libcap-ng
python3-capstone (4.0.1+really+3.0.5-1)
cadriciel léger multiarchitecture de désassemblage –⋅liaisons Python
python3-cartopy (0.17.0+dfsg-3)
Cartographic library for Python 3
python3-casacore (3.0.0-1)
liaisons de Python pour la bibliothèque casacore
python3-case (1.5.3+dfsg-2)
Python unittest Utilities (Python3 version)
python3-castellan (0.19.0-1)
generic key manager interface for OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-catkin (0.7.14-10)
Python 3 modules for the ROS build system
python3-catkin-lint (1.6.0-1)
Check Robot OS catkin packages for common errors (Python 3)
python3-catkin-pkg (0.4.10-1)
macros système bas niveau pour Robot OS – module de Python 3
python3-cbor (1.0.0-1+b1)
Python3 Implementation of RFC 7049. Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
python3-cccolutils (1.4-2)
Python Kerberos Credential Cache Collection Utilities (Python 3)
python3-ccdproc (1.3.0-5)
Basic data reductions of astronomy CCD images
python3-cclib (1.6-1)
Parsers and algorithms for computational chemistry (Python3 module)
python3-cdiff (1.0-1)
Colored, incremental diff with side by side and auto pager support (Python 3)
python3-cdo (1.4.0-1)
Python3 module for Climate Data Operators
python3-ceilometer (1:11.0.1-5)
système efficace de compteurs de mesure d'OpenStack — bibliothèques Python
python3-ceilometerclient (2.9.0-2)
bibliothèque client pour le serveur d'API de Ceilometer d'OpenStack — Python 3.x
python3-ceilometermiddleware (1.3.0-1)
intergiciel Telemetry d'OpenStack pour générer des mesures — Python 3.x
python3-celery (4.2.1-3)
queue de tâches asynchrones basée sur le passage de messages – version Python 3
python3-cement (2.10.0-1)
CLI Application Framework (Python3 version)
python3-ceph (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Meta-package for Python 3 modules for the Ceph libraries
python3-cephfs (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python 3 libraries for the Ceph libcephfs library
python3-cerberus (1.2-2)
Lightweight, extensible data validation library for Python
python3-cerealizer (0.8.1-2)
module de type pickle sécurisé pour Python⋅3
python3-certbot (0.31.0-1+deb10u1)
bibliothèque principale pour certbot
python3-certbot-apache (0.31.0-1)
greffon Apache pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-cloudflare (0.23.0-2)
greffon Cloudflare DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-digitalocean (0.23.0-2)
greffon DigitalOcean DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-dnsimple (0.31.0-1)
greffon DNSimple DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-gehirn (0.31.0-1)
greffon Gehirn DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-google (0.23.0-2)
greffon Google DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-linode (0.31.0-1)
greffon Linode DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-ovh (0.31.0-1)
greffon OVH DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-rfc2136 (0.24.0-2)
greffon RFC⋅2136 DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-route53 (0.28.0-1)
greffon Route53 DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-dns-sakuracloud (0.31.0-1)
greffon SakuraCloud DNS pour Certbot
python3-certbot-nginx (0.31.0-1)
extension Nginx pour Certbot
python3-certifi (2018.8.24-1)
certificats racines pour la validation de certificats SSL et la vérification d’hôtes TLS – Python 3
python3-cffi (1.12.2-1)
interface de fonctions étrangères pour Python 3 appelant du code C
python3-cffi-backend (1.12.2-1)
interface de fonctions étrangères pour Python 3 appelant du code C – exécutable
python3-cfgrib (
Python 3 module supporting the CF convention in GRIB files
python3-cftime (
fonctionnalité de gestion de temps de netcdf4-python – Python 3
python3-chameleon (2.24-1)
XML-based template compiler
python3-changelog (0.4.2-1)
Sphinx extension to generate changelog files (Python 3)
python3-channels-redis (2.3.3-1)
Redis channel layer backend for Django Channels (Python3 version)
python3-characteristic (14.3.0-2)
assistant pour mettre en œuvre des protocoles d’objets relatifs à des attributs – Python 3
python3-chardet (3.0.4-3)
détecteur universel d'encodage de caractères pour Python3
python3-chargebee (1.6.3-4)
Python library for integrating with Chargebee (Python 3/API v1)
python3-chargebee2 (2.6.2-1)
Python library for integrating with Chargebee (Python 3/API v2)
python3-chartkick (0.5.0-1)
create beautiful JavaScript charts with minimal code (Python 3)
python3-cheetah (3.1.0-3)
text-based template engine and Python code generator (Python 3)
python3-chemps2 (1.8.9-1+b2)
Python 3 interface for libchemps2-3
python3-cheroot (6.5.4+ds-2)
Pure-Python HTTP server
python3-cherrypy3 (8.9.1-2)
Python web development framework - Python 3 module
python3-chm (
Python binding for CHMLIB - Python 3
python3-cinder (2:13.0.7-1+deb10u2) [security]
système de stockage de blocs OpenStack — bibliothèques Python
python3-cinderclient (1:4.0.1-2)
liaisons de Python pour l’API de volume d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-circuits (3.1.0+ds1-1)
cadriciel piloté pas les évènements avec une architecture de composants – version en Python 3
python3-citeproc (0.3.0-3)
processeur CSL (Citation Style Languaqe) pour Python 3
python3-ck (1.9.4-1)
Python3 light-weight knowledge manager
python3-clang-11 (1:11.0.1-2~deb10u1)
liaisons Python pour Clang
python3-clang-13 (1:13.0.1-6~deb10u4)
liaisons Python pour Clang
python3-cliapp (1.20180812.1-2)
Python framework for Unix command line programs
python3-click (7.0-1)
Wrapper around optparse for command line utilities - Python 3.x
python3-click-log (0.2.1-1)
intégration de la journalisation pour Click – Python 3.x
python3-click-plugins (1.0.4-1)
extension de Click pour enregistrer des commandes LC externes – Python 3
python3-click-threading (0.4.4-1)
utilitaires pour le développement multifil dans click – Python 3.x
python3-cliff (2.13.0-1)
cadriciel de formulation d’interface en ligne de commande – Python 3.x
python3-cligj (0.5.0-1)
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour le traitement de commandes GeoJSON
python3-clint (0.5.1-1)
Python Command-line Application Tools
python3-cloud-sptheme (1.9.4-1)
Cloud Sphinx theme and related extensions (python3 version)
python3-cloudflare (2.1.0-1)
module de Python pour une interface avec l’API v.4 de Cloudfare
python3-cloudkitty (8.0.0-4+deb10u1)
classement OpenStack en tant que service – bibliothèque de Python
python3-cloudkitty-dashboard (8.0.0-3)
OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - dashboard plugin
python3-cloudkittyclient (1.2.0-4)
API client for Rating as a Service project - Python 3.x
python3-cloudpickle (0.8.0-1)
Extended pickling support for Python 3 objects
python3-clustershell (1.8.1-1)
bibliothèques clustershell de Python 3
python3-cmarkgfm (0.4.2-1)
GitHub-flavored Markdown renderer Python bindings
python3-cmd2 (0.8.5-2)
enhanced Python cmd module - Python 3.x
python3-cmor (3.4.0-2)
Python3 interface to CMOR
python3-coards (1.0.5-3)
COARDS-compliant time parser (Python 3)
python3-cobra (0.14.1-1)
modélisation basée sur les contraintes de réseaux biologiques avec Python 3
python3-coda (2.20-3)
interface de Python 3 pour la bibliothèque de formats scientifiques de CODA
python3-codicefiscale (0.9+ds0-1)
génération et validation du « codice fiscale » italien – Python 3.x
python3-colorama (0.3.7-1)
Cross-platform colored terminal text in Python - Python 3.x
python3-colorclass (2.2.0-2)
bibliothèque de colorisation ANSI de texte pour Python
python3-coloredlogs (7.3-1)
sortie colorée de terminal pour le module de connexion de Python 3
python3-colorlog (4.0.1-1)
mise en forme pour le module de journalisation de Python 3
python3-colormap (1.0.2-1)
manipulation aisée des tables de couleurs de matplotlib et des codecs de couleur – Python 3
python3-colormath (3.0.0-1)
Abstracts common color math operations (Python 3 version)
python3-colorspacious (1.1.2-1)
library for doing colorspace conversions - Python 3.x
python3-colour (0.1.5-1)
converts and manipulates various color representation - Python 2.X
python3-comedilib (0.11.0-1)
Python3 wrapper for Comedilib
python3-commando (1.0.0-0.2)
wrapper for argparse to define declaratively (Python 3)
python3-commonmark-bkrs (0.5.4+ds-2)
analyseur en Python pour la spécification CommonMark de Markdown – Python 3
python3-compreffor (0.4.6.post1-1)
création de sous-routines de tables CFF pour FontTools
python3-confget (2.2.0-4+deb10u1)
read variables from INI-style configuration files - Python 3.x library
python3-configargparse (0.13.0-1)
replacement for argparse with config files and environment variables (Python 3)
python3-configobj (5.0.6-3)
lecteur et éditeur de fichier de configuration simple et puissant pour Python⋅3
python3-configshell-fb (1.1.24-1)
Python library for building configuration shells - Python 3
python3-confluent-kafka (0.11.6-1)
Python client to interact with Kafka - Python 3.x
python3-congress (8.0.0+dfsg1-1)
OpenStack Policy as a Service - Python libraries
python3-congressclient (1.11.0-2)
client pour le cadriciel aux règles ouvertes pour le nuage – Python 3.x
python3-constantly (15.1.0-1)
constantes symboliques en Python
python3-construct (2.8.16-0.2)
powerful declarative parser (and builder) for binary data
python3-construct.legacy (2.5.3-2)
legacy fork of declarative binary data parser/builder (Python 3)
python3-consul (0.7.1-1)
Python client for - Python 3.X
python3-contextlib2 (0.5.5-1)
Backport and enhancements for the contextlib module - Python 3.x
python3-cookiecutter (1.6.0-3)
création de projets à partir de modèles – module Python 3
python3-cookies (2.2.1-2)
analyse et rendu de cookies conformes à la RFC 6265 en Python 3
python3-coreapi (2.3.3-3)
Python3 client library for Core API
python3-coreschema (0.0.4-2)
Python3 utilities to describe an abstract data schema to coreapi
python3-cotyledon (1.6.8-3)
framework for defining long-running services - Python 3.x
python3-cov-core (1.15.0-2)
plugin core for use by pytest-cov, nose-cov and nose2-cov
python3-coverage (4.5.2+dfsg.1-1)
code coverage tool for Python 3
python3-coverage-test-runner (1.13.1-2)
échec des tests unitaires de programme Python s’ils ne testent pas tout
python3-cpl (0.7.4-2)
Control pipeline recipes from the ESO (Python3)
python3-cpuinfo (4.0.0-1)
Python module for getting CPU info (Python 3)
python3-cracklib (2.9.6-2)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour la bibliothèque de vérification de mot de passe cracklib2
python3-cram (0.7-3)
functional testing framework for command line applications - Python 3.x
python3-crank (0.7.2-4)
mécanisme de distribution pour une utilisation entre cadriciels – Python 3.x
python3-crcelk (1.3-1)
Implementation of the CRC algorithm (Python 3)
python3-crcmod (1.7+dfsg-1+b1)
générateur de CRC – Python 3 x
python3-croniter (0.3.24-2)
itération pour l'objet datetime à la mode cron – Python 3.x
python3-crontab (1.9.3-2)
Python3 module for reading and writing crontab files
python3-crypto (2.6.1-9+b1)
algorithmes et protocoles de chiffrement pour Python⋅3
python3-cryptography (2.6.1-3+deb10u4) [security]
bibliothèque Python fournissant des recettes et des primitives de cryptographie — Python 3
python3-cryptography-vectors (2.6.1-1)
vecteurs de test pour python-cryptography –⋅Python⋅3
python3-cs (2.3.1-1)
client simple, quoique puissant, pour l’API CloudStack – module pour Python 3
python3-csb (1.2.5+dfsg-3)
Python framework for structural bioinformatics (Python3 version)
python3-cson (0.7-1)
analyseur en Python pour CSON (Coffeescript Object Notation)
python3-css-parser (1.0.4-1)
utilitaires relatifs à CSS (analyse, sérialisation, etc) pour Python 3
python3-csscompressor (0.9.4-2)
portage en Python du compresseur CSS de YUI – Python 3.x
python3-cssmin (0.2.0-7)
algorithme de compression YUI CSS (version Python 3)
python3-cssselect (1.0.3-1)
cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
python3-cssselect2 (0.2.1-1)
implementation of CSS3 Selectors (Python3 version)
python3-cssutils (1.0.2-2)
analyseur et constructeur de feuilles de style en cascade (CSS) avec Python 3
python3-csvkit (1.0.2-1)
public modules for csvkit (Python 3)
python3-ctdopts (1.2-3)
Gives your Python tools a CTD-compatible interface
python3-cu2qu (1.6.5-1)
Python library for cubic-to-quadratic bezier curve conversion
python3-cups (1.9.73-2+b1)
liaisons Python3 pour CUPS
python3-cupshelpers (1.5.11-4)
modules utilitaires Python pour le système d'impression CUPS
python3-cursive (0.2.1-2)
OpenStack specific validation of digital signatures - Python 3
python3-curtsies (0.2.12-1)
library for terminal interaction (Python 3)
python3-cutadapt (1.18-1)
Clean biological sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads (Python 3)
python3-cv-bridge (1.13.0+ds-2+b12)
cv_bridge ROS package - Python 3 bindings
python3-cvxopt (1.1.9+dfsg-3+b1)
paquet de Python⋅3 pour l’optimisation convexe
python3-cxx-dev (7.0.3-2)
Set of facilities to extend Python3 with C++
python3-cycler (0.10.0-1)
composable kwarg iterator (Python 3)
python3-cymem (2.0.2-1)
cython memory pool for RAII-style memory management
python3-cymruwhois (1.6-3.1)
Python library for interfacing with the service (Python 3)
python3-cypari2 (1.3.1-2)
Python interface to PARI -- Python 3
python3-cysignals-bare (1.8.1+ds-2)
interrupt and signal handling for Cython -- Python 3 - bare
python3-cysignals-pari (1.8.1+ds-2)
interrupt and signal handling for Cython -- Python 3 - PARI/GP
python3-cytoolz (
Toolz in Cython: High performance functional utilities
python3-d2to1 (0.2.12-1)
Python3 support for distutils2-like setup.cfg files as package metadata
python3-daemon (2.2.3-1)
bibliothèque pour créer un processus de démon Unix – Python 3
python3-daemonize (2.4.7-2)
activation de code sous forme de processus démon – Python 3.x
python3-daiquiri (1.5.0-1)
Python library to easily setup basic logging functionality
python3-daphne (2.2.5-1)
Django Channels HTTP/WebSocket server (Python3 version)
python3-darts.lib.utils.lru (0.5-4)
Simple dictionary with LRU behaviour in Python3
python3-dask (1.0.0+dfsg-2)
Minimal task scheduling abstraction for Python 3
python3-dask-sphinx-theme (1.1.0-1)
Dask theme for Sphinx
python3-datalad (0.11.2-2)
data files management and distribution platform
python3-dateparser (0.7.1-1)
python parser for human readable dates
python3-dateutil (2.7.3-3)
extensions puissantes du module datetime standard de Python⋅3
python3-datrie (0.7.1-2)
Super-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python 3
python3-dbf (0.96.005-1)
Python module for reading and writing dbf files (Python 3)
python3-dbfread (2.0.7-2)
lecture de fichiers DBF avec Python
python3-dbus (1.2.8-3)
système simple de messages inter-processus –⋅interface Python⋅3
python3-dbus-tests (1.2.8-3)
système simple de messages inter-processus (interface Python⋅3 –⋅tests)
python3-dbus.mainloop.pyqt5 (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
prise en charge de la boucle principale de Qt pour D-Bus pour Python⋅3
python3-dbus.mainloop.qt (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
prise en charge pour PyQt4 de D-Bus avec Python⋅3
python3-dbusmock (0.18.2-1)
mock D-Bus objects for tests (Python 3)
python3-dcos (0.2.0-2)
modules communs de DCOS − Python 3.x
python3-ddt (1.1.1-1)
tests conduits par des données et décorés (DDT) – Python 3.x
python3-deap (1.0.2.post2-6)
Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python3
python3-debconf (1.5.71+deb10u1)
interaction avec debconf à partir de Python⋅3
python3-debian (0.1.35)
modules Python 3 pour travailler avec des formats de données liés à Debian
python3-debianbts (2.8.2)
interface en Python du système de suivi de bogues de Debian
python3-debiancontributors (0.7.8-1)
Manage submissions to (Python3)
python3-debtcollector (1.20.0-2)
collection de patrons de conception pour rassembler les dettes techniques – Python 3.x
python3-decorator (4.3.0-1.1)
simplification de l’utilisation de décorateurs en Python par les programmeurs
python3-decouple (3.1-4)
Helps you to organize your Django|Flask settings
python3-deepdiff (3.3.0-1)
Deep Difference and search of any Python object/data
python3-defcon (0.6.0-1)
objets basés sur UFO pour une utilisation dans les applications d’édition de fonte
python3-defer (1.0.6-2)
Small framework for asynchronous programming (Python 3)
python3-defusedxml (0.5.0-2)
XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules (for Python 3)
python3-deltarpm (3.6+dfsg-1+b7)
liaisons de Python 3 pour deltarpm
python3-demjson (2.2.4-2)
encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON in Python (python3)
python3-dendropy (4.4.0-1)
DendroPy Phylogenetic Computing Library (Python 3)
python3-depinfo (1.4.0-1)
retrieve and print Python 3 package dependencies
python3-deprecation (2.0.6-1)
Library to handle automated deprecations - Python 3.x
python3-descartes (1.1.0-2)
extension de matplotlib pour travailler avec des objets géométriques – Python 3
python3-designate (1:7.0.0-2)
OpenStack DNS as a Service - Python libs
python3-designate-dashboard (7.0.0-2)
OpenStack DNS as a Service - dashboard plugin
python3-designateclient (2.10.0-2)
bibliothèque client pour l'API Designate d'OpenStack –⋅Python 3 x
python3-dev (3.7.3-1)
fichiers d'en-tête et bibliothèque statique pour Python − par défaut
python3-devpi-common (3.2.2-1)
PyPI server and packaging/testing/release tool - Common modules
python3-dexml (0.5.1-1)
Dead-simple Object-XML mapper for Python3
python3-dfdatetime (20190116-1)
Digital Forensics date and time library for Python 3
python3-dfvfs (20190128-1)
Digital Forensics Virtual File System
python3-dfwinreg (20190122-1)
Digital Forensics Windows Registry library for Python 3
python3-diagnostic-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS diagnostic, Python 3 interface
python3-dialog (3.4.0-1)
Python module for making simple terminal-based user interfaces
python3-diaspy (0.6.0-1)
interface non officielle pour le réseau social Diaspora – Python 3
python3-dib-utils (0.0.6-2)
outils autonomes relatifs à diskimage-builder – Python 3.x
python3-dicoclient (2.7-2)
interpréteur de commandes et module client de dictionnaire conforme à la RFC 2229
python3-dicom (1.2.1-1)
transitional package for python3-pydicom
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-pydicom
python3-dicteval (0.0.6-1)
Library to evaluate expressions in dict/json objects
python3-dictobj (0.4-3)
Python3 dictionary where keys can be accessed as instance attributes
python3-dicttoxml (1.7.4-1)
Python 3 module for converting dict into a XML string
python3-diff-match-patch (20121119-4)
algorithmes robustes pour la synchronisation de texte pur – module en Python 3
python3-digitalocean (1.13.2-1)
Python bindings for the DigitalOcean API (Python 3)
python3-dijitso (2018.1.1~git1-1)
distributed just-in-time building of shared libraries (Python 3)
python3-dill (0.2.9-1)
sérialisation de (presque) tous les objets de Python 3
python3-dirspec (13.10-1)
Python User Folders Specification Library
python3-diskimage-builder (2.16.0-1)
outils de construction d’images pour OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-distlib (0.2.8-1)
low-level components of python distutils2/packaging
python3-distorm3 (3.4.1-3)
powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams (Python3 bindings)
python3-distributed (1.25.0+ds.1-1)
Dask Distributed computing for Python 3
python3-distro (1.3.0-1)
Linux OS platform information API
python3-distro-info (0.21+deb10u1) [security]
informations au sujet des publications de distributions – module Python 3
python3-distutils (3.7.3-1)
paquet distutils pour Python⋅3.x
python3-distutils-extra (2.42)
enhancements to the Python3 build system
python3-dj-database-url (0.5.0-2)
Django utility to utilize a DB env var (Python 3)
python3-dj-static (0.0.6-6)
Serve production static files with Django (Python 3)
python3-django (1:1.11.29-1+deb10u11) [security]
High-level Python web development framework (Python 3 version)
python3-django-adminsortable (2.0.10-2)
drag-and-drop ordering for objects in Django Admin (Python 3)
python3-django-allauth (0.38.0+ds-1)
Django app for local and social authentication (Python 3 version)
python3-django-anymail (5.0-1)
Django email backend for multiple ESPs (Python 3)
python3-django-appconf (1.0.2-3)
classe d’auxiliaire pour gérer les valeurs par défaut d’applications – Python 3.x
python3-django-assets (0.12-2)
integrate webassets into Django applications (Python3 version)
python3-django-auth-ldap (1.7.0-1)
Django LDAP authentication backend (Python3 version)
python3-django-auto-one-to-one (3.1.1-1)
module de Django pour connecter des instances de modèle enfant à une classe parente
python3-django-axes (4.4.0-1)
Keep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites
python3-django-babel (0.6.2-1)
outils pour utiliser Babel dans Django - Python 3.x
python3-django-background-tasks (1.1.11-1)
databased-backed work queue for Django
python3-django-bitfield (1.9.3-1)
module de Django mettant en œuvre BitFields – version en Python 3
python3-django-braces (1.9.0-1)
reusable, generic mixins for Django class based views (Python3 version)
python3-django-captcha (0.5.6-1)
Django Simple Captcha Django application
python3-django-cas-server (0.9.0-1)
bibliothèque de serveur CAS pour Django
python3-django-casclient (1.2.0-2.2)
CAS client library for Django, K-State's version (Python 3)
python3-django-celery-beat (1.1.1-1)
Database-backed Periodic Tasks (Documentation)
python3-django-celery-haystack (0.10-3)
utilize Celery for automatic haystack index updates (Python3 version)
python3-django-celery-results (1.0.4-1)
Celery result backends for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-channels (2.1.7-1)
Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-classy-tags (0.8.0-1)
descripteurs de gabarit basés sur les classes pour les projets en Django – version en Python 3
python3-django-compat (1.0.15-2)
Forward and backwards compatibility layer for Django 1.4.x to 1.9.x
python3-django-compressor (2.2-4)
compresse du JS ou CSS liés t inline en un seul fichier en cache - Python 3.x
python3-django-contact-form (1.4.2-2)
extensible contact-form application for Django (Python 3)
python3-django-cors-headers (2.2.0-1)
Django application for handling CORS.
python3-django-countries (5.3.2-1)
provides a country field for Django models (Python3 version)
python3-django-crispy-forms (1.7.2-1)
app for Django providing elegant form rendering (Python3 version)
python3-django-csp (3.5-1)
Content Security Policy pour Django – version Python 3
python3-django-dbconn-retry (0.1.5-1)
reconnect on a failed database (Python3 version)
python3-django-debug-toolbar (1:1.9.1-1)
Embedded debugging toolbar for Django projects (Python 3 version)
python3-django-dirtyfields (1.3.1-1)
package for tracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (Python 3)
python3-django-downloadview (1.9-1)
service de fichier statique efficace avec Django – version Python 3
python3-django-environ (0.4.4-1)
variables simplifiées d’environnement pour Django
python3-django-etcd-settings (0.1.13+dfsg-2)
gestionnaire de configuration pour les applications de Django basées sur ETCD – Python 3
python3-django-extensions (2.1.4-1)
Useful extensions for Django projects (Python 3 version)
python3-django-extra-views (0.12.0-1)
Complementary class-based generic views for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-filters (1.1.0-1)
filter Django QuerySets based on user selections (Python3 version)
python3-django-formtools (2.0-1)
ensemble d’abstractions de haut niveau pour des formulaires de Django – Python 3.x
python3-django-fsm (2.6.0-1)
Django friendly finite state machine support (Python3 version)
python3-django-fsm-admin (1.2.1-1)
transitions state de django-fsm pour admin de Django – version en Python 3
python3-django-gravatar2 (1.4.2-3)
Python3 library that provides essential Gravatar support
python3-django-guardian (1.4.9-2)
per object permissions of django for Python3
python3-django-haystack (2.8.1-2)
modular search for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-hijack (2.1.7-1)
connexion et travail pour le compte d’autres utilisateurs par le superutilisateur
python3-django-horizon (3:14.0.2-3+deb10u3) [security]
module de Django d’interaction avec OpenStack
python3-django-housekeeping (1.1-1)
Pluggable housekeeping framework for Django sites in Python 3
python3-django-hvad (1.8.0-1)
Painless translations in Django
python3-django-hyperkitty (1.2.2-1+deb10u1)
Web user interface to access GNU Mailman3 archives
python3-django-imagekit (4.0.2-2)
Automated image processing for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-impersonate (1.4-1)
Django module for superusers to impersonate accounts (Python 3)
python3-django-ipware (2.1.0-1)
Django app to retrieve client's IP address
python3-django-jinja (2.4.1-1)
Jinja2 templating language integrated in Django (Python 3 version)
python3-django-js-reverse (0.7.3-1)
Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt
python3-django-jsonfield (1.0.1-2)
JSON field for Django models (Python 3)
python3-django-ldapdb (1.3.0-1)
Python3 LDAP database backend for Django
python3-django-macaddress (1.5.0-1)
MAC address model and form fields for Django apps
python3-django-mailman3 (1.2.0-3)
Django library to help interaction with Mailman3 (Python 3 version)
python3-django-maintenancemode (0.11.2-3)
module de Django fermant un site pour des travaux d’entretien – Python 3
python3-django-markupfield (1.5.0-1)
custom Django field for easy use of markup in text fields (Python3 version)
python3-django-memoize (2.1.0+dfsg-1)
implementation of memoization technique for Django (Python 3)
python3-django-model-utils (3.1.1-1)
Django model mixins and utilities — Python 3
python3-django-modeltranslation (0.12.2-1)
Translate dynamic content of Django models (Python 3)
python3-django-navtag (2.1.3-1)
Django template tag to handle navigation (Python3 version)
python3-django-netfields (0.9.0-1)
implémentation de netfields dans PostgreSQL pour Django – version Python 3
python3-django-nose (1.4.6-1)
Django test runner that uses python-nose (Python3 version)
python3-django-notification (1.2.0-2)
gestion de notifications aux utilisateurs pour Django – version Python 3
python3-django-oauth-toolkit (1.1.2-2)
OAuth2 capabilities for Django projects (Python3 version)
python3-django-ordered-model (2.1.0-1)
Allows Django models to be ordered (Python3 version)
python3-django-organizations (1.1.1-1)
module de gestion de compte multi-utilisateur ou de groupe de Django – Python 3
python3-django-otp (0.4.3-1)
pluggable framework for two-factor authentication (Python3 version)
python3-django-overextends (0.4.0-1)
application réutilisable fournissant un héritage circulaire de modèle –⋅Python 3.x
python3-django-paintstore (0.2-2)
Integrates jQuery ColorPicker in Django admin (Python 3 version)
python3-django-picklefield (1.1.0-1)
champs d’objets sérialisés pour Django – version Python 3
python3-django-pipeline (1.6.14-1)
Asset packaging library for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-polymorphic (2.0.3-1)
Seamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models (Python3 version)
python3-django-postorius (1.2.4-1+deb10u1)
Web user interface to access GNU Mailman3
python3-django-pyscss (2.0.2-8)
faciliter l’utilisation de PySCSS dans Django – Python 3.x
python3-django-python3-ldap (0.11.2-1)
dorsal de Django d’identification LDAP d’utilisateurs – version Python 3
python3-django-q (1.0.1-1)
Django multiprocessing distributed task queue (Python 3 version)
python3-django-ranged-response (0.2.0-1)
réponse de fichier de Django pour une diffusion propre dans un navigateur – Python 3
python3-django-recurrence (1.8.2-1)
utilitaire de Django pour envelopper dateutil.rrule – version en Python 3
python3-django-redis (4.10.0-1)
Redis cache backend for Django (Python 3)
python3-django-redis-admin (1.4.0-1)
Django admin panel add-on to view/delete Redis keys (Python 3)
python3-django-redis-sessions (0.6.1-1)
Redis database backend for your Django sessions (Python 3)
python3-django-registration (2.2-2)
application d'enregistrement d'utilisateurs pour Django –⋅Python⋅3
python3-django-rest-hooks (1.5.0-1)
Add webhook subscriptions to Django apps (Python3 version)
python3-django-restricted-resource (2016.8-2)
modèle de base de Django pour le contrôle de propriété et d’accès — Python 3
python3-django-reversion (3.0.3-1)
Provides comprehensive version control facilities for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-rules (2.0.1-1)
object-level permissions for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-saml2 (0.17.2-1)
Django application that integrates PySAML2 (Python3 version)
python3-django-sass-processor (0.5.4-1)
compile files from markup languages such as SASS/SCSS
python3-django-sekizai (0.10.0-4)
template blocks for Django projects (Python3 version)
python3-django-session-security (2.6.5+dfsg-1)
module Django de Python3 pour déconnecter un utilisateur après X minutes
python3-django-setuptest (0.2.1-2)
simple test suite enabling Django app testing via (Python3 version)
python3-django-shortuuidfield (0.1.3-2)
Short UUIDField for Django for Python 3
python3-django-simple-history (2.7.0-1)
simple version control from Django model objects (Python 3)
python3-django-sitetree (1.12.0+dfsg-1)
arbre de site, menu et fils d’Ariane de navigation pour Django – version en Python 3
python3-django-stronghold (0.3.0+debian-1)
application Django en Python 3 pour login_required par défaut pour toutes les vues
python3-django-tables2 (1.21.2-1)
Table/data-grid framework for Django (Python 3)
python3-django-tagging (1:0.4.5-1)
Generic tagging application for Django projects (Python 3)
python3-django-taggit (0.24.0-1)
simple tagging for Django (Python 3)
python3-django-tastypie (0.13.3-1)
webservice API framework for Django (Python 3)
python3-django-timezone-field (3.0-1)
database and form fields for pytz objects (Python3 version)
python3-django-treebeard (4.3+dfsg-1)
Efficient implementations of tree data structures for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-uwsgi (0.2.2-1)
uWSGI related tools for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-webpack-loader (0.6.0-1)
utiliser de manière transparente webpack avec Django – Python 3
python3-django-websocket-redis (0.4.7-1)
Websockets for Django applications using Redis (Python3 version)
python3-django-wkhtmltopdf (3.2.0-1)
Django module with views for HTML to PDF conversions (Python 3)
python3-django-x509 (0.4.1-1)
x509 PKI certificates management for Django (Python3 version)
python3-django-xmlrpc (0.1.8-1)
XMLRPC library for Django
python3-djangorestframework (3.9.0-1+deb10u1)
Web APIs for Django, made easy for Python3
python3-djangorestframework-extensions (0.4.0-1.1)
custom extensions for Django REST framework (Python3 version)
python3-djangorestframework-filters (0.10.2.post0-1)
filtres pour « Django REST Framework » – version Python 3
python3-djangorestframework-generators (0.2.8-2)
Generate DRF Serializers, Views, and URLs (Python3 version)
python3-djangorestframework-gis (0.14-1)
Geographic add-ons for Django REST Framework (Python3 version)
python3-djangorestframework-haystack (1.8.4-1)
Haystack for Django REST Framework (Python3 version)
python3-djoser (1.4.0-1)
REST implementation of Django authentication system (Python3 version)
python3-djvu (0.8.2-2)
prise en charge par Python3 du format DjVu d’image
python3-dkim (0.9.6-0+deb10u1)
Python 3 module for DKIM and ARC signing and verification
python3-dmidecode (3.12.2-9)
Python extension module for dmidecode - Python 3
python3-dns (3.2.0-2)
module de client DNS pour Python⋅3
python3-dnslib (0.9.7+hg20170303-1)
module pour encoder et décoder les paquets DNS wire-format — Python 3
python3-dnspython (1.16.0-1+deb10u1)
boîte à outils DNS pour — Python 3
python3-dnsq (1.1.2-1)
outil Python de requêtes DNS
python3-doc8 (0.8.0-1)
vérificateur de style pour la documentation RST de Sphinx (ou autres) – Python 3.x
python3-docker (3.4.1-4)
Python 3 wrapper to access's control socket
python3-dockerpty (0.4.1-1)
gestionnaire de pseudo-terminal pour client Python de docker – Python 3.x
python3-dockerpycreds (0.3.0-1)
Python3 bindings for the docker credentials store API
python3-docopt (0.6.2-2)
langage de description d’interface en ligne de commande – Python 3
python3-docutils (0.14+dfsg-4)
système de traitement de texte pour reStructuredText – implémentation en Python 3
python3-dogpile.cache (0.6.2-6)
frontal de mise en cache basé sur le verrou Dogpile – Python 3.x
python3-dogpile.core (0.6.2-6)
paquet factice de transition pour python3-dogpile.core
python3-doit (0.31.1-2)
Automation tool (Python3) to execute any kind of task in a build-tools fashion
python3-dolfin (2018.1.0.post1-16)
Python interface for DOLFIN (Python 3)
python3-dominate (2.3.1-1)
Python 3 library for creating and manipulating HTML documents
python3-dotenv (0.9.1-1)
obtenir et définir les valeurs du fichier .env dans les serveurs locaux et en production
python3-doubleratchet (0.6.0-1)
Python 3 implementation of the Double Ratchet algorithm
python3-dpkt (1.9.2-1)
module de Python 3 pour la création et l’analyse de paquets pour les protocoles TCP/IP de base
python3-dpm (1.10.0-2+b3)
Disk Pool Manager (DPM) python3 bindings
python3-dput (1.25+deb10u2)
next generation Debian package upload tool (Python 3 library)
python3-dracclient (1.3.1-1)
library for managing machines with Dell iDRAC cards - Python 3.x
python3-drizzle (1.12-2)
combinaison d’image « dither » avec Python
python3-drms (0.5.6-1)
accès aux données d’HMI, AIA et MDI à l’aide de Python
python3-dropbox (9.3.0-1)
Official Dropbox API Client (Python3 version)
python3-drslib (0.3.1.p3-1)
Library for processing the CMIP5 Data Reference Syntax (Python3)
python3-dsv (1.4.1-7)
module Python pour les fichiers DSV – Python 3
python3-dtcwt (0.12.0-1)
Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet Transform library for Python 3
python3-dtfabric (20181128-1)
outils pour la gestion de type de données et de structure – Python 3.x
python3-duecredit (0.6.4-1)
Publications (and donations) tracer
python3-dugong (3.7.4+dfsg-1)
HTTP 1.1 client module for Python
python3-dulwich (0.19.11-2)
bibliothèque de Python pour Git –⋅module Python3
python3-dynamic-reconfigure (1.6.0-1)
bibliothèque dynamic-reconfigure de Robot OS – liaisons de Python 3
python3-easydev (0.9.37-1)
common utilities to ease the development of Python packages (Python 3)
python3-easygui (0.96-3)
module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python3
python3-easyprocess (0.2.5-1)
easy to use python subprocess interface - Python 3.X
python3-easywebdav (1.2.0-4)
straight-forward WebDAV client module (Python 3 interface)
python3-ebooklib (0.15~ds0-1)
Python 3 E-book library for handling EPUB2/EPUB3/Kindle formats
python3-eccodes (2.12.0-1)
Python module for the ECMWF GRIB API library
python3-ecdsa (0.13-3+deb10u1)
bibliothèque de chiffrement ECDSA de signature – Python 3
python3-ecflow (4.12.0-1)
Python3 libraries for ecFlow workflow tools
python3-editor (1.0.3-1)
ouverture d’un éditeur de manière programmée et capture du résultat – Python 3 x
python3-editorconfig (0.12.1-1)
library for working with EditorConfig — Python 3
python3-edlib (1.2.4-1)
library for sequence alignment using edit distance (Python3 module)
python3-efilter (1.5-2)
EFILTER query language (Python 3)
python3-elasticsearch (5.4.0-1)
client en Python pour Elasticsearch – version Python 3
python3-elasticsearch-curator (5.2.0-1)
Python 3 library for managing Elasticsearch time-series indices
python3-emcee (2.2.1-1)
Affine-invariant ensemble MCMC sampling for Python 3
python3-empy (3.3.2-2)
templating system for Python (Python 3)
python3-enchant (2.0.0-1)
spellchecking library for Python 3
python3-enet (0.0~vcs.2017.05.26.git-2.1+b1)
enveloppe de Python 3 pour la bibliothèque ENet
python3-engineio (3.0.0+dfsg-1)
python3 implementation of the Engine.IO realtime server
python3-enigma (0.1-3)
historically accurate Enigma Machine library
python3-entrypoints (0.3-1)
Discover and load entry points from installed packages (Python 3)
python3-envparse (0.2.0-1)
environment variable parsing (Python 3)
python3-envs (1.2.6-1)
accès aisé aux variables d’environnement dans Python
python3-enzyme (0.4.1-1.1)
video metadata parser (Python 3)
python3-epc (0.0.5-2)
RPC stack for Emacs Lisp (Python3 version)
python3-ephem (
Compute positions of the planets and stars with Python 3
python3-epr (0.9.5-2)
ENVISAT Product Reader API de Python – Python 3
python3-esmre (0.3.1-3+b4)
Regular expression acceleration in Python3
python3-espeak (0.5-1+b6 [amd64, armhf, i386], 0.5-1+b4 [arm64])
Python bindings for eSpeak
python3-et-xmlfile (1.0.1-2)
low memory library for creating large XML files (Python 3)
python3-etcd (0.4.5-1)
bibliothèque cliente pour Etcd – module de Python 3
python3-etcd3gw (0.2.1-1)
client for etcd3 grpc-gateway v3 API - Python 3.x
python3-ethtool (0.14-1)
Python bindings for the ethtool kernel interface - Python 3.x
python3-evdev (1.1.2+dfsg-1+b10)
Python 3 bindings for the Linux input subsystem
python3-evemu (2.7.0-1+deb10u1)
Linux Input Event Device Emulation Library - Python3 bindings
python3-eventlet (0.20.0-6)
concurrent networking library - Python 3.x
python3-evtx (0.6.1-1+deb10u1)
parser for recent Windows Event Log files -- Python 3 version
python3-ewmh (0.1.6-1)
Python interface to EWMH-compliant window managers (Python 3)
python3-exabgp (4.0.8-1)
BGP swiss army knife of networking - Python 3 module
python3-exam (0.10.5-2)
Python module to help write better tests
python3-examples (3.7.3-1)
exemples pour le langage Python − version par défaut
python3-execnet (1.5.0-4)
déploiement rapide multi-Python –⋅Python⋅3
python3-exif (2.1.2-1)
bibliothèque de Python d’extraction de données EXIF de fichiers TIFF et JPEG
python3-exotel (0.1.5-1)
Python library for exotel APIs (Python 3)
python3-expeyes (4.4.4+dfsg-4)
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour expeyes
python3-expiringdict (1.1.2-1)
Python3 caching libarry
python3-extras (1.0.0-3)
extensions de la bibliothèque standard de Python – Python 3.x
python3-eyed3 (0.8.8-1)
module Python de manipulation des étiquettes id3 −⋅version Python⋅3
python3-fabio (0.8.0+dfsg-1)
bibliothèque d'E/S pour les images produites par détecteurs de rayons⋅X en⋅2D –⋅Python⋅3
python3-fabulous (0.3.0+dfsg1-6)
module de Python pour rendre la sortie du terminal sensationnelle
python3-factory-boy (2.11.1-2)
test fixtures replacement based on factory_girl for Ruby - Python 3.x
python3-fake-factory (0.7.7-2.1)
Faker is a Python library that generates fake data (Python 3)
python3-fakeredis (1.0.3-1)
Fake version of a redis-py - Python 3.x
python3-fakesleep (0.1-1)
Fake version of time.sleep() for use in tests
python3-falcon (1.0.0-2+b3)
micro-cadriciel supersonique de construction d’API de nuage – Python 3.x
python3-fann2 (1:1.1.2+ds-1)
Python 3 bindings for FANN
python3-fast-histogram (0.7-1)
fonctions rapides d’histogramme en 1D et 2D en Python
python3-fast5 (0.6.5-2+b1)
library for reading Oxford Nanopore Fast5 files -- Python 3
python3-fastcluster (1.1.25-2)
Fast hierarchical clustering routines for Python 3
python3-fasteners (0.12.0-3)
fourniture de verrous utiles – Python 3.x
python3-fastimport (0.9.8-2)
bibliothèque d'analyse et de création pour le format de fichier Fastimport
python3-fastkml (0.11-2)
fast KML processing (Python 3)
python3-fava (1.9-4)
Web interface for the double-entry accounting tool Beancount
python3-fdb (2.0.0-1)
Python3 DB-API driver for Firebird
python3-feature-check (0.2.2-3+deb10u1)
query a program for supported features - Python 3.x library
python3-fedora (0.10.0-1)
Python modules for interacting with Fedora Services (Python 3)
python3-feedgenerator (1.9-1)
Syndication feed generation library (Python 3 version)
python3-feedparser (5.2.1-1)
analyseur universel de flux de données pour Python⋅3
python3-ferret (7.4.4-1)
Python3 wrapper for the Ferret visualization and analysis environment,
python3-ffc (2018.1.0-5)
compiler for finite element variational forms (Python 3)
python3-fiat (2018.1.0-5)
tabulation par des espaces pour une fonction d'élément finie (Python 3)
python3-fido2 (0.5.0-1)
Python library for implementing FIDO 2.0
python3-fife (0.4.2-1)
FIFE, moteur de jeu isométrique multiplateforme
python3-file-encryptor (0.2.9-2)
module de Python 3 pour chiffrer et déchiffrer des fichiers de manière convergente
python3-filelock (3.0.10-1)
platform independent file locking module (Python 3)
python3-fiona (1.8.4-1+b1)
API de Python 3 pour écrire et lire des données géospatiales vectorielles
python3-first (2.0.0-2)
simple function that returns the first true value from an iterable
python3-fisx (1.1.6-1)
bibliothèque d’analyse quantitative de fluorescence de rayons X — Python 3
python3-fitbit (0.3.0-4)
implémentation de client pour l’API REST de FitBit – Python 3
python3-fitsio (0.9.12+dfsg-1)
Python 3 library to read from and write to FITS files
python3-fiu (0.98-2)
userspace fault injection framework (Python 3 bindings)
python3-fixtures (3.0.0-2)
extension PyUnit pour définir des scénarios de test en-dehors de cas de test - Python 3.x
python3-flake8 (3.6.0-1)
vérificateur de code utilisant pycodestyle et pyflakes – Python 3.x
python3-flake8-docstrings (1.1.0-1)
flake8 extension to check docstrings
python3-flake8-polyfill (1.0.2-1)
polyfill package for Flake8 plugins
python3-flaky (3.3.0-1)
Plugin for nose or py.test that automatically reruns flaky tests (Python 3)
python3-flask (1.0.2-3+deb10u1) [security]
petit cadriciel web basé sur Werkzeug et Jinja 2 –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-flask-api (1.1+dfsg-1)
Browsable web APIs for the Flask micro web framework
python3-flask-assets (0.12-3)
Python 3 flask extension that provides webassets integration
python3-flask-autoindex (0.6.2-1)
automatically generated index pages for Flask applications (Python 3)
python3-flask-babel (0.11.2-2)
internationalization and localization support for Flask (Python 3)
python3-flask-babelex (0.9.3-2)
ajout de la prise en charge de l'i18n/l10n aux applications Flask
python3-flask-bcrypt (0.7.1-1)
Python 3 flask extension that provides bcrypt hashing utilities
python3-flask-cache (0.13.1-2)
Cache support for flask applications
python3-flask-compress (1.4.0-2)
Compress responses in a Flask app with gzip (Python 3)
python3-flask-cors (3.0.7-1+deb10u1)
Flask extension for handling CORS (Python 3)
python3-flask-flatpages (0.6-1)
Provides flat static pages to a Python 3 Flask application
python3-flask-gravatar (0.4.2-1)
Extension for Flask to make usage of Gravatar service
python3-flask-htmlmin (1.3.2-1)
Minimize render templates html
python3-flask-httpauth (3.2.4-3)
identifications Basic et Digest d’HTTP pour Flask – Python 3
python3-flask-ldapconn (0.7.2-1)
LDAP connection and ORM for Flask Applications (Python 3)
python3-flask-login (0.4.1-2)
user session management for Flask -- Python 3 module
python3-flask-mail (0.9.1+dfsg1-1)
Flask extension for sending email
python3-flask-migrate (2.1.1-2)
SQLAlchemy migrations for Flask using Alembic and Python 3
python3-flask-mongoengine (0.9.3-2)
extension fournissant l’intégration avec MongoEngine – Python 3
python3-flask-oauthlib (0.9.5-2)
OAuthlib support for Flask
python3-flask-openid (1.2.5+dfsg-2)
OpenID support for Flask applications (Python 3)
python3-flask-paranoid (0.2.0-3)
Simple user session protection
python3-flask-peewee (0.6.7-1)
intégration de Peewee pour Flask – Python 3
python3-flask-principal (0.4.0-1)
gestion d’identité pour Flask
python3-flask-rdf (0.2.1-1+deb10u1)
Flask decorator to output RDF using content negotiation (Python 3)
python3-flask-restful (0.3.7-1)
REST API framework for Flask applications (Python3 Module)
python3-flask-script (2.0.6-1)
set of utilities for use with the Flask framework and Python 3
python3-flask-security (1.7.5-2+deb10u1) [security]
Simple security for Flask apps (Python 3)
python3-flask-silk (0.2-13)
FamFamFam Silk icon set for Flask applications (Python 3)
python3-flask-sqlalchemy (2.1-3)
adds SQLAlchemy support to your Python 3 Flask application
python3-flask-testing (0.7.1-1)
unit testing utilities for the Flask micro web framework
python3-flaskext.multistatic (1.0-1)
Simple flask plugin for overriding static files (Python 3) (0.14.2-3)
Simple integration of Flask and WTForms (Python 3)
python3-flatlatex (0.8-1)
Python3 LaTeX math converter to unicode text - library
python3-flexmock (0.10.3-1)
Mock/Stub/Spy library for Python 3
python3-flickrapi (2.1.2-5)
Flickr API wrapper for Python 3
python3-flor (1.1.1-1)
efficient Bloom filter library (Python3 version)
python3-flufl.bounce (3.0-1)
email bounce detectors (Python 3)
python3-flufl.enum (4.1.1-1)
encore un autre paquet d’énumération de Python – Python 3
python3-flufl.i18n (2.0.1-1)
high level API for Python internationalization (Python 3)
python3-flufl.lock (3.2-1)
NFS-safe file-based lock with timeouts (Python 3)
python3-flufl.password (1.3-2)
password hashing and verification
python3-flufl.testing (0.7-1)
small collection of Python test helpers
python3-fluids (0.1.73-1)
Python 3 fluid dynamics and engineering design library
python3-fontconfig (0.5.1-1+b6 [amd64, armhf, i386], 0.5.1-1+b4 [arm64])
liaisons Python⋅3 pour la bibliothèque Fontconfig
python3-fontmake (1.8.0-1)
bibliothèque de Python pour compiler des fontes de UFO ou Glyphs en OTF/TTF
python3-fontmath (0.4.9-1)
Objects for performing math operations on font data
python3-fontpens (0.2.4-1)
Classes implementing Pen protocol for manipulating UFO glyphs
python3-fonttools (3.35.1-1)
conversion de fontes OpenType et TrueType à partir de et vers XML – bibliothèque de Python 3
python3-forge (1.3.0-4)
modules d’objets factices et de tests – version Python 3
python3-formencode (1.3.0-3)
validation and form generation Python 3 package
python3-fparser (0.0.8-2)
analyseur de Python 3 pour le langage Fortran
python3-fpylll (0.4.1+ds1-5)
enveloppe de Python pour la réduction LLL de réseaux euclidiens – Python 3
python3-freecontact (1.1-4)
fast protein contact predictor - binding for Python3
python3-freezegun (0.3.11-0.1)
Python3 library to mock the datetime module in unit testing
python3-frozen-flask (0.11-3)
Freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
python3-frozendict (1.2-1)
dictionnaire immuable – Python 3.x
python3-fs (2.2.1-1)
Python filesystem abstraction
python3-fsapfs (20190210-1)
bibliothèque d'accès au APFS – liaisons Python 3
python3-fswrap (1.0.1-0.2)
unified object oriented interface to file system objects (Python 3)
python3-ftdi1 (1.4-1+b2)
Python module to control and program the FTDI USB controllers
python3-fudge (1.1.0-1)
Python 3 module for using fake objects for tests
python3-funcparserlib (0.3.6-7)
Recursive descent parsing library for python3
python3-funcsigs (1.0.2-4)
signatures de fonction de PEP 362 – Python 3.x
python3-furl (2.0.0-1)
Small Python library for URLs parsing and manipulating
python3-fuse (2:0.3.1-1)
Python bindings for FUSE (Filesystems in USErspace) (Python 3 package)
python3-fusepy (3.0.1-1)
interface simple de Python pour FUSE – Python 3
python3-future (0.16.0-1)
prise en charge d’un source unique pour Python 3 et 2 – Python 3.x
python3-futurist (1.6.0-2)
ajouts utiles à futures issus de future – Python 3.x
python3-fuzzywuzzy (0.17.0-1)
Python 3 module for fuzzy string matching
python3-fysom (2.1.5-2)
pYthOn Finite State Machine (Python3 package)
python3-gabbi (1.40.0-4)
bibliothèque de test de déclaration HTTP - Python 3.x
python3-galpy (1.4.0-2)
Python 3 package for Galactic Dynamics
python3-gammapy (0.10-1)
Python package for gamma-ray astronomy
python3-gammu (2.12-1)
Python module to communicate with mobile phones (Python 3)
python3-ganeti-rapi (2.16.0-5)
cluster virtualization manager - RAPI client library (Python 3)
python3-gbulb (0.6.1-0.1)
PEP 3156 event loop based on GLib (Python 3)
python3-gccjit (0.4-8)
liaisons de Python 3 pour libgccjit
python3-gdal (2.4.0+dfsg-1+deb10u1) [security]
bibliothèque d'abstraction de données géospatiales – liaisons de Python 3
python3-gdbm (3.7.3-1)
prise en charge des bases de données GNU dbm pour Python⋅3.x
python3-gdcm (2.8.8-9)
Grassroots DICOM Python bindings
python3-gdl (0.9.9-10)
interface de Python pour GDL (GNU Data Language)
python3-gdspy (1.3.1-3)
Python library for GDSII handling (Python 3)
python3-gear (0.5.8-4)
bibliothèque asynchrone de protocole Gear, en Python pur – Python 3.x
python3-gencpp (0.6.0-4)
C++ Robot OS message and service generators - Python 3 version
python3-genlisp (0.4.16-4)
Common-Lisp Robot OS message and service generators - Python 3 version
python3-genmsg (0.5.11-2)
Python 3 library for generating Robot OS message and service data
python3-genpy (0.6.7-3)
Python 3 Robot OS message and service generators
python3-genshi (0.7.1-5)
Python XML-based template engine - Python 3.x
python3-genty (1.3.0-1)
Allows you to run a test with multiple data sets (Python 3)
python3-geoalchemy2 (0.5.0-1)
SQLAlchemy extension for spatial databases using PostGIS
python3-geographiclib (1.49-4)
implémentation en Python⋅3 de GeographicLab
python3-geoip (1.3.2-2)
liaisons de Python 3 pour GeoIP, bibliothèque de résolution de IP-pays
python3-geoip2 (2.9.0+dfsg1-1)
Python geoip2 API for web services and databases - Python 3.x
python3-geojson (2.4.1-1)
liaisons et utilitaires en Python 3 pour GeoJSON
python3-geolinks (0.2.0-3)
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour les liens géospatiaux (catalogue interoperablity)
python3-geomet (0.2.0.post2-2)
convert GeoJSON to/from WKT/WKB (Python)
python3-geometry-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS geometry, Python 3 interface
python3-geopandas (0.4.0-3)
outils en Python 3 pour les données géographiques
python3-geopy (1.18.1-1)
geocoding toolbox for Python3
python3-geotiepoints (1.1.7-1)
interpolation de points de raccordement géographiques avec Python
python3-germinate (2.31)
expand dependencies in seed packages (Python 3 interface)
python3-gerritlib (0.8.0-1)
client library for accessing Gerrit with Python3
python3-getdns (1.0.0~b1-1+b4)
modern asynchronous DNS API (python 3 bindings)
python3-gevent (1.3.7-1)
gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library
python3-gflags (1.5.1-5)
implementation of the Google command line flags module - Python 3.x
python3-ghdiff (0.4-2)
Generator of Github-style HTML for unified diffs
python3-gi (3.30.4-1)
interfaçage avec Python 3 pour les bibliothèques gobject-introspection
python3-gi-cairo (3.30.4-1)
interfaçage avec Python 3 Cairo pour la bibliothèque GObject
python3-gimmik (2.1-1)
generator of matrix multiplication kernels (Python 3)
python3-ginga (2.7.2-2)
boite à outils pour image astronomique pour Python
python3-git (2.1.11-1+deb10u2) [security]
Python library to interact with Git repositories - Python 3.x
python3-git-os-job (1.0.1-2)
Show the OpenStack job logs for a commit - Python 3.x
python3-gitdb (2.0.5-1)
pure-Python git object database (Python 3)
python3-github (1.40-1)
Access the full Github API v3 from Python3
python3-gitlab (1:1.6.0-3)
Python 3 GitLab API client library
python3-glance (2:17.0.0-5+deb10u1) [security]
OpenStack Image Registry and Delivery Service - Python library
python3-glance-store (0.26.1-4)
OpenStack Image Service store library - Python 3.x
python3-glanceclient (1:2.13.1-1)
bibliothèque cliente pour le serveur Glance d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-glareclient (0.5.3-2)
client library for the OpenStack GLare Artifact REpository API - Python 3.x
python3-glob2 (0.5-2)
Enhanced glob module for Python
python3-glue (0.14.1+dfsg-1)
Python 3 library for data interaction
python3-glymur (0.8.17-1)
outils de Python pour accéder aux fichiers JPEG 2000
python3-glyphslib (3.1.4-1)
Library for converting between Glyphs files (.glyphs) and UFOs
python3-gmplot (1.2.0-1)
matplotlib-like interface to plotting data with Google Maps (python3)
python3-gmpy2 (2.1.0~a4-1)
interfaces GMP to Python 3 for fast, unbound-precision computations
python3-gmsh (4.1.5+really4.1.3+ds1-1)
Three-dimensional finite element mesh generator Python 3 wrapper
python3-gnocchi (4.3.1-3)
Metric as a Service - Python 3.x
python3-gnocchiclient (7.0.2-2)
liaisons pour l’API Gnocchi d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-gnucap (0.0.2-1.1)
Python 3 bindings for the GNU Circuit Analysis Package
python3-gnucash (1:3.4-1+deb10u1)
interface de Gnucash pour Python
python3-gnupg (0.4.4-1)
enveloppe de Python pour GNU Privacy Guard – Python 3.x
python3-gnuplotlib (0.28-1)
Gnuplot-based plotter for numpy
python3-goocalendar (0.4-2)
Calendar widget for GTK+ using PyGoocanvas (Python 3)
python3-google-auth (1.5.1-1)
bibliothèque d’authentification de Google – Python 3
python3-google-compute-engine (20190124-3)
Python library for Google Compute Engine interaction (Python 3)
python3-google-i18n-address (2.3.2-3)
métadonnées d’internationalisation d’adresses – liaisons de Python 3
python3-googleapi (1.5.5-1)
Google APIs Client Library - Python 3.x
python3-gpg (1.12.0-6)
interface Python pour la bibliothèque GnuPG de chiffrement, GPGME (Python 3)
python3-gphoto2 (1.9.0-1)
Python interface to libgphoto2 (Python 3)
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-gphoto2cffi
python3-gphoto2cffi (0.4.3~a1-1)
liaisons de GPhoto2 avec une API plus simple
python3-gpiozero (1.4.1-1.1)
simple interface to everyday GPIO components used with Raspberry Pi (Python 3)
python3-gpxpy (1.3.4-1)
GPX file parser and GPS track manipulation library (Python 3)
python3-gpyfft (0.7.0-1+b1)
enveloppe pour la bibliothèque FFT OpenCL, clFFT – Python 3
python3-grapefruit (0.1~a3+dfsg-6)
Python module to manipulate color information easily (Python 3)
python3-graphite2 (1.3.13-7)
Python bindings for libgraphite2
python3-graphviz (0.8.4-2)
Simple Python 3 interface for Graphviz
python3-graypy (0.2.14-1)
gestionnaire de journalisation envoyant des messages en GELF – Python 3
python3-greenlet (0.4.15-2)
Lightweight in-process concurrent programming (python3)
python3-grib (2.0.4-1)
Python 3 module for reading and writing GRIB files
python3-gribapi (1.28.0-2)
Python3 module for the ECMWF GRIB API library
python3-gridfs (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
implémentation en Python⋅3 de GridFS pour MongoDB
python3-grpc-tools (1.14.1-1)
générateur de code Protobuf pour gRPC – Python 3
python3-grpcio (1.16.1-1)
GRPC system (Python 3)
python3-gssapi (1.4.1-1+b1)
Python 3 interface to GSSAPI
python3-gst-1.0 (1.14.4-1+b1)
GStreamer GObject Introspection overrides for Python (Python 3)
python3-gsw (3.3.0-1)
Python 3 implementation of the Thermodynamic Equation of Seawater
python3-gtkspellcheck (4.0.5-1)
Python 3 spellchecking library for GTK+ based on Enchant
python3-gtts (1.2.0-1)
Wrapper and CLI utility for the Google TTS (Text-to-Speech) API (Python 3)
python3-gtts-token (1.1.1-1)
Calculates a token to run the Google Translate text to speech (Python 3)
python3-gudhi (2.3.0+dfsg-2+b1)
Python 3 interface to the GUDHI library
python3-guess-language (0.5.2-5)
bibliothèque pour détecter le langage naturel d’un texte – version Python 3
python3-guestfs (1:1.40.2-2)
guest disk image management system - Python 3 bindings
python3-guidata (1.7.6-1)
dataset manipulation GUI generator - Python 3
python3-guiqwt (3.0.3-3)
efficient 2D data-plotting library - Python 3
python3-guizero (0.6.0+dfsg1-1)
module to allow quick and easy GUI creation (Python 3)
python3-gumbo (0.10.1+dfsg-2.3)
pure-C HTML5 parser Python 3 bindings
python3-guzzle-sphinx-theme (0.7.11-4)
Sphinx theme used by Guzzle
python3-gv (2.40.1-6+deb10u1)
Python3 bindings for graphviz
python3-gwcs (0.10.0-2)
Tools for managing the WCS of astronomical data (Python 3)
python3-gyoto (1.3.1-1)
General relativistic geodesic integration for the Python 3 language
python3-h11 (0.8.1-1)
Pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1 (Python 3)
python3-h2 (3.0.1-4)
Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol implementation in Python
python3-h5py (2.8.0-3)
general-purpose Python interface to hdf5 (Python 3)
python3-hacking (1.1.0-2)
greffons Flake8 pour suivre les prescriptions de participation à OpenStack – Python⋅3.x
python3-hamcrest (1.8.0-1.1)
Hamcrest framework for matcher objects (Python 3)
python3-haproxy-log-analysis (2.0~b0-1)
generate aggregate statistics from HAProxy HTTP logs (Python 3)
python3-harp (1.5+data-3)
Python3 interface for the HARP data harmonisation toolset
python3-hashids (1.2.0-2)
Python implementation of hashids (Python 3 version)
python3-hdf4 (0.9.2-1)
Python-HDF4: Python interface to the NCSA HDF4 library
python3-hdmedians (0.13~git20171027.8e0e9e3-1)
high-dimensional medians in Python3
python3-healpy (1.12.8-8)
HEALPix representation of spherical data - Python3 interface
python3-heapdict (1.0.0-1)
tas avec des opérations clés décroissantes ou croissantes pour Python 3
python3-heat (1:11.0.0-6)
service d’orchestration d'Openstack – fichiers Python
python3-heat-dashboard (1.4.0-2)
service d’orchestration d’ OpenStack – greffon de tableau de bord
python3-heatclient (1.16.1-2)
bibliothèque cliente et interface pour Heat d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-hgapi (1.7.3+git20170127.dd8fb7b-1)
module providing a pure-Python API to Mercurial (Python 3)
python3-hid (0.7.99.post21-1+b1)
cython3 interface to hidapi
python3-hidapi (0.2.2-1)
Python bindings for the HID API
python3-hinawa-utils (0.1.0-1)
Utilities to control Audio and Music units on FireWire (IEEE1394)
python3-hips (0.2-2)
Python package for Hierarchical Progressive Surveys
python3-hiredis (0.3.1-1)
redis protocol reader for Python using hiredis
python3-hivex (1.3.18-1+deb10u1)
Python 3 bindings for hivex
python3-hkdf (0.0.3-3)
HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
python3-hl7 (0.3.4-3)
Python3 library for parsing HL7 messages
python3-holidays (0.9.9-1)
Python library for generating sets of holidays
python3-hpack (3.0.0-3)
encodage d’en-tête HTTP/2 (HPACK) en Python pur
python3-hpilo (4.3-1)
HP iLO XML interface access from Python (Python 3)
python3-hplefthandclient (1.0.1-2)
client HTTP REST LeftHand/StoreVirtual d’HP – Python 3.x
python3-html2text (2018.1.9-1)
module Python pour convertir du HTML en texte balisé (version Python3)
python3-html5-parser (0.4.5-1)
analyseur rapide, se conformant aux normes et basé sur C, d’HTML 5 pour Python
python3-html5lib (1.0.1-1)
HTML parser/tokenizer based on the WHATWG HTML5 specification
python3-htmlmin (0.1.12-1)
HTML Minifier
python3-htseq (0.11.2-1)
Python3 high-throughput genome sequencing read analysis utilities
python3-httmock (1.3.0-1)
Mocking library for python3-requests
python3-http-parser (0.8.3-3)
analyseur de requête/réponse HTTP –Python 3
python3-httplib2 (0.11.3-2)
comprehensive HTTP client library written for Python3
python3-httpretty (0.9.5-3)
mock pour client HTTP – Python 3.x
python3-httpsig (1.3.0-1)
signature de requêtes HTTP (IETF HTTP Signatures) – version en Python 3
python3-httptools (0.0.11-1)
framework independent HTTP protocol utils (Python3 version)
python3-humanfriendly (4.18-1)
bibliothèque de Python 3 pour construire des interfaces textuelles conviviales
python3-humanize (0.5.1-3)
Python Humanize library (Python 3)
python3-hunspell (0.5.5-1)
liaisons Python 3 pour hunspell
python3-hupper (1.5-1)
Integrated process monitor for developing servers. (Python 3)
python3-hurry.filesize (0.9-2)
tailles de fichier ou autre en octet lisibles par un humain – Python 3.x
python3-hy (0.12.1-2)
frontal basé sur Lisp (s-expression) pour Python⋅3
python3-hydroffice.bag (0.2.15-2)
manage Bathymetric Attributed Grid (BAG) data files (Python 3)
python3-hyperframe (5.1.0-1)
Pure-Python3 HTTP/2 framing code
python3-hyperlink (17.3.1-2)
Immutable, Pythonic, correct URLs.
python3-hypothesis (3.71.11-1)
advanced Quickcheck style testing library for Python 3
python3-iapws (1.3-2)
Python3 implementation of the international APWS-IF97 steam tables
python3-icalendar (4.0.3-2)
parser/generator of iCalendar files for use with Python3
python3-icecream (1.3.1-1)
Debugging tool for Python scripts
python3-icu (2.2-2)
Python 3 extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
python3-idna (2.6-1+deb10u1) [security]
gestion Python de IDNA2008 (RFC 5891) –⋅Python⋅3
python3-ifaddr (0.1.6-1)
Pure Python implementation for detecting IP addresses
python3-igraph (0.7.1.post6-7)
High performance graph data structures and algorithms (Python 3)
python3-ijson (2.3-2)
event-driven JSON parser (Python 3 version)
python3-ilorest (2.3.1+20180725+ds-1)
API RESTful pour iLO et iLO Chassis Manager d’HPE basée sur les serveurs d’HPE (Python 3)
python3-image-geometry (1.13.0+ds-2)
image_geometry Robot OS package - Python 3 bindings
python3-imageio (2.4.1-2)
library for reading and writing image data (Python 3)
python3-imagesize (1.0.0-1)
Python 3 module for getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
python3-imaplib2 (2.57-5)
Threaded Python IMAP4 client (Python 3)
python3-imdbpy (6.6-1)
Python package to access the IMDb's movie database (Python 3)
python3-imexam (0.8.0-3)
examen interactif d’image astronomique et tracé simples
python3-img2pdf (0.3.3-1)
Lossless conversion of raster images to PDF (library)
python3-importmagic (0.1.7-2)
automagically add, remove and manage Python 3 imports
python3-incremental (16.10.1-3)
Library for versioning Python projects.
python3-indexed-gzip (0.8.6-1+b1)
fast random access of gzip files in Python
python3-inflect (2.1.0-1)
Generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles (Python 3)
python3-inflection (0.3.1-1)
portage de la flexion de Ruby on Rails – Python 3
python3-influxdb (5.2.0-1)
Client for InfluxDB - Python 3.x
python3-inifile (0.4-1)
Small INI library for Python 3
python3-iniparse (0.4-2.2)
access and modify configuration data in INI files (Python 3)
python3-instagram (1.3.2+git20160108~dfeebe9-4)
Python 3 client for the Instagram REST and Search APIs
python3-intelhex (2.1-2)
prise en charge par Python d’Intel HEX – Python 3
python3-interactive-markers (1.11.4-1)
Robot OS interactive_markers - Python 3 package
python3-internetarchive (1.8.1-1+deb10u1)
python interface to
python3-intervaltree (3.0.2-1)
arbre intervalle auto-équilibré et mutable – Python 3
python3-intervaltree-bio (1.0.1-3)
Interval tree convenience classes for genomic data -- Python 3 library
python3-invocations (0.6.2-2)
Reusable Invoke tasks - Python 3.x
python3-invoke (0.11.1+dfsg1-1)
Pythonic task execution - Python 3.x
python3-iowait (0.1-1.1)
Platform-independent module for I/O completion events
python3-ipdb (0.11-1)
remplaçant de pdb basé sur IPython – version Python 3
python3-ipfix (0.9.7-1)
IPFIX implementation for Python 3
python3-iptables (0.13.0-1+b1)
Python bindings for iptables (Python 3 interface)
python3-ipy (1:0.83-1)
Python3 module for handling IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
python3-ipykernel (4.9.0-1)
noyau IPython pour Jupyter – Python 3
python3-ipython (5.8.0-1+deb10u1)
Enhanced interactive Python shell (Python 3 version)
python3-ipython-genutils (0.2.0-1)
IPython vestigial utilities for Python 3
python3-ipywidgets (6.0.0-4)
Interactive widgets for the Jupyter notebook (Python 3)
python3-irc (8.5.3+dfsg-4)
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library — Python 3
python3-ironic (1:11.1.0-6)
bare metal hypervisor API for OpenStack - Python lib
python3-ironic-inspector (8.0.0-3)
discovering hardware properties for OpenStack Ironic - Python 2.7
python3-ironic-inspector-client (3.3.0-2)
client pour Ironic Inspector – Python 3.x
python3-ironic-lib (2.14.0-2)
common library used by various Ironic projects - Python 3.x
python3-ironic-neutron-agent (1.2.0-3)
OpenStack virtual network service - Ironic agent Python 3.x library
python3-ironic-ui (3.3.0-4)
bare metal hypervisor API for OpenStack - Dashboard plugin
python3-ironicclient (2.5.0-2)
client pour le service de machines nues d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-isbnlib (3.9.3-1)
ISBN processing library
python3-isc-dhcp-leases (0.9.1-1)
Python module for reading dhcp leases files (Python 3 interface)
python3-iso3166 (0.8.git20170319-1)
Standalone ISO 3166-1 country definitions (Python 3)
python3-iso8601 (0.1.11-1)
Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates - Python 3.x
python3-isodate (0.6.0-1)
ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter (Python 3 module)
python3-isort (4.3.4+ds1-1.1)
library for sorting Python imports (Python 3)
python3-isospec (1.9.1-5)
calculateur de structure fine isotropique pour Python 3
python3-isoweek (1.3.3-2)
module de Python fournissant la classe week – Python 3
python3-itango (0.1.7-1)
Interactive Tango client - Python 3
python3-itsdangerous (0.24+dfsg1-2)
Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environment - Python 3.x
python3-itypes (1.1.0-3)
bibliothèque de Python 3 de types de conteneurs basiques immutables
python3-ixion (0.14.1-4)
general purpose formula parser & interpreter library -- python module
python3-jack-client (0.4.5-1)
JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Client for Python 3
python3-jaraco.itertools (2.0.1-3)
outils pour travailler avec les itérables – Python 3
python3-jdcal (1.0-1.2)
Julian dates from proleptic Gregorian and Julian calendars
python3-jedi (0.13.2-1)
autocompletion tool for Python 3
python3-jellyfish (0.5.6-3+b2)
Library for approximate and phonetic matching of strings (Python 3)
python3-jenkins (0.4.16-1)
liaisons pour l’API de Jenkins Remote – Python 3.x
python3-jenkins-job-builder (2.9.1-1)
Configure Jenkins using YAML files - Python 3.x
python3-jieba (0.39-4)
Jieba Chinese text segmenter (Python 3)
python3-jinja2 (2.10-2+deb10u1) [security]
small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine
python3-jinja2-time (0.2.0-1)
Jinja2 extension for dates and times - Python 3.x
python3-jira (2.0.0-1)
JIRA Python library (Python 3)
python3-jmespath (0.9.4-1)
correspondance d’expressions JSON – Python 3
python3-joblib (0.13.0-2+deb10u2) [security]
tools to provide lightweight pipelining in Python
python3-josepy (1.1.0-2)
JOSE implementation for Python 3.x
python3-jpy (0.9.0-2)
Bi-directional Python-Java bridge (Python3)
python3-jpype (0.6.3+dfsg-1+b1)
Binding the worlds of Java and Python (for Python 3)
python3-jsbeautifier (1.6.4-7)
JavaScript unobfuscator and beautifier (python3)
python3-jsmin (2.2.2-1)
JavaScript minifier written in Python - Python 3.x
python3-json-pointer (1.10-1)
résolution des pointeurs de JSON — Python 3.x
python3-json-tricks (3.11.0-1)
Python module with extra features for JSON files
python3-jsondiff (1.1.1-2)
diff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python 3
python3-jsonext (0.4.1-1)
serialisation to/from JSON for extra types — Python 3
python3-jsonhyperschema-codec (1.0.3-1)
Python3 JSON Hyper-Schema codec for Core API
python3-jsonpatch (1.21-1)
library to apply JSON patches - Python 3.x
python3-jsonpath-rw (1.4.0-3)
implémentation étendue de JSONPath pour Python 3.x
python3-jsonpath-rw-ext (1.1.3-1)
extensions pour JSONPath RW – Python 3.x
python3-jsonpickle (0.9.5-1)
Python library for serializing object graphs into JSON (Python 3)
python3-jsonrpc (1.12.1-1)
Python implementation of JSON-RPC 1.0 and 2.0 (Python 3)
python3-jsonrpclib-pelix (0.3.1-1)
Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification (Python 3)
python3-jsonschema (2.6.0-4)
une (autre) implémentation de JSON Schema (Draft 3 et 4) – Python 3.x
python3-junit.xml (1.8-1)
creates JUnit XML test result docs readable by tools such as Jenkins (py3k)
python3-junitxml (0.6-1.3)
extension de PyUnit de rapport dans un XML compatible avec JUnit
python3-junos-eznc (2.1.7-2)
Junos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers (Python 3)
python3-jupyter-client (5.2.3-1)
API client du protocole Jupyter –⋅Python⋅3
python3-jupyter-console (5.2.0-1)
client en terminal pour Jupyter –⋅Python⋅3
python3-jupyter-core (4.4.0-2+deb10u1) [security]
fonctionnalités principales communes des projets Jupyter pour Python⋅3
python3-jupyter-sphinx-theme (0.0.6+ds1-6)
thème Jupyter Sphinx –⋅Python⋅3
python3-jwt (1.7.0-2)
Python 3 implementation of JSON Web Token
python3-k8sclient (0.3.0-1)
Kubernetes API Python client code - Python 3.x
python3-kafka (1.4.3-1)
client en Python pur pour Apache Kafka – Python 3.x
python3-kaitaistruct (0.8-1)
Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data (python3)
python3-kajiki (0.7.2-1)
Really fast well-formed xml templates - Python 3.x
python3-kanboard (1.0.1-1)
minimalist kanboard Python client (Python 3)
python3-kaptan (0.5.10-1)
Python 3 configuration manager in various formats
python3-karborclient (1.1.0-2)
Karbor API client - Python 3.x
python3-kazoo (2.5.0-1)
higher level API to Apache Zookeeper (Python 3)
python3-kdcproxy (0.4-1)
Kerberos KDC HTTP proxy WSGI module for python3
python3-kdtree (0.7.1+git20101123-4+b4)
container for kd-tree sorting for Python 3
python3-keepalive (0.5-1)
urllib keepalive support for Python 3
python3-keras-applications (1.0.6-1)
popular models and pre-trained weights for the Keras deep learning framework
python3-keras-preprocessing (1.0.5-1)
module de prétraitement de données pour le cadriciel d’apprentissage automatique Keras
python3-kerberos (1.1.14-2)
GSSAPI interface module - Python 3.x
python3-keyman-config (11.0.103-2)
Keyman for Linux configuration
python3-keyring (17.1.1-1)
store and access your passwords safely - Python 3 version of the package
python3-keyrings.alt (3.1.1-1)
alternate backend implementations for python3-keyring
python3-keystone (2:14.2.0-0+deb10u2) [security]
service d’identité d’OpenStack – bibliothèque
python3-keystoneauth1 (3.10.0-2+deb10u1)
authentication library for OpenStack Identity - Python 3.x
python3-keystoneclient (1:3.17.0-2)
bibliothèque de client pour l’API Keystone d’OPenStack – Python 3.x
python3-keystonemiddleware (5.2.0-2)
Middleware for OpenStack Identity (Keystone) - Python 3.x
python3-keyutils (0.6-1)
Python3 bindings for keyutils
python3-kitchen (1.2.5-4)
Python library of containers, text and i18n helpers (Python 3)
python3-kiwisolver (1.0.1-2+b1)
fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver - Python 3.X
python3-kolabformat (1.1.6-4)
Python 3 bindings for Kolab Format 3.0 XML parsing
python3-kombu (4.2.1-3)
AMQP Messaging Framework for Python (Python3 version)
python3-kopano (8.7.0-3+deb10u1) [security]
Complete and feature rich groupware solution - Python bindings
python3-kubernetes (7.0.0~a1-1)
Kubernetes Python client - Python 3.x
python3-kyotocabinet (1.22-2+b8 [amd64, armhf, i386], 1.22-2+b5 [arm64])
Straightforward implementation of DBM - Python 3 bindings
python3-kytos-sphinx-theme (0.0.1+dfsg-1)
Theme used by kytos with sphinx -- Python
python3-l20n (4.0.0~a1-3)
cadriciel de localisation linguistique de Mozilla – Python 3
python3-langdetect (1.0.7-3)
Python library for language-detection (Python 3)
python3-lasagne (0.1+git20181019.a61b76f-1)
deep learning library build on the top of Theano (Python3 modules)
python3-laser-geometry (1.6.4-6)
Robot OS laser geometry package - Python 3 bindings
python3-lasso (2.6.0-2+deb10u1)
Library for Liberty Alliance and SAML protocols - Python bindings
python3-latexcodec (1.0.5-1)
LaTeX lexer and codec library for Python3
python3-launchpadlib (1.10.6-2)
Launchpad web services client library (Python 3)
python3-lazr.config (2.2-1)
ini-file format handling supporting schemas and inheritance
python3-lazr.delegates (2.0.3-1)
écriture facile d’objets déléguant le comportement
python3-lazr.restfulclient (0.14.2-1)
client for lazr.restful-based web services (Python 3)
python3-lazr.smtptest (2.0.3-1)
framework for testing SMTP-based applications and libraries
python3-lazr.uri (1.0.3-3)
bibliothèque pour analyser, manipuler et générer des URI
python3-lazy-object-proxy (1.3.1-1+b1)
Python 3 fast and thorough lazy object proxy
python3-ldap (3.1.0-2)
LDAP interface module for Python3
python3-ldap3 (2.4.1-1)
Pure Python LDAP client library
python3-ldappool (2.3.1-1)
connection pool for python-ldap - Python 3.x
python3-ldif3 (3.2.2-1)
generate and parse LDIF data (Python3 version)
python3-ldns (1.7.0-4)
Python3 bindings for the ldns library for DNS programming
python3-leather (0.3.3-1)
charting library for Python
python3-lensfun (0.3.2-4)
Lens Correction library - Python3 module
python3-lepl (5.1.3-2)
recursive descent parser library (Python 3)
python3-lesscpy (0.13.0+ds-1)
compilateur LessCss pour Python⋅3.x
python3-leveldb (0~svn68-3+b3)
Python wrapper for LevelDB (Python 3)
python3-levenshtein (0.12.0-3)
extension pour le calcul de similarités de chaînes et les distances d’édition –⋅Python⋅3
python3-lexicon (3.0.8-2)
Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers (Python 3)
python3-lfc (1.10.0-2+b3)
LCG File Catalog (LFC) python3 bindings
python3-lib2to3 (3.7.3-1)
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau —⋅2to3 version 3.6
python3-libapparmor (2.13.2-10)
liaisons Python 3 pour la bibliothèque AppArmor
python3-libarchive-c (2.8-0.3)
interface Python3 pour libarchive
python3-libbde (20190102-1)
bibliothèque d'accès à BitLocker Drive Encryption –⋅liaisons Python⋅3
python3-libcloud (2.4.0-1)
unified Python interface into the cloud (Python3 version)
python3-libconcord (1.3-1)
Harmony remote configuration tool - Python 3 bindings
python3-libdiscid (1.0-3+b1)
libdiscid binding for Python 3
python3-libesedb (20181229-3)
Extensible Storage Engine DB access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libevdev (0.5-1)
Python 3 wrapper for libevdev
python3-libevt (20181227-1)
Windows Event Log (EVT) format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libevtx (20181227-1)
Windows XML Event Log format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libewf (20140804-1)
support for Expert Witness Compression format -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libfsntfs (20190104-1)
NTFS access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libfvde (20190104-1)
FileVault Drive Encryption access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libfwnt (20181227-1)
Windows NT data type library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libfwsi (20181227-1)
Windows Shell Item format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libgpiod (1.2-3)
Python bindings for libgpiod (Python 3)
python3-libguess (1.1-1)
high-speed character set detection library (Python 3 wrapper)
python3-libhamlib2 (3.3-5)
Run-time Python3 library to control radio transceivers and receivers
python3-libhfst (3.15.0-1.1~deb10u1)
technologie des transducteurs finis Helsinki – module de Python 3
python3-libiio (0.16-1)
Python bindings for libiio
python3-libipa-hbac (1.16.3-3.2+deb10u2) [security]
Python3 bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
python3-liblinear (2.1.0+dfsg-4)
Python 3 bindings for LIBLINEAR
python3-liblnk (20181227-1)
Windows Shortcut File format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-liblo (0.10.0-3+b3)
Python 3 bindings for liblo, the lightweight OSC library
python3-libmsiecf (20181227-1)
Microsoft Internet Explorer Cache File access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libnacl (1.6.1-4)
Python 3 bindings for libsodium based on ctypes
python3-libnatpmp (20150609-7)
portable and fully compliant implementation of NAT-PMP (Python 3 bindings)
python3-libnmap (0.7.0-1)
Python 3 NMAP library
python3-libolecf (20181231-1)
OLE2 Compound File format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libproxy (0.4.15-5+deb10u1)
automatic proxy configuration management library (Python 3)
python3-libqcow (20181227-1)
QEMU Copy-On-Write image format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libravatar (1.7-5)
Libravatar module for Python 3
python3-libregf (20181231-1)
Windows NT Registry File (REGF) format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-librouteros (2.2.0-1)
Python implementation of RouterOS API
python3-librtmp (0.3.0-1+b3)
librtmp binding for Python 3
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-librtmp
python3-libsass (0.17.0-1)
SASS for Python 3: a straightforward binding of libsass for Python
python3-libscca (20181227-1)
Windows Prefetch File access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libsigscan (20190103-1)
binary signature scanning library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libsmbios (2.4.1-1)
Provide access to (SM)BIOS information -- Python libraries
python3-libsmdev (20181227-1)
storage media device access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libsmraw (20181227-1)
split RAW image format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libsss-nss-idmap (1.16.3-3.2+deb10u2) [security]
Python3 bindings for the SID lookups library
python3-libtcod (1.7.0+dfsg-2)
Python 3 bindings for the libtcod library
python3-libtiff (0.4.2-5)
wrapper to the libtiff library to Python using ctypes (Python 3 version)
python3-libtmux (0.8.0-1)
Python scripting library and ORM for tmux (python3)
python3-libtorrent (1.1.11-2)
Python bindings for libtorrent-rasterbar (Python 3)
python3-libtrace (1.6+git20180219-1+b1)
Python 3 bindings for the libtrace API
python3-libusb1 (1.7-1)
Python wrapper for libusb1 (Python 3)
python3-libvhdi (20181227-1)
Virtual Hard Disk image format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libvirt (5.0.0-1)
libvirt Python 3 bindings
python3-libvmdk (20181227-1)
VMWare Virtual Disk format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libvoikko (4.2-1)
liaisons Python pour libvoiko
python3-libvshadow (20190127-1)
Volume Shadow Snapshot format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libvslvm (20181227-1)
Linux LVM volume system format access library -- Python 3 bindings
python3-libxml2 (2.9.4+dfsg1-7+deb10u6) [security]
Python3 bindings for the GNOME XML library
python3-line-profiler (2.1-2)
line-by-line profiling for Python
python3-linecache2 (1.0.0-3)
rétroportage du module linecache – Python 3.x
python3-link-grammar (5.5.1-6)
Carnegie Mellon University's link grammar parser (Python 3)
python3-linux-procfs (0.6.1-1)
Linux /proc abstraction classes in Python - Python 3.x
python3-livereload (2.6.0-1)
automatic browser refresher (Python 3)
python3-lldb-11 (1:11.0.1-2~deb10u1)
Next generation, high-performance debugger, python3 lib
python3-lldb-13 (1:13.0.1-6~deb10u4)
Next generation, high-performance debugger, python3 lib
python3-llfuse (1.3.6+dfsg-1)
Python 3 bindings for the low-level FUSE API
python3-llvmlite (0.27.0-2)
liaison LLVM Python 3 pour écrire des compilateurs à la volée
python3-lmfit (0.9.11+dfsg-2)
Least-Squares Minimization with Constraints (Python 3)
python3-locket (0.2.0-1)
File-based locks for Python 3 for Linux and Windows
python3-lockfile (1:0.12.2-2)
file locking library for Python — Python 3 library
python3-logbook (1.4.3-1)
logging system for Python that replaces the standard library's module (Python3)
python3-logfury (0.1.2-2)
Responsible, logging of method calls for Python libs - Python 3.x
python3-logging-tree (1.4-1)
introspect and display the logging tree in Python3
python3-logilab-common (1.4.2-1)
useful miscellaneous modules used by Logilab projects (Python3)
python3-logilab-constraint (0.6.0-1)
constraints satisfaction solver in Python - Python 3
python3-logutils (0.3.3-5)
gestionnaires pour le paquet de journalisation de la bibliothèque standard de Python – Python 3.x
python3-logzero (1.5.0-1)
journalisation fiable et efficace pour Python – Python 3
python3-londiste (3.3.0-2)
Database replication for PostgreSQL based on PgQ
python3-louis (3.8.0-2)
liaisons de Python pour liblouis
python3-lti (0.9.4-1)
Learning Tools Interoperability implementation (Python3 version)
python3-lttnganalyses (0.6.1-2)
LTTng 2.0 trace analysis tools (Python 3)
python3-lttngust (2.10.3-1)
LTTng 2.0 Userspace Tracer (Python 3 UST agent)
python3-lupa (1.6+dfsg-3)
Python wrapper around LuaJIT or Lua (Python3 version)
python3-lxc (1:3.0.3-1)
Linux Containers userspace tools (Python3 bindings)
python3-lxml (4.3.2-1+deb10u4)
liaison Python pour les bibliothèques libxml2 et libxslt
python3-ly (0.9.5-2)
Tool and library for manipulating LilyPond files (Python 3)
python3-lz4 (1.1.0+dfsg-1)
Python interface to the lz4 compression library (Python 3)
python3-lz4tools (
Tools for working with LZ4 compression algorithm.
python3-lzo (1.12-2)
Python bindings for the LZO data compression library (Python 3)
python3-lzstring (1.0.4-1)
algorithme de compression basé sur LZ pour Python – version en Python 3
python3-m3u8 (0.3.7-1)
Python m3u8 parser - Python 3.x
python3-macaroonbakery (1.2.1-1)
Higher-level macaroon operations for Python 3
python3-macholib (1.11+repack0-1)
module for Mach-O header analysis and editing (Python 3 interface)
python3-magcode-core (1.5.4-1)
MAG Code python3 core module of common utility code.
python3-magic (2:0.4.15-2)
interface de Python⋅3 pour libmagic, la bibliothèque d’identification de type de fichier
python3-magic-wormhole-mailbox-server (0.3.1-2)
Magic Wormhole Mailbox Server
python3-magics++ (3.3.1-1)
prise en charge de Python 3 pour Magics++
python3-magnum (7.1.0-1)
OpenStack containers as a service - Python library
python3-magnum-ui (5.0.1-2)
OpenStack Magnum - dashboard plugin
python3-magnumclient (2.10.0-3)
bibliothèque cliente pour l’API de Magnum – Python 3.x
python3-mailer (0.8.1-3)
module de Python simplifiant l’envoi de courriel – Python 3
python3-mailman-hyperkitty (1.1.0-9)
greffon de Mailman3 d’archivage de courriels avec HyperKitty
python3-mailmanclient (3.2.2-1)
Python bindings for Mailman3 REST API (Python 3 version)
python3-mako (1.0.7+ds1-1+deb10u1) [security]
fast and lightweight templating for the Python 3 platform
python3-mallard.ducktype (0.4-2)
analyseur pour Ducktype, une syntaxe légère de documentation
python3-mando (0.6.4-4)
command line argument parser for python3
python3-manila (1:7.0.0-1+deb10u1)
système de fichiers partagé d’OpenStack en tant que service – bibliothèque de Python
python3-manila-ui (2.16.0-2)
OpenStack shared file system as a service - Dashboard plugin
python3-manilaclient (1.24.1-2)
système de fichiers partagé d’OpenStack comme service – client en Python 3.x
python3-manuel (1.10.1-1)
Python3 library for testable documents and documented tests
python3-map-msgs (1.13.0-8)
Python 3 code for map-related ROS Messages
python3-mapbox-vector-tile (0.5.0+ds-6)
Mapbox Vector Tile library for Python 3
python3-mapi (8.7.0-3+deb10u1) [security]
Complete and feature rich groupware solution - Python MAPI bindings
python3-mapnik (1:0.0~20180723-588fc9062-2)
interface de Python 3 pour la bibliothèque mapnik
python3-mapproxy (1.11.0-3+deb10u1)
mandataire au source ouvert pour des données géospatiales – module pour Python.3
python3-marathon (0.9.0-2)
bibliothèque pour client de Marathon – Python 3.x
python3-marisa (0.2.5-2+b1)
liaisons de Python 3 pour MARISA
python3-markdown (3.0.1-3)
bibliothèque et outil de conversion texte vers HTML – version Python 3.x
python3-markdown2 (2.3.7-2+deb10u1)
Fast and complete implementation of Markdown in Python3
python3-markups (3.0.0-1)
Wrapper around various text markups, implemented in Python 3
python3-markupsafe (1.1.0-1)
HTML/XHTML/XML string library for Python 3
python3-marshmallow (3.0.0b14-1)
bibliothèque légère pour convertir des types de données complexes
python3-mastodon (1.3.1-1)
Library for the Mastodon API (Python 3)
python3-mathgl (
library for scientific graphs (Python v.3 module)
python3-matplotlib (3.0.2-2)
système de traçage basé sur Python dans un style similaire à celui Matlab –⋅Python⋅3
python3-matplotlib-venn (0.11.5-5)
traçage de diagrammes de Venn à deux et trois cercles à aire pondérée pour Python⋅3
python3-maxminddb (1.4.1-1)
Python 3 module for reading the MaxMind DB format
python3-mbed-host-tests (1.4.4-1)
module and utilities to flash, reset and test Mbed Enabled devices
python3-mbed-ls (1.6.2+dfsg-1)
module listing mbed-enabled devices connected to host (Python 3)
python3-mccabe (0.6.1-2)
Python code complexity checker (Python 3)
python3-mdx-math (0.6-1)
math extension for Python-Markdown
python3-measurement (2.0.1-1)
unit-aware measurement objects (Python3 version)
python3-mecavideo (6.5.1-1)
outil pédagogique d'analyse d'enregistrements vidéo pour la mécanique
python3-mechanicalsoup (0.10.0-2)
library for automating interaction with websites (Python 3)
python3-med (4.0.0+repack-7)
API in Python 3 pour MED-fichier
python3-mediainfodll (18.12-2)
library for reading metadata from media files -- shared library
python3-meld3 (1.0.2-2)
HTML/XML templating system for Python (Python 3)
python3-memcache (1.59-1)
client en Python pur de memcached – Python 3.x
python3-memoize (1.0.2-2)
Simple Python cache and memoizing module (Python3)
python3-memory-profiler (0.52-1)
memory consumption analysis for Python programs (Python 3)
python3-meshio (2.3.3-1)
library for reading and writing mesh data (Python 3)
python3-message-filters (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 3 library for Robot OS message-filters
python3-metaconfig (0.1.4a1-5)
bibliothèque d’amorçage de ConfigParser – Python 3
python3-mia (0.1.9-2+b1)
Python-3 bindings for the MIA image processing library
python3-microversion-parse (0.2.1-2)
OpenStack microversion header parsing library - Python 3.x
python3-midiutil (1.2.1-2)
Python 3 library to write multi-track MIDI files
python3-mido (1.2.9-1)
Python 3 module for working with MIDI messages and ports
python3-migrate (0.11.0-5)
migration d'un schéma de base de données pour SQLAlchemy – Python 3.x
python3-milksnake (0.1.5-1)
extension setuptools/wheel/cffi pour intégrer des données binaires dans wheels
python3-milter (1.0.3-3)
Python 3 extension for Sendmail Milter Protocol
python3-mimeparse (0.1.4-3.1)
Parse mime-types and quality parameters - python 3.x
python3-mimerender (0.6.0-1)
RESTful HTTP Content Negotiation for web frameworks (Python 3)
python3-minidb (2.0.2-3)
simple SQLite3-based store for Python objects
python3-minieigen (0.50.3+dfsg1-8)
enveloppe pour des parties de la bibliothèque Eigen – Python 3
python3-minimal (3.7.3-1)
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python (version par défaut de Python 3)
python3-miniupnpc (2.1-1+b1)
UPnP IGD client lightweight library Python 3 bindings
python3-misaka (1.0.2-5+b3)
liaison pour Sundown, une bibliothèque d’analyse de Markdown – Python⋅3.x
python3-mistral (7.0.0-2)
service de flux de travail d’OpenStack — bibliothèques Python
python3-mistral-dashboard (7.0.1-2)
OpenStack Workflow Service - dashboard plugin
python3-mistral-lib (1.0.0-1)
Mistral shared routings and utilities - Python 3.x
python3-mistralclient (1:3.7.0-2)
service de flux de travail d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-mistune (0.8.4-1)
Markdown parser for Python 3
python3-mmllib (0.3.0.post1-1)
library for handling Music Macro Language (Python 3)
python3-mnemonic (0.18-1)
Implementation of Bitcoin BIP-0039 (Python 3)
python3-mock (2.0.0-4)
Mocking and Testing Library (Python3 version)
python3-mockldap (0.3.0-2)
simple mock implementation of python-ldap (Python3 version)
python3-mockupdb (1.7.0-2)
MongoDB Wire Protocol server library - Python 3.x
python3-model-mommy (1.6.0-1)
smart object creation facility for Django (Python 3 version)
python3-moksha.common (1.2.5-3)
Common components for the Moksha framework (Python 3)
python3-molotov (1.6-4)
tool to write load tests in Python
python3-monajat (4.1-2)
Islamic supplications backend
python3-monasca-statsd (1.7.0-1)
monasca statsd client - Python 3.x
python3-monascaclient (1.12.1-2)
liaisons de client pour l’API de Monasca – Python 3.x
python3-moneyed (0.8.0-1)
Currency and Money classes for use in Python 3 code
python3-mongoengine (0.15.3-1)
mappeur document-objet en Python 3 pour travailler avec MongoDB
python3-monotonic (1.1-2)
implémentation de time.monotonic() – Python 3.x
python3-montage-wrapper (0.9.9-2)
Python-3 wrapper for the Montage mosaicking toolkit
python3-montagepy (6.0+dfsg-6)
boite à outils de Python pour l’assemblage d’images FITS en mosaïques
python3-more-itertools (4.2.0-1)
library with routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools (Python 3)
python3-morph (0.1.3-1)
collection of routines to help identify and morph objects - Python 3.x
python3-morris (1.2-1)
announcement (signal/event) system for Python 3
python3-morse-simulator (1.4-5)
Multi-OpenRobot Simulation Engine
python3-motor (2.0.0-2)
full-featured, non-blocking MongoDB driver - Python 3.x
python3-move-base-msgs (1.13.0-8)
Python 3 code for move-base-related ROS Messages,
python3-mox3 (0.24.0-1)
cadriciel d’objet fantaisie (mock) – Python 3
python3-mpd (1.0.0-3)
bibliothèque MPD cliente en Python – Python 3
python3-mpegdash (0.1.5-2)
Python MPEG-DASH parser - Python 3.x
python3-mpi4py (2.0.0-3+b3)
liaisons pour la norme MPI (Message Passing Interface)
python3-mpl-scatter-density (0.5-1)
Fast scatter density plots for Matplotlib
python3-mplexporter (0.0.1+20140921-3)
general matplotlib exporter
python3-mpltoolkits.basemap (1.2.0+dfsg-1)
matplotlib toolkit to plot on map projections (Python 3)
python3-mpmath (1.1.0-1)
bibliothèque pour l’arithmétique en virgule flottante de précision arbitraire – Python 3
python3-mrtparse (1.6-1)
lecture et analyse des données au format MRT – module Python 3.x
python3-msgpack (0.5.6-1+b1)
Python 3 implementation of MessagePack format
python3-msgpack-numpy (0.4.4-1)
serialize numpy arrays using msgpack
python3-mshr (2018.1.0+dfsg1-7+b4)
Python 3 interface for mshr
python3-msrest (0.5.5-1)
AutoRest swagger generator Python 3.x client runtime
python3-msrestazure (0.5.1-1)
Runtime library for AutoRest generated Python 3.x clients
python3-multi-key-dict (2.0.3-1)
implémentation du dictionnaire multi-clés - Python 3.x
python3-multicorn (1.3.4-4+deb10u1) [security]
multicorn utility module for postgresql-X.Y-python3-multicorn
python3-multidict (4.5.2-1)
multidict implementation (Python library)
python3-multipletau (0.3.3+ds-1)
multiple-tau algorithm for Python3/NumPy
python3-munch (2.3.2-1)
dot-accessible dictionary similar to JavaScript objects - Python 3.x
python3-munkres (1.1.2-1)
munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem - Python 3 library
python3-murano (1:6.0.0-2)
cloud-ready application catalog - Python 3.x server code
python3-murano-dashboard (1:6.0.0-3)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – greffon dashboard
python3-murano-pkg-check (0.3.0-3)
murano package validator tool - Python 3.x
python3-muranoclient (1.1.1-2)
catalogue d’applications prêtes pour le nuage – module client Python⋅3.x
python3-murmurhash (1.0.1-2)
Cython bindings for MurmurHash2
python3-musicbrainzngs (0.6-3)
Python 3 bindings for the Musicbrainz NGS webservice interface
python3-musicpd (0.4.3-1)
Python MPD client library
python3-mutagen (1.40.0-2)
audio metadata editing library (Python 3)
python3-mutatormath (2.1.2-1)
bibliothèque d’interpolations de fonctions affines par morceaux avec N dimensions
python3-mwclient (0.8.7-1)
MediaWiki API client in Python
python3-mwparserfromhell (0.5.2-2)
Outrageously powerful parser for MediaWiki wikicode (Python 3)
python3-mygpoclient (1.8-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour le service web
python3-myhdl (0.10-2)
Hardware description language for Python (Python 3)
python3-mypy (0.670-2)
public modules for mypy (Python 3)
python3-mypy-extensions (0.4.1-1)
Experimental type system extensions for mypy typechecker (Python 3)
python3-mysqldb (1.3.10-2)
interface de Python pour MySQL
python3-nacl (1.3.0-2)
Python bindings to libsodium (Python 3)
python3-nagiosplugin (1.2.4-1)
bibliothèque de classe Python pour écrire des greffons pour Nagios (Icinga) – Python 3
python3-nameparser (1.0.2-1)
Python 3 module for parsing names into individual components
python3-natsort (6.0.0-1)
Natural sorting for Python (Python3)
python3-nav-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS nav, Python 3 interface
python3-nb2plots (0.6-1)
Converting between ipython notebooks and sphinx docs (Python 3)
python3-nbconvert (5.4-2+deb10u1) [security]
Jupyter notebook conversion (Python 3)
python3-nbformat (4.4.0-1)
Jupyter notebook format (Python 3)
python3-nbsphinx (0.4.2+ds-1)
Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx -- Python 3
python3-nbxmpp (0.6.10-1)
Non blocking Jabber/XMPP Python 3 library
python3-ncclient (0.6.0-2)
Python library for NETCONF clients (Python 3)
python3-ndcube (1.1.1-1)
paquet pour des tableaux multidimensionnels relatifs aux coordonnées –Python 3
python3-ndg-httpsclient (0.5.1-1)
enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL for Python3
python3-neovim (0.3.0-1)
Python3 library for scripting Neovim processes through its msgpack-rpc API
python3-netaddr (0.7.19-1)
manipulation des diverses notations communes d’adresses de réseau – Python 3
python3-netcdf4 (1.4.2-1+b1)
interface de Python 3 pour la bibliothèque netCDF4 (network Common Data Form)
python3-netdisco (2.3.0-1)
Library to discover local devices and services (Python 3)
python3-netfilter (0.6.4-1)
Python module for manipulating netfilter rules (Python 3)
python3-netgen (6.2.1804+dfsg1-3)
Automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator Python 3 bindings
python3-netifaces (0.10.4-1+b1)
informations portables sur l'interface réseau - Python 3.x
python3-netmiko (1.4.3-1)
multi-vendor library for SSH connections to network devices - Python 3.X
python3-networking-arista (2018.1.0+2018.08.21.git.3adf6272bd-1)
OpenStack virtual network service - Arista plugin
python3-networking-bagpipe (9.0.0-2)
OpenStack virtual network service - BGP-based VPN - Python 3.x
python3-networking-bgpvpn (9.0.0-1)
service de réseau virtuel d’OpenStack – extension de VPN BGP-MPLS, Python 3.x
python3-networking-l2gw (1:13.0.0-2)
service de réseau virtuel OpenStack – extension de passerelle L2
python3-networking-mlnx (1:13.1.0-2)
OpenStack virtual network service - Mellanox plugin Python 2.7 files
python3-networking-ovn (5.0.0-1)
OpenStack virtual network service - OVN driver
python3-networking-sfc (7.0.0-1)
OpenStack virtual network service - SFC extension
python3-networkmanager (2.1-1)
Python 3 interface to the NetworkManager D-Bus interface
python3-networkx (2.2-1)
tool to create, manipulate and study complex networks (Python3)
python3-neuron (7.6.3-1)
Neuron simulation environment - Python bindings
python3-neutron (2:13.0.7+git.2021.09.27.bace3d1890-0+deb10u1)
OpenStack virtual network service - Python library
python3-neutron-dynamic-routing (2:13.0.0-1)
OpenStack Neutron Dynamic Routing - Python library
python3-neutron-fwaas (1:13.0.1-7)
OpenStack Firewall as a Service Neutron plugin
python3-neutron-fwaas-dashboard (1.5.0-3)
OpenStack Firewall as a Service - dashboard plugin
python3-neutron-lbaas (1:13.0.0-1)
Loadbalancer-as-a-Service driver for OpenStack Neutron - Python library
python3-neutron-lib (1.18.0-2)
Neutron shared routines and utilities - Python 3.x
python3-neutron-taas (3.0.0+2018.08.05.git.84846d52fd-1)
OpenStack virtual network service - Tap-as-a-Service extension
python3-neutron-tempest-plugin (0.2.0-1)
OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Neutron plugin
python3-neutron-vpnaas (2:13.0.1-3)
OpenStack virtual network service - Python library
python3-neutron-vpnaas-dashboard (1.4.0-2)
OpenStack VPN as a Service - dashboard plugin
python3-neutronclient (1:6.9.1-1)
bibliothèque de l'API pour le client Neutron - Python 3.x
python3-newt (0.52.20-8)
NEWT module for Python3
python3-ngs (2.9.3-1)
liaisons du langage de séquençage de nouvelle génération –⋅liaisons Python⋅3
python3-nibabel (2.3.2-1)
liaisons de Python 3 vers divers formats de données d’image cérébrale
python3-nine (1.0.0-1)
Python 2 / 3 compatibility, like six, but favouring Python 3
python3-nltk (3.4-1)
bibliothèques de Python pour le traitement automatique des langues
python3-nmap (0.6.1-1)
Python3 interface to the Nmap port scanner
python3-nmea2 (1.12.0-1)
Python library for the NMEA 0183 protocol
python3-nodelet (1.9.16-1)
Robot OS nodelet library - service files - Python 3
python3-nodelet-topic-tools (1.9.16-1)
Robot OS nodelet_topic_tools library - Python 3 service files
python3-nose (1.3.7-4)
test discovery and running for Python3 unittest
python3-nose-exclude (0.5.0-1)
exclusion de répertoires particuliers pour des exécutions de nosetests – Python 3.x
python3-nose-parameterized (0.3.4-4)
décorateur pour le test paramétré avec nose – Python 3.x
python3-nose-random (1.0.0-1)
nose plugin to facilitate randomized unit testing with Python 3
python3-nose-timer (0.3.0-2)
greffon de chronométrage pour nosetests – Python 3.x
python3-nose-yanc (0.3.3-3)
Color output plugin for nose
python3-nose2 (0.8.0-1)
Next generation of nicer testing for Python3
python3-nose2-cov (1.0a4-2)
nose2 plugin for coverage reporting
python3-nosehtmloutput (0.0.5-1)
plugin to produce test results in html - Python 3.x
python3-nosexcover (1.0.11-1.1)
Add Cobertura-style XML coverage report to nose (Python3 version)
python3-notebook (5.7.8-1)
notebook interactif de Jupyter –⋅Python⋅3
python3-notify2 (0.3-3)
desktop notifications API for Python 3
python3-notmuch (0.28.4-1)
Python 3 interface to the notmuch mail search and index library
python3-nova (2:18.1.0-6+deb10u2) [security]
OpenStack Compute – bibliothèques
python3-novaclient (2:11.0.0-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour l’API d’OpenStack Compute – Python 3.x
python3-novnc (1:1.0.0-1)
client VNC HTML5 – bibliothèques Python 3 x
python3-nss (1.0.0-1+b2)
Python3 bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
python3-ntlm-auth (1.1.0-1)
NTLM low-level Python library
python3-ntp (1.1.3+dfsg1-2+deb10u1)
Python 3 NTP Helper Classes
python3-ntplib (0.3.3-1)
bibliothèque NTP pour Python – Python 3.x
python3-nudatus (0.0.4-1)
module to remove comments from Python 3 scripts
python3-num2words (0.5.6-1)
Convert numbers to words in multiple languages (Python 3)
python3-numba (0.42.0-1)
native machine code compiler for Python 3
python3-numexpr (2.6.9-1)
Fast numerical array expression evaluator for Python 3 and NumPy
python3-numpy (1:1.16.2-1)
gestion rapide des tableaux avec le langage Python 3
python3-numpydoc (0.7.0-1)
Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format -- Python3
python3-numpysane (0.17-1)
more-reasonable core functionality for numpy
python3-nut (2.7.4-8)
network UPS tools - Python3 bindings for NUT server
python3-nwdiag (1.0.4+dfsg-1)
generate network-diagram image file for Python3
python3-oauth (1.0.1-5)
Python 3 library implementing of the OAuth protocol
python3-oauth2client (4.1.2-3)
bibliothèque du client OAuth 2.0 - Python 3.x
python3-oauthlib (2.1.0-1)
generic, spec-compliant implementation of OAuth for Python3
python3-objgraph (3.4.0-2)
module pour examiner des graphiques de référence d’objets de Python – version Python 3
python3-obsub (0.2-3)
Test fixtures providing fake versions of various system resources
python3-octavia (3.0.0-3+deb10u1)
OpenStack Load Balancer as a Service - Python libraries
python3-octavia-dashboard (2.0.0-3)
OpenStack Load Balance as a service - dashboard plugin
python3-octaviaclient (1.6.0-2)
Octavia client for OpenStack Load Balancing - Python 3.x
python3-odb-api (0.18.1-5)
API Python de traitement de données d’observations météorologiques
python3-odf (1.4.0-1)
Python3 API to manipulate OpenDocument files
python3-odil (0.10.0-3)
C++11 library for the DICOM standard (Python 3 wrappers)
python3-odoorpc (0.5.1-1)
pilot Odoo servers through RPC (Python 3)
python3-offtrac (0.1.0-2)
Python-based xmlrpc client library for trac instances (Python 3)
python3-ofxhome (0.3.3-2) financial institution lookup REST client (Python 3)
python3-ofxparse (0.19-1)
parser for Open Financial Exchange (.ofx) format files
python3-olefile (0.46-1)
Python module to read/write MS OLE2 files
python3-omemo (0.10.3-1)
Python 3 implementation of the OMEMO protocol
python3-omemo-backend-signal (0.2.3-1)
Python 3 backend for python-omemo with libsignal compatibility
python3-opcua (0.98.6-2)
Pure Python OPC-UA Client and Server (Python 3)
python3-openalpr (2.3.0-1.1)
Python 3 binding for OpenALPR library
python3-opencv (3.2.0+dfsg-6)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour la bibliothèque de vision par ordinateur
python3-opencv-apps (1.12.0-2)
opencv_apps Robot OS package - Python 3 bindings
python3-opengl (3.1.0+dfsg-2)
Python bindings to OpenGL (Python 3)
python3-openid (3.1.0-1)
Python3 OpenID package for modern servers and consumers
python3-openid-cla (1.2-1)
OpenID CLA extension for python-openid (Python 3)
python3-openid-teams (1.2-1)
OpenID teams extension for python-openid (Python 3)
python3-openimageio (2.0.5~dfsg0-1+deb10u2) [security]
Library for reading and writing images - Python bindings
python3-openpyxl (2.4.9-1)
Python 3 module to read/write OpenXML xlsx/xlsm files
python3-openrazer (2.4.0+dfsg-1)
OpenRazer peripheral drivers (Python 3)
python3-openshot (0.2.2+dfsg1-1+b1)
liaisons de la bibliothèque vidéo d’OpenShot pour Python 3
python3-openslide (1.1.1-4)
enveloppe Python 3 de lecture des fichiers d'images « Whole-slide »
python3-openssl (19.0.0-1)
Python 3 wrapper around the OpenSSL library
python3-openstack.nose-plugin (0.11-3)
nosetests output to mimic the output of openstack's - Python 3.x
python3-openstackclient (3.16.2-1)
client en ligne de commande pour OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-openstackdocstheme (1.20.0-3)
prise en charge de l’extension pour la documentation avec Sphinx –Python 3.x
python3-openstacksdk (0.17.2-2)
SDK for building applications to work with OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-openvswitch (2.10.7+ds1-0+deb10u5) [security]
Python 3 bindings for Open vSwitch
python3-optlang (1.4.4-1)
sympy based mathematical programming language (Python 3)
python3-orcus (0.14.1-6)
library for processing spreadsheet documents - python bindings
python3-orderedattrdict (1.5-1)
Python OrderedDict with attribute-style access (Python3)
python3-orderedmultidict (1.0-3)
dictionnaire multivalué ordonné conservant la méthode parity avec un dictionnaire Python
python3-os-api-ref (1.5.0+dfsg1-4)
extensions de Sphinx pour prendre en charge des sites de références d’API dans OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-os-brick (2.5.5-1)
bibliothèque de gestion d’attaches de volume local – Python 3.x
python3-os-client-config (1.31.2-2)
bibliothèque cliente de configuration pour OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-os-service-types (1.3.0-2)
lib for consuming OpenStack sevice-types-authority data - Python 3.x
python3-os-testr (1.0.0-4)
Utility wrappers for testrepository for OpenStack projects - Python 3.x
python3-os-traits (0.9.0-2)
standardized trait strings - Python 3.x
python3-os-vif (1.11.1-1)
Integration library between network and compute - Python 3.x
python3-os-win (4.0.0-3)
Windows / Hyper-V library for OpenStack projects - Python 3.x
python3-os-xenapi (0.3.3-3)
XenAPI library for OpenStack projects - Python 3.x
python3-osc-lib (1.11.1-2)
OpenStackClient Library - Python 3.x
python3-osc-placement (1.3.0-2)
OpenStackClient plugin for the Placement service - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.cache (1.30.3-1)
cache storage for Openstack projects - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.concurrency (3.27.0-3)
oslo.concurrency library - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.config (1:6.4.1-1)
Common code for Openstack Projects (configuration API) - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.context (2.21.0-2)
WSGI context helpers for OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.db (4.40.0-3)
database connectivity to the different backends and helper utils - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.i18n (3.21.0-2)
Oslo Internationalization Utilities - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.log (3.39.0-2)
OpenStack logging configuration library - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.messaging (8.1.4-1+deb10u1)
bibliothèque de messagerie Oslo – Python 3.x
python3-oslo.middleware (3.36.0-2)
various WSGI middleware components for OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.policy (1.38.1-2)
RBAC policy enforcement library for OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.privsep (1.29.0-2)
bibliothèque d’OpenStack pour la séparation des privilèges – Python 3.x
python3-oslo.reports (1.28.0-2)
reports serialized in various data types - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.rootwrap (5.14.1-2)
allows fine filtering of shell commands to run as root - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.serialization (2.27.0-2)
utilitaires pour la sérialisation, particulièrement avec JSON – Python 3.x
python3-oslo.service (1.31.8-1)
library for running OpenStack services - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.utils (3.36.5-0+deb10u3) [security]
ensemble de fonctions utilitaires pour OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-oslo.versionedobjects (1.33.3-2)
deals with DB schema versions and code expectations - Python 3.x
python3-oslo.vmware (2.31.0-2)
bibliothèque VMware pour les projets OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-oslosphinx (4.18.0-2)
prise en charge d’un thème et d’une extension pour OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-oslotest (1:3.6.0-2)
cadriciel de test d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-osmalchemy (0.1.+3-1)
OpenStreetMap to SQLAlchemy bridge
python3-osmapi (1.2.2-2)
interface Python 3 pour l'API d'OpenStreetMap
python3-osprofiler (2.3.0-3)
OpenStack Profiler Library - Python 3.x
python3-otb (6.6.1+dfsg-1+b1)
API Python de la boîte à outils ORFEO pour les applications (Python 3)
python3-outcome (1.0.0-1)
capture du résultat d’appels de fonction de Python
python3-overpass (0.6.1-1)
wrapper for the OpenStreetMap Overpass API (Python 3)
python3-overpy (0.4-1)
wrapper to access the OpenStreetMap Overpass API (Python 3)
python3-ovsdbapp (0.12.2-1)
bibliothèque pour créer des applications OVSDB – Python 3.x
python3-owslib (0.17.1-1+deb10u1) [security]
Client library for Open Geospatial (OGC) web services (Python 3)
python3-packaging (19.0-1)
core utilities for python3 packages
python3-pacparser (1.3.6-1.1+b4)
Python 3 module to parse proxy auto-config files
python3-padme (1.1.1-2)
mostly transparent proxy class for Python 3
python3-pafy (0.5.2-2)
Download videos and retrieve metadata from YouTube
python3-pager (3.3-1)
mise en page pour terminal ou console en Python pur – Python 3.x
python3-paho-mqtt (1.4.0-1)
MQTT client class (Python 3)
python3-pallets-sphinx-themes (1.1.2-1)
Sphinx themes for Pallets and related projects
python3-pampy (1.8.4-1)
Python module for simple PAM authentications (Python 3)
python3-pandas (0.23.3+dfsg-3)
structures de données pour des données « relationnelles » ou « étiquetées » – Python 3
python3-pandas-lib (0.23.3+dfsg-3)
low-level implementations and bindings for pandas - Python 3
python3-pandocfilters (1.4.2-1)
python3 bindings for Pandoc's filters
python3-panko (5.0.0-5)
Event storage dispatcher for Ceilometer - Python library
python3-pankoclient (0.5.0-2)
Client library for OpenStack panko server - Python 3.x
python3-panoramisk (1.0-1.1)
asyncio based library to play with asterisk (Python 3 library)
python3-panwid (0.2.5-1)
composants graphiques pour urwid
python3-parallax (1.0.4-2)
Execute commands and copy files over SSH (Python 3)
python3-parallel (0.2.2-3)
pyparallel – module d’encapsulation de l’accès au port parallèle
python3-parameterized (0.6.1-2)
parameterized testing for Python 3
python3-paramiko (2.4.2-0.1+deb10u1) [security]
Make ssh v2 connections (Python 3)
python3-parse (1.6.6-0.1)
Parse provides the reverse function for format(), Python3 package
python3-parse-type (0.3.4-2)
BDD plugin for py.test.
python3-parsedatetime (2.4-2)
Python 3 module to parse human-readable date/time expressions
python3-parsel (1.5.0-2)
Python 3 library to extract HTML/XML data using XPath/CSS selectors
python3-parso (0.3.1-1)
Python parser that supports error recovery - Python 3.X
python3-partd (0.3.9-1)
Appendable key-value storage for Python 3
python3-parted (3.11.2-10)
Python 3 interface for libparted
python3-passlib (1.7.1-1)
comprehensive password hashing framework
python3-paste (3.0.6+dfsg-1)
outils pour utiliser une pile Web Server Gateway Interface - Python 3.x
python3-pastedeploy (2.0.1-1)
load, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers - Python 3.x
python3-pastescript (2.0.2-2)
create file layouts for Python3 packages and serve webapps
python3-path (11.5.0-3)
module wrapper for os.path for Python 3
python3-path-and-address (2.0.1-1)
Functions for server CLI applications used by humans (Python 3)
python3-pathspec (0.5.9-1)
utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths (Python 3)
python3-pathtools (0.1.2-2)
Path utilities for Python - Python 3.x
python3-patsy (0.5.0+git13-g54dcf7b-1)
statistical models in Python using symbolic formulas
python3-paypal (1.2.5-2)
PayPal API implementation (Python 3)
python3-pbconsensuscore (1.1.1+dfsg-1)
algorithms for PacBio multiple sequence consensus -- Python 3
python3-pbkdf2 (1.3+20110613.git2a0fb15~ds0-3)
Python RSA PKCS#5 v2.0 module (Python 3)
python3-pbr (4.2.0-5)
injection de comportements par défaut utiles et sensés dans setuptools –⋅Python 3.x
python3-pcl (0.3.0~rc1+dfsg-7)
Python 3 binding to the Pointcloud library (PCL)
python3-pcl-msgs (0.2.0-8)
Python 3 code for PCL-related Robot OS Messages
python3-pcp (4.3.2+really4.3.1-0.1)
Performance Co-Pilot Python3 PMAPI module
python3-pdfkit (0.6.1-1)
Python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to convert HTML to PDF (Python 3)
python3-pdfminer (20181108+dfsg-3)
PDF parser and analyser (Python3)
python3-pdfrw (0.4-2)
PDF file manipulation library (Python 3)
python3-pecan (1.3.2-2)
cadriciel WSGI web de répartition d’objets – Python 3.x
python3-peewee (3.7.0+dfsg-1)
Simple ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite (Python 3)
python3-pefile (2018.8.8-1)
Portable Executable (PE) parsing module for Python
python3-pep8 (1.7.1-3)
Python PEP 8 code style checker - Python 3
python3-pep8-naming (0.4.1-4)
check for PEP 8 naming conventions (flake8 plugin for Python3)
python3-periodictable (1.5.0-7)
Extensible periodic table of the elements (Python 3)
python3-persist-queue (0.4.0-1)
thread-safe disk based persistent queue
python3-persistent (4.2.2-2)
Automatic persistence for Python objects
python3-petsc4py (3.10.1-1)
Python 3 bindings for PETSc libraries
python3-petsc4py-complex (3.10.1-1)
Python 3 bindings for PETSc libraries (complex numbers)
python3-petsc4py-real (3.10.1-1)
Python 3 bindings for PETSc libraries (real numbers)
python3-pexpect (4.6.0-1)
module Python⋅3 d'automatisation d'applications interactives
python3-pg8000 (1.10.6-1)
Pure-Python PostgreSQL Driver (Python 3)
python3-pgmagick (0.7.4-2)
encore une autre enveloppe Python pour GraphicsMagick
python3-pgpdump (1.5-1)
PGP packet parser library (Python 3)
python3-pgq (3.3.0-2)
PgQ queue processing for Python
python3-pgspecial (1.9.0-1.1)
gestionnaire de méta-commandes pour la base de données Postgres –⋅Python⋅3
python3-pgzero (1.2.post4+dfsg-1)
Zero-boilerplate games programming framework based on Pygame (Python 3)
python3-phabricator (0.7.0-1)
Phabricator Python API Bindings (Python 3)
python3-phonenumbers (8.9.10-1)
analyse syntaxique, formatage, validation des numéros de téléphone – Python 3
python3-photutils (0.6-1)
Astropy affiliated package for image photometry (Python 3)
python3-phply (1.2.5-1)
PHP parser written in Python 3 using PLY
python3-phpserialize (1.3-1)
portage en Python des fonctions de sérialisation et désérialisation de PHP – Python 3
python3-picklable-itertools (0.1.1-2)
picklable reimplementation of Python's itertools for Python 3
python3-pickleshare (0.7.5-1)
système de fichiers basé sur une base de données qui utilise pickles de Python pour Python 3
python3-piexif (1.0.13-2)
Pure python library for manipulating exif
python3-pigpio (1.68-3)
module de Python pour correspondre avec le démon pigpio – Python 3
python3-pika (0.11.0-4)
AMQP client library for Python 3
python3-pika-pool (0.1.3-3)
Pools pour pikas - Python 3.x
python3-pikepdf (1.0.5+dfsg-3~deb10u1)
Python library to read and write PDFs with QPDF
python3-pil (5.4.1-2+deb10u6) [security]
Python Imaging Library (Python3)
python3-pil.imagetk (5.4.1-2+deb10u6) [security]
Python Imaging Library –⋅module ImageTk (Python3)
python3-pilkit (2.0-2)
utilitaires et dispositifs pour construire au-dessus de PIL – version en Python 3
python3-pint (0.9-1)
définir, exploiter et manipuler des quantités physiques – Python 3.x
python3-pip (18.1-5)
installateur de paquets Python
python3-pipdeptree (0.13.2-1)
display dependency tree of the installed Python 3 packages
python3-pivy (0.6.4-1)
Coin binding for Python 3
python3-pkg-resources (40.8.0-1)
découverte de paquets et accès aux ressources avec pkg_resources
python3-pkgconfig (1.4.0-1)
Python 3 interface to the pkg-config command line tool
python3-pkginfo (1.4.2-2)
Python 3.x module to query metadata from packages
python3-plac (0.9.6-1)
Smartest command line arguments parser in the world
python3-plaster (1.0-1)
Python multi-format configuration file loader interface - Python 3.x module
python3-plaster-pastedeploy (0.5-2)
PasteDeploy configuration format plugin for plaster - Python 3.x module
python3-plotly (3.6.1+dfsg1-1)
Python 3 plotting library for publication-quality graphs
python3-plplot (5.14.0+dfsg-3)
Python support for PLplot, a plotting library
python3-plplot-qt (5.14.0+dfsg-3)
bibliothèque de tracé scientifique – interface graphique Qt avec Python
python3-pluggy (0.8.0-1)
plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python - 3.x
python3-pluginbase (1.0.0-1)
Support library for building plugins systems (Python 3)
python3-plumbum (1.6.7-1)
library for writing shell script-like programs in Python 3
python3-ply (3.11-3)
implémentation de lex et yacc pour Python 3
python3-png (0.0.19+ds-1)
Pure Python PNG Reader/Writer (Python 3)
python3-pocketsphinx (0.8+5prealpha+1-2+b2)
Speech recognition tool - Python3 bindings
python3-podcastparser (0.6.3-1)
Simplified, fast RSS parsing library (Python 3)
python3-poliastro (0.11.1-1)
Astrodynamics and Orbital Mechanics computations
python3-polib (1.1.0-3)
Python 3 library to parse and manage gettext catalogs
python3-polled-camera (1.11.13-3)
Robot OS polled_camera package - Python 3
python3-popcon (2.0.0)
interface Python à Popularity Contest de Debian (popcon)
python3-poppler-qt5 (0.24.2-3+b3)
liaison Python pour la bibliothèque C++ Poppler-Qt5 –⋅Python⋅3
python3-port-for (0.4-2)
local TCP ports management for Python
python3-portalocker (1.3.0-1)
easy API to file locking (Python 3)
python3-portio (0.5-2+b1)
PortIO, python low level port I/O for Linux x86
python3-portpicker (1.3.0-1)
Python 3 module to find unused network ports to bind to
python3-positional (1.1.1-3)
imposition d’arguments positionnel ou mot-clef – Python 3.x
python3-posix-ipc (0.9.8-3+b1)
sémaphores , mémoire partagée et file d’attente de messages – Python 3.x
python3-potr (1.0.2-1)
Pure Python implementation of the OTR protocol (Python 3)
python3-power (1.4+dfsg-2)
Python module to get power and battery status (Python 3)
python3-powerline (2.7-2)
prompt and statusline utility (Python 3.x module)
python3-powerline-gitstatus (1.3.2-0+deb10u1) [security]
Powerline Git segment for Python (3.x)
python3-powerline-taskwarrior (0.6.2-1)
Powerline segment for showing Taskwarrior information (Python 3)
python3-pprofile (2.0.2-1)
Line-granularity, deterministic and statistic Python 3 profiler
python3-praw (6.1.1-1)
Python Reddit API Wrapper (Python 3 version)
python3-prawcore (1.0.1-1)
couche bas niveau de communication pour PRAW
python3-prctl (1.7-1+b1)
interface de Python pour l’appel système prctl() – Python 3
python3-precis-i18n (1.0.0-1)
internationalized usernames and passwords
python3-prelude (4.1.0-4.2)
Security Information and Events Management system [ Python3 bindings ]
python3-preludedb (4.1.0-2+b2)
Security Information and Events Management System [ Python3 bindings ]
python3-preshed (2.0.1-1)
Cython Hash Table for Pre-Hashed Keys
python3-presto (0.5.10-1)
toolkit for processing B and T cell sequences
python3-pretend (1.0.8-2)
Python library for stubbing (Python 3)
python3-pretty-yaml (18.11.0-1)
module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data (Python 3)
python3-prettytable (0.7.2-4)
library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables (Python3)
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-ptable
python3-priority (1.3.0-1)
pure-Python implementation of the HTTP/2 priority tree (Python 3)
python3-proboscis (
extension de Nose avec certaines fonctionnalités de type TestNG – Python 3.x
python3-profitbricks (4.1.3-2)
ProfitBricks REST API client library for Python 3
python3-progress (1.2-1)
easy progress reporting for Python
python3-progressbar (2.5-1)
text progress bar library for Python (Python 3)
python3-project-generator (0.9.13-1)
project generators for various embedded tools (IDE)
python3-project-generator-definitions (0.2.38-1)
collection of target/MCU definitions for python-project-generator
python3-proliantutils (2.6.0-2)
client lib interfacing various devices in HP Proliant Servers - Python 3.x
python3-prometheus-client (0.6.0-1)
Python 3 client for the Prometheus monitoring system
python3-prompt-toolkit (1.0.15-1)
bibliothèque pour construire des lignes de commande interactive – Python 3
python3-protobix (1.0.2-2)
Implementation of Zabbix Sender protocol (Python 3)
python3-protobuf ( [security]
liaisons de Python 3 pour protocol buffers
python3-prov (1.5.2-1)
W3C Provenance Data Model (Python 3)
python3-proxmoxer (1.0.3-1)
Python Wrapper for the Proxmox 2.x API (HTTP and SSH) (Python 3)
python3-psautohint (1.9.1-1)
Python library for standalone version of the AFDKO autohinter
python3-pskc (1.0-1)
Python module for handling PSKC files (Python 3)
python3-psutil (5.5.1-1)
module fournissant des fonctions pratiques pour la gestion de processus –⋅Python3
python3-psycopg2 (2.7.7-1)
Python 3 module for PostgreSQL
python3-ptable (0.9.2-1)
library to represent tabular data in visually appealing ASCII tables (Python3)
python3-ptk (1.3.5-2)
parser for Python 3 with support for asynchronous input
python3-ptrace (0.9.3-2.1)
Python 3 bindings for ptrace
python3-ptyprocess (0.6.0-1)
exécution d'un sous-processus dans un pseudo-terminal de Python⋅3
python3-public (0.5-1)
@public decorator for adding names to __all__
python3-publicsuffix (1.1.0-2)
Python3 module to get a domain suffix using the Public Suffix List
python3-pudb (2018.1-1)
full-screen, console-based Python3 debugger
python3-pulp (1.6.0+dfsg1-2)
modélisation LP — Python 3.x
python3-purl (1.4-1)
interrogation et manipulation d’URL – Python 3
python3-pweave (0.25-1)
générateur de rapport scientifique pour Python
python3-py (1.7.0-2)
Advanced Python development support library (Python 3)
python3-py-zipkin (0.15.0-1)
bibliothèque pour utiliser Zipkin dans Python
python3-pyaes (1.6.1-2)
Pure-Python implementation of the AES cipher (Python 3)
python3-pyagentx (0.4.1-3)
AgentX package to extend SNMP with pure Python
python3-pyalsa (1.1.6-1+b1)
Official ALSA Python binding library for Python3
python3-pyasn1 (0.4.2-3)
bibliothèque ASN.1 pour Python –⋅module Python⋅3
python3-pyasn1-modules (0.2.1-0.2)
collection de modules de protocole écrit selon le langage ASN.1 – Python 3
python3-pyassimp (4.1.0~dfsg-5)
bibliothèque d'importation de modèle 3D – liaisons Python3
python3-pyatspi (2.30.0+dfsg-3)
interface de prestation de service d’assistance technique – liaisons de Python 3
python3-pyaudio (0.2.11-1+b2)
Python3 bindings for PortAudio v19
python3-pyavm (0.9.4-5)
Python3 module to handle Astronomy Visualization Metadata Standard
python3-pybedtools (0.8.0-1)
enveloppe de Python 3 pour BEDTools pour des tâches de bio-informatique
python3-pybind11 (2.2.4-2)
pybind11 helper module for Python 3
python3-pybtex (0.21-2)
public modules for pybtex (Python 3)
python3-pybtex-docutils (0.2.1-1)
dorsal docutils pour pybtex
python3-pycadf (2.7.0-2)
implémentation du modèle de données DMTF Cloud Audit (CADF) – Python 3.x
python3-pycangjie (1.3-1+b1)
enveloppe de Python pour libcangjie
python3-pycares (2.1.1-2+b2)
interface Python pour c-ares –⋅Python⋅3
python3-pychromecast (2.4.0-1)
bibliothèque pour communiquer avec Chromecast de Google – Python 3
python3-pyclamd (0.4.0-1)
Python 3 interface to the ClamAV daemon
python3-pyclipper (1.1.0.post2-1)
enveloppe en Cython pour la bibliothèque Clipper
python3-pycoast (1.2.2+dfsg-1)
Draw coastlines, borders and rivers on images (for Python 3)
python3-pycodcif (2.3+dfsg-3)
error-correcting CIF parser - Python3 bindings
python3-pycodestyle (2.4.0-2)
vérificateur du guide de style de Python (anciennement pep8) – Python 3.x
python3-pycountry (17.5.14+ds1-0.1)
bases de données ISO accessibles depuis Python 3
python3-pycparser (2.19-1)
C parser in Python 3
python3-pycryptodome (3.6.1-2+b1)
cryptographic Python library (Python 3)
python3-pycsw (2.2.0+dfsg-6) [non-free]
OGC compliant metadata (Catalogue Service for the Web) server - Python 3
python3-pycuda (2018.1.1-3) [contrib]
Python 3 module to access Nvidia‘s CUDA parallel computation API
python3-pycurl (
interface Python pour libcurl — Python 3
python3-pydbus (0.6.0-1)
bibliothèque pythonique pour D-Bus – Python 3
python3-pydecorate (0.2.1-1)
Decorating PIL images with logos, texts, pallettes
python3-pydenticon (0.3.1-1)
deterministically generate identicons in Python 3
python3-pydicom (1.2.1-1)
DICOM medical file reading and writing (Python 3)
python3-pydispatch (2.0.5-1)
Python 3 signal dispatching mechanism
python3-pydl (0.6.0-3)
Library of IDL astronomy routines converted to Python 3
python3-pydocstyle (2.1.1-1)
Python docstring style checker (Python 3 library)
python3-pydot (1.4.1-1)
Python interface to Graphviz's dot (Python 3)
python3-pydotplus (2.0.2-2)
interface to Graphviz's Dot language - Python 3.x
python3-pyds9 (1.8.1-5)
Communication with the ds9 image display program from Python
python3-pydub (0.23.1-1)
Python audio sample manipulation (Python 3)
python3-pyeapi (0.8.1-1)
Python API to interact with EOS network devices - Python 3.x
python3-pyeclib (1.5.0-4)
interface for implementing erasure codes - Python 3.x
python3-pyee (3.0.3-1)
Python 3 port of node.js's EventEmitter to Python
python3-pyelftools (0.25-2)
bibliothèque en Python 3 pur pour analyser ELF et DWARF
python3-pyepsg (0.3.2-1)
easy access to the EPSG database (Python 3)
python3-pyethash (0.1.27-1+b1)
Ethash proof-of-work algorithm — Python 3
python3-pyfai (0.17.0+dfsg1-3)
Fast Azimuthal Integration scripts - Python3
python3-pyfaidx (
efficient random access to fasta subsequences for Python 3
python3-pyfftw (0.11.1-2)
Pythonic wrapper around FFTW - Python 3
python3-pyfiglet (0.7.4+dfsg-3)
portage Python⋅3 de la spécification FIGlet
python3-pyflakes (2.0.0-1)
vérificateur passif de programmes en Python 3 – modules de Python
python3-pyftpdlib (1.5.4-1)
Python FTP server library (Python 3)
python3-pygac (1.0.1-1)
Python package to read and calibrate NOAA AVHRR GAC data
python3-pygal (2.4.0-2)
Python3 svg graph plotting library
python3-pygalmesh (0.2.6-1)
a Python 3 frontend to CGAL's 3D mesh generators
python3-pygame (1.9.4.post1+dfsg-3)
liaisons SDL pour le développement de jeux –⋅Python 3
python3-pygccxml (1.9.1-1)
specialized XML reader reads the output from gccxml - python3 lib
python3-pygeoif (0.7-1)
basic implementation of the __geo_interface__ (Python 3)
python3-pygeoip (0.3.2-4)
Python API for Maxmind's binary GeoIP databases (Python 3)
python3-pygerrit2 (2.0.4-1)
bibliothèque pour interagir avec Gerrit à travers son API REST – Python 3.x
python3-pygetdata (0.10.0-5+deb10u1)
library to read/write dirfile data - Python3 bindings
python3-pyghmi (1.0.32-5)
initiative de gestion générale du matériel (IPMI et autres) – Python 3.x
python3-pygit2 (0.27.4-1)
liaisons pour libgit2 – Python 3.x
python3-pygments (2.3.1+dfsg-1+deb10u2)
paquet de coloration syntaxique écrit en Python 3
python3-pygnuplot (0.11.16-2)
enveloppe simple de Python pour Gnuplot
python3-pygpu (0.7.6-3)
language bindings for libgpuarray (Python 3)
python3-pygrace (0.5-2)
bindings Python3 pour grace
python3-pygraphviz (1.5-1)
interface Python pour le paquet de composition de graphes et de visualisation, Graphviz –⋅Python⋅3
python3-pygresql (1:5.0.6-2)
module pour PostgreSQL pour Python 3
python3-pygtail (0.6.1-1)
read log file lines that have not been read (Python 3)
python3-pygtrie (2.2-1)
bibliothèque de Python implémentant une structure de données trie – Python 3
python3-pyicloud (0.9.1-3)
wrapper to access iPhone and Calendar data in the iCloud
python3-pyinotify (0.9.6-1)
liaisons simples pour Python avec inotify de Linux
python3-pyinsane (2.0.13-1)
Python library to access and use image scanners (Python 3)
python3-pyisomd5sum (1:1.2.3-3)
ISO9660 checksum Python 3 module
python3-pyjavaproperties (0.7-1)
Python implementation of java.util.Properties
python3-pyjokes (0.5.0-2)
One line jokes for programmers (Python 3)
python3-pykafka (2.7.0-1)
PyKafka is Kafka client for Python.
python3-pykcs11 (1.5.3-1)
PKCS#11 wrapper for Python
python3-pykdl (1.4.0-7+deb10u2)
Kinematics and Dynamics Library Python library
python3-pykdtree (1.3.1-2)
implémentation rapide d’arbre k-d avec requêtes OpenMP activées – version Python 3
python3-pykka (1.2.1-4)
Actor model library (Python 3)
python3-pykmip (0.7.0-3)
bibliothèque KMIP v1.1 –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-pykwalify (1.7.0-2)
Python YAML/JSON schema validation library (Python 3)
python3-pylama (7.4.3-2)
bibliothèque d’audit de code pour Python – Python 3
python3-pylast (2.4.0-1)
interface de Python 3 pour et d’autres services compatibles
python3-pyld (0.6.8-1)
implementation of the JSON-LD API
python3-pyldap (3.1.0-2)
module d’interface LDAP pour Python 3.x – paquet de transition
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-ldap
python3-pylibacl (0.5.3-2)
module for manipulating POSIX.1e ACLs (Python3 version)
python3-pylibmc (1.5.2-1+b1)
libmemcached wrapper (Python3 version)
python3-pylint-celery (0.3-4)
greffon de Pylint pour une vérification de code, utilisant la bibliothèque Celery – Python 3
python3-pylint-common (0.2.5-2)
Pylint plugin for the standard Python library (Python 3)
python3-pylint-django (2.0.5-1)
Pylint plugin for analysing code using Django (Python 3)
python3-pylint-plugin-utils (0.4-1)
Utilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins (Python 3)
python3-pymacaroons (0.13.0-2)
Macaroon library for Python 3
python3-pymad (0.10-2+b1)
Python wrapper to the MPEG Audio Decoder library (Python 3)
python3-pymca5 (5.4.3+dfsg-1)
applications et boite à outils pour l’analyse de fluorescence de rayons X – Python 3
python3-pymeasure (0.5-1)
scientific measurement library for Python
python3-pymediainfo (3.0-1)
bibliothèque pour récupérer les informations de métadonnées multimédia
python3-pymemcache (1.3.2-3)
client pour memcached en Python pur, complet et rapide – Python 3.x
python3-pymoc (0.5.0-4)
Python Multi-Order Coverage maps for Virtual Observatory
python3-pymodbus (2.1.0+dfsg-1)
full Modbus protocol implementation for Python 3
python3-pymol (2.2.0+dfsg-4)
Molecular Graphics System (Python 3 modules)
python3-pymongo (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python3 interface to the MongoDB document-oriented database
python3-pymongo-ext (3.7.1-1.1+deb10u1) [security]
extension codée en⋅C pour le paquet python3-pymongo
python3-pymssql (2.1.4+dfsg-1)
Python database access for MS SQL server and Sybase - Python 3
python3-pymummer (0.10.3-2)
Python 3 interface to MUMmer
python3-pymysql (0.9.3-1+deb10u1) [security]
pilote pour MySQL en Python pur – Python 3.x
python3-pynfft (1.3.2-2+b3)
Python bindings for the NFFT3 library - Python 3
python3-pyngus (2.2.2-3)
API de fonctions de rappel implémentée au-dessus de Proton – Python 3.x
python3-pyninjotiff (0.1.0-1)
Python library for writing NinJo-compatible TIFF files
python3-pynliner (0.8.0-1) [non-free]
CSS-to-inline-styles conversion tool for HTML - Python 3.x
python3-pynwb (0.5.1-1)
Python library for working with Neurodata in the NWB format
python3-pynzb (0.1.0-3)
unified API for parsing NZB files from NNTP (Usenet) servers
python3-pyo (0.9.1-1)
module de Python 3 écrit en C pour la création de script de traitement numérique du signal
python3-pyodbc (4.0.22-1+b1)
module de Python 3 pour un accès ODBC aux bases de données
python3-pyopencl (2018.2.2-1)
module de Python 3 d’accès à l’API d’OpenCL de calcul en parallèle
python3-pyorbital (1.5.0-2)
calculs d'orbites et d'astronomie en Python 3
python3-pyorick (1.4-2)
module Python 3 pour exécution de code Yorick
python3-pyosmium (2.15.1-1)
liaisons vers la bibliothèque Osmium pour Python 3
python3-pyotp (2.2.7-1)
Python One Time Password Library (Python 3)
python3-pypandoc (1.4+ds0-1.1)
enveloppe légère pour pandoc – Python 3x
python3-pyparsing (2.2.0+dfsg1-2)
alternative pour la création et l'exécution de grammaires simples –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-pypass (0.2.1-1.1)
pypass library for Python3
python3-pypcap (1.2.2-1)
object-oriented Python interface for libpcap (Python 3)
python3-pypdf2 (1.26.0-2+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque entièrement en Python construite comme une boîte à outils pour PDF – Python 3
python3-pypeg2 (2.15.2-2)
Intrinsic PEG Parser-Interpreter for Python
python3-pyperclip (1.6.4-1)
Cross-platform clipboard module for Python3
python3-pyphen (0.9.5-2)
Python 3 hyphenation module
python3-pypillowfight (0.2.4-2)
Python 3 bindings for libpillowfight
python3-pypowervm (1.1.16+dfsg1-3)
Python binding for the PowerVM REST API - Python 3.x
python3-pyprind (2.11.2-1)
Python Progress Bar and Percent Indicator Utility
python3-pyproj (1.9.6-1)
interface Python⋅3 avec la bibliothèque PROJ
python3-pypump (0.7-1)
interface to the APIs (Python 3)
python3-pypureomapi (0.4-1)
ISC DHCP OMAPI protocol implementation in Python3
python3-pyqrcode (1.2.1-2)
Python 3 module to generate QR Codes
python3-pyqt4 (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
liaisons de Python 3 pour Qt4
python3-pyqt4.phonon (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour Phonon
python3-pyqt4.qsci (2.10.4+dfsg-2.1)
Python 3 bindings for QScintilla 2 with Qt 4
python3-pyqt4.qtopengl (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module OpenGL de Qt4
python3-pyqt4.qtsql (4.12.1+dfsg-2+b1)
bindings Python3 pour le module SqL de PyQt4
python3-pyqt5 (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qsci (2.10.4+dfsg-2.1)
bindings Python 3 pour QScintilla 2 avec Qt 5
python3-pyqt5.qtchart (5.11.3+dfsg-1)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module Charts de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtmultimedia (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
connecteurs Python 3 pour le module Multimedia de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtopengl (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
bindings Python 3 pour le module OpenGL de QT5
python3-pyqt5.qtpositioning (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module QtPositioning
python3-pyqt5.qtquick (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module QtQuick
python3-pyqt5.qtsensors (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
interfaces Python 3 pour le module QtSensors
python3-pyqt5.qtserialport (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour le module QtSerialPort
python3-pyqt5.qtsql (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python pour le module SQL de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtsvg (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module SVG de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtwebchannel (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module WebChannel de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons Python 3 avec le module WebEngine de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtwebkit (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module WebKit de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtwebsockets (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module WebSockets de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qtx11extras (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module QtX11Extras
python3-pyqt5.qtxmlpatterns (5.11.3+dfsg-1+b3)
liaison de Python 3 pour le module XmlPatterns de Qt5
python3-pyqt5.qwt (1.02.00-1)
version de Python de la bibliothèque de composants techniques Qwt6 – Python 3
python3-pyqtgraph (0.10.0-1)
bibliothèque d’interface graphique et de graphisme pour Python 3
python3-pyquery (1.2.9-3)
jQuery-like library for python 3
python3-pyrad (2.1-1)
Python module for creating and decoding RADIUS packets (Python 3)
python3-pyraf (2.1.15-2)
interface de Python pour IRAF
python3-pyramid (1.10.2+dfsg-2)
cadriciel Pyramid d’application web, un projet Pylons – version en Python 3.x
python3-pyramid-jinja2 (2.7+dfsg-1)
Jinja2 template bindings for the Pyramid web framework (Python 3)
python3-pyramid-multiauth (0.8.0-1)
politique d’authentification pour le cadriciel web Pyramid – Python 3
python3-pyregfi (1.0.1+svn287-7)
Python 3 Bindings for reglookup
python3-pyregion (2.0-7)
Python module to parse ds9 region files (Python 3)
python3-pyresample (1.10.3-1)
rééchantillonnage de données de télédétection avec Python⋅3
python3-pyro4 (4.75-1)
distributed object middleware for Python (RPC), Python3 modules
python3-pyroma (2.3.1-1)
Python packaging quality checker (Python3 build)
python3-pyroute2 (0.5.2-1)
Python3 Netlink library
python3-pyrss2gen (1.1-1)
interface for generating RSS 2.0 feeds for Python 3
python3-pysal (1.14.4-3)
Python Spatial Analysis Library - Python 3
python3-pysam (0.15.2+ds-2)
interface for the SAM/BAM sequence alignment and mapping format (Python 3)
python3-pysaml2 (4.5.0-4+deb10u1)
SAML version 2 à utiliser dans un environnement WSGI – Python 3.x
python3-pyscard (1.9.7-1+b1)
enveloppe de Python 3 pour l’API PC/SC
python3-pyscss (1.3.5-2+b2)
SCSS compiler - Python 3.x
python3-pyshp (2.1.0+ds-1)
lecture et écriture pour le format Shapefile d’ESRI – Python 3.x
python3-pyside2.qt3dcore (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module 3DCore de Qt5 –Python 3
python3-pyside2.qt3dinput (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module 3DInput de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qt3dlogic (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Qt3DLogic de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qt3drender (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module Qt3DRender de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtcharts (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Charts de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtconcurrent (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python 3 pour le module Concurrent de Qt (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtcore (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module central de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtgui (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Gui de Qt5 –⋅Python⋅3
python3-pyside2.qthelp (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Help de Qt5 – Python 32
python3-pyside2.qtlocation (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Location de Qt5 –⋅Python⋅3
python3-pyside2.qtmultimedia (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Qt5 Multimedia (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtmultimediawidgets (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python 3 pour le module MultimediaWidgets de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtnetwork (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Network de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtopengl (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module OpenGL de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtpositioning (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Positioning de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtprintsupport (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module PrintSupport de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtqml (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Qml de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtquick (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Quick de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtquickwidgets (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module QuickWidgets de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtscript (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Qt5 Script (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtscripttools (5.11.2-3)
Bindings Python pour le module ScriptTools de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtsensors (5.11.2-3)
bindings Python pour le module Qt5 Sensors (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtsql (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Qt5 Sql (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtsvg (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module Svg de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qttest (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module de test de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qttexttospeech (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module TextToSpeech de Qt5 –⋅Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtuitools (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module UiTools de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtwebchannel (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module WebChannel de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtwebenginecore (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module WebEngineCore de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtwebenginewidgets (5.11.2-3)
bindings Python pour le module WebEngineWidgets de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtwebsockets (5.11.2-3)
bindings Python pour le module Qt5 Web Sockets (Python 3)
python3-pyside2.qtwidgets (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Widgets de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtx11extras (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module X11Extras de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtxml (5.11.2-3)
liaisons de Python pour le module Xml de Qt5 – Python 3
python3-pyside2.qtxmlpatterns (5.11.2-3)
liaisons Python pour le module XmlPatterns de Qt5 (Python 3)
python3-pyside2uic (5.11.2-3)
User Interface Compiler for PySide2 (Python 3)
python3-pysimplesoap (1.16.2-1)
simple and lightweight SOAP Library (Python 3)
python3-pysmi (0.3.2-1)
analyseur SMI/MIB SNMP
python3-pysnmp4 (4.4.6+repack1-1)
Python SNMP library for agents and managers (Python 3 module)
python3-pysodium (0.7.0-1)
Python libsodium wrapper (Python3 version)
python3-pysolar (0.8~rc1+repack-1)
Python library for precise ephemeris calculations
python3-pysolr (3.8.1-1)
lightweight Python3 wrapper for querying Apache Solr
python3-pyspectral (0.8.6+ds-1)
lecture et manipulation des réponses spectrales de capteur satellitaire
python3-pysrt (1.0.1-1)
library to edit or create SubRip files (Python 3)
python3-pyssim (0.2-1)
outil de calcul de similarité entre images (SSIM)
python3-pystache (0.5.4-6)
Python3 implementation of Mustache
python3-pysynphot (0.9.12+dfsg-3)
Python Synthetic Photometry Utilities
python3-pytango (9.2.5-1)
transitional dummy package for python3-tango
python3-pyte (0.4.8-1)
simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator (Python 3)
python3-pytest (3.10.1-2)
Simple, powerful testing in Python3
python3-pytest-arraydiff (0.3-1)
greffon pytest pour générer et comparer des tableaux de données
python3-pytest-astropy (0.5.0-1)
Pytest dependencies for Astropy and affiliated packages
python3-pytest-asyncio (0.9.0-1)
pytest support for asyncio.
python3-pytest-benchmark (3.2.2-1)
pytest fixture for benchmarking code (Python 3)
python3-pytest-cookies (0.3.0-1)
wrapper for the cookiecutter API for generating projects (Python 3)
python3-pytest-cov (2.6.0-1)
greffon py.test pour produire des rapports de couverture – Python 3
python3-pytest-cython (0.1.0-1)
pytest plugin for testing Cython extension modules (Python 3)
python3-pytest-django (3.1.2-1)
Django plugin for py.test.
python3-pytest-doctestplus (0.2.0-1)
greffon de Pytest fournissant des fonctions modernes de doctest
python3-pytest-expect (1.1.0-1)
py.test-3 plugin to store test expectations
python3-pytest-flask (0.14.0-1)
pytest plugin to test Python Flask - Python 3 version
python3-pytest-forked (1.0.1-1)
py.test plugin for running tests in forked subprocesses (Python 3)
python3-pytest-helpers-namespace (2017.11.11-1)
provides a namespace for pytest helpers
python3-pytest-httpbin (0.3.0-4)
py.test plugin providing a local httpbin (Python 3)
python3-pytest-lazy-fixture (0.5.1-1)
Use your fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize (Python 3)
python3-pytest-localserver (0.5.0-1)
py.test plugin to test server connections locally (Python 3)
python3-pytest-mock (1.7.1-1)
thin-wrapper around mock for easier use with py.test (Python 3 module)
python3-pytest-mpl (0.10-2)
pytest plugin for Matplotlib image comparison in Python 3
python3-pytest-multihost (3.0-1)
Utility for writing multi-host tests for pytest (Python 3)
python3-pytest-openfiles (0.3.2-1)
Pytest plugin to check for files left open at the end of a test
python3-pytest-pep8 (1.0.6-1)
pytest plugin to check PEP8 requirements
python3-pytest-pylint (0.14.0-1)
pytest plugin to check source code with pylint - Python 3.x
python3-pytest-random-order (1.0.4-1)
pytest plugin to randomise the order of tests (Python 3)
python3-pytest-remotedata (0.3.1-3)
Pytest plugin to control access to data files hosted online
python3-pytest-runner (2.11.1-1.1)
Invoke py.test as distutils command with dependency resolution - Python 3.x
python3-pytest-sourceorder (0.5.1-1)
Test-ordering plugin for pytest3 (Python 3)
python3-pytest-sugar (0.9.2-1)
different output style for py.test with a progress bar
python3-pytest-tempdir (2016.8.20-1)
predictable and repeatable temporary directory for tests
python3-pytest-timeout (1.3.3-1)
Pytest plugin to abort hanging tests - Python 3.X
python3-pytest-tornado (0.5.0-1)
py.test plugin to test Tornado applications (Python 3)
python3-pytest-xdist (1.26.1-1)
xdist plugin for py.test (Python 3)
python3-pytest-xvfb (1.0.0-2)
pytest plugin to run Xvfb for tests
python3-pytestqt (3.2.2-1)
greffon pytest pour le test d’application en QT – Python 3
python3-pytestsalt (2018.1.13-1)
PyTest plug-in for Salt daemons to be used in tests
python3-python-openidc-client (0.6.0-1)
Python OpenID Connect client (Python 3)
python3-python-utils (2.3.0-1)
collection of small Python functions and classes
python3-pythonmagick (0.9.19-4)
Object-oriented Python 3 interface to ImageMagick
python3-pytimeparse (1.1.5-2)
analyse d’expressions horaires – Python 3 x
python3-pytoml (0.1.2-1)
TOML parser and emitter for Python3
python3-pytools (2019.1-1)
grand tas de choses venant en complément de la bibliothèque standard de Python 3
python3-pyuca (1.2-1)
Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) for Python3
python3-pyudev (0.21.0-1)
Python3 bindings for libudev
python3-pyvcf (0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1)
Variant Call Format (VCF) parser for Python 3
python3-pyverbs (22.1-1)
Pyverbs is a Python bindings for rdma-core
python3-pyvirtualdisplay (0.2.1-2)
python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
python3-pyvisa (1.9.1-1)
Python 3 bindings for Virtual Instrument Software Architecture
python3-pyvisa-py (0.3.1-2)
dorsal mettant en œuvre une grande partie de VISA en Python 3 pur
python3-pyvmomi (6.7.1-2)
SDK de Python pour VMware vSphere – Python 3.x
python3-pyvo (0.9.2-2)
Python 3 library for data services of the Virtual observatory (VO)
python3-pywt (0.5.1-1.1+b3)
Python3 extension implementing of wavelet transformations
python3-pywws (18.10.1-1)
software for wireless weather stations
python3-pyx (0.14.1-9)
module de Python 3 de génération de graphismes en PostScript
python3-pyxattr (0.6.1-1)
module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes (Python3)
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-xattr
python3-pyxb (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (Python3 version)
python3-pyxb-bundles-common (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (common bindings for Python3)
python3-pyxb-bundles-dc (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (Dublin Core bindings for Python3)
python3-pyxb-bundles-saml20 (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (SAML bindings for Python3)
python3-pyxb-bundles-wssplat (1.2.6+dfsg-2)
Python XML Schema Bindings (WS-* bindings for Python3)
python3-pyzabbix (0.7.4-1)
Zabbix API Python interface.
python3-q (2.6-1.1)
Quick-and-dirty Python 3 debugging output for tired programmers
python3-q-text-as-data (1.7.4+2018.12.21+git+28f776ed46-1)
performs SQL-like statements on tabular text data - Python 3.x
python3-qinlingclient (2.0.0-2)
client for Function as a Service for OpenStack - Python 3.x
python3-qpack (0.0.17-1+b1)
Python3 implementation of the QPack protocol
python3-qpid-proton (0.22.0-3)
language bindings for Qpid Proton messaging framework - Python 3.x
python3-qrcode (6.1-1)
QR Code image generator library - Python 3.x
python3-qrcodegen (1.4.0-1)
QR Code generator library in multiple languages - Python3 version
python3-qrencode (1.2-4+b2)
Python bindings for the Qrencode QR Code generator library (Python 3)
python3-qt-binding (0.3.4-2)
Robot OS Python 3 bindings for QT
python3-qtawesome (0.4.4+ds1-1)
fontes d’icônes dans les applications en PyQt et PySide – Python 3
python3-qtconsole (4.3.1-1)
Jupyter –⋅console Qt (Python 3)
python3-qtpy (1.3.1-1)
abtraction layer for PySide/PyQt4/PyQt5 (Python 3)
python3-quamash (0.6.1~dfsg-1)
implémentation de la boucle d’évènements de PEP 3156 avec Qt
python3-quark-sphinx-theme (0.5.1-1)
thème de Sphinx fait pour QTextBrowser – Python 3
python3-queuelib (1.4.2-1)
collection of persistent (disk-based) queues (Python 3)
python3-quintuple (0~20171222-3)
5-qubit quantum computer simulator (Python 3)
python3-qwt (0.5.5-1)
implémentation en Python pur de Qwt – Python 3
python3-qwt3d-qt5 (0.1.8-5)
liaisons de Python pour la bibliothèque QwtPlot3D
python3-raccoon (2.1.5-3)
DataFrame pour Python avec insertions et ajouts rapides – Python 3
python3-radicale (2.1.11-6)
serveur d’agendas et carnets d’adresses simple – module en Python 3
python3-radio-beam (0.2-3)
Python Tools for Radio Beam IO and Manipulation
python3-radix (0.10.0-2+b1)
radix tree implementation for storage of IPv4 and IPv6 networks (Python 3)
python3-rados (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python 3 libraries for the Ceph librados library
python3-rally (1.2.1+dfsg1-2)
benchmark System for OpenStack - Python code
python3-random2 (1.0.1-1)
backport of Python 2.7's random module (Python 3)
python3-randomize (0.14-1)
randomize the order of tests in a unittest.TestCase class - Python 3.x
python3-rarfile (3.0-1)
RAR archive reader module for Python 3
python3-rasterio (1.0.21-1)
interface de programmation Python 3 pour utiliser les données de trame avec NumPy
python3-ratelimiter (1.2.0.post0-1)
simple Python library for limiting the rate of operations
python3-rawkit (0.6.0-1)
CTypes based LibRaw bindings - Python 2.X
python3-rbd (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python 3 libraries for the Ceph librbd library
python3-rcssmin (1.0.6-1+b3)
minificateur de CSS – Python 3.x
python3-rdflib (4.2.2-2)
Python 3 library containing an RDF triple store and RDF parsers/serializers
python3-rdflib-jsonld (0.4.0-4)
rdflib extension adding JSON-LD parser and serializer in Python 3
python3-readlike (0.1.3-1)
GNU Readline-like line editing module
python3-readme-renderer (24.0-1)
Library to safely render arbitrary README files into HTML
python3-rebulk (0.9.0-2)
définition de motifs simples de recherche en masse pour réaliser des recherches poussées dans des chaines
python3-recoll (1.24.3-3)
Python extension for recoll (Python3)
python3-recommonmark (0.4.0+ds-5)
CommonMark utility for Docutils and Sphinx projects -- Python 3
python3-reconfigure (0.1.81+git20171214.2b8729a8-1)
simple config file management library (Python 3)
python3-redis (3.2.1-2)
Persistent key-value database with network interface (Python 3 library)
python3-rediscluster (1.3.3-1)
Python interface to a cluster of Redis key-value stores
python3-redminelib (2.1.1+ds-1)
Python library for the Redmine RESTful API (Python 3)
python3-rednose (0.4.1-2)
sortie colorée pour nosetests – Python 3.x
python3-regex (0.1.20190207-1)
alternative regular expression module (Python 3)
python3-regions (0.3-2)
Python astronomy package for region handling
python3-relational (2.5-2)
outil pédagogique pour l'algèbre relationnelle – module autonome
python3-relatorio (0.8.1-1)
module de Python pour créer des rapports à partir d’objets de Python – Python 3
python3-releases (1.4.0-1)
Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation (Python 3)
python3-rencode (1.0.5-1+b2)
bibliothèque de Python d’encodage similaire à bencode de bittorrent – Python 3
python3-renderpm (3.5.13-1+deb10u2) [security]
interface Python de rendu de bas niveau
python3-reno (2.9.2-1)
gestionnaire RElease NOtes – Python 3.x
python3-reparser (1.4.3-1)
Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup
python3-reportbug (7.5.3~deb10u2) [security]
modules Python pour interagir avec des systèmes de gestion de bogues
python3-reportlab (3.5.13-1+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque ReportLab pour créer des documents PDF en utilisant Python3
python3-reportlab-accel (3.5.13-1+deb10u2) [security]
accélérateur d’extension codé en C pour la boîte à outils de ReportLab
python3-repoze.lru (0.7-1)
petite mise en œuvre du cache LRU et décorateurs pour Python 3
python3-repoze.sphinx.autointerface (0.8-0.1)
Sphinx extension to generate API docs from Zope interfaces (Python 3)
python3-repoze.tm2 (2.0-1)
Zope-like transaction manager WSGI middleware (Python 3)
python3-repoze.who (2.2-3)
cadriciel d’identification et d’authentification pour des applications WSGI de Python – Python 3x
python3-reproject (0.4-3)
Reproject astronomical images with Python 3
python3-reprounzip (1.0.10-1)
modules for the ReproZip unpacker
python3-reprozip (1.0.14-2)
modules for the ReproZip packer
python3-requestbuilder (0.5.2-2+deb10u1) [security]
command line-driven HTTP request builder - Python 3.x
python3-requests (2.21.0-1+deb10u1) [security]
bibliothèque HTTP simple et élégante pour Python3, construite pour les êtres humains
python3-requests-cache (0.4.13-2)
cache persistant pour la bibliothèque requests –⋅Python⋅3
python3-requests-file (1.4.3-1)
File transport adapter for Requests - Python 3.X
python3-requests-futures (0.9.9-1)
library for asynchronous HTTP requests (Python 3)
python3-requests-kerberos (0.11.0-2)
gestionnaire d’authentification Kerberos/GSS-API pour python-requests – Python 3.x
python3-requests-mock (1.5.2-2)
simulation de réponses du paquet requests – Python 3.x
python3-requests-ntlm (1.1.0-1)
Adds support for NTLM authentication to the requests library
python3-requests-oauthlib (1.0.0-0.1)
module providing OAuthlib auth support for requests (Python 3)
python3-requests-toolbelt (0.8.0-1)
Utility belt for advanced users of python3-requests
python3-requests-unixsocket (0.1.5-3)
utilisation de requêtes HTTP pour communiquer à l’aide d’une socket du domaine UNIX – Python 3.x
python3-requestsexceptions (1.4.0-1)
importation d’exceptions des paquets empaquetés dans requests – Python 2.7
python3-requirements-detector (0.6-1)
recherche et listage des exigences d’un projet en Python
python3-resource-retriever (1.12.4-2)
bibliothèque resource_retriever de Robot OS – Python 3
python3-responses (0.9.0-1)
Utility library for mocking out the requests Python 3 library
python3-restless (2.1.1-1)
lightweight REST miniframework for Python
python3-restrictedpython (4.0~b3-2)
environnement restreint d’exécution pour Python 3
python3-restructuredtext-lint (0.12.2-2)
analyseur statique (linter) de reStructuredText – Python 3.x
python3-retrying (1.3.3-3)
simplification la tâche d’ajout d’une conduite de réessai – Python 3.x
python3-rfc3161ng (2.1.1-3)
Implementation of trusted timestamping client
python3-rfc3339 (1.1-1)
parser and generator of RFC 3339-compliant timestamps (Python 3)
python3-rfc3986 (0.3.1-2)
validation de références d’URI selon la RFC 3986 – Python 3.x
python3-rgw (12.2.11+dfsg1-2.1+deb10u1) [security]
Python 3 libraries for the Ceph librgw library
python3-ripe-atlas-cousteau (1.4.2-1)
Python3 wrapper around the RIPE Atlas API
python3-ripe-atlas-sagan (1.2.2-1)
Python3 library for parsing RIPE Atlas measurement results
python3-rjsmin (1.0.12+dfsg1-4+b2)
réducteur de javascript écrit en Python –⋅Python 3.x
python3-rlp (0.5.1-1)
bibliothèque RLP (Recursive Length Prefix) – Python 3
python3-robot-detection (0.4.0-1)
Detect web crawlers from HTTP UserAgent (Python 3 version)
python3-roman (2.0.0-3)
module pour créer et analyser des nombres romains pour Python 3
python3-rosbag (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 3 tools for recording from and playing back to Robot OS topics
python3-rosboost-cfg (1.14.4-6)
Contains scripts used by the Robot OS rosboost-cfg tool (Python 3)
python3-rosclean (1.14.4-6)
cleanup Robot OS filesystem resources (e.g. logs) (Python 3)
python3-roscpp-msg (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Header for roscpp messages, Python 3
python3-roscreate (1.14.4-6)
Robot OS empty package template creator (Python 3)))))))))
python3-rosdep2 (0.15.1-2)
rosdep package manager abstraction tool for Robot OS (Python 3)
python3-rosdistro (0.7.2-1)
Tool to work with rosdistro files (for Robot OS, Python 3)
python3-rosgraph (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
outil pour afficher des informations à propos du graphe de calcul de Robot OS – Python 3
python3-rosgraph-msgs (1.11.2-9)
Messages relating to the Robot OS Computation Graph, Python 3 bindings
python3-rosinstall (0.7.8-2)
Installer for Robot OS (Python 3)
python3-rosinstall-generator (0.1.14-1)
Tool to generate rosinstall files (for Robot OS) Python 3
python3-roslaunch (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
roslaunch tool for Robot OS - Python 3
python3-roslib (1.14.4-6)
Python 3 library for roslib (Robot OS)
python3-roslz4 (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 3 library implementing lz4 for Robot OS
python3-rosmake (1.14.4-6)
rosmake is a Robot OS dependency aware build tool (Python 3)
python3-rosmaster (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Robot OS Master implementation - Python 3
python3-rosmsg (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Command-line tools for displaying information about Robot OS - Python 3
python3-rosnode (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
outil pour afficher les informations de débogage à propos de Robot OS – Python 3
python3-rosparam (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool for getting and setting Robot OS Parameters - Python 3
python3-rospkg (1.1.7-1)
bibliothèque de paquets de Robot OS – Python 3
python3-rospy (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 3 client library for Robot OS
python3-rosservice (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Command-line tool for listing and querying Robot OS services - Python 3
python3-rostest (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Test suite for Robot OS based on roslaunch - Python 3
python3-rostopic (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Tool for displaying debug information about Robot OS Topics - Python 3
python3-rosunit (1.14.4-6)
Unit-testing package for ROS (Python 3)
python3-roswtf (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
outils de diagnostics de problèmes dans un système Robot OS en cours – Python 3
python3-routes (2.4.1-1)
Routing Recognition and Generation Tools for Python 3
python3-rpaths (0.13-1)
cross-platform path manipulation library for Python
python3-rpi.gpio (0.6.5-1)
Module to control Raspberry Pi GPIO channels (Python 3)
python3-rply (0.7.4-3)
pure Python based parser that also works with RPython (Python 3)
python3-rpm (
liaisons de Python 3 pour RPM
python3-rpy2 (2.9.5-1)
Python3 interface to the GNU R language and environment (version 2)
python3-rrdtool (1.7.1-2)
time-series data storage and display system (Python3 interface)
python3-rsa (4.0-2)
implémentation de RSA en Python pur – Python 3
python3-rstr (2.2.6-1)
Easily generate random strings of various types (Python 3)
python3-rtmidi (1.2.1-1)
Python wrapper for the RtMidi C++ library written with Cython
python3-rtree (0.8.3+ds-2)
indexation spatiale R-Tree pour les SIG en Python – module pour Python 3
python3-rtslib-fb (2.1.66-2)
object API for managing the Linux LIO kernel target - Python 3.x
python3-ruamel.yaml (0.15.34-1+b1)
roundtrip YAML parser/emitter (Python 3 module)
python3-ruffus (2.8.1-4)
Python3 computation pipeline library widely used in bioinformatics
python3-ryu (4.26+dfsg1-5)
software defined networking framework - Python 3
python3-s3transfer (0.2.0-1)
gestionnaire de transferts d’Amazon S3 pour Python 3
python3-sadisplay (0.4.9-1)
Simple tool for SQLAlchemy schema visualization
python3-sagenb-export (3.2-3)
Convert SageNB Notebooks (Python 3)
python3-sahara (1:9.0.0-1)
grappe de traitement de données d’OpenStack en tant que service – bibliothèque
python3-sahara-dashboard (9.0.1-1)
OpenStack data processing cluster as a service - dashboard plugin
python3-saharaclient (2.0.0-2.1)
bibliothèque cliente pour le serveur d’API Sahara pour OpenStack – module en Python 3.
python3-sane (2.8.3-1+b2)
bibliothèque Python Imaging – interface SANE (Python 3)
python3-sasmodels (0.99-2)
Theoretical models for small angle scattering (Python 3)
python3-savitar (3.3.0-3)
3MF file handling library (Python bindings)
python3-sbml5 (5.17.2+dfsg-3)
System Biology Markup Language library - Python3 bindings
python3-scales (1.0.9-2)
Application metrics for Python 3
python3-scapy (2.4.0-2)
Packet generator/sniffer and network scanner/discovery (Python 3)
python3-scciclient (0.7.2-2+deb10u1) [security]
bibliothèque cliente en Python pour SCCI – Python 3.x
python3-schedule (0.3.2-1)
Job scheduling for humans (Python 3)
python3-schedutils (0.6-1)
Linux scheduler Python bindings - Python 3.x
python3-schema (0.6.7-1)
simple data validation library (Python 3)
python3-schema-salad (3.0.20181206233650-2)
Schema Annotations for Linked Avro Data (SALAD)
python3-schroot (0.4-3)
set of Python 3 bindings to schroot chroots
python3-scipy (1.1.0-7)
outils scientifiques pour Python 3
python3-scoop (
Python3 library for concurrent parallel programming
python3-scour (0.37-2)
SVG scrubber and optimizer (Python 3 module)
python3-scp (0.13.0-1)
scp module for paramiko (Python 3)
python3-scrapy (1.5.1-1+deb10u1)
cadriciel en Python de parcours du web et d’extraction de données – Python 3
python3-scrapy-djangoitem (1.1.1-2)
Scrapy extension to write scraped items using Django models (Python3 version)
python3-screed (1.0-3)
short nucleotide read sequence utils in Python 3
python3-scripttest (1.3-2)
aide pour tester des scripts en ligne de commande – Python 3.x
python3-scruffy (0.3.3-1.1)
cadriciel pour prendre en compte un tas de code passe-partout dans les applications en Python 3
python3-scrypt (0.8.0-0.1+b1)
bindings for the scrypt key derivation function library - Python 3.x
python3-sdnotify (0.3.1-1)
Python3 implementation of systemd's service notification protocol
python3-seaborn (0.9.0-1)
bibliothèque de visualisation de statistiques pour Python 3
python3-searchlightclient (1.3.0-2)
OpenStack Indexing and Search API Client Library - Python 3.x
python3-seccomp (2.3.3-4)
high level interface to Linux seccomp filter (Python 3 bindings)
python3-secretstorage (2.3.1-2)
Python module for storing secrets - Python 3.x version
python3-segyio (1.8.3-1)
SEG-Y read/write library for seismic processing (python3 bindings)
python3-selenium (3.14.1+dfsg1-1)
Python3 bindings for Selenium
python3-selinux (2.8-1+b1)
liaisons Python3 aux bibliothèques partagées SELinux
python3-semanage (2.8-2)
liaisons Python3 pour la gestion de la politique de SELinux
python3-semantic-version (2.6.0-2)
mise en œuvre du schéma SemVer – Python 3.x
python3-semver (2.0.1-3)
aide pour la gestion sémantique de version Python:3.X
python3-send2trash (1.5.0-1)
Python module for sending file to trash natively
python3-sendfile (2.0.1-2)
Python interface to sendfile(2)
python3-senlin (6.0.0-1)
clustering service for OpenStack clouds - Python 2.7
python3-senlin-dashboard (0.9.0-3)
clustering service for OpenStack clouds - dashboard plugin
python3-senlinclient (1.8.0-2)
bibliothèque de client pour l’API de grappe OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-sensor-msgs (1.12.7-1)
messages relatifs aux capteurs de Robot OS – interface pour Python 3
python3-sentinels (1.0.0-3)
Python module for sentinel objects (Python 3 version)
python3-sentinelsat (0.12.2-2)
search and download Sentinel satellite images (Python)
python3-sepolgen (2.8-3)
Python3 module used in SELinux policy generation
python3-sepolicy (2.8-3)
Python binding for SELinux Policy Analyses
python3-seqdiag (0.9.5+dfsg-1.1)
seqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file for Python3
python3-serial (3.4-4)
pyserial – module d’encapsulation d’accès à un port série
python3-serial-asyncio (0.4-1)
Async I/O extension package for pyserial
python3-serpent (1.27-1)
simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval(), Python3 modules
python3-service-identity (16.0.0-2)
Service identity verification for pyOpenSSL (Python 3 module)
python3-setools (4.2.0-1)
liaisons de Python pour SETools
python3-setoolsgui (4.2.0-1)
SETools Python bindings (GUI)
python3-setoptconf (0.2.0-3)
retrieve Python3 program settings from a variety of sources
python3-setproctitle (1.1.10-1+b2)
Setproctitle implementation for Python 3
python3-setuptools (40.8.0-1)
Améliorations de Python3 Distutils
python3-setuptools-git (1.2-2)
greffon de setuptools permettant l'intégration de git
python3-setuptools-scm (3.2.0-1)
blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags for Python 3
python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive (1.0-2)
Plugin for setuptools_scm to add support for git archives
python3-sexpdata (0.0.3-1)
S-expression parser (Python3)
python3-sfml (2.2~git20150611.196c88+dfsg-4+b3)
Simple and Fast Multimedia Library – liaisons de Python 3
python3-sgp4 (1.4-1)
Track earth satellite TLE orbits using up-to-date 2010 version of sgp4
python3-sh (1.12.14-1.1)
Python 3 subprocess interface
python3-sha3 (1.0.2-2+deb10u1) [security]
SHA-3 (Keccak) hash implementation — Python 3
python3-shade (1.30.0-2)
Client library for operating OpenStack clouds
python3-shape-msgs (1.12.7-1)
messages relatifs aux formes de Robot OS, interface en Python 3
python3-shapely (1.6.4-2)
objets géométriques, prédicats et opérations – Python 3
python3-shellescape (3.4.1-3)
escapes characters to safely assemble command lines
python3-shodan (1.11.1-1)
Official Python library for Shodan (Python 3)
python3-shortuuid (0.5.0-1)
generates concise, unambiguous, URL-safe UUIDs for Python3
python3-sievelib (1.1.0-1)
Client-side Sieve and Managesieve library (Python3 version)
python3-sigmavirus24-urltemplate (3.0.0+git20181031.68064e2-1)
Simple Python library to deal with URI Templates - Python 3.x
python3-signedjson (1.0.0+git20151019-2)
sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures in Python 3
python3-silo (4.10.2.real-5+b1)
Python3 interface to the SILO Scientific I/O library
python3-silx (0.9.0+dfsg-3+deb10u1)
boîte à outils pour l'analyse de données de rayons⋅X –⋅Python 3
python3-simple-cdd (0.6.7)
python3 modules for Simple-CDD
python3-simplebayes (1.5.7-1)
Naïve bayesian text classifier for Python 3
python3-simpleeval (0.9.6-1)
bibliothèque d'évaluation simple, sécurisée et d'expression unique – Python 3
python3-simplegeneric (0.8.1-2)
simple generic functions for Python3
python3-simpleitk (1.0.1-3)
Python bindings for SimpleITK
python3-simplejson (3.16.0-1)
simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3.x
python3-simpletal (5.2-1)
implémentation simple de TAL, TALES et METAL
python3-simpy (2.3.1+dfsg-1)
python-based simulation package (Python3 version)
python3-simpy3 (3.0.11-1)
python-based simulation package (Python3 version)
python3-singledispatch (
single-dispatch generic functions for Python
python3-sip (4.19.14+dfsg-2)
Python 3/C++ bindings generator runtime library
python3-sip-dev (4.19.14+dfsg-2)
Python 3/C++ bindings generator development files
python3-siphashc (1.2-1)
python c-module for siphash, based on floodberry's version
python3-sireader (1.1.1-1)
Python module to communicate with SportIdent main stations (Python 3)
python3-siridb-connector (2.0.5-1)
Python3 interface for the SiriDB time series database server
python3-six (1.12.0-1)
bibliothèque de compatibilité Python⋅2 et⋅3 –⋅interface Python⋅3
python3-skimage (0.14.2-2)
Python 3 modules for image processing
python3-skimage-lib (0.14.2-2)
Optimized low-level algorithms for Python 3 scikit-image
python3-sklearn (0.20.2+dfsg-6)
Python modules for machine learning and data mining - Python 3
python3-sklearn-lib (0.20.2+dfsg-6)
low-level implementations and bindings for scikit-learn - Python 3
python3-skytools (3.3-3)
Skytools Python modules
python3-sleekxmpp (1.3.3-4)
XMPP (Jabber) Library Implementing Everything as a Plugin (Python 3.x)
python3-slepc4py (3.10.0-2)
Python 3 bindings for SLEPc libraries
python3-slepc4py-complex (3.10.0-2)
Python 3 bindings for SLEPc libraries (complex numbers)
python3-slepc4py-real (3.10.0-2)
Python 3 bindings for SLEPc libraries (real numbers)
python3-slimit (0.8.1-3)
JavaScript minifier/parser in Python
python3-slimmer (0.1.30-7)
HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript optimizer for Python3
python3-slip (0.6.5-2)
miscellaneous convenience, extension and workaround code for Python
python3-slip-dbus (0.6.5-2)
convenience functions for D-Bus services
python3-slixmpp (1.4.2-1)
Threadless, event-based XMPP Python 3 library
python3-slixmpp-lib (1.4.2-1)
Threadless, event-based XMPP Python 3 library (optional binary module)
python3-slugify (2.0.1-1)
Python module that provides tools for slugifying unicode strings (Python 3)
python3-smartypants (2.0.0-1)
smart-quotes plugin for pyblosxom (Python 3 version)
python3-smbc (
liaisons Python⋅3 pour la bibliothèque client Samba
python3-smbus (4.1-1)
liaisons Python.3 pour l'accès SMBus de Linux avec i2c-dev
python3-smclib (1.8.3-1+b1)
Robot OS 'bond' State Machine Compiler Python 3 package
python3-smmap (2.0.5-1)
implémentation en Python pur d’un gestionnaire de fenêtrage glissant de mappages de mémoire
python3-smoke-zephyr (1.4.1-1)
Python utility collection
python3-smstrade (0.2.4-5)
bibliothèque pour envoyer des SMS à l’aide du service smstrade – Python 3
python3-snappy (0.5.3-1)
snappy compression library from Google - Python 3.x
python3-sniffio (1.0.0-1)
detect which async Python library is in use
python3-snimpy (0.8.13-1)
high-level SNMP bindings for Python 3
python3-snowballstemmer (1.2.1-1)
Pure Python 3 Snowball stemming library
python3-snuggs (1.4.3-1)
S-expressions pour numpy – version en Python 3
python3-soapysdr (0.6.1-4+b1)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour SoapySDR
python3-social-auth-core (3.1.0-1)
This is the core component of the python-social-auth ecosystem
python3-social-django (3.1.0-2)
This is the Django component of the python-social-auth ecosystem
python3-socketio-client (0.6.5-0.1)
bibliothèque cliente pour Python 3
python3-socketpool (0.5.3-4)
simple Python 3 socket pool
python3-socks (1.6.8+dfsg-1)
module de client SOCKS pour Python 3
python3-softlayer (5.6.4-1)
client en Python pour l’API de SoftLayer – Python 3
python3-software-properties (
gestion des dépôts depuis lesquels sont installés les logiciels
python3-solv (0.6.35-2+deb10u1)
dependency solver using a satisfiability algorithm (Python3 bindings)
python3-sorl-thumbnail (12.5.0-1)
thumbnail support for the Django framework (Python3 version)
python3-sortedcollections (1.0.1-1)
Python 3 Sorted Collections
python3-sortedcontainers (2.0.4-1)
sorted container types: SortedList, SortedDict, and SortedSet (Python 3)
python3-sortedm2m (1.2.2-1)
Replacement for Django's many to many field with sorted relations (Python 3)
python3-soupsieve (1.8+dfsg-1)
modern CSS selector implementation for BeautifulSoup (Python 3)
python3-spake2 (0.8-1)
SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure python)
python3-sparkpost (1.3.7-1)
SparkPost Python API client (Python 3)
python3-sparqlwrapper (1.8.2-0.1)
SPARQL endpoint interface to Python3
python3-sparse (0.2.0-1)
multidimensional sparse arrays for Python
python3-spectra (0.0.11-1)
Easy color scales and color conversion for Python (Python 3 version)
python3-spectral-cube (0.4.3-2)
manipulation de cubes de données astronomiques avec Python
python3-specutils (0.5.2-1)
Base classes and utilities for astronomical spectra in Python
python3-speechd (0.9.0-5+deb10u1)
interface Python à Speech Dispatcher
python3-speg (0.3-1)
PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization
python3-spf (2.0.12t-3)
sender policy framework (SPF) module for Python 3
python3-spf-engine (2.9.2-0+deb10u1)
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) processing module
python3-spglib (1.12.2-1)
C library for crystal symmetry determination - Python3 bindings
python3-sphere (3.2-11)
Python3 interface to the spherepack scientific library.
python3-sphinx (1.8.4-1)
documentation generator for Python projects (implemented in Python 3)
python3-sphinx-argparse (0.2.2-2)
Sphinx extension for argparse commands and options (Python 3)
python3-sphinx-astropy (1.1.1-1)
Sphinx extensions and configuration specific to the Astropy project
python3-sphinx-autobuild (0.7.1-2)
Automatically rebuild Sphinx documentation
python3-sphinx-automodapi (0.10-4)
Sphinx extension for auto-generating API documentation for modules
python3-sphinx-autorun (1.1.0-3)
Code execution extension for Sphinx (Python 3)
python3-sphinx-bootstrap-theme (0.6.5-1)
bootstrap theme for Sphinx (Python 3)
python3-sphinx-celery (1.3.1-2)
Sphinx Celery theme
python3-sphinx-feature-classification (0.3.0-1)
generate a matrix of pluggable drivers and their support to an API
python3-sphinx-gallery (0.2.0-1)
extension construisant une galerie HTML d’exemples de scripts Python – Python 3
python3-sphinx-paramlinks (0.3.5-1)
Sphinx extension to make param links linkable (Python 3 version)
python3-sphinx-rtd-theme (0.4.3+dfsg-1)
sphinx theme from (Python 3)
python3-sphinx-testing (0.8.1-1)
testing utility for Sphinx extensions for Python3
python3-sphinxbase (0.8+5prealpha+1-3+b1)
Speech recognition tool - Python3 bindings
python3-sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme (0.8.0-7)
documentation des IPA construites avec Pecan et WSME – Python 3.x
python3-sphinxcontrib.actdiag (0.8.5-1)
Sphinx "actdiag" extension for Python3
python3-sphinxcontrib.apidoc (0.2.1-2)
Sphinx extension for running 'sphinx-apidoc' on each build - Python 3.x
python3-sphinxcontrib.autoprogram (0.1.5-1)
documentation automatique de programmes CLI pour Sphinx – Python 3
python3-sphinxcontrib.bibtex (0.4.1-2)
Sphinx extension for BibTeX style citations
python3-sphinxcontrib.blockdiag (1.5.5-1)
Sphinx "blockdiag" extension for Python 3
python3-sphinxcontrib.doxylink (1.5-1)
Sphinx extension for linking to Doxygen documentation (Python 3)
python3-sphinxcontrib.httpdomain (1.5.0-2)
Sphinx domain for HTTP APIs - Python 3.x
python3-sphinxcontrib.nwdiag (0.9.5-1)
extension « nwdiag » de Sphinx pour Python 3
python3-sphinxcontrib.plantuml (0.5-5)
Extension PlantUML pour Sphinx - Python 3.x
python3-sphinxcontrib.programoutput (0.11-3.1)
insert the output of arbitrary commands into documents - Python 3.x
python3-sphinxcontrib.restbuilder (0.2-2)
extension to build reST (reStructuredText) files with Sphinx (Python 3)
python3-sphinxcontrib.seqdiag (0.8.5-1)
Sphinx "seqdiag" extension for Python3
python3-sphinxcontrib.spelling (4.2.0-1)
extension de correction orthographique pour Sphinx – Python 3
python3-sphinxcontrib.websupport (1.1.0-2)
API to integrate Sphinx documentation into Web applications (Python 3)
python3-sphinxtesters (0.2.1-1)
utilities for testing Sphinx extensions - Python 3
python3-spoon (1.0.6-3)
Simple to use pre-forking server interface (Python 3)
python3-spur (0.3.20-1)
Run commands easily over SSH (Python3)
python3-spyder (3.3.3+dfsg1-1)
public modules for spyder (Python 3)
python3-spyder-kernels (1.0.1+really0.2.4-1)
Jupyter kernels for the Spyder console - Python 3
python3-spyder-line-profiler (0.1.1-1)
line profiling plugin for the Spyder IDE
python3-spyder-memory-profiler (0.1.2-1)
memory profiling plugin for the Spyder IDE
python3-spyder-reports (0.1.1-3)
plugin to render scientific reports within the Spyder IDE
python3-spyder-unittest (0.3.0-1)
plugin to run tests within the Spyder IDE
python3-spyderlib (3.3.3+dfsg1-1)
transitional dummy package for python3-spyder
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-spyder
python3-sql (1.0.0-1)
Library to write SQL queries (implemented in Python 3)
python3-sqlalchemy (1.2.18+ds1-2)
SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python 3
python3-sqlalchemy-ext (1.2.18+ds1-2)
SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python3 - C extension
python3-sqlalchemy-i18n (1.0.3-1)
extension pour l’internalisation des modèles de SQLALchemy
python3-sqlalchemy-utils (0.32.21-1)
diverses fonctions utilitaires pour SQLAlchemy – Python 3.x
python3-sqlobject (3.7.0+dfsg-2)
Python 3 object relational manager providing an object interface to databases
python3-sqlparse (0.2.4-1+deb10u1) [security]
analyseur SQL sans validation pour Python 3
python3-sqlsoup (0.9.1-3)
one step database access tool for Python3, built on the SQLAlchemy ORM
python3-sqt (0.8.0-3)
SeQuencing Tools for biological DNA/RNA high-throughput data
python3-srp (1.0.14-1)
Secure Remote Password protocol implementation (Python 3)
python3-srs (1.0.3-1)
Python3 SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) library
python3-ssdeep (3.1+dfsg-2+b2)
Python 3.x wrapper for the ssdeep piecewise hashing tool
python3-sshpubkeys (3.1.0-1)
SSH public key parser - Python 3
python3-sshtunnel (0.1.4-2)
SSH tunnels to remote server
python3-sss (1.16.3-3.2+deb10u2) [security]
Python3 module for the System Security Services Daemon
python3-stardicter (1.2-1)
Conversion tools from various formats to StarDict
python3-static3 (0.7.0-6)
Really simple WSGI way to serve static content (Python 3)
python3-staticconf (0.10.3-2)
Python library for loading and reading configuration (Python 3)
python3-statsd (3.2.1-2)
client en Python pour le serveur statsd (Python 3)
python3-statsmodels (0.8.0-9)
Python3 module for the estimation of statistical models
python3-statsmodels-lib (0.8.0-9)
Python3 low-level implementations and bindings for statsmodels
python3-std-msgs (0.5.11-5)
Python 3 interface for Standard Robot OS Messages
python3-std-srvs (1.11.2-9)
Robot OS Common service definitions, Python 3 bindings
python3-stdeb (0.8.5-1)
Python to Debian source package conversion plugins for distutils
python3-stdnum (1.10-1)
Python module to handle standardized numbers and codes (Python3 version)
python3-stem (1.7.1-1)
bibliothèque de contrôle de Tor pour la série Python 3
python3-stemmer (1.3.0+dfsg-1+b9)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour libstemmer –⋅algorithmes de désuffixation de Snowball
python3-stereo-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS stereo, Python 3 interface
python3-stestr (2.1.0-2)
test runner similar to testrepository - Python 3.x
python3-stevedore (1.29.0-2)
manage dynamic plugins for Python applications - python3
python3-stl (2.9.0-1)
gestion des fichiers STL et des objets en 3D avec le langage Python
python3-stomp (4.1.19-1)
STOMP client library for Python 3
python3-stomper (0.4.1-1)
implémentation en Python de client pour le protocole STOMP – Python 3
python3-straight.plugin (1.4.1-2)
fonction simple de greffon en espace de noms – Python 3
python3-streamlink (1.0.0+dfsg-1)
Python module for extracting video streams from various websites
python3-streamparser (5.0.2-1)
Python library to parse Apertium stream format
python3-stringtemplate3 (3.1-4)
template engine with strict model-view separation - Python 3
python3-structlog (18.1.0-1)
structured logging for Python (3.x)
python3-stsci.distutils (0.3.7-4)
Python3 packaging utilities for STScI's packages (3.4.13-2)
outils divers en Python du STScI
python3-subnettree (0.28-1)
Python 3 Module for CIDR Lookups
python3-subunit (1.3.0-1+deb10u1) [security]
unit testing protocol - Python3 bindings to generate and consume streams
python3-subunit2sql (1.10.0-1)
subunit file/stream to DB - Python 3.x
python3-subvertpy (0.10.1-2)
Alternative Python bindings for Subversion - Python 3
python3-suds (0.7~git20150727.94664dd-5)
client SOAP léger pour Python – Python 3.x
python3-sunlight (1.1.5-2)
set of bindings to access U.S. government data (Python 3)
python3-sunpy (0.9.6-2)
Software library for solar physics based on Python
python3-sure (1.2.5-5)
ceinture d'utilitaires de tests automatiques – Python 3.x
python3-sushy (1.3.1-3)
small library to communicate with Redfish based systems - Python 3.x
python3-svg.path (3.0-1)
SVG path objects and parser for Python3
python3-svgwrite (1.2.1-3)
library to create SVG drawings (Python 3)
python3-svipc (0.16-3)
interprocess communication (shared memory...) for Python 3
python3-svn (1.9.9-1)
A(nother) Python 3 interface to Subversion
python3-swiftclient (1:3.6.0-2)
bibliothèque cliente pour l’API de Swift d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-swiftsc (0.5-1)
simple client library of OpenStack Swift for python3
python3-swiglpk (4.65.0-1)
Plain Python bindings for the GNU Linear Programming Kit (Python 3)
python3-sympy (1.3-2)
Computer Algebra System (CAS) in Python (Python3)
python3-systemd (234-2+b1)
Python 3 bindings for systemd
python3-systemfixtures (0.6.4-1)
Test fixtures providing fake versions of various system resources
python3-sysv-ipc (0.6.8-2+b4)
sémaphores , mémoire partagée et file d’attente de messages – Python 3.x
python3-tables (3.4.4-2)
hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5
python3-tables-lib (3.4.4-2)
hierarchical database for Python3 based on HDF5 (extension)
python3-tablib (0.12.1-2)
format agnostic tabular dataset library - Python 3.x
python3-tabulate (0.8.2-1)
pretty-print tabular data in Python3
python3-tackerclient (0.14.0-2)
CLI and Client Library for OpenStack Tacker - Python 3.x
python3-taglib (0.3.6+dfsg-2+b7)
Python3 bindings for the TagLib audio metadata library
python3-tagpy (2013.1-6.1)
Python 3 module for manipulating tags in music files
python3-tango (9.2.5-1)
API for the TANGO control system (Python 3)
python3-tap (2.5-2)
TAP producer/consumer tools for Python unittest -- Python 3 version
python3-taskflow (3.2.0-3)
Taskflow structured state management library - Python 3.x
python3-taskw (1.2.0-2)
Python bindings for your taskwarrior database (Python 3 version)
python3-tblib (1.3.2-3)
Python 3 traceback fiddling library
python3-tdb (1.3.16-2+b1)
liaisons Python⋅3 pour TDB
python3-tds (1.9.1-1)
Python DBAPI driver for MSSQL using pure Python TDS (Python 3)
python3-tempest (1:19.0.0-2)
OpenStack Integration Test Suite - Python 3.x
python3-tempest-horizon (0.0.1+git.2018.01.24.a23f4074fd-2)
suite de tests d'intégration pour OpenStack – greffon Horizon
python3-tempita (0.5.2-2)
très petit langage de formatage de texte
python3-tenacity (4.12.0-2)
retry code until it succeeeds - Python 3.x
python3-termbox (1.1.2+dfsg-3)
Library for writing text-based user interfaces (Python)
python3-termcolor (1.1.0-2)
formatage en couleurs ANSII de la sortie dans un terminal – Python 3.x
python3-terminado (0.8.1-4)
Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets (Python 3)
python3-terminaltables (3.1.0-2)
Python library for printing tables to the console
python3-termstyle (0.1.10-2)
coloration de la console pour Python – Python 3.x
python3-tesserocr (2.4.0-4)
enveloppe Python autour de l'API de tesseract-ocr (version Python 3)
python3-test-server (0.0.27-1)
HTTP Server to test HTTP clients (Python 3)
python3-testfixtures (4.14.3-2)
Collection of helpers and mock objects (Python3 version)
python3-testing.common.database (2.0.0-1)
Python testing.* framework - common database utilities (Python 3)
python3-testing.mysqld (1.4.0-3)
Python testing.* framework - MySQL helpers (Python 3)
python3-testing.postgresql (1.3.0-1)
Python testing.* framework - PostgreSQL helpers (Python 3)
python3-testpath (0.4.2+dfsg-1)
Utilities for Python 3 code working with files and commands
python3-testrepository (0.0.20-3)
base de données de résultat de tests – bibliothèque de Python 3.x
python3-testresources (2.0.0-2)
PyUnit extension for managing expensive test fixtures - Python 3.x
python3-testscenarios (0.5.0-2)
injection de dépendances pour des tests unittest en Python – Python 3.x
python3-testtools (2.3.0-5)
extensions pour la bibliothèque de tests unitaires de Python – Python 3.x
python3-texext (0.6.1-1)
sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math - Python
python3-textile (1:3.0.3-1)
Python 3 parser for the Textile markup
python3-texttable (1.6.0-1)
Module for creating simple ASCII tables — python3
python3-tf (1.12.0-5+b1)
Robot OS tf transform library - Python 3
python3-tf-conversions (1.12.0-5+b1)
Robot OS conversion library between Eigen, KDL and tf - Python 3 interface
python3-tf2 (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS tf2 transform library - Python 3
python3-tf2-geometry-msgs (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS tf2 transform library for Bullet - Python 3
python3-tf2-kdl (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS tf2 transform library using Orocos-KDL - Python 3
python3-tf2-msgs (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS messages for tf2 transform library - Python 3
python3-tf2-ros (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS binding for tf2 transform library - Python 3
python3-tf2-sensor-msgs (0.6.5-3)
Robot OS sensor messages for tf2 transform library - Python 3
python3-theano (1.0.3+dfsg-1)
CPU/GPU math expression compiler for Python 3
python3-thinc (6.12.1-1)
apprentissage automatique pour le traitement du langage naturel en Python
python3-thriftpy (0.3.9+ds1-1+b1)
Pure Python implementation of Apache Thrift
python3-tidylib (0.3.2~dfsg-4)
Python 3 wrapper for HTML Tidy (tidylib)
python3-tinycss (0.4-2)
analyseur CSS complet quoique simple – version en Python 3
python3-tinycss2 (0.6.1-1)
Low-level CSS parser (Python3 version)
python3-tinyrpc (0.6-1)
small, modular RPC library — Python 3
python3-tk (3.7.3-1)
Tkinter –⋅écriture d'applications Tk avec Python⋅3.x
python3-tksnack (
Sound extension to Tcl/Tk and Python/Tkinter - Python 3.x library
python3-tktreectrl (2.0.2-1)
Tkinter-based wrapper for Tk TreeCtrl for Python 3
python3-tld (0.9.1-1)
Extract the top level domain (TLD) from a given URL (Python 3)
python3-tldextract (2.2.0-2)
Python library for separating TLDs
python3-tlsh (3.4.4+20151206-1.1)
fuzzy hashing library - Python3 module
python3-tlslite-ng (0.7.5-2)
pure Python3 implementation of SSL/TLS protocols
python3-tmdbsimple (2.2.0-1)
Wrapper for The Movie Database API (Python3 version)
python3-tnetstring (0.3.1-2+b1)
python3 library for data serialization using typed netstrings
python3-tomahawk (0.7.1-2)
simple ssh wrapper for executing commands into many hosts (py3)
python3-toml (0.10.0-1)
bibliothèque pour Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language – Python 3.x
python3-toolz (0.9.0-1)
List processing tools and functional utilities
python3-tooz (1.62.0-3)
coordination library for distributed systems - Python 3.x
python3-topic-tools (1.14.3+ds1-5+deb10u3)
Python 3 library for working with Robot OS topics
python3-toposort (1.5-2)
topological sort algorithm - Python 3 module
python3-tornado (5.1.1-4)
outils et serveur web non bloquants dimensionnables – paquet en Python 3
python3-toro (1.0.1-3)
Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines (python3)
python3-tosca-parser (1.1.0-3)
analyseur syntaxique YAML pour TOSCA Simple Profile — Python 3.x
python3-tower-cli (3.3.0-1)
Python 3 client library for the Ansible Tower and AWX Project's REST API
python3-tqdm (4.28.1-1)
fast, extensible progress bar for Python 3 and CLI tool
python3-traceback2 (1.4.0-5)
rétroportages du module traceback – Python 3.x
python3-traitlets (4.3.2-1)
Lightweight Traits-like package for Python 3
python3-traits (4.6.0-1+b2)
Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python (Python 3)
python3-trajectory-msgs (1.12.7-1)
messages relatifs aux trajectoires de Robot OS – interface en Python 3
python3-transaction (1.4.3-3)
gestion de transaction pour Python
python3-translate (2.3.1-3)
boite à outils d’aide à la localisation de logiciels – Python 3
python3-translationstring (1.3-2)
Utility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze packages - Python 3.x
python3-transliterate (1.10.2-2)
translittération bi-directionnelle pour Python
python3-transmissionrpc (0.11-3)
Transmission RPC client module for Python 3
python3-treetime (0.5.3-1)
inférence de phylogénies marquées temporellement et reconstruction ancestrale – Python 3
python3-treq (18.6.0-0.1)
Higher level API for making HTTP requests with Twisted (Python 3)
python3-trezor (0.9.0-1)
library for communicating with TREZOR Bitcoin HW wallet (Python 3)
python3-trie (0.2+ds-1)
implémentation en Python pur de la structure de données trie – Python 3
python3-trollimage (1.7.0-1)
Pytroll imaging library
python3-trollsched (0.5.1-2)
Scheduling satellite passes in Python
python3-trollsift (0.3.2-1)
String parser/formatter for PyTroll packages
python3-trove-dashboard (11.0.0-2)
Database as a Service for OpenStack - dashboard plugin
python3-troveclient (1:2.16.0-2)
client pour le service de bases de données d’OpenStack – Python 3.x
python3-trustme (0.4.0-3)
autorité de certification factice pour des tests
python3-tsk (20190121-2)
Python Bindings for The Sleuth Kit
python3-ttystatus (0.38-2)
barre de progression et état dans un terminal pour Python
python3-tunigo (1.0.0-3)
Python API for the browse feature of Spotify (Python 3)
python3-tvdb-api (2.0-1)
API interface to (Python 3)
python3-tweepy (3.6.0-1.1)
Twitter library for Python 3
python3-twilio (6.8.2-2)
Twilio API client and TwiML generator (Python 3)
python3-twisted (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
environnement géré par événements pour applications réseau
python3-twisted-bin (18.9.0-3+deb10u2) [security]
environnement géré par événements pour applications réseau
python3-twitter (3.3-1)
Twitter API wrapper for Python 3
python3-twodict (1.2-1)
Simple two way ordered dictionary for Python 3
python3-twython (3.7.0-1)
Pure Python3 wrapper for the Twitter API
python3-txaio (2.10.0-1)
API de compatibilité entre asyncio/Twisted/Trollius – Python 3.x
python3-txtorcon (18.3.0-1)
Twisted-based asynchronous Tor control protocol implementation (Python 3)
python3-txws (0.9.1-3)
Python module to add Websocket support to the Twisted framework (Python 3)
python3-txzmq (0.8.0-1)
ZeroMQ binding for the Twisted framework (Python3 version)
python3-typed-ast (1.3.1-1)
AST with PEP 484 type comments support
python3-typedload (1.13-1)
Load and dump json-like data into typed data structures in Python3
python3-typeguard (2.2.2-1)
Run-time type checker for Python
python3-typing-extensions (3.7.2-1)
Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python
python3-typogrify (1:2.0.7-1)
filters to transform text into typographically-improved HTML (Python 3)
python3-tz (2019.1-1)
version Python3 de la base de données de fuseaux horaires d'Olson
python3-tzlocal (1.5.1-1)
objet tzinfo pour le fuseau horaire local –⋅version Python⋅3
python3-u-msgpack (2.1-1)
Python3 MessagePack serializer and deserializer
python3-u2flib-server (5.0.0-1)
Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) server communication Python3 module
python3-ua-parser (0.8.0-1)
module de Python pour l’analyse des chaines User-Agent HTTP
python3-ubjson (0.12.0-1)
Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder for Python 3
python3-udatetime (0.0.16-1+deb10u1)
fast RFC3339 compliant date-time library (Python 3)
python3-ufl (2018.1.0-5)
unified language for form-compilers (Python 3)
python3-uflash (1.2.4+dfsg-1+deb10u1)
module and utility for flashing the BBC micro:bit
python3-ufo2ft (2.6.0-1)
Bridge from UFOs to fonttools objects
python3-ufolib2 (0.3.0+dfsg1-1)
Unified Font Object (UFO) fonts library
python3-ufonormalizer (0.3.6-1)
Python library to normalize the XML and other data inside of a UFO
python3-uinput (0.11.2-1)
Pythonic API to Linux uinput kernel module (Python3)
python3-ujson (1.35-3)
ultra fast JSON encoder and decoder for Python 3
python3-ukui-menu (1.1.3-2+b1)
implementation of the freedesktop menu specification for UKUI (Python bindings)
python3-ulmo (0.8.4+dfsg1-2)
Simple & fast Python 3 access to public hydrology & climatology data
python3-unbound (1.9.0-2+deb10u4) [security]
bibliothèque implémentant la résolution et la validation DNS –⋅liaisons Python⋅3
python3-uncertainties (3.0.2.github-2)
Python3 module for calculations with uncertainties
python3-unicodecsv (0.14.1-1)
drop-in replacement for Pythons CSV module with Unicode support
python3-unidecode (1.0.23-1)
translittérations en ASCII de texte Unicode – module de Python 3
python3-unidiff (0.5.4-1)
Unified diff Python parsing/metadata extraction library (Python 3)
python3-unittest2 (1.1.0-6.1)
rétroportage du cadriciel moderne de tests, unittest – Python 3.x
python3-uno (1:6.1.5-3+deb10u12) [security]
pont Python-UNO
python3-unpaddedbase64 (1.1.0-4)
unpadded Base64 implementation in Python 3
python3-unrardll (0.1.3-2) [contrib]
Python wrapper for the unrar shared library
python3-uranium (3.3.0-1)
application framework for Cura (Python library)
python3-uritemplate (0.6-3)
implementation of RFC6570 - Python 3.x
python3-uritools (2.2.0-1)
RFC 3986 compliant replacement for urlparse (Python 3)
python3-urllib3 (1.24.1-1+deb10u2) [security]
bibliothèque HTTP avec groupement de connexions utilisable avec les processus légers pour Python3
python3-urlobject (2.4.0-1)
utility class for manipulating URLs.
python3-urwid (2.0.1-2+b1)
curses-based UI/widget library for Python 3
python3-urwid-utils (0.1.2.dev2-1)
Collection of simple, straightforward, but extensible utilities for urwid
python3-urwidtrees (
Urwid Tree Container API
python3-usagestats (0.7-4)
Python3 module to collect usagestats from users
python3-usb (1.0.2-1)
USB interface for Python (Python3)
python3-user-agents (1.1.0-1)
Pure Python implementation for detecting which user agent is used
python3-utidylib (0.5-2)
Python wrapper for TidyLib
python3-uvicorn (0.3.24-1)
ASGI server implementation, using uvloop and httptools (Python3 version)
python3-uvloop (0.11.2+ds1-1)
fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv
python3-uwsgidecorators (2.0.18-1)
module of decorators for elegant access to uWSGI API (Python 3)
python3-vagrant (0.5.15-2)
Python 3 bindings for interacting with Vagrant virtual machines
python3-validictory (0.8.3-3)
general purpose Python data validator (Python 3)
python3-vatnumber (1:1.2-8)
Python module to validate VAT numbers (implemented in Python 3)
python3-vcr (2.0.1-3)
record and replay HTML interactions (Python3 library)
python3-vcstools (0.1.40-2)
bibliothèque Python de gestion de versions VCS/SCM pour svn, git, hg et bzr – Python 3
python3-vcversioner (
utilisation des étiquettes de gestion de versions pour découvrir les numéros de version – Python 3
python3-venusian (1.2.0-1)
library for deferring decorator actions
python3-venv (3.7.3-1)
exécutable pyvenv-3 pour Python 3 — version par défaut de Python 3
python3-versiontools (1.9.1-3)
Smart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__ (Python 3)
python3-vertica (0.8.2-1) [contrib]
native Python client for the Vertica database (Python 3)
python3-vine (1.1.4+dfsg-2)
Python promises (Python 3 version)
python3-virtualenv (15.1.0+ds-2+deb10u1)
Python virtual environment creator
python3-virtualenv-clone (0.3.0-1.2)
script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv (Python3)
python3-vispy (0.4.0-1)
interactive visualization in Python 3
python3-visualization-msgs (1.12.7-1)
Messages relating to Robot OS visualization, Python 3 interface
python3-vitrageclient (2.3.0-2)
analyse de cause racine d’OpenStack sous forme de client de service
python3-vlc (3.0.4106-1)
liaisons de Python pour VLC
python3-vobject (
parse iCalendar and vCards in Python3
python3-volatildap (1.2.2-1)
Temporary slapd launcher for testing purposes
python3-volume-key (0.3.12-2+b1)
Python 3 bindings for volume-key
python3-voluptuous (0.11.1-1)
Python 3 library to validate data
python3-voluptuous-serialize (2.1.0-1)
Code for converting voluptuous schemas to Python dictionaries
python3-vtk-dicom (0.8.9-1)
DICOM for VTK - Python
python3-vtk7 (7.1.1+dfsg1-12+b1)
Python bindings for VTK
python3-vtkgdcm (2.8.8-9)
Grassroots DICOM VTK/Python bindings
python3-w3lib (1.20.0-1)
Collection of web-related functions (Python 3)
python3-wadllib (1.3.3-2)
Python 3 library for navigating WADL files
python3-waiting (1.4.1-3)
module Python pour attendre que des événements se produisent – version Python 3
python3-waitress (1.2.0~b2-2+deb10u1)
serveur WSGI en Python pur et de qualité production – Python 3
python3-wand (0.4.4-3)
Python interface for ImageMagick library (Python 3 build)
python3-warlock (1.2.0-2)
construction de modèle d’objet au-dessus d’un schéma JSON – Python 3.x
python3-watchdog (0.9.0-1)
Python API and shell utilities to monitor file system events - Python 3.x
python3-watcher (1.12.0-3)
OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service - Python 2.7 libraries
python3-watcherclient (2.1.0-3)
OpenStack Cloud Optimization as a Service client - Python 3.x
python3-watson (1.6.0-6)
Library for Watson (Python 3)
python3-watson-developer-cloud (2.5.4-1)
bibliothèque cliente pour utiliser les services de Watson d’IBM – Python 3
python3-wchartype (0.1-1)
handling double-byte (full-width) characters (Python 3)
python3-wcwidth (0.1.7+dfsg1-3)
determine printable width of a string on a terminal (Python 3)
python3-webassets (3:0.12.1-1)
Asset management application for Python web development (Python 3)
python3-webcolors (1.5-2)
bibliothèque de Python 3 de noms de couleur et formats de valeur
python3-webdav (0.9.11~git20180601.5d7d16a-5)
implémentation du serveur WebDAV en Python 3
python3-webencodings (0.5.1-1)
Python implementation of the WHATWG Encoding standard
python3-webob (1:1.8.5-1)
Python module providing WSGI request and response objects (Python 3)
python3-webpy (1:0.39+20181101-1)
Web framework for Python applications
python3-websocket (0.53.0-1)
bibliothèque cliente WebSocket – Python 3.x
python3-websockets (7.0-1)
implementation of the WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455)
python3-websockify (0.8.0+dfsg1-10)
WebSockets support for any application/server - Python 3
python3-webtest (2.0.32-1)
wraps any WSGI application and makes it easy to test
python3-webview (2.3+dfsg-1)
Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
python3-werkzeug (0.14.1+dfsg1-4+deb10u2) [security]
collection of utilities for WSGI applications (Python 3.x)
python3-wget (3.2-2)
pure Python download utility for Python 3
python3-whatthepatch (0.0.5-2)
Library for parsing patch files(Python 3)
python3-wheel (0.32.3-2)
built-package format for Python
python3-whichcraft (0.4.1-1)
cross-platform cross-python shutil.which functionality (Python 3 module)
python3-whisper (1.1.4-2)
database engine for fast, reliable fixed-sized databases
python3-whitenoise (3.3.1-1)
service de fichiers statiques pour les applications WSGI – Python 3
python3-whois (0.7-6)
Python module for retrieving WHOIS information - Python 3
python3-whoosh (2.7.4+git6-g9134ad92-4)
pure-Python full-text indexing, search, and spell checking library (Python 3)
python3-widgetsnbextension (6.0.0-4)
Interactive widgets - Jupyter notebook extension (Python 3)
python3-wikitrans (1.3-1)
MediaWiki markup translator (python3 library)
python3-winrm (0.3.0-2)
bibliothèque Python 3 pour Windows Remote Management
python3-wither (1.1-2)
XML/HTML Generation DSL (Python 3)
python3-wokkel (18.0.0-1)
collection en Python 3 d’améliorations de Twisted
python3-workqueue (7.0.9-2)
cooperative computing tools work queue Python3 bindings
python3-wrapt (1.10.11-1)
décorateurs, enveloppes et extensions – Python 3.x
python3-wreport (3.15-1)
bibliothèque de Python pour les bulletins météorologiques BUFR et CREX
python3-wsaccel (0.6.2-1+b1)
Accelerator for ws4py and AutobahnPython - Python 3.x
python3-wsgi-intercept (1.5.0-2)
installation d’une application WSGI à la place d’un URI pour test – Python 3
python3-wsgicors (0.4.1-1)
WSGI middleware to handle CORS preflight requests for Python 3
python3-wsgilog (0.3.1-2)
WSGI logging and event reporting middleware (Python 3)
python3-wsgiproxy (0.4.5-1)
minimalist WSGI server implementation using async
python3-wsme (0.9.3-2)
Web Service Made Easy : implémentation de services web multi-protocoles – Python 3.x
python3-wsproto (0.11.0-2)
WebSockets state-machine based protocol implementation (Python3)
python3-wstool (0.1.17-1)
Commands to manage multi-VCS repositories (for Robot OS) Python 3
python3-wtf-peewee (3.0.0+dfsg-1)
WTForms integration for peewee models (Python 3)
python3-wtforms (2.2.1-1)
flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python 3
python3-wxgtk-media4.0 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)
interface Python 3 à la boîte à outils graphique⋅C++ multiplateforme wxWidgets –
python3-wxgtk-webview4.0 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)
interface Python 3 pour la boîte à outils C++ d’interface graphique multiplateforme wxWidgets – wx.html2
python3-wxgtk4.0 (4.0.4+dfsg-2)
interface de Python 3 pour la boite à outils graphiques multiplateforme en C++
python3-x2go (
Python module providing X2Go client API (Python 3)
python3-x2gobroker (
X2Go Session Broker (Python3 modules)
python3-x3dh (0.5.8-1)
Python 3 implementation of the X3DH key agreement protocol
python3-xapian (1.4.11-2)
interface du moteur de recherche Xapian pour Python3
python3-xapian-haystack (2.1.0-3)
Xapian backend for Django-Haystack (Python3 version)
python3-xapp (1.2.0-2)
Python 3 XApp library
python3-xarray (0.11.3-2)
tableaux étiquetés et ensembles de données à N dimensions en Python 3
python3-xattr (0.9.6-1)
module for manipulating filesystem extended attributes - Python 3
paquet virtuel fourni par python3-xattr
python3-xdg (0.25-5)
bibliothèque Python⋅3 d'accès aux normes
python3-xdmf (3.0+git20160803-5+b1)
enveloppes de Python 3 pour la bibliothèque eXtensible Data Model and Format
python3-xdo (0.4-1)
Python 3 library for simulating X11 keyboard/mouse input (libxdo bindings)
python3-xeddsa (0.4.6-1)
Python 3 implementation of the XEdDSA signature scheme
python3-xhtml2pdf (0.2.2-2)
A library for converting HTML into PDFs using ReportLab (Python 3 module)
python3-xkcd (2.4.2-1)
Python3 library for accessing
python3-xlib (0.23-2)
interface for Python 3 to the X11 protocol
python3-xlrd (1.1.0-1)
extract data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files (Python3 version)
python3-xlsxwriter (1.1.2-0.1)
Python 3 module for creating Excel XLSX files
python3-xlwt (1.3.0-2)
module pour écrire des feuilles de calcul Excel de Microsoft – Python 3.x
python3-xmlmarshaller (1.0.1-2)
Converting Python objects to XML and back again (Python 3)
python3-xmltodict (0.11.0-2)
Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (Python 3)
python3-xopen (0.5.0-2)
Python3 module to open compressed files transparently
python3-xstatic (1.0.0-6)
paquet de base de XStatic avec un code de prise en charge minimal – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-angular (
gestion d'Angular JS par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-bootstrap (
prise en charge d’Angular-Bootstrap par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-cookies (
gestion des cookies d'Angular JS par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-fileupload (
Angular-FileUpload (standard d'empaquetage XStatic) –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-gettext (
Angular-Gettext (standard d'empaquetage XStatic) –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-lrdragndrop (
Angular-Lrdragndrop 1.0.2 (empaquetage standard par XStatic) – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-mock (
gestion d'Angular JS Mock par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-schema-form (
Angular-Schema-Form (standard d'empaquetage XStatic) –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-angular-uuid (
Angular UUID XStatic support
python3-xstatic-angular-vis (
prise en charge d’Angular Vis par XStatic
python3-xstatic-bootstrap-datepicker (
gestion de Bootstrap-Datepicker par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-bootstrap-scss (
Bootstrap-SCSS 3.2.0 (standard d'empaquetage XStatic) –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-bootswatch (
prise en charge de Bootswatch par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-d3 (
prise en charge de D3 JS par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-filesaver (
implémentation de l'interface saveAs() de FileSaver –⋅prise en charge de XStatic
python3-xstatic-font-awesome (
prise en charge des fontes Awesome par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-hogan (
gestion de Hogan.js par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-jasmine (
prise en charge de Jasmine JS par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-jquery (
prise en charge de jquery par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-jquery-migrate (
prise en charge de JQuery Migrate par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-jquery-ui (
prise en charge de JQuery UI par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-jquery.bootstrap.wizard (
prise en charge de JQuery.Bootstrap.Wizard par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-jquery.quicksearch (
gestion de jQuery.quicksearch par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-jquery.tablesorter (
prise en charge par XStatic de Tablesorter de JQuery – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-js-yaml (
implémentation JavaScript de yaml –⋅prise en charge de XStatic
python3-xstatic-jsencrypt (
prise en charge par XStatic de JSEncrypt – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-json2yaml (
conversion d'objets simples JavaScript ou JSON en YAML –  prise en charge de XStatic
python3-xstatic-magic-search (
prise en charge de Magic-Search par XStatic
python3-xstatic-mdi (
prise en charge d'XStatic de fontes web d’icônes de Material Design – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-objectpath (
objectpath (standard d'empaquetage XStatic) –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-qunit (
gestion de QUnit par XStatic –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xstatic-rickshaw (
prise en charge de Rickshaw JS par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-roboto-fontface (
prise en charge par XStatic de la police de caractères Roboto – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-smart-table (
smart table pour AngularJS (empaquetage de type XStatic) - Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-spin (
prise en charge de Spin.js par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-term.js (
prise en charge de term.js par XStatic – Python 3.x
python3-xstatic-tv4 (
tv4 (standard d'empaquetage XStatic) –⋅Python⋅3.x
python3-xtermcolor (1.2.1-2)
Python3 module to print coloured text on terminals
python3-xvfbwrapper (0.2.9-1)
affichage sans écran avec Xvfb — Python 3.x
python3-yaml (3.13-2)
analyseur et générateur de code YAML pour Python3
python3-yamlordereddictloader (0.4.0-1)
loader and dump for PyYAML keeping keys order
python3-yang (0.16.105-1+deb10u1)
parser toolkit for IETF YANG data modeling - python3 support
python3-yapf (0.25.0-2.1)
public modules for yapf (Python 3)
python3-yapps (2.2.1-3)
Yet Another Python Parser System
python3-yapsy (1.12.0-1)
simple plugin system for Python3 applications
python3-yaql (1.1.3-2)
Yet Another Query Language – Python 3.x
python3-yara (3.9.0-1)
liaisons de Python 3 pour YARA
python3-yarl (1.3.0-1)
encore une autre bibliothèque d’URL pour Python
python3-yaswfp (0.9.3-1)
Yet Another SWF Parser (Python 3)
python3-yattag (1.11.1-1)
library for generating HTML or XML in a pythonic way (Python 3)
python3-yenc (0.4.0-4)
extension de codage et décodage yEnc – Python 3
python3-yowsup (2.5.7-4)
Python 3 library to implement a WhatsApp client
python3-yt (3.5.0-1)
Framework for analyzing and visualizing simulation data (Python 3)
python3-yubikey-manager (2.1.0-1+deb10u1)
Python 3 library for configuring a YubiKey
python3-zake (0.2.2-2)
fourniture d’un ensemble d’utilitaires de test pour la bibliothèque kazoo – Python 3.x
python3-zaqar (7.0.0-1)
service de file d’attente d’OpenStack — bibliothèques Python
python3-zaqar-ui (5.0.0-2)
OpenStack Queueing as a Service - Dashboard plugin
python3-zaqarclient (1.10.0-2)
API d’attente Zaqar d’OpenStack, client et bibliothèque —⋅Python 3.x
python3-zc.customdoctests (1.0.1-1)
Use doctest with other languages (Python 3)
python3-zc.lockfile (1.3.0-1)
Basic inter-process locks for Python 3
python3-zconfig (3.1.0-1)
Structured Configuration Library, for Python 3
python3-zeep (3.2.0-1)
Modern SOAP client library (Python 3)
python3-zenoss (0.6.3-1)
module to work with the Zenoss JSON API (Python 3)
python3-zeroc-ice (3.7.2-4)
Python 3 extension for Ice
python3-zeroconf (0.21.3-1)
implémentation de la découverte de service DNS multicast en pur Python – Python3
python3-zfec (1.5.2-2+b1)
codec d’effacement avec des liaisons vers Python 3
python3-zict (0.1.3-1)
Mutable mapping tools for Python 3
python3-zipstream (1.1.3-1)
Zipfile generator
python3-zmq (17.1.2-2+deb10u1)
Python3 bindings for 0MQ library
python3-zodbpickle (1.0-1+b1)
Fork of pickle module for uniform serialization between Python 2 and 3 (Py3)
python3-zunclient (2.1.0-2)
OpenStack container management service API client - Python 3.x
python3-zvmcloudconnector (1.2.3-1)
z/VM Development SDK for managing z/VM - Python 3
python3-zxcvbn (4.4.27-1)
Realistic password strength estimator - Python3 module
python3-zzzeeksphinx (1.0.20-2)
Zzzeek's Sphinx layout and utilities
python3.7 (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau —⋅version 3.7
python3.7-dev (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
fichiers d'en-tête et bibliothèque statique pour Python −⋅version⋅3.7
python3.7-examples (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
exemples pour le langage Python −⋅version⋅3.7
python3.7-minimal (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
sous-ensemble minimal du langage Python −⋅version⋅3.7
python3.7-venv (3.7.3-2+deb10u7) [security]
langage orienté objet interactif de haut niveau —⋅exécutable pyvenv version⋅3.7
pythontracer (8.10.16-1.2)
Python programs' execution tracer and profiler
pyvcf (0.6.8+git20170215.476169c-1)
script d’aide pour l’analyseur de VCF (Variant Call Format)
qtqr (1.4~bzr32-1)
frontal en Qt pour générer et décoder du code QR
quantlib-python (1.15-1)
Python3 bindings for the Quantlib Quantitative Finance library
rasterio (1.0.21-1)
outil en ligne de commande pour étudier les trames géospatiales
redis-redisearch (1:1.2.1-4)
Full-text and secondary search index engine module for Redis
retweet (0.10-1)
Simple twitter bot to retweet
rpi.gpio-common (0.6.5-1)
module de contrôle des canaux GPIO de Rasperry Pi – fichiers communs
sahara (1:9.0.0-1)
grappe de traitement de données d’OpenStack en tant que service – API et moteur
sahara-api (1:9.0.0-1)
grappe de traitement de données d’OpenStack en tant que service – serveur de l’API
sahara-common (1:9.0.0-1)
grappe de traitement de données d’ OpenStack en tant que service – fichiers communs
sahara-engine (1:9.0.0-1)
grappe de traitement de données d’ OpenStack en tant que service – serveur du moteur
scour (0.37-2)
SVG scrubber and optimizer (CLI and debhelper)
screenkey (0.9-2)
outil de vidéographie pour afficher les frappes de touche
seascope (0.8-3)
outil de navigation dans du code source
sentinelsat (0.12.2-2)
search and download Sentinel satellite images
shade-inventory (1.30.0-2)
Ansible inventory script for OpenStack clouds
shadowsocks (3.0.0~2018.07.31.git.2c107740eb-3)
Fast tunnel proxy that helps you bypass firewalls
shedskin (0.9.4-1)
Python-to-C++ compiler designed to speed up Python programs
sip-dev (4.19.14+dfsg-2)
Python/C++ bindings generator code generator application
sixer (1.6-2)
ajout de la prise en charge de Python 3 aux applications en Python 2 en utilisant six – Python 3.x
slugify (2.0.1-1)
Python slugify application that handles unicode
snakefood (1.4-3)
Python dependency grapher
snimpy (0.8.13-1)
outil SNMP interactif avec Python
spe (0.8.4.h-3.2)
éditeur pour Python de Stani
spf-tools-python (2.0.12t-3)
sender policy framework (SPF) tools for Python
sphinx-common (1.8.4-1)
documentation generator for Python projects - common data
sphinx-intl (0.9.11-2)
utilitaire de prise en charge de la traduction pour Sphinx
sphinx-rtd-theme-common (0.4.3+dfsg-1)
sphinx theme from (common files)
sphinxcontrib-autoprogram (0.1.5-1)
automated documentation of CLI programs for Sphinx (Python 2)
spyder-common (3.3.3+dfsg1-1)
common files for spyder
sqlacodegen (1.1.6-2)
Automatic model code generator for SQLAlchemy
sqlobject-admin (3.7.0+dfsg-2)
applications d’aide pour SQLObject, un ORM en Python pour les bases de données
sshoot (1.4.1-7)
gestion de plusieurs sessions VPN sshuttle
sumtrees (4.4.0-1)
Phylogenetic Tree Summarization and Annotation
tappy (2.5-2)
TAP consumer tool
tegaki-train (0.3.1-1.1)
préparation de tegaki avec votre propre écriture
tempest (1:19.0.0-2)
ensemble de tests d’intégration pour OpenStack
testrepository (0.0.20-3)
système de tests unitaires avec base de données des résultats – métapaquet et documentation
tf2-tools (0.6.5-3)
outil de Robot OS pour la seconde génération de la bibliothèque de transformation tf2
thefuck (3.11-2.1)
spelling corrector of console commands
tifffile (20181128-1+deb10u1)
lecture et écriture de données d’image de et vers des fichiers TIFF
tldextract (2.2.0-2)
Python tool for separating TLDs
tox (3.7.0-2)
automatisation basée sur virtualenv d’opérations de test
trac-accountmanager (0.5.0-1)
greffon de gestion de compte pour Trac
trac-graphviz (0.7.5-1.1)
greffon d’affichage de graphes pour Trac
trac-spamfilter (1.0.9-1)
Spam-prevention plugin for Trac
trac-wikitablemacro (1:0.3-1)
SQL Table in Wiki Page for Trac
transifex-client (0.13.5-2)
interface en ligne de commande pour Transifex
tryton-client (5.0.5-1+deb10u1) [security]
plateforme applicative Tryton – client
tryton-modules-account (5.0.3-1)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module financier et comptable
tryton-modules-account-asset (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’amortissement des immobilisations
tryton-modules-account-be (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable et financier pour la Belgique
tryton-modules-account-credit-limit (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de limite de crédit
tryton-modules-account-deposit (5.0.1-1)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’avances de paiement
tryton-modules-account-dunning (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de relance
tryton-modules-account-dunning-email (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Account Dunning E-Mail Module)
tryton-modules-account-dunning-fee (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Account Dunning Fee Module)
tryton-modules-account-dunning-letter (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de lettres de relance
tryton-modules-account-eu (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Account EU Module)
tryton-modules-account-invoice (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de factures
tryton-modules-account-invoice-history (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable d’historique des factures
tryton-modules-account-invoice-line-standalone (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de lignes de facturation indépendantes
tryton-modules-account-invoice-stock (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de facturation de stock
tryton-modules-account-payment (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de paiements
tryton-modules-account-payment-clearing (5.0.1-1)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de compensation de paiements
tryton-modules-account-payment-sepa (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de paiement SEPA
tryton-modules-account-payment-sepa-cfonb (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable CFONB de paiements SEPA
tryton-modules-account-product (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de produits
tryton-modules-account-statement (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de relevés
tryton-modules-account-stock-anglo-saxon (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de modèle comptable anglo-saxon de stock.
tryton-modules-account-stock-continental (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable européen de stock
tryton-modules-account-stock-landed-cost (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de prix au débarquement de stock
tryton-modules-account-stock-landed-cost-weight (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de prix au débarquement selon le poids
tryton-modules-account-tax-rule-country (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable de taxes suivant les pays
tryton-modules-all (46)
plateforme applicative Tryton – métapaquet pour tous les modules
tryton-modules-analytic-account (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module comptable analytique
tryton-modules-analytic-invoice (1:5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de facturation analytique
tryton-modules-analytic-purchase (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module analytique d’achats
tryton-modules-analytic-sale (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module analytique de ventes
tryton-modules-authentication-sms (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Authentication SMS Module)
tryton-modules-bank (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module bancaire
tryton-modules-carrier (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de transport
tryton-modules-carrier-percentage (5.0.0-4)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de pourcentage de transport
tryton-modules-carrier-weight (5.0.0-4)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de poids pour le transport
tryton-modules-commission (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module pour les commissions
tryton-modules-commission-waiting (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’attente de commissions
tryton-modules-company (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’entreprises
tryton-modules-company-work-time (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’horaires de travail d’entreprises
tryton-modules-country (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module régional
tryton-modules-currency (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module monétaire
tryton-modules-customs (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module douanier
tryton-modules-dashboard (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de tableau de bord
tryton-modules-edocument-uncefact (5.0.0-3)
Tryton Application Platform (Account Dunning E-Mail Module)
tryton-modules-edocument-unece (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Account Dunning E-Mail Module)
tryton-modules-google-maps (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module Google Maps
tryton-modules-ldap-authentication (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’authentification LDAP
tryton-modules-notification-email (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (E-Mail Notification Module)
tryton-modules-party (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module des parties contractantes
tryton-modules-party-relationship (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de relations pour les parties contractantes
tryton-modules-party-siret (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module SIRET/SIREN des parties contractantes
tryton-modules-product (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module produits
tryton-modules-product-attribute (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’attributs pour les produits
tryton-modules-product-classification (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de classifications de produits
tryton-modules-product-classification-taxonomic (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de classification de produits
tryton-modules-product-cost-fifo (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de méthode de coûts FIFO pour la production
tryton-modules-product-cost-history (5.0.0-2)
plate-forme applicative Tryton - module d'historique des coûts
tryton-modules-product-measurements (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de dimensionnement de produit
tryton-modules-product-price-list (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de listes de prix de produit
tryton-modules-production (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de production
tryton-modules-production-routing (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de préparation du travail pour des productions
tryton-modules-production-work (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de travaux de production
tryton-modules-project (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de projet
tryton-modules-project-invoice (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de facturation de projet
tryton-modules-project-plan (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de planification de projet
tryton-modules-project-revenue (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de revenus de projet
tryton-modules-purchase (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’achats
tryton-modules-purchase-invoice-line-standalone (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de lignes distinctes pour une facturation d’achat
tryton-modules-purchase-request (5.0.1-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de demandes d’approvisionnement
tryton-modules-purchase-shipment-cost (5.0.0-4)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module pour les frais d’acheminement pour des achats
tryton-modules-sale (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de ventes
tryton-modules-sale-complaint (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de réclamations à propos de vente
tryton-modules-sale-credit-limit (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de limite de crédit pour des ventes
tryton-modules-sale-extra (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de complémentarité pour des ventes
tryton-modules-sale-invoice-grouping (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de groupement de facturation de ventes
tryton-modules-sale-opportunity (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de perspective de ventes
tryton-modules-sale-price-list (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de liste de prix de vente
tryton-modules-sale-promotion (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module pour la promotion de ventes
tryton-modules-sale-shipment-cost (5.0.1-1)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de coûts d’expédition de ventes
tryton-modules-sale-shipment-grouping (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de groupement d’expédition des ventes
tryton-modules-sale-stock-quantity (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de quantité en stock pour ventes
tryton-modules-sale-subscription (5.0.1-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Sale Subscription Module)
tryton-modules-sale-supply (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de livraison de ventes
tryton-modules-sale-supply-drop-shipment (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de livraison directe de ventes
tryton-modules-stock (5.0.2-1)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de stock
tryton-modules-stock-forecast (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de prévisions de stock
tryton-modules-stock-inventory-location (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’inventaire d’emplacements de stock
tryton-modules-stock-location-sequence (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’ordre d’emplacements de stock
tryton-modules-stock-lot (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de lots de stockage
tryton-modules-stock-lot-sled (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de fin de présence et de péremption de lots de stock
tryton-modules-stock-package (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de conditionnement de stock
tryton-modules-stock-package-shipping (5.0.0-2)
Tryton Application Platform (Stock Package Shipping Module)
tryton-modules-stock-package-shipping-dpd (5.0.0-3)
Tryton Application Platform (Stock Package Shipping DPD Module)
tryton-modules-stock-package-shipping-ups (5.0.0-3)
Tryton Application Platform (Stock Package Shipping UPS Module)
tryton-modules-stock-product-location (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de lieux de stockage de produits
tryton-modules-stock-shipment-measurements (5.0.0-3)
Tryton Application Platform (Stock Shipment Measurements Module)
tryton-modules-stock-split (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’étalement de mouvement de stock
tryton-modules-stock-supply (5.0.1-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module d’approvisionnement de stock
tryton-modules-stock-supply-day (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de dates d’approvisionnement
tryton-modules-stock-supply-forecast (5.0.0-3)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module de prévision d’approvisionnements
tryton-modules-stock-supply-production (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module Production d’approvisionnement de stock
tryton-modules-timesheet (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module Timesheet
tryton-modules-timesheet-cost (5.0.0-2)
plateforme applicative Tryton – module Timesheet Cost
tryton-proteus (5.0.1-3+deb10u1)
plateforme applicative Tryton – Proteus
tryton-server (5.0.4-2+deb10u3) [security]
plateforme applicative Tryton (serveur)
twitterwatch (0.1-1)
robot simple pour Twitter de détection d’absence de micromessage récent
undertime (1.7.0)
choix d’un moment de contact utilisant un tableau d’horloges mondiales
uranium-plugins (3.3.0-1)
application framework for Cura (plugins)
vim-python-jedi (0.13.2-1)
outil d’auto-complètement pour Python – fichiers de module complémentaire pour Vim
virtaal (0.7.1-6)
éditeur graphique pour la régionalisation (traduction) et outil de traduction multi-format
virtualenv (15.1.0+ds-2+deb10u1)
création d’environnement virtuel Python
virtualenv-clone (0.3.0-1.2)
script for cloning a non-relocatable virtualenv (transitional package)
virtualenvwrapper (4.3.1-2)
extensions de virtualenv pour la gestion de plusieurs environnements virtuels Python
vitables (2.1-1)
outil graphique pour éditer ou parcourir des fichiers PyTables et HDF5
wapiti (3.0.1+dfsg-1)
analyseur de vulnérabilités d’application web
websockify (0.8.0+dfsg1-10)
prise en charge de WebSocket pour toute application ou tout server
websockify-common (0.8.0+dfsg1-10)
WebSockets support for any application/server - shared files
winpdb (1.4.8-3)
débogueur Python indépendant de la plateforme
wlc (1.1-1)
Command line utility for Weblate
xandikos (0.0.11-2)
serveur CalDAV/CardDAV s’appuyant sur un dépôt Git.
xapers (0.8.2-1.1)
gestion personnelle d’articles de journal et système d’indexation
xdot (1.0-1)
visualisateur interactif de fichiers de tracé Graphviz
yapf (0.25.0-2.1)
Python code formatter for different styles (Python 2)
yapf3 (0.25.0-2.1)
Python code formatter for different styles (Python 3)
yapps2 (2.2.1-3)
encore un autre analyseur syntaxique (« parser ») Python
yhsm-daemon (1.2.1-1)
démon de serveur pour YubiHSM
yhsm-tools (1.2.1-1)
fichiers communs pour des applications YubiHSM
yhsm-validation-server (1.2.1-1)
serveur de validation utilisant YubiHSM
yhsm-yubikey-ksm (1.2.1-1)
KSM (Key Storage Module) utilisant YubiHSM pour YubiKey
zvmcloudconnector-api (1.2.3-1)
z/VM Development SDK for managing z/VM - z/VM SDK API Server
zvmcloudconnector-common (1.2.3-1)
z/VM Development SDK for managing z/VM - Common Files